Married At First Sight UK Season 8 Episode 3 Recap Review

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Married At First Sight UK Season 8 Episode 3 Recap Review
00:00 - Great view, second floor, big shower.
00:02 - And a perfect wife.
00:03 - Ooh.
00:08 Big yikes.
00:11 Hello everybody, welcome back to my channel.
00:13 My name is Queenie.
00:14 For those who don't know me,
00:15 reviewing "Meredith First Sight" season...
00:18 Mm-hmm, episode three.
00:21 Before I get into it,
00:22 please make sure to like this video,
00:24 subscribe and hit the bell,
00:25 and leave a comment down below.
00:27 On the first episode's review,
00:29 I had mentioned "Blue Therapy"
00:31 and it was a commercial that came on
00:32 while watching "Meredith First Sight."
00:34 The commercial came back, so here are some clips.
00:37 - I'm crazy in love with this girl.
00:40 - How dare you walk away?
00:41 - I'm the best you're ever gonna have.
00:43 - You lied to me.
00:44 - Keep away from me, I'm not joking.
00:46 - In love and toxic, "Blue Therapy" on E4.
00:50 - Some of the comments said
00:51 that "Blue Therapy" is not a real show.
00:53 I don't need it to be real, I really don't.
00:55 I do all these shows for commentary reasons.
00:58 I do not care for the fallacies, honestly.
01:01 So again, if y'all are into that,
01:04 you're gonna see reviews, okay?
01:06 Let's jump into the honeymoons.
01:08 So a few of the couples are getting along
01:12 besides Roz and Thomas.
01:14 So where it seemed like Roz was the one
01:20 who wasn't attracted to Thomas,
01:23 she's now making an effort
01:24 to maybe make some physical advances
01:26 while he's just not feeling it at all.
01:28 They're even entertaining sleeping in different rooms.
01:31 - I can sleep up here in the hall
01:34 and you can sleep down there.
01:35 (gentle music)
01:38 - Roz is a really affectionate person,
01:42 however, I really struggled with that.
01:44 I've been hurt in the past.
01:46 - I refuse to believe this couple is this awkward.
01:54 I refuse, I refuse.
01:55 - There, there's no,
01:57 y'all can't even talk about the weather?
01:59 Nothing, we're gonna sit in silence.
02:02 You can't even talk to an AD who's working in production?
02:05 Nothing?
02:06 No way, no way.
02:09 So Roz is saying that in order for her to see
02:12 if there is an attraction there,
02:13 she needs to advance things physically.
02:16 However, when she tries to,
02:18 it almost seems as if like Thomas is repulsed by her.
02:22 Like she tried to do a little like scooching over
02:24 to cuddle him and he literally moved away in the bed.
02:26 Like it was just, it's a whole mess.
02:29 Hopefully things get better for them.
02:30 Jay, for whatever reason,
02:32 actually, no, we know the reason, she's insecure.
02:34 Jay still is under the impression
02:38 that Luke does not find her attractive.
02:41 - You look beautiful.
02:42 - Thanks.
02:43 - Scrub it well.
02:44 I'll give you the pina colada,
02:46 you give me the sex on the beach.
02:48 - Well, I am scared of him not fancying me.
02:52 - I know I'm into her.
02:53 I think tonight could be a bit, won't you?
02:56 I can't lie.
02:57 - I understand everything that she's gone through.
03:00 It's a mind F, literally.
03:02 The type of bullying that she's been through
03:04 on top of like the internal thoughts that you have
03:08 being somebody who has a visible disability.
03:10 I totally understand that.
03:12 However, this is the problem with some of the people
03:14 that Married at First Sight chooses to bring on the show.
03:17 There's a lot of like inner healing
03:18 that hasn't been done for them.
03:20 So in matters of the heart,
03:22 I personally believe that self-love is just as important
03:25 as finding love and partnership
03:28 because it doesn't matter how much this man reassures her.
03:31 If she doesn't believe the things
03:33 that he's saying for herself,
03:34 I feel like his words are gonna fall on deaf ears.
03:38 You know what I mean?
03:39 So the good thing for them is that eventually
03:40 they ended up consummating the marriage,
03:42 which for her was confirmation that,
03:44 okay, so he does like me.
03:46 But then if you think a little bit further,
03:48 if there are certain circumstances
03:50 where maybe he's not in the mood
03:52 or maybe for whatever reasons
03:53 they cannot be physically intimate,
03:56 is she then gonna regress to those thoughts of,
03:58 well, then he doesn't find me attractive.
04:00 You know?
04:01 Like I would hope that she sees the beauty within herself
04:03 and she is assured that when he says,
04:06 "You are beautiful, I like you, I'm attracted to you,"
04:09 that she truly believes it.
04:11 Arthur is making some gestures
04:12 trying to spice up the relationship
04:14 by having a rose petal bath with Laura.
04:18 However, Laura is still stuck on the vows.
04:21 - Hearing that your vows are from the internet
04:23 is really upsetting.
04:24 - You know what?
04:25 Since I sort of moved to the UK,
04:26 I've always sort of trying to be someone,
04:29 someone else for some reason.
04:30 I was lying a lot.
04:31 My mom used to tell me that all the time.
04:32 My nan used to tell me that.
04:34 That's something I've got to work on.
04:36 - So here is where my grace for Arthur,
04:38 no more grace, okay?
04:41 Like I said, because he's ESL, all right.
04:45 Consulting the internet for your vows is understandable.
04:49 But then I'm like, okay, to what degree?
04:50 Because it's not like he struggles to speak English.
04:54 Like you hear him.
04:55 He speaks pretty well, in my opinion.
04:57 And on top of that,
04:59 even if he didn't speak English very well,
05:01 expressing the words, "I love you,"
05:03 to a person that you just met
05:04 is very obviously misplaced, okay?
05:08 Then this man goes on to admit
05:11 that he's basically a pathological liar.
05:15 And then here is Laura like,
05:17 "Wow, I still appreciate the honesty.
05:19 Now we can start our journey."
05:20 No, Laura, no, no.
05:22 Now is the best time for you to act
05:23 how you were acting on your wedding day.
05:26 Now is the best time for you to be concerned.
05:27 Honey, the man tells lies.
05:30 He's been telling lies his whole life.
05:32 His mother and grandmother have both reprimanded him
05:34 his whole life about his lies.
05:38 This is where you raise the red flag, baby girl.
05:41 And on top of that,
05:43 I think it has to do with the fact that he's an immigrant,
05:45 'cause I've gone through it too as an immigrant.
05:47 He struggles with self-identity.
05:50 And so pathological liar does not have a sense of self.
05:55 What are we doing?
05:58 This is a setup.
06:01 So Nathaniel has been feeling as if
06:04 Ella is putting on a show whenever the cameras are on.
06:08 So he's trying to get to know her on a deeper level.
06:12 - Okay, I may have,
06:14 I thought this was slightly different
06:15 than what it actually is.
06:17 I'm trying to get to know her.
06:18 And what I'm getting to know
06:19 is not as pretty as the outside.
06:21 - Oh, did you hear me fart then?
06:23 Sorry, I told you I was nervous.
06:25 I know, shut up, I mean, hang on, hang on, hang on.
06:28 - I think Ella's being overdramatic.
06:30 We knew that we were gonna be jumping into something.
06:32 - What do you think's scarier,
06:33 doing that or marrying me?
06:34 - Marrying you.
06:35 - Are you joking me?
06:36 There's just no sexual chemistry there when there was.
06:40 So I'm in my head thinking, do you like me, do you not?
06:43 - I really hope this is not a repeat
06:44 of last season with Duca.
06:46 Duca was definitely a showman.
06:48 Like that one was very evident.
06:49 However, in this case,
06:51 I don't quite see Ella being a showman as a show woman,
06:56 a show person as of yet.
07:00 But I could kind of see
07:03 where Nathanael would get that impression.
07:05 For Ella, she feels as if the sexual chemistry
07:07 with them has severely plummeted.
07:10 They had a lot more attraction at the wedding.
07:13 Now it's kind of like a,
07:14 do you even find me attractive at all?
07:16 And he says a part of that is because
07:19 she isn't being authentically herself.
07:21 Again, because of what I see Ella as,
07:26 that very outgoing, exuberant, sometimes flamboyant person,
07:31 I can see that being the reality.
07:33 But have we seen that on camera?
07:35 Not necessarily.
07:38 Not necessarily.
07:39 So I'd like to dive deeper in this whole storyline here.
07:42 Jay and Luke are talking about their upbringings
07:46 and she talks about how her mom made it a point
07:50 to create this resilience in Jay
07:54 to say that even if you have a disability,
07:56 it does not mean you're incapable of doing things
07:58 that everybody else can.
07:59 - She put me in the deep end straight away.
08:02 I'm like, no, you can do it.
08:04 And then if you can't, then at least you've tried.
08:06 - It gives you independence.
08:07 - Yeah, yeah.
08:08 And I've always been independent.
08:09 She's always taught me to be independent,
08:10 even from like a young age.
08:12 My dad's disabled.
08:13 So growing up, kind of had to all chip in.
08:15 We was like a really close-knit family.
08:17 This was definitely the best experience
08:19 of the whole honeymoon so far.
08:20 And it was great to learn a bit more about Jay.
08:22 - These two so far, absolutely my front runners.
08:25 I love to see it.
08:26 They are getting deeper in conversation.
08:28 They are getting deeper in other ways.
08:31 So also hearing the fact that Luke has loved ones
08:36 who are also disabled,
08:38 like he's no stranger to the realities of disabilities
08:42 and how people move in day-to-day life,
08:44 having a disability.
08:46 Such a great match, these two.
08:47 Such a great match.
08:48 I really, really, really, really, really, really, really
08:50 hope that things keep going in the right direction
08:53 because yeah, so far so good.
08:56 Ella says that this slow burn thing is not for her.
09:00 And she needs somebody who confirms their attraction
09:03 to her through actions,
09:05 instead of just feeling like they're just friends.
09:07 - I like you.
09:08 I want to like the person that you are.
09:11 So if it's coming across that,
09:12 and I keep saying friends, I'm sorry.
09:13 You don't need to be that big peacock for people to like you
09:16 because you are amazing.
09:18 - It's just, I like everyone to have a good time.
09:20 - But I'm not your friend.
09:20 - How can I be tactile with you
09:22 when you first walk into the room,
09:23 you're like, hi honey.
09:25 You know what I mean?
09:25 That's not you.
09:26 You're only trying to do this
09:27 in front of the fucking cameras now.
09:28 - Yeah, just like you.
09:30 Just like you.
09:30 - No.
09:31 - Silly fucking prick.
09:32 - Don't call me a prick.
09:33 Don't fucking lower yourself to that.
09:34 - Yeah, twat, whatever.
09:35 Nathaniel has already made it clear
09:37 that he doesn't want to fall in love with a persona.
09:39 He wants to fall in love with the person.
09:41 Ella in this conversation now admits
09:44 that there are times where she can be animated
09:46 and she can gravitate towards other people
09:49 who aren't her partner
09:51 because she doesn't really feel
09:52 like he's attracted to her anyway.
09:54 So she's like, well, I'm going to go to people
09:55 who I feel more accepted by, right?
09:58 With these two, it's a complicated one.
10:01 It's a complicated one because I'm like, okay,
10:04 I can kind of see that definitely there is a sour taste
10:07 in Nathaniel's mouth when it comes to Ella
10:09 and we're not fully sure as to why.
10:12 He has told us why, but I'm yet to see why.
10:15 He says that she plays up to the camera,
10:17 but I see her more so playing it down to the cameras.
10:21 Then she accuses him of also playing up to the cameras
10:25 and then they start having this back and forth.
10:26 And I'm like, where are the CCTV cameras?
10:30 Where is the CCTV?
10:32 Because I need to know exactly what's the disconnect here.
10:36 They talk about having completely different conversations
10:38 in private than what they have on camera.
10:40 Somebody enlighten us
10:42 'cause I want to know what the hell is going on.
10:44 Roz is getting increasingly frustrated
10:47 by the lack of physical intimacy with Thomas.
10:51 - You can't force those things.
10:53 Otherwise it's just going to feel forced and unnatural.
10:55 Then someone ends up getting hurt.
10:57 - I think like just a friendly cuddle,
10:59 you know, that will help, like not strangers.
11:02 - Yeah, I hardly know you, so I don't know if actually
11:03 that's what you're liking with a complete stranger.
11:06 - Now, Thomas, come on, man.
11:08 Come on.
11:09 You were in a relationship however long ago, okay?
11:13 The person you're with right now is not your ex.
11:16 So I feel like it is unfair to the person you're with
11:19 to make them atone for the sins of your ex.
11:22 That's number one.
11:23 Number two, if you were going to jump in marriage,
11:24 this is why I'm saying like they pick these people
11:26 who have so much self work to do.
11:29 He has all these insecurities that stem
11:31 from his past relationships that I feel like
11:33 have yet to be repeated by his current person.
11:37 Now I will say, even though she hasn't come right out
11:40 and say, "Oh, I don't like this.
11:41 "I don't like that.
11:41 "I don't like that."
11:42 She has given off the energy that she isn't attracted
11:46 to him.
11:47 So I understand his hesitance.
11:48 I do.
11:49 However, he literally said, "I'm holding myself back
11:54 "because I'm afraid of getting hurt."
11:57 Well, that's not fair to the person
11:58 that you're in this process with.
12:00 You guys both agreed to being in this marriage.
12:03 You both agreed to giving it a fair shot.
12:05 And I don't think he's giving it a fair shot,
12:06 which is a disservice to himself and his partner.
12:10 Give it a try.
12:11 The girl is making advances.
12:12 If she wasn't making advances at all,
12:14 then I would understand.
12:15 But she's trying to build that kind of intimacy
12:18 between them.
12:19 Do your part.
12:22 What the heck?
12:23 In an attempt to show Laura the more authentic side
12:26 of who he is, Arthur is showing off his skills.
12:31 - Get yourself down a bit more.
12:32 Get lower, get lower.
12:33 Tennis is all about being low.
12:35 - This is quite sexy, actually seeing a man
12:38 do what he's really good at.
12:39 Arthur, would it be easier?
12:40 Better aim for you to take your top off.
12:42 - If you touch my feet, I'm not responsible
12:44 for what happens to your face.
12:45 (laughing)
12:48 - Connecting on that sexual sort of level a bit more,
12:52 which is what our relationship needed.
12:55 Laura definitely has become softer when it comes
12:57 to talking to and handling Arthur,
13:01 which I love that for them.
13:03 I'm just wondering how much grace is she going to give him
13:06 because he's already had one transgression.
13:09 He has apologized.
13:10 She has forgiven.
13:11 He now has admitted that he's a pathological liar
13:14 and lacks self-identity.
13:16 That would be the second transgression for me,
13:20 me personally, because now I know that this is gonna be
13:23 an issue that I have to deal with.
13:24 I don't know if this is, I don't know,
13:26 I don't know if I want that.
13:28 I don't know if I want that, okay?
13:29 So then if he actually does end up showing that to be true
13:33 and he starts lying in this relationship, I would be out.
13:35 I would be out.
13:36 There's just too many amber/red flags
13:39 when it comes to Arthur right now.
13:41 I'm glad that she's giving it a try.
13:44 I'm glad that she's opening herself up to the connection,
13:48 but at this point, I would not blame her
13:51 for being cautious when it comes to Arthur.
13:53 Ella wants to apologize to Nathaniel
13:55 for calling him out of his name.
13:57 And it was supposed to be a good conversation,
14:01 but honey, it did not go well.
14:03 - I don't really know why I called you a prick.
14:06 - You say shit in front of these cameras
14:08 that is different from what you say in front of me.
14:10 - I've never said you can't tell me anything.
14:12 - What we can say in front of the cameras?
14:14 - What on earth do you want to know?
14:15 - You've lied because you're a stripper.
14:18 - I've told him that I have stripped in the past.
14:21 I am a little bit worried that that's the reason
14:23 he's not being intimate.
14:25 - So what I'm gathering from this conversation
14:27 is that Ella either was or is, I'm thinking was, a stripper.
14:32 For a reason we do not know,
14:36 Nathaniel is not okay with that.
14:38 I feel as if because...
14:43 So it seems like Ella knew that the stripper thing
14:48 was an issue with Nathaniel.
14:50 So I'm like, okay, when she was saying
14:51 it's an attraction thing,
14:52 like you don't even say that I'm beautiful,
14:54 you don't even say that I'm whatever,
14:56 I feel like that was wrong wording then.
15:00 He's more apprehensive because of what you do,
15:02 not who you are or what you look like,
15:04 you know what I mean?
15:04 So I'm like, your frustration was kind of misplaced
15:06 if you ask me if I'm understanding
15:08 the conversation correctly.
15:10 I also would like Nathaniel to express
15:11 what is his issue with her having a past being a stripper.
15:15 Not to say that everybody should just accept people
15:17 who are in sex work, that's not what I'm saying,
15:19 but I'd like to know specifically,
15:21 like what is the hang up?
15:24 I would understand whatever hang up that it is,
15:27 I just wanna hear it for myself.
15:29 I've been seeing Nathaniel in the comments.
15:32 I've been seeing you, sir.
15:33 Sweetie, once your time on the show is done,
15:35 come on the channel.
15:37 Come to the channel and give us a T
15:38 because I feel like there's a lot of gaps in y'all's story
15:41 and I need to know what the hell is going on.
15:45 On the last night of the honeymoons,
15:47 Roz and Thomas are trying to get to the bottom
15:49 of why they cannot progress things
15:51 in the physical intimacy department.
15:53 - It were cuddles and stuff.
15:55 Like I'm not asking for like sex or anything like that.
15:59 - When we look at each other,
16:00 I don't feel that you're like attracted to me.
16:04 What stopped you from like initiating a cuddle with myself?
16:08 - 'Cause you haven't even given me a verbal,
16:10 you know, shall we cuddle?
16:12 - I think my problem is I'm used to,
16:14 it's bad, but I'm used to women making the first move
16:16 or making it really obvious.
16:18 - So they have both confirmed that the lack
16:22 of verbal confirmation of attraction for the other person
16:26 has made them feel undesired.
16:29 So because Thomas hasn't said,
16:32 "Roz, I find you attractive,"
16:33 or "Roz, I like you," whatever,
16:35 she feels like he doesn't and vice versa is true.
16:38 Now, they both are also people who expect the other person
16:43 to make the first move
16:45 because they both have been in past relationships
16:48 where they were more invested in the other person
16:51 and then things didn't work out, whatever.
16:52 This is just a mixed bag of foolishness.
16:55 It's a mixed bag of foolishness.
16:56 I feel like you owe the person
16:58 that you're in this marriage with a clean slate.
17:01 You owe them a fair try, okay?
17:04 Put to bed what happened in your last relationship.
17:08 And these relationships were years ago.
17:11 Put those to bed and you say,
17:12 "Okay, do I like this person, yes or no?
17:15 Do I wanna progress with this person, yes or no?
17:17 I'm gonna take the steps to do such things.
17:21 I'm going to cuddle up to him.
17:22 I'm gonna hold his hand.
17:24 I'm gonna give him a hug.
17:25 I'm gonna compliment him."
17:27 And vice versa, Thomas can do that for her, all right?
17:30 He's now saying, "Okay, well, now that I know
17:31 that she wants to be more physically intimate,
17:33 I can definitely put in that effort."
17:35 I also feel like, well, I have a more archaic way
17:39 of thinking when it comes to men
17:41 and women pursuing each other.
17:43 I feel like it is up to the man
17:44 to be the aggressor more often, respectfully, you know?
17:50 So I'm like, "Okay, now you acknowledge
17:52 that she is wanting more physical affection, just do it.
17:57 Just do it.
17:59 If you end up hurt, that's the risk of finding love.
18:02 But how are you gonna know that it's gonna go well
18:05 if you don't take the risk?
18:05 You know what I'm saying?
18:06 So like, just do it.
18:09 - Arthur decides to rectify this whole vows debacle
18:12 by writing new vows for Laura.
18:15 - I look forward to making your favorite oat milk latte
18:18 and most importantly, spending some quality time with you.
18:22 Although we've known each other for a short period of time,
18:25 you are slowly but surely becoming
18:27 one of my favorite people.
18:28 - I can see that Arthur has genuinely put his heart
18:32 and soul into this.
18:38 And as much as I was cute,
18:39 I was kind of thinking to myself like,
18:41 "This is kind of cheating,"
18:42 because now his vows are based on the person that he's met
18:45 rather than writing something that was like,
18:47 "Here is who I am, but before you get to know me,
18:50 and I hope that I can make all these promises
18:53 in my vows true."
18:55 So whatever.
18:56 She liked it, okay?
18:58 The good thing at the end of the day is that he is learning
19:01 and you gotta give him credit where credit is due.
19:03 He has learned who she is,
19:05 he's able to give her affirmations through that,
19:07 he's also learned that there are certain things
19:11 that she will and will not take,
19:12 and he's taking that in stride
19:13 and he's trying to prove himself to her.
19:16 And she's really accepting, she's really appreciative.
19:19 Like, they're really making good strides.
19:21 They're making good strides, which is great.
19:22 Couple that is not making good strides is
19:25 Nathaniel and Ella.
19:28 They have been spending time apart,
19:30 and so Ella invited Nathaniel to dinner, he didn't show up.
19:34 I don't know why, he couldn't just tell her
19:35 he wasn't gonna show up, but he just didn't show up, okay?
19:37 So whether or not these two can solve their issues,
19:41 I don't know.
19:42 If it is the whole stripper thing,
19:45 it sounded like it's something that's in her past,
19:47 so yeah, that's interesting.
19:50 I also...
19:52 So I know that Ella said a lot of her feelings of rejection
19:57 come from the fact that people start to act different
20:00 once they learn that she's transgender, right?
20:03 But also when I hear her talk to Nathaniel,
20:06 it kinda feels like she does push people away.
20:11 A little bit, a little bit.
20:14 I might be misinterpreting,
20:15 but that's what I gathered from this episode.
20:18 I was thinking to myself,
20:19 it's kinda hard to get close to you
20:21 when you're either really full on with the
20:25 I want affection, I want affection,
20:27 or if you don't get your way,
20:29 then you start calling me out on my name.
20:30 Like, who's really trying to deal with that?
20:34 I can't wait for the commitment ceremony
20:37 because I need the experts to really shed some light
20:39 on this whole couple situation here.
20:42 Tomorrow's episode is gonna have four more people,
20:45 so two more weddings, I'm excited for that.
20:46 So as always, please make sure to like,
20:48 comment, share, and subscribe.
20:49 Before you go, somebody asked
20:51 what the schedule is for the show.
20:52 It is every day at nine o'clock their time,
20:56 Monday to Thursday.
20:58 That's the schedule.
21:00 All right, like, comment, share, subscribe,
21:02 and I'll see you in the next one.
