• 2 years ago
Sandrine a perdu 22 kilos en 4 mois, soit environ 5 kilos par mois, soit près d'1 kilos par semaine en suivant la méthode Cohen. Sandrine travaille beaucoup, elle a une activité professionnelle qui lui prend beaucoup de temps, mais le programme Savoir Maigrir lui a permis de retrouver la ligne et la santé. Le déclencheur : une échographie de son foie qui lui a fait très peur. Elle a pris les choses en main, et aujourd'hui, ses analyses sanguines sont parfaites. Elle dort mieux, elle est plus dyynamique, elle n'a plus de douleurs aux genoux... autant d'avantages tirés de sa perte de poids qu'elle a réalisé en suivant la méthode Cohen. Regardez son témoignage et partagez votre expérience en commentaire ! Comment perdre 1 kilo par semaine, facilement, avec de bons conseils et beaucoup de bienveillance !

Rejoignez Savoir Maigrir : http://bit.ly/jmcdailymotion


00:00 I watched the videos and it spoke to my intelligence.
00:02 It was logical, it was clear, it was popularized.
00:05 There was really a kindness and a pedagogy.
00:08 And in four months you lost?
00:09 22 kilos, actually, more or less.
00:11 I sleep much better.
00:12 I started cooking again.
00:13 I decided to give you some testimonies
00:16 because I think that real situations are better
00:18 than everything we can tell and all the speeches.
00:21 That's why we decided to meet today.
00:23 Masterclass, personalized menu,
00:27 followed by individualized dietetics.
00:29 Visit the website doctor.jeanmichelcohen.fr
00:33 Why did you decide to lose weight?
00:35 It's been several times that doctors told me
00:39 that my blood tests were bad,
00:44 especially in cholesterol.
00:46 I didn't really pay attention to it.
00:49 At one point I had to take a medical imaging exam.
00:52 It was going very well until then.
00:54 And then suddenly it stopped on the liver.
00:56 It really scared me.
00:57 She showed me this part of the liver
01:00 explaining that my liver was shining,
01:02 that it was huge,
01:03 that I was triggering the liver disease.
01:07 Yes, that's it.
01:08 And that the result was cirrhosis.
01:12 And then I had a flu, I don't know why,
01:14 a cancer, I thought I was going to die.
01:15 When I left this appointment with the radiologist,
01:18 I was really panicking.
01:20 Because it really scared me.
01:21 But really.
01:22 Fundamentally scared.
01:23 I was already telling myself,
01:25 I'm really triggering something serious.
01:29 Which is also silent,
01:30 so I'm not going to see it happen.
01:31 And suddenly it's going to trigger a problem
01:33 that I won't be able to handle.
01:35 I have to react right away.
01:36 I came across your YouTube channel.
01:38 Yes.
01:39 And so I saw that there were lots of videos on each topic.
01:41 And that speaks to me.
01:43 Because I needed to define
01:46 where to start.
01:48 I didn't really know where to start.
01:51 I had to start by reviewing my way of eating.
01:56 So I watched, I saw a few topics that spoke to me.
01:59 Or I watched the videos.
02:00 And it spoke to my intelligence.
02:02 It was logical, it was clear, it was popularized.
02:04 Because I'm not a scientist.
02:07 So we can be quickly lost in medical jargon.
02:09 There it was clear, clearly explained.
02:11 And it was funny, you are funny.
02:13 You are still a bit.
02:13 Thank you.
02:14 You are still a chauvinist.
02:15 So it was a bit recreative.
02:18 And then I tried to start simply
02:21 compared to what I still had in my plates,
02:22 in my fridge, what I had at home.
02:24 And that was coherent with...
02:28 That was coherent and that my intelligence validated.
02:32 That I understood.
02:33 It seemed logical to you.
02:34 That it made sense.
02:35 And that it seemed logical to me.
02:37 And it seemed to me to be adapted.
02:39 And in four months you lost...
02:41 Well, it was about 22 kilos.
02:43 22 kilos.
02:44 When you went on the site,
02:46 did you find it simple or complicated?
02:49 It was very pedagogical.
02:50 And above all, very benevolent.
02:52 There was really a benevolence and a pedagogy.
02:55 What I liked a lot was that it was simple,
02:57 it was easy, it was not complicated.
02:58 I could listen while driving.
02:59 I can't do it, sorry.
03:01 When people asked questions,
03:02 I tried to know what the right answer was.
03:05 It allowed me to check if...
03:06 So either it was questions that didn't interest me at all,
03:09 but if it was questions that interested me,
03:10 I would say, "Yes, that's it."
03:12 And suddenly it allowed me to check,
03:13 a bit like a quiz, that I was moving forward.
03:15 And so little by little,
03:16 I think my eating habits have refined.
03:23 And so, there are lots of mistakes that I don't make anymore.
03:26 And I didn't live it badly at all, like a diet.
03:29 So yes, of course it's a diet.
03:30 But in fact, I just changed things
03:35 thanks to the advice I heard and understood.
03:40 And it changed everything.
03:42 I simply listened,
03:43 it was the part of pedagogy,
03:45 of understanding, of explanation,
03:47 of the philosophy of dieting.
03:50 And then a magical thing,
03:51 when I signed up on the site,
03:52 I don't know how you do that, but it's magical.
03:55 There's a space where you ask a question,
03:59 and it gives you a video extract that answers.
04:03 So that's magical.
04:04 Because that's exactly what I needed.
04:06 I understood that the Coyote Canyon was my friend,
04:09 and that the Reblochon was not.
04:11 Yes, the goal of the game is to inform you,
04:12 to explain to you, to teach you.
04:14 In fact, I always say,
04:16 I want people to become mini-nutritionists.
04:18 That means, I want them to know afterwards,
04:20 because the hardest thing is to stabilize the weight,
04:21 it's not losing weight.
04:22 And I used the videos a lot.
04:25 You had equivalence lists, practical sheets,
04:28 and particular situations,
04:31 meals at the restaurant, holidays,
04:33 recovery when you make gaps,
04:35 did you practice that?
04:36 Yes, I did that,
04:37 because I sometimes have to go to the restaurant,
04:39 especially for work.
04:42 And so, that was really...
04:44 It helped me a lot at first,
04:45 then I understood.
04:46 Since I've been paying attention, thanks to you,
04:49 I started cooking again.
04:52 So on the weekend, I cook for the week.
04:55 I freeze what I'm not going to eat in two days.
04:57 In the morning, before I leave the office,
04:59 I take out what I'm going to eat in the evening.
05:01 To understand that there is no need to eat three times a day,
05:05 that the rhythm of food intake is my subject,
05:08 and not the subjects imposed by society.
05:12 And so, I thought about
05:16 when it was important for me to eat.
05:19 And so I realized that
05:20 it's important for me to eat in the evening.
05:23 That's good, that's what I'm saying.
05:25 From there, what I did,
05:26 I asked the dietitian to adapt my profile.
05:29 We're going to explain, it's just because
05:31 when you're enrolled in the program,
05:32 you're hooked on a dietitian
05:35 who's there to adjust, respond and organize.
05:39 So in fact, in the morning, I just have a coffee,
05:42 because that doesn't count, it's very good.
05:44 So at noon, a small salad, very light,
05:47 because there's no canteen where I work,
05:48 but there are shopkeepers around.
05:50 We have hundreds of recipes.
05:51 So that's easy.
05:52 And so, my authorized and festive food space is in the evening.
05:58 And so, to be able to limit the diet,
06:01 because it's not a question of eating in the evening,
06:05 as if it were a party meal every day.
06:09 So in fact, my strategy on the weekend
06:11 is that I'm going to make soup anyway.
06:12 Do you already feel the benefits of weight loss?
06:16 At what level?
06:17 At all levels.
06:18 I sleep much better.
06:19 That's normal.
06:21 I'm much more in shape,
06:23 much easier to get up in the morning and leave.
06:26 I have absolutely no problem on my knees.
06:29 I broke a knee, so it was a bit of a pain for a long time.
06:33 I have no pain in my joints at all.
06:36 I feel really fit.
06:38 I wake up in the morning, or sometimes during the day,
06:39 I have a doubt about the fact that I have really lost weight.
06:41 Sometimes I tell myself, "I was going to fantasize,
06:44 but it didn't really happen."
06:45 Because the perception we have of our body
06:48 is a perception that we have integrated into our brain.
06:51 So the image is imbued in our brain.
06:53 Others can make you lose weight,
06:55 and you, for a moment, until you re-adapt this image,
06:59 you will not see yourself lose weight.
07:00 You will have a feeling that you are exactly as before.
07:03 I am more than satisfied.
07:05 In fact, for me, it's almost public service.
07:11 We hear it often.
07:13 Because it's really explaining to people...
07:19 Food is everywhere.
07:20 There is so much advertising in every way
07:23 that I understand that people can be lost,
07:26 or go to the facility.
07:29 And in fact, it can lead very quickly to deviations in everyday life
07:35 that lead people to a corner.
07:37 And in fact, this program allows you to simply explain things again
07:42 in a very healthy way.
07:43 I think that in addition, all budgets can adapt to that.
07:47 It's logical, in fact.
07:49 It's food education.
07:51 It's real nutrition.
07:52 It's real nutrition, that's it, certainly.
07:53 It's real nutrition.
07:54 Thank you, Sandrine.
07:55 First of all, thank you for the testimony that you agreed to give.
07:59 Because I want it to be not false testimonies
08:02 as we do in marketing.
08:04 They are real people who accept to introduce themselves.
08:06 Secondly, thank you for saying how good this program is to know how to lose weight.
08:10 We are a whole team to work around that.
08:12 And above all, congratulations.
08:13 And I look forward to the results of your exams.
08:16 It's at the end of the week.
08:17 To check what I think I know in advance,
08:19 but you will pass it on to me.
08:21 Thank you very much.
08:22 Well, have a good day and thank you for listening to us.
08:24 If you want to testify for yourself, we'll start again.
08:27 Bye, friends.
08:42 (upbeat music)
