• il y a 2 ans
“Mon Côté Gauche" présentera au public Serra, qui a appris à se débrouiller seule dès son plus jeune âge et s'est occupée de sa mère, et Selim, l'héritier présomptif de la riche famille Kutlusay. En contraste avec la vie de quartier modeste de Serra et de sa mère, le manoir Kutlusay et la vie luxueuse et glamour de la famille seront au centre de l'histoire.
L'université Kuzey, où Serra étudie grâce à une bourse car elle est une étudiante très brillante et où Selim continue presque par nécessité, offrira des histoires divertissantes et captivantes sur la vie universitaire. Les styles frappants des jeunes acteurs de la distribution vont lancer une nouvelle tendance parmi les jeunes.

Production: BKM
Directeur: Barış Yöş
Producteur: Necati Akpınar
Scénario: Melis Civelek - Özlem Çadırcı
Coordinateur Général: Berk Akman
Producteur Exécutif: İlkim Dağlı
Musique: Alp Yenier
Directeur de la Photographie: Vedat Dikmetaş
Directeur Artistique: Can Dırmıkçı

Özge Yağız
Tolga Mendi
Cemre Baysel
Emre Bey
Defne Samyeli
Cansel Elçin
Esra Bezen Bilgin
Deniz Barut
Taner Rumeli
Seda Akman
Benian Dönmez
Feyza Civelek
Tuğçe Açıkgöz
Ecem Atalay
Ergül Miray Şahin
Emre Dinler
Oktay Çubuk
Aleyna Şen
Yavuz Pekdiker
Demet Genç
Haydar Koyel
Celal Tak
Murat Balcı
Özgür Cem Tuğluk
Efe Taşdelen
Ayşe Kırca
Hasret Usneker

#MonCôtéGauche #SolYanım


00:00 6. Dévissez les fixations du support d'étrier. Utilisez une douille n° 10. Utilisez une clé à cliquet.
00:15 7. Retirez l'étrier.
00:20 8. Retirez l'étrier.
00:31 9. Retirez l'étrier.
00:40 10. Retirez l'étrier.
00:51 - Girls, welcome! - Biric, everything is so beautiful and you look so beautiful!
00:59 - My dear, how are you? - How are you? I'm fine.
01:07 - I told you about the unfortunate incident. - But you have different opinions about such incidents.
01:16 - Who knows what you understood. - It's so ridiculous!
01:24 - Selim, the house is so beautiful without you. - You missed me.
01:31 - Of course we missed you. The house was so colorful without you.
01:35 - Selim, you can't even make coffee. What are you doing alone? Tell me.
01:44 - Thanks to uncle Yusuf and his wife. I would have been dead without them. They take care of everything.
01:51 - If it wasn't for them, your girlfriend would have done it.
02:00 - You can't say anything about your sister. She works and studies. And I miss her.
02:09 - But she's a very good girl. She's a very good worker.
02:14 - Does her father work in the hotel? - No, he works as a cashier.
02:23 - Does he work in our hotel? - Why are you so surprised?
02:29 - I just said it. Well done.
02:35 - Selim, how did Biric react to the incident with Serra?
02:46 - It's not a matter of Biric. I don't care how he reacted.
02:52 - Okay.
02:54 - Welcome. - Thank you. I missed you.
03:23 - We missed you too.
03:25 - The decoration is great. Congratulations.
03:39 - Thank you. I did everything you wanted.
03:48 - I hope you're not too tired. - Of course not. It was a sweet tiredness for me. I enjoyed it.
03:54 - Selim will love it. - Thank you.
03:57 - Sweetheart, you know. Where's the bathroom?
04:02 - I know.
04:07 - Excuse me. Can we go to the bathroom with Ms. Asena?
04:12 - Of course. Come on, Asena.
04:15 - Thank you.
04:17 - Do you want something to drink? - Yes.
04:24 - Is this a dream?
04:33 - What did you give her? I couldn't figure it out.
04:39 - Don't be ridiculous. What did I give her?
04:43 - She's not answering.
04:45 - How does she look?
04:47 - I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if Zeynep hates Biric.
04:53 - Don't be ridiculous.
04:57 - Let's go somewhere to drink after we finish our meal.
05:03 - Great.
05:04 - You want to hang out tonight, Onur.
05:06 - Exactly. And tonight is your birthday, son.
05:10 - Maybe you have another plan, Onur.
05:14 - No, I don't have a plan. I'm going home.
05:18 - Okay. If you don't have a plan, we can consider Onur's offer.
05:22 - I'm warning you.
05:25 - Okay.
05:27 [Music]
05:47 - You'll love the orchestra here. It's a great place.
05:51 - We've been here before, haven't we?
05:53 - Yes.
05:54 - What's wrong, Onur?
05:56 - I don't know, darling.
05:58 - Be careful.
06:01 - Sir, I think the power is out. The generator will start.
06:04 - Please.
06:05 - Thank you.
06:06 - Be careful.
06:07 [Music]
06:36 [Music]
07:05 [Music]
07:30 - Happy birthday, son.
07:32 [Music]
07:36 - Thank you.
07:37 [Music]
08:03 - Happy birthday, Selim.
08:05 [Applause]
08:14 - Thank you, my sister.
08:16 [Applause]
08:20 - Thank you.
08:22 - I love you so much.
08:24 [Music]
08:45 - Thank you, my love.
08:47 [Music]
09:00 - Welcome.
09:02 [Music]
09:08 - You are so beautiful.
09:10 [Music]
09:13 - Thank you.
09:15 [Music]
