"It is necessary to build a new multipolar world based on solidarity and international relations"

  • last year
Speech by Bassam Sabbah, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syria, at the final day of the 78th Session of the UNGA. teleSUR


00:00 We return to the United Nations Headquarters.
00:04 Let's listen to the statements of the SIGON representative.
00:07 ... various challenges, foremost being the outbreak of devastating conflicts in many
00:13 regions around the world, the continued occupation of some peoples of the world, the spread of
00:19 the scourge of terrorism, declining rates of development, and a sharp rise in the rates
00:27 of poverty and hunger, in addition to the catastrophic impacts of the unilateral coercive
00:33 measures, that's in addition to the economic blockade policies and the negative repercussions
00:42 of climate change and its related natural disasters.
00:51 Confronting all these challenges is an urgent need for us all, as they reflect on the future
01:00 of the generations to come.
01:03 Eliminating them or mitigating their impact to a minimum requires global cooperation among
01:08 member states.
01:10 It also requires solidarity and concerted effort to build a new multipolar world order
01:17 that achieves a new balance in international relations, including through reforming international
01:24 institutions and other institutions, foremost the Security Council.
01:30 It also requires true sustainable development that guarantees the benefit and well-being
01:36 of all peoples of the world.
01:39 Mr. President, the policies of creative chaos adopted by successive American administrations
01:46 in our region to serve their geopolitical and selfish interests have led to destabilization
01:55 and insecurity.
01:57 They work to create and exaggerate problems to ignite tension, thereby resulting in conflicts.
02:05 They spent billions of dollars to demolish and destroy development achievements made
02:11 over decades.
02:13 They contributed to the emergence of the phenomenon of extremism and terrorism, such as the terrorist
02:19 organizations ISIL and Al-Nusra Front.
02:23 Multilateralism, the United Nations Charter and other relevant international agreements
02:29 were not spared from this creative American chaos.
02:34 Over the past 10 years, we have witnessed an increasing tendency to misinterpret and
02:39 misapply the provisions of the Charter, especially Article 51 thereof.
02:45 They were used as an excuse to justify attacks against the sovereignty, independence and
02:52 territorial integrity of other countries.
02:56 They manipulated the provisions of international conventions and treaties and politicized human
03:02 rights issues to justify interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and bringing
03:09 pressure to bear on them.
03:11 Mr. President, the basic principle affirmed by the Charter of the United Nations is the
03:20 respect of sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of member states.
03:26 Thus, any acquisition of land of others by force is an occupation.
03:32 Any illegal military presence on the territory of a sovereign state is a clear violation
03:38 of this Charter and a plain breach of international law.
03:42 It must end immediately without preconditions or limitations.
03:48 Accordingly, Israel's occupation of the Arab lands in Palestine and the Syrian Golan since
03:57 1967 until this very day and the resulting and consequent construction of settlement,
04:08 breach of the demographic composition, institutional structure, especially through attempts to
04:15 forcefully impose the Israeli citizenship on the people of the Golan, not to mention
04:21 the plundering of the natural resources of the Golan, the seizure of Syrian farmers'
04:25 lands to build huge wind turbines and other documented violations, all of the above represent
04:33 the most heinous forms of grave and systematic violations of the UN Charter and of international
04:39 humanitarian law.
04:41 The Syrian Arab Republic reaffirms its legitimate right to restore the entire occupied Syrian
04:50 Golan after the line of June 4, 1967, no matter how long it takes.
04:57 It is an inalienable right that is not subject to compromise or pressure and is not subject
05:04 to the statute of limitations.
05:06 It is guaranteed by international law and relevant UN resolutions, especially Security
05:11 Council Resolution No. 497 of the year 1981.
05:17 Syria also stresses that it will exercise its legitimate right to defend its land and
05:23 people by all necessary means and to ensure that the Israeli occupation authorities are
05:28 held accountable for all their crimes with no impunity.
05:34 Mr. President, Syria has and remains a supporter of the Palestinian cause, as it is the central
05:44 Arab cause.
05:46 Syria has spared no effort to stand alongside the brotherly Palestinian people in their
05:51 legitimate struggle to regain their legitimate rights, especially their right to establish
05:57 their independent statehood on their land with Jerusalem as its capital and to grant
06:04 Palestine full membership in the United Nations.
06:10 What we have witnessed this year of dangerous escalation of Israeli criminal practices in
06:17 which the number of victims has reached its highest level is pushing the region to unprecedented
06:24 levels of tension and instability.
06:27 This is exemplified in committing more massacres, escalation of its military aggression, and
06:34 its repeated missile bombing at Syrian cities, ports, and civil airports.
06:40 This has endangered civilian lives and the safety of civil aviation.
06:45 It has also hampered UN humanitarian operations.
06:49 Moreover, it has continued its policies of settlement, jihadization, siege, arbitrary
06:56 arrest, forced displacement, and racial discrimination in the occupied Arab territories.
07:07 While the Syrian Arab Republic condemns in the strongest terms all these Israeli crimes
07:12 and attacks, it equally denounces the continued support for such practices or the silence
07:20 of some countries that proclaim themselves protectors of international humanitarian law
07:25 and human rights law.
07:28 This makes them complicit with the perpetrators of these crimes.
07:33 It clearly demonstrates their double standards.
07:37 Mr. President, the continued Israeli occupation of Arab lands and its brutal practices are
07:49 consistent with the destructive role played by some countries on Syrian lands.
07:54 The United States and Turkey continue to violate Syria's sovereignty, unity, and territorial
08:00 integrity by insisting on their continued presence, illegal military presence, on Syrian
08:07 lands and supporting separatist militias and terrorist organizations.
08:12 This is in addition to the visits by Western political and military officials and others
08:19 to Syrian territory.
08:21 By infiltrating Syrian territory without any respect for Syria's sovereignty and independence,
08:27 this is considered a flagrant interference in its internal affairs.
08:31 The systematic and exposed American plunder of the Syrian people's national wealth, such
08:37 as oil, gas, and wheat, has deprived the Syrians of their resources.
08:41 It has exacerbated their humanitarian sovereignty in an unprecedented manner.
08:47 Our latest statistics show that the total value of direct and indirect losses caused
08:54 to the oil sector in Syria has exceeded US$115 billion.
09:02 We believe that the United Nations is obligated to hold the United States accountable and
09:08 ask it to return this looted money to the Syrian government.
09:13 In parallel, the United States of America and its European allies continue to impose
09:21 unilateral coercive measures that are illegal, immoral, and inhumane on various sectors in
09:28 Syria.
09:29 This has only contributed to exacerbate the suffering of Syrians wherever they are, given
09:35 the fact that their impact includes third countries.
09:38 The Secretary General has noted in his reports the impact of these measures on UN procurement
09:45 and payments.
09:47 These countries intentionally include in their measures the public health sector, the
09:52 banking sector, the air transport sector, the Syrian civil aviation equipment, and the
09:58 energy sector.
10:00 It also includes banning the supply of oil and its derivatives to Syria or the import
10:05 of power plants, equipment related to power generation, or spare parts.
10:11 They also include bans on importing equipment and machinery necessary for drinking water
10:18 supply, irrigation, water sterilization and purification, and repair and improvement of
10:25 the sewage system.
10:27 The agricultural sector was not spared from these unilateral sanctions, as they included
10:32 preventing the import of fertilizers and machinery necessary for agricultural production that
10:38 provides food for the Syrians.
10:40 Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, Syria was one of the most stable and prosperous
10:47 countries in the world.
10:48 It was achieving food self-sufficiency and providing all the basic necessities of life
10:54 for its people in a way that was rarely seen in the region.
10:59 However, the terrorist war launched against Syria since 2011 altered the situation.
11:06 It caused a humanitarian crisis that was very significant.
11:12 The severity was aggravated by the imposition of unilateral coercive measures.
11:16 Recently, the devastating earthquake that struck Syria on February 6th of this year
11:22 added a new burden and more suffering.
11:25 The earthquake destroyed hundreds of buildings, infrastructure, and service facilities.
11:31 It caused thousands of victims and injuries and made tens of thousands homeless.
11:38 The Syrian government has been keen to take all measures to facilitate the arrival of
11:44 humanitarian aid and relief workers to all affected areas.
11:49 It has granted and still grants open approvals to the UN and international organizations
11:55 working in Syria to facilitate and accelerate the entry of emergency relief supplies to
12:03 support the affected.
12:05 It also opened, by a sovereign decision, a border crossing to facilitate the humanitarian
12:10 response in the affected areas under the control of terrorist organizations in northwestern
12:17 Syria.
12:18 In this regard, the Syrian Arab Republic renews its thanks and appreciation to all countries
12:26 that stood in solidarity with Syria and its people, all those who have rushed to respond
12:32 to the needs of the Syrian people in light of the difficult circumstances they faced.
12:37 It also expresses its appreciation to the Secretary General of the United Nations for
12:42 launching the FLASH appeal to respond to the catastrophic repercussions of the earthquake.
12:49 The Syrian government is still continuing, within its limited capabilities, to make every
12:55 effort to address the impact of the earthquake in all four affected governorates.
13:01 Last May, the President of the Republic issued a decree establishing the National Fund to
13:06 support those affected by the earthquake, with the aim of providing them financial support
13:13 and helping them overcome the resulting physical, material, or psychological harm.
13:19 This decree represented the foundation of the basic directions and the national action
13:25 plan approved by the Syrian government to address the repercussions of the earthquake
13:31 from various aspects.
13:34 This decree is the first in a series of decrees to move from the emergency response phase
13:39 of delivering relief work to the recovery phase.
13:44 The Syrian Arab Republic reiterates that improving the humanitarian situation in Syria requires
13:51 providing sustainable solutions to support the Syrians, especially after the earthquake.
13:57 It requires increasing the size and quantity of early recovery projects in a way that reduces
14:03 Syrian aid and increases the Syrians' resilience.
14:08 It would also help provide conditions for a dignified and voluntary return of displaced
14:13 persons and refugees to their origins.
14:16 However, this requires providing the necessary funding through international donors, fulfilling
14:22 the pledges they have made.
14:24 Mr. President, turning to the return of refugees, Syria declares before this international organization
14:35 from this podium its readiness to welcome the return of every Syrian refugee who left
14:40 their home village or city.
14:43 We call upon our citizens who were forced by terrorist organizations to seek refuge
14:48 to return to their homeland.
14:50 The Syrian government has taken all necessary decisions in this field.
14:54 We are cooperating with the High Commissioner for Refugees and the Arab Contact Committee
15:00 to reach this noble goal.
15:03 In this regard, I call upon Western countries that ask refugees not to return to their homeland
15:09 to stop these inhumane practices.
15:15 In parallel, Syria responded positively to the efforts and initiatives presented within
15:21 the framework of the political track.
15:24 It supported the approach of local settlement and national reconciliation as a way to restore
15:31 conditions to normalcy all over the country.
15:35 This would also strengthen national unity and the cohesion of the Syrian society.
15:41 It has participated in the meetings held in the Astana format.
15:44 It welcomed its results and maintained communication with the special envoy to Syria.
15:52 Mr. President,
15:55 The Arab Summit held in May in Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has made a great
16:03 achievement.
16:04 It restored to the collective Arab position its shine and to the Arab joint action its
16:12 momentum.
16:13 During that summit, the Arab countries affirmed their support for Syria in preserving its
16:19 sovereignty and territorial integrity to overcome the difficult circumstances it's
16:24 going through as a result of the terrorist war launched against it and the economic sanctions
16:30 imposed upon it in addition to the repercussions of the devastating earthquake that struck
16:34 the country.
16:36 Syria expresses its support and solidarity with the Libyan people in facing the repercussions
16:42 of the hurricane and floods that struck the country, as well as the Moroccan people due
16:47 to the devastating earthquake.
16:50 Syria reaffirms its support for the right of the Russian Federation to defend itself
16:56 and protect its national security in response to aggressive Western policies.
17:02 In doing so, they are not only defending themselves, but also the rights of all of us to reject
17:08 the logic of Western and unipolar hegemony.
17:12 Syria commends the constructive and responsible approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran to
17:19 return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, from which the USA has unilaterally
17:26 and illegally withdrew.
17:29 It calls upon the United States and its Western allies to meet Iran's legitimate demands.
17:35 Syria supports the "One China" principle.
17:39 It supports the positions of the People's Republic of China in confronting attempts
17:44 at external interference in its internal affairs, whether in Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang.
17:52 It stresses China's inalienable right to take whatever measures and steps it decides to
17:59 defend its sovereignty, especially to counter the unprecedented escalation and provocation
18:06 policy practiced by the USA against it.
18:12 Syria condemns the unjust economic blockade imposed on Cuba for decades, including the
18:19 U.S. administration's extension of the so-called "trading with the enemy" law.
18:25 Syria calls for an end to the military action and exercises conducted by the United States
18:31 on the Korean Peninsula, which lead to escalation of tension in this region.
18:38 Syria also demands the lifting of all forms of unilateral, coercive measures imposed by
18:44 Western countries on the Russian Federation, Iran, Venezuela, Belarus, Nicaragua, the Democratic
18:50 People's Republic of Korea, Zimbabwe, Eritrea, and against my country, Syria.
18:57 It considers them economic terrorism no less brutal or dangerous than armed terrorism,
19:04 especially in terms of its catastrophic humanitarian effect on the targeted peoples.
19:10 To conclude, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, the platform of the United Nations General
19:19 Assembly was created to be a platform for dialogue and public diplomacy among member
19:25 states, and not a platform for leveling false accusations or launching hostile campaigns
19:31 against each other.
19:33 That is why we look forward to the current session of the General Assembly.
19:38 Under your leadership, Mr. Francis, we look forward to it being able to fulfill the slogan
19:45 you raised, that is, "rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity, accelerating
19:53 action on the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals towards peace, prosperity,
20:01 progress, and sustainability for all."
20:06 This can be achieved by working to translate it into real and serious action that contributes
20:13 to giving all countries fair opportunities that ensure no one is left behind.
20:21 It would also consolidate the position and status of the General Assembly as the most
20:28 representative body in the United Nations.
20:30 Thank you, Mr. President.
20:32 [APPLAUSE]
