Finish This Meal For $25,000 | Barstool's Most Dangerous Gameshow Finale

  • last year
Rone | Barstool's Most Dangerous Gameshow
00:00:00 I'm forcing my co-workers to face their greatest fears.
00:00:04 Good morning!
00:00:05 They're like, "Oh yeah, just go on in."
00:00:07 And only one can win $25,000.
00:00:11 There we have it, our winner.
00:00:12 What do you want me to do with that again?
00:00:14 The smartest play might be get rid of Francis.
00:00:17 If we both vote Francis, he's gone.
00:00:19 And just like that, Francis.
00:00:21 Wow, I didn't expect it to be four votes against me.
00:00:25 The final four remain.
00:00:28 But we've cooked up a menu of delicious treats for them to enjoy on their way to the final.
00:00:35 I'm already gagging.
00:00:36 This isn't fun.
00:00:37 This is Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:00:43 Presented by Mattress Firm.
00:00:45 Let's have some fun.
00:00:47 I truly didn't see that one coming.
00:00:56 I can't thank you enough for that.
00:00:58 I know it was gameplay and everything, but...
00:01:02 Yeah, no, I mean...
00:01:04 I can't say I found that fun.
00:01:07 Even after I wrote Francis' name, I wish I could have gone back and done it differently.
00:01:11 Every one of them turned on me.
00:01:13 My whole alliance.
00:01:14 And the worst part for me was realizing that all of them had voted for me.
00:01:20 Francis' initial reaction made me feel like he did not get it.
00:01:24 I let out a "ugh" and turned to my left and looked at Rudy.
00:01:29 And he had a look in his eye.
00:01:32 It was just a soulless, robotic, sociopathic, empty stare.
00:01:39 I felt like he felt truly crushed that I voted for him.
00:01:43 I really was torn up about it, even though it did help me in the game.
00:01:46 It makes me hate him as a person, and that's not going to change once we leave this place.
00:01:52 [MUSIC]
00:01:57 Rudy and Francis, both those guys were a threat, and we needed to address one of them.
00:02:02 We had to separate them.
00:02:04 They were going to continue to run this competition into the ground and solidify one or the other winning.
00:02:10 And Rudy just completely turning against Francis the way he did,
00:02:14 I don't think Francis will have Rudy's back when it comes time for counsel if Rudy makes it that far.
00:02:20 Me and Francis just bonded so much, it honestly sucks.
00:02:26 But I'm in it to play a game.
00:02:29 It's a game. You got to try to win the game.
00:02:31 So tomorrow, where's your head at? Who do you think we should vote for?
00:02:35 If we've already gotten rid of Rudy's right-hand man,
00:02:39 what's not to say we just don't get rid of Rudy, but at the same time,
00:02:44 Grace might be the better competitor.
00:02:47 It's going to be mean, Rudy, in this big tent tonight.
00:02:52 It's going to be cozy.
00:02:54 We're going to have to keep each other warm.
00:02:56 After all we've been through, at the very least, we made it to the last day, and that feels good.
00:03:02 I've never won anything, and tonight feels like a win.
00:03:06 Grace, she's got a can-do attitude.
00:03:09 She works really hard and wears her heart on her sleeve, and I think she's a great person.
00:03:13 I just want to be here so badly.
00:03:16 The things we've gone through all these days, it's like I just don't want it to be finale.
00:03:22 You know what I mean?
00:03:23 Hopefully both of us can get through to the finale tomorrow,
00:03:26 but what's the best-case scenario for tomorrow's finale?
00:03:28 I don't know. I think that's something we sleep on tonight and maybe talk about over breakfast tomorrow
00:03:32 after we get some restorative sleep on our mattress from mattress,
00:03:36 and kind of go from there because we've only got two more left to snipe, and it's just me and you.
00:03:42 Let's go. Let's go.
00:03:44 [music]
00:03:52 [groaning]
00:03:54 [coughing]
00:03:56 This is hell.
00:03:58 Last day. Last day, Rudy.
00:04:02 Last day.
00:04:04 It feels good. I feel really good. I feel focused. I feel dialed.
00:04:08 More motivated than ever.
00:04:10 Not overwhelmed with the feeling of hopelessness and existential dread.
00:04:16 I got a great night of sleep.
00:04:18 Feels good to recharge in the mattress from Chalet for the first time.
00:04:22 My warm bare bottoms.
00:04:24 Good morning, handsome.
00:04:26 Hey.
00:04:27 I dreamt of a big three, but the big three was the Bulls in '98.
00:04:34 Who is who?
00:04:36 I'd like to be Mike, but I mean, that's kind of selfish.
00:04:38 Who would you like to be? I mean, I'll be Dennis Rodman. That's pretty cool.
00:04:41 Dennis is swaggy.
00:04:42 So you can be Dennis.
00:04:43 I'll be Dennis. You can be MJ.
00:04:44 And then we'll give Rudy Pippen.
00:04:46 Okay. So you want Pippen. You want Rudy instead of Grace in the finale.
00:04:53 That was what I was thinking just because of how good Grace has been at these fucking challenges.
00:05:00 In a perfect world, I just do this challenge, win it, and then have all you guys just plea to me,
00:05:05 and then I just don't have to worry.
00:05:09 I'm just sort of out of politicking, to be honest with you.
00:05:13 Oh, yeah, the politicking is getting old.
00:05:14 It's like snaking and shaking hands and all this fucking promises that are fake,
00:05:20 and it's just--it's mindfuck that I'm ready to get over with.
00:05:24 If you or I don't win the challenge, and Grace or Rudy do,
00:05:29 I would assume Rudy would take you as a safety.
00:05:34 So as my right-hand man, as my ally, would you rather get rid of Rudy first?
00:05:41 I'm just terrified of Grace's "I don't give a fuck" type attitude.
00:05:45 I think you're--even if you don't win today, I feel like you're actually in a good spot.
00:05:50 Really? You don't think you guys are sticking to it?
00:05:56 I think after what Spider did yesterday, I think that he could do anything.
00:06:01 Yeah, I mean, he said over and over again in this game, "I can be swayed anyway. You just have to tell me how."
00:06:07 I'm down to do what you want to do. You would rather get rid of Grace first?
00:06:11 Only because I think she's a tougher competitor.
00:06:13 Okay, so that's what we're going to do. We're going to try to win this challenge, and if we don't--
00:06:17 And it'll be easy to flip Rudy on Grace.
00:06:19 Yeah.
00:06:22 I miss the days when this place was teeming with life.
00:06:27 Now it's just like a depressing, desolate graveyard.
00:06:33 All my friends are dead. Push me to the edge.
00:06:37 This has broke a lot of people, I'm not going to lie. A lot of people are mentally broken.
00:06:47 I'm trying to figure out if I am.
00:06:50 Spider, last day, let's get it, baby!
00:06:54 Let's win this money.
00:06:55 There's a part of me that wants to be reunited with my lover in the afterlife, Francis, but that would be silly.
00:07:01 What I do now is try to win this last challenge.
00:07:05 Hey, gang, why don't you come on in? Megan, Spider, Grace, Rudy.
00:07:16 Pick a place to stand. That one looks good.
00:07:22 Right by me, right by Papa Rune. Well, this is it.
00:07:26 The final challenge on Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:07:31 Megan, you had the right, the privilege, the honor to stay in the mattress-firm chalet last night,
00:07:39 and you picked Spider to stay with you. How was your rest? How does your brain feel?
00:07:44 Honestly, I'm not going to lie, I needed that sleep.
00:07:47 Probably more than I needed air to breathe up here last night.
00:07:50 I'm ready. Spider?
00:07:52 Yeah, agree. The mattress-firm mattress was calling my name since the day I enrolled here at camp,
00:07:57 and I felt damn good to sleep on it last night.
00:07:59 Happy for you, brother. But we have a bit of a rub right now.
00:08:04 Of course, there are four of you, and there's no mattress-firm chalet to stay in tonight.
00:08:11 But I feel like you guys should have something to play for.
00:08:15 So, the stakes of the game are this. Whoever wins this challenge will immediately be able to make
00:08:23 the final elimination from Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:08:28 You probably are wondering, "What's the game?"
00:08:31 Well, the game is this. All you have to do is stack some plates on these platforms.
00:08:38 Only, there might be some leftovers on the plates that come out that you need to finish first.
00:08:45 Rudy, how are you feeling? Do you think you've got a strong stomach?
00:08:48 I don't know. At this point, I'm a broken human, so fuck it.
00:08:53 I'm already gagging. Like, I can't. This is not good.
00:08:56 Why are you gagging? There's nothing to gag about.
00:08:58 I know, but I'm just thinking. I don't...
00:09:00 What happens if you throw up?
00:09:03 So, as you look at these pillars in front of you, you might see three patches that have the Barstool logo on them.
00:09:11 Those represent your skips. So, if you use one of your skips, that's fine.
00:09:17 You don't have to eat what's on the plate. You just have to stack the plate or the bowl.
00:09:21 Let's have some fun.
00:09:22 Oh, yeah, sure.
00:09:23 I'm not okay.
00:09:25 My odds are not good. I'm not good at eating gross shit. I'm good at eating delicious food well.
00:09:29 I was not looking forward to an eating challenge of any sorts.
00:09:32 This isn't fun. I'm not having fun.
00:09:34 Are you guys hungry?
00:09:35 No.
00:09:36 I'm starving.
00:09:37 It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You're going to eat anyway. Okay? Let's get this first dish.
00:09:40 That's what I tell my husband.
00:09:42 Let's get this dish. Let's get this dish. Let's get this dish.
00:09:44 Our first dish, some lovely, delicious mealworms.
00:09:49 Prepared, crisped to your liking, to taste?
00:09:56 I'm allergic.
00:09:57 Grace, because of a dietary restriction, we've presented you with a lovely alternative, a shot glass full of ants.
00:10:04 Have at it. Bon appétit.
00:10:09 Spider spits it back out. Rudy's kind of chomping away at it little by little.
00:10:16 So we get into the mealworms, and I look at the rest of the competitors, and it's fucking disaster.
00:10:21 Spider's puking up. Megan's puking up. Grace can't even eat them because she's allergic, so she gets fire ants.
00:10:27 It's a fucking disaster.
00:10:28 It's really violent for Spider over there.
00:10:32 What's it feel like, Grace?
00:10:33 It's acidic.
00:10:34 It's acidic.
00:10:35 I'm out.
00:10:36 That's a puke for Megan.
00:10:38 Spider, emboldened by Megan being out, goes all the way down the hatch.
00:10:43 Unfortunately, I'm going to have to collect one of these patches.
00:10:46 Fuck, man.
00:10:47 Looks good.
00:10:48 That's mine now.
00:10:50 The taste, I started to gag immediately. I had to use a skip on round one, which wasn't ideal.
00:10:57 Rudy takes his last little sip. No reason to dilly-dally.
00:11:00 Ah, Spider, looks like you're clear. First one done with the mealworms.
00:11:05 There's still gross stuff on your tongue, but I'll allow it.
00:11:10 Sorry, Rowan.
00:11:14 Grace has finished the ants, and she will join Rudy and Spider as having finished her first course.
00:11:22 Megan, dangling over the balcony, still spitting. She ate half of that shot glass for nothing.
00:11:29 For nothing.
00:11:30 Now's the time. Let's start stacking. Put that plate on that platform.
00:11:35 Burping up fucking maggot worms.
00:11:41 And we have four successful plate placements on the platform.
00:11:47 You might still have some ant in your teeth, just a little bit.
00:11:50 Thank you.
00:11:51 Some legs.
00:11:52 Your second course will be a heaping spoonful of mayonnaise.
00:11:58 Oh, fuck yeah, dude.
00:12:00 Mayonnaise.
00:12:01 Is it regular mayonnaise? Light? Olive oil?
00:12:04 All at once for Megan. Like an ice cream cone.
00:12:07 Ah, road.
00:12:09 Megan's finished.
00:12:10 Oh, Louisiana.
00:12:11 Oh, everyone was excited for mayonnaise. Now suddenly everyone's gagging.
00:12:14 Yeah, that's what you say.
00:12:16 That's repulsive.
00:12:18 It just sits in your mouth weird.
00:12:20 Really, it's a nice heaping spoonful. You can see the jiggle as I brought it over. A nice viscosity to it.
00:12:26 Oh, yeah, thanks.
00:12:27 There it is, Rudy.
00:12:28 Every time it goes into the mouth, it comes with a massive gag.
00:12:32 You got it, Spider.
00:12:33 There it is, Grace. Grace has finished her mayonnaise.
00:12:35 Spider, I saved that.
00:12:36 Catches his own spit, licking the spoon.
00:12:40 Rudy, standing tall. Spider, a visceral reaction.
00:12:45 But there it is. Spider has finished his mayonnaise.
00:12:48 And Rudy finished his mayonnaise as well.
00:12:50 Your spoons are clear. Let's stack those bowls up now.
00:12:54 Spider's stacked. Grace, Rudy, and Megan, everyone is stacked.
00:12:59 That's two plates, two courses, and you guys still look starving.
00:13:05 These, my friends, are some flat anchovies.
00:13:09 Rudy, all three of them in the mouth.
00:13:15 So did Grace. Slim, delectable fish that you can pluck up and snack on.
00:13:20 Seems like these aren't that bad.
00:13:22 Oh, there's a gag from Grace. I spoke too soon.
00:13:25 Done, Megan. Done, Spider. Done, Rudy.
00:13:29 Oh, that bowl is sliding.
00:13:32 You got to be careful when you're throwing up.
00:13:35 That bowl slides and it's vibrating.
00:13:37 Oh, that one sucked ass. That was a bad little fish.
00:13:40 And I think we're ready for you guys to stack another plate.
00:13:47 Rudy, using the plate to center his bowl.
00:13:54 And now they've all stacked, plate facing up.
00:13:58 While we're still in our appetizer course, we'll go ahead and grab our next delicacy for you.
00:14:04 Those were awful. Yeah, it was tough.
00:14:06 Our next dish, scorpions.
00:14:10 Megan, chomping down. Doesn't have a nice texture to it.
00:14:15 That does have some good crunch. Grace, how's it feel?
00:14:18 I feel like I dominated this fucking scorpion.
00:14:20 There's a couple crumbs on that plate. Make sure you finish it all.
00:14:23 Are you fucking serious? Yeah, you got to finish it all.
00:14:25 Rudy, is that whole scorpion out of your hand and your mouth? Look at that.
00:14:28 Grace's plate, uh-uh-uh, you're missing one of the legs.
00:14:31 My mouth is just so dry, I can't even swallow.
00:14:33 Spider's plate's moving just a little bit as he focuses to get down the rest of that scorpion.
00:14:39 Ah, ah, ah, ah.
00:14:40 Grace, scorpion, down the hatch.
00:14:43 Ah.
00:14:44 Very nice. Spider, all done. Scorpion.
00:14:47 Ah.
00:14:48 So, everyone has finished the scorpion.
00:14:51 Everyone has their skips left except for Megan with one of hers.
00:14:54 For the viewers at home, we're really cold. My hand is freezing.
00:14:58 Yeah, my hand's purple.
00:14:59 My hand at this point is essentially frozen in position and turning blue.
00:15:04 When you're trying to balance a stack of plates, which very rarely you have to do in real life,
00:15:09 a cold hand isn't something you want.
00:15:11 Let's get into our next dish, a raw egg.
00:15:15 Megan makes a little bit of a scramble. Spider just going for it.
00:15:20 Mealworms, mayo, anchovies, scorpion.
00:15:23 I'm really bad at these.
00:15:24 Raw egg.
00:15:25 Spider slurping it down like soup.
00:15:28 Ah.
00:15:29 Oh, fuck.
00:15:30 As long as he's spitting that back into the bowl when he'll eat it, I think Spider's good to go.
00:15:35 Oh, Rudy leaves it back in the bowl.
00:15:38 Mother birds do regurgitate their food like I just did, so.
00:15:41 He slurps a little bit, he spits a little bit.
00:15:43 It's a mind over matter game, and it looks like the mind has lost.
00:15:47 Yeah, that's a skip.
00:15:48 I'm going to do it again.
00:15:49 In a wild turn of events, I got through scorpions, worms, and then a raw egg was the one that I had to take a skip on.
00:15:55 Uh-uh, get every last drop.
00:15:57 You scramble it, you got to eat it.
00:16:00 Grace is done.
00:16:01 Ah.
00:16:02 Megan's done.
00:16:03 There it is.
00:16:04 Spider, okay.
00:16:05 That's such a bad skip, dude.
00:16:06 I can't do raw eggs.
00:16:07 Unfortunately, I'll have to take this from you, Rudy.
00:16:09 Now it's time to stack these bowls on top of the rest of your dishes.
00:16:14 I think it's time that we have an aperitif, a little bit of a drink for you all.
00:16:18 A small shot of burning hot sauce.
00:16:25 Served chilled.
00:16:27 So that's tricky without water, right?
00:16:29 Let's raise a glass, everyone.
00:16:31 Here's to danger, here's to fear, here's to that hot sauce coming out your rear.
00:16:40 That's got some zip.
00:16:41 It's got a little zip.
00:16:42 It's that thin type of hot sauce that finds all the cracks in your tongue.
00:16:46 Oh, Megan, already done.
00:16:48 Rudy, done.
00:16:50 Grace, done.
00:16:51 Spider, down the hatch.
00:16:54 Bitch.
00:16:55 Ah, fuck it, bitch.
00:16:57 Spider, done.
00:16:59 It's nice to get a shot in there.
00:17:01 Gets you feeling a little tipsy, you know?
00:17:03 I'm going to be shitting so bad.
00:17:12 Megan, almost lost it when she went down to spit.
00:17:15 This is where the balancing gets very key.
00:17:18 You need to engage that core, make sure you're breathing, and try not to throw up too much.
00:17:24 After the hot sauce, everything was like I was just drooling like a teething baby.
00:17:29 I was just having to keep spitting the shit out.
00:17:32 I think it's time that we get to the seafood portion of our day.
00:17:36 For you all, some electrolyte-rich fish eye.
00:17:43 Spider, picking one up like a marble.
00:17:46 Spider, used as the guinea pig.
00:17:48 There they are.
00:17:49 Rudy has them in his mouth right now.
00:17:51 Grace seems to be reluctant to dive into the trout eyes.
00:17:54 I can see it in her eyes.
00:17:55 I have its iris caught in my fucking molars right now.
00:17:58 Yeah, I got one stuck in my molars.
00:17:59 I'm done.
00:18:00 They got the iris.
00:18:01 Rudy's done.
00:18:02 Spider's done.
00:18:03 Megan is slipping and sliding.
00:18:04 No, I have one more.
00:18:05 I have one more.
00:18:06 Oh, no, that's two for-- that's the second one for Spider.
00:18:07 I think I'm going to go ahead and skip.
00:18:08 I'm skipping.
00:18:09 That's a skip from Grace, and that's a skip from Megan.
00:18:12 Grace, this will be your first skip.
00:18:14 Megan, you have one more skip.
00:18:16 I don't.
00:18:17 Oh, where?
00:18:18 Thank you.
00:18:19 What?
00:18:20 I mean, I lost it.
00:18:21 You lost it?
00:18:22 I can pick it up for you.
00:18:23 If you want to feed that to me, I'll-- yeah, sure.
00:18:24 I can feed it to you.
00:18:26 What a champ.
00:18:29 It's already fucking squished.
00:18:30 Come on.
00:18:37 Come on.
00:18:38 Put your tongue out.
00:18:42 Fucking Christ.
00:18:43 You licked my finger a little bit, Spider.
00:18:45 That was kind of gross.
00:18:46 It seemed like he was fucking with me.
00:18:48 I'm shaking like this, and he's up there, like, taunting me,
00:18:53 like you do, like, hey, sit, sit, little puppy, sit, sit.
00:18:56 Put it in my mouth, bro.
00:18:58 Seven courses down, and now it's time to stack another bowl.
00:19:02 Go ahead.
00:19:03 Grace, Rudy, Spider, evening his out.
00:19:06 Megan gets her straight as well.
00:19:08 And there's a bowl, landed perfectly.
00:19:11 A couple wayward belches, some expectoration into the trash can.
00:19:16 I'll be fine.
00:19:17 And I think they're ready for some more food.
00:19:23 Our next course, from the depths of the underground, Sago worms.
00:19:28 No.
00:19:29 This is not good.
00:19:30 I can't do it.
00:19:32 This is not mind over matter anymore.
00:19:34 Fresh from Asia.
00:19:35 It looks like they have a little bit of a demi glaze on the outside.
00:19:39 Absolutely fantastic.
00:19:42 Three Sago worms, prepared to your liking, served in a shot glass.
00:19:47 Bon appetit.
00:19:49 Spider pops it into his mouth like a crisp.
00:19:52 That sucks ass.
00:19:53 First reports are that it sucks ass.
00:19:55 Ron brings out the Sago worms.
00:19:57 The whole time I'm eating it, I'm trying to pretend that they're walnuts,
00:20:00 because they kind of look like walnuts.
00:20:02 Megan's still spitting from her last dish.
00:20:08 Spider's still with all his skips, but still decides that he's going to try to eat these Sago worms.
00:20:13 No.
00:20:14 That's a skip.
00:20:15 It's a skip.
00:20:16 It's a skip.
00:20:17 OK.
00:20:18 That's a skip for Spider.
00:20:19 Rudy's still trying.
00:20:21 Sorry about that, Spider.
00:20:22 I'm going to have to take this.
00:20:23 Dude, Ron, just take mine.
00:20:24 I can't do it.
00:20:25 I can't.
00:20:26 I'm going to pee on myself if I throw up.
00:20:27 That's a no from Megan.
00:20:28 Yeah, no, I can't do it.
00:20:29 That's a no from Megan.
00:20:30 I'm done.
00:20:31 We're going to rip one from Megan as well, and that is Megan making money's final skip.
00:20:36 Grace holding vomit in.
00:20:38 Oh, God.
00:20:39 Oh, my God.
00:20:40 As soon as I heard my plates crash, because I didn't even know it was happening,
00:20:47 I was so fucking thrown off.
00:20:48 I just stormed off.
00:20:50 You can only throw up in your mouth so many times before you projectile vomit.
00:20:53 This is getting into dicey territory.
00:20:55 Plates are tipping over there.
00:20:57 Rudy, Megan look shell-shocked.
00:20:59 Laser focus from Spider.
00:21:01 And Rudy and Spider are now the final two in the competition.
00:21:09 Grace storms off step.
00:21:11 Megan making money absolutely incensed.
00:21:14 It was like dominoes.
00:21:16 Grace's stack tumbles, and then Megan's immediately thereafter.
00:21:19 My arm was just so cold and frozen that I made the slightest movement of my hand,
00:21:25 and I guess just it went to tip.
00:21:28 Honestly, though, I'm fucking glad that I threw up.
00:21:32 Rudy is clear, and Spider too is clear.
00:21:39 Grace walking off into the wilderness, far, far into the distance,
00:21:45 but there are only two left now.
00:21:47 And as a reminder, whichever one of these two wins
00:21:50 will immediately be able to eliminate someone from Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:21:56 You have another plate right there. Let's get that plate stacked.
00:21:59 Spider writes his tower, a leaning tower, and I bet they wish they had pizza.
00:22:05 So at this point, it's me and Spider, mono-y mono,
00:22:08 and I'm feeling pretty good because I looked over at his plates,
00:22:11 and they were a clusterfuck. It looked like a blind person had stacked them.
00:22:14 Mine were steady as a rock.
00:22:16 Mine was freezing cold, and that certainly did not contribute to the stability of my plates.
00:22:22 These fellas are not afraid to eat what's put in front of them.
00:22:27 Their taste buds are curious, ravenous for more.
00:22:31 Our next course for our final two, a mealworm milkshake.
00:22:37 Cheers.
00:22:38 Cheers.
00:22:41 Only one can win. Spider's plates rattling as he makes eye contact with Rudy.
00:22:46 Megan back into the picture.
00:22:48 Rudy gagging.
00:22:50 Spider wants to skip. Vomit pouring out of his mouth.
00:22:53 Nope. I'm out.
00:22:56 If Rudy can get this down, he'll have two of his skips left,
00:23:00 giving him a leg up in the competition.
00:23:03 Spider trying to right his plates,
00:23:06 giving them a little bit of a shake to see if he can flatten them out.
00:23:10 This mealworm milkshake is an absolute doozy.
00:23:14 Rudy chugging, one gulp after another, the veins bursting out of his face,
00:23:18 his neck bulging, a little bit of a gag, a little bit of a snort,
00:23:23 but still, his focus persists.
00:23:27 And Rudy has finished his mealworm milkshake, making a meal out of it.
00:23:35 Spider stacks his cup, not centered, but he's not bothered at all.
00:23:39 Rudy at the same time has his centered right in the middle,
00:23:42 and let's get another dish for you all.
00:23:44 Next, a spoonful of wet dog food.
00:23:47 Of course, the dry kind is not the best for a dog's coat,
00:23:51 but this should have your hair shining, Rudy.
00:23:54 Some wet dog food, please enjoy.
00:23:56 Down the hatch. If it's good enough for Fido, it's good enough for you.
00:24:01 Ew.
00:24:03 Spider staring into Rudy's soul.
00:24:05 We don't have to do this, Rudy.
00:24:07 Why doesn't he have to do it, Spider?
00:24:09 We can work something out.
00:24:10 What, have you dumped those plates?
00:24:13 Are you sure you want to trust Rudy at this point?
00:24:15 And you don't vote me.
00:24:18 Okay.
00:24:20 And just like that, Spider has made a deal.
00:24:31 But is it with the devil?
00:24:33 Because that leaves Rudy as our champion of the balanced diet.
00:24:39 Stupidly, I instantly trusted him and immediately flipped my stack over.
00:24:43 Now I'm thinking, "Holy shit, is he telling the truth?
00:24:46 Is he actually going to protect me?"
00:24:47 So I win, and it's the most important challenge.
00:24:50 I guarantee myself in the finals, this is exactly the win you need.
00:24:53 And that happiness disappeared so fast
00:24:58 because I now have to eliminate one of those three,
00:25:01 and I don't want to fucking do that.
00:25:03 Grace, vomit on her sweater already.
00:25:07 Mom's spaghetti.
00:25:08 Congratulations once again to Rudy, our winner.
00:25:11 We have a very interesting situation now that Rudy has the power.
00:25:16 He's going to eliminate one of the three of you.
00:25:19 But I will allow each of you guys to make a very brief case to Rudy
00:25:25 as to why you shouldn't be let go.
00:25:27 I'll go first.
00:25:29 I feel like the last couple of days,
00:25:31 I've shown you that we can trust one another, that I've had your back.
00:25:35 And now at this point in the game, I know it doesn't mean a whole lot.
00:25:37 I feel like I gave this my best fucking shot.
00:25:40 I've given every challenge my best shot.
00:25:42 I just don't have the stomach for really nasty shit.
00:25:45 I've really gave it my fucking all.
00:25:48 I want to be here.
00:25:49 I've missed a lot of stuff to be here.
00:25:51 So just keep that in mind,
00:25:53 and I would really like to continue the competition.
00:25:56 An emotional appeal. Grace?
00:25:59 I just--
00:26:01 [sighs]
00:26:03 This--I mean, I've--
00:26:05 I don't know how to put it into words.
00:26:07 I'm not good with no words on the fly.
00:26:09 But this is fucking huge.
00:26:11 If I could make it to the final three,
00:26:13 I think a lot of people aren't too keen on what I've done in this game.
00:26:18 So I don't know if I'd win the final vote.
00:26:20 If I could just be there, that's a win in itself.
00:26:23 I used as many skips as you did in this.
00:26:25 I wanted to be right there with you doing this,
00:26:27 but my bodily fluids didn't allow that, so...
00:26:31 [sighs]
00:26:32 So, God.
00:26:33 Spider?
00:26:34 Yeah, Rudy, I feel like we had an alliance
00:26:37 pretty much throughout the game,
00:26:38 and I'm proud that we both can say we made it thus far.
00:26:41 I was pretty proud of our effort here today going toe to toe.
00:26:44 Hopefully I can trust that the deal that we worked out was true.
00:26:49 Well, let's not waste any more time.
00:26:52 Look whoever you're sending home in the eye and eliminate them
00:26:55 from Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:26:58 Before I say it, I want to say that this is a horrible decision.
00:27:03 It's splitting hairs.
00:27:05 It's awful.
00:27:06 And it's really difficult.
00:27:08 But Spider tossed his plates for me,
00:27:10 and I have played an honorable game so far,
00:27:13 so I have to honor that.
00:27:15 And for the remaining two, I think both you guys have amazing cases.
00:27:20 The only way I can make a difference,
00:27:21 and even if it may hurt me in the end,
00:27:23 I would--if I'm going to win, I'd like to win, you know,
00:27:27 no matter what, who I'm against.
00:27:29 And the only way I can split between you two
00:27:31 is by challenges in the game,
00:27:34 and since Megan did win a challenge...
00:27:36 [dramatic music]
00:27:39 ♪ ♪
00:27:42 I'm going to have to eliminate Grace.
00:27:45 Wow. Grace, unfortunately you've been eliminated
00:27:49 from Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show,
00:27:51 and it seems like it's hitting you hard.
00:27:53 No, I'm fine.
00:27:54 [snorts]
00:27:55 ♪ ♪
00:27:57 Seems like there's tears in your eyes.
00:27:58 What? That's special effects.
00:28:01 [spits]
00:28:02 Why do you think that it's so emotional for you?
00:28:05 I'm broke.
00:28:06 [laughs]
00:28:08 No, I don't know.
00:28:09 I can't think of anything funny.
00:28:10 You don't have to be funny. You can be real.
00:28:12 [inhales]
00:28:14 ♪ ♪
00:28:17 Seems like you tried really hard
00:28:19 for a lot of these challenges.
00:28:20 Seems like you put your best foot forward,
00:28:22 and you weren't part of all these alliances,
00:28:24 but seems like you still tried to win,
00:28:26 and, uh, seems like it meant a lot to you.
00:28:28 Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah.
00:28:31 I'm done. I'm done.
00:28:32 I'm gonna be done. [laughs]
00:28:34 You can be done.
00:28:35 Thanks so much, Grace.
00:28:36 You played a great game.
00:28:37 [applause]
00:28:38 Don't fucking clap.
00:28:40 Grace got kind of emotional,
00:28:42 and, I mean, I can't blame her.
00:28:45 I know people watching this at home
00:28:47 probably think it's all, like, super easy and fun
00:28:49 and kumbaya, but no.
00:28:51 This is real shit we're going through.
00:28:53 Seeing her go and seeing her that upset
00:28:55 really fucked me up.
00:28:56 Like, it really hurt my feelings,
00:28:58 but I knew that there were only three of us,
00:29:00 and I have to keep telling myself that this is a game.
00:29:03 I knew it was just gonna be shitty,
00:29:05 and her eyes started welling up,
00:29:07 and I was--I hated being there.
00:29:10 You know, when you're, like, fucking mad,
00:29:12 if you say something, you're gonna offend someone
00:29:14 or hurt someone's feelings, so you just stop crying.
00:29:17 That's where I was at.
00:29:18 I mean, this has been fun hell.
00:29:20 A little bit of fun, a whole lot of hell.
00:29:23 I didn't really have a game plan doing this.
00:29:25 I just fucking free-balled this shit,
00:29:27 and I did the best I could, and...
00:29:29 I'm a sore fucking loser.
00:29:30 And there it is. Grace has been eliminated,
00:29:33 and you're the final three.
00:29:35 Congratulations to the three of you.
00:29:37 We had eight that we started with,
00:29:39 and we've pared it down to our three best competitors.
00:29:42 Rudy, how did it feel seeing tears in Grace's eye
00:29:47 as you sent her home?
00:29:49 Not good, obviously, but I had to make a decision,
00:29:53 and I felt like I made a very democratic one.
00:29:56 If I was making a smarter decision,
00:29:58 I think that Megan has a better chance of winning than Grace,
00:30:01 so I made it harder on myself,
00:30:03 but since they were so even
00:30:04 and I'm still friends with both of them,
00:30:06 I had to just go off of the only metric or statistic
00:30:08 that we have in this game, and that's winning competitions,
00:30:11 and since Megan won a competition and Grace didn't,
00:30:13 I just went with that.
00:30:15 So there you have it.
00:30:16 The three of you have made it to the end
00:30:18 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:30:21 You'll gather your things,
00:30:22 and the three of you will spend the rest of the day
00:30:25 at the Mattress Firm Chalet.
00:30:27 Then, tonight, we'll reconvene and--
00:30:30 Let's not forget.
00:30:31 The three of you will be voting on who wins
00:30:37 the $25,000 and the title of the champion
00:30:43 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:30:46 Fucked up place.
00:30:50 What a mess.
00:30:52 Moving out of camp.
00:31:06 It's been fun.
00:31:07 Not mad at it.
00:31:08 I'm not even going to fold anything.
00:31:10 Fuck it.
00:31:11 Shout out, Bare Bottom.
00:31:13 Nice waterproof bag.
00:31:15 Nice windbreaker.
00:31:17 No way I'm surviving this week if it's not for Bare Bottom.
00:31:20 I think the best part of the camp was, for me personally,
00:31:23 getting to know a lot of my coworkers better
00:31:25 since I am out of the office.
00:31:26 We got to know each other very well.
00:31:28 People told each other about their lives
00:31:30 and, like, their insecurities, what they're worried about.
00:31:33 It was just a really true, like, true bonding experience
00:31:38 that was really cool.
00:31:40 I've experienced every emotion--
00:31:41 anger, pain, hunger, comfort, jubilation.
00:31:46 Hopefully, Rich is here shortly.
00:31:48 We'll see.
00:31:49 But, yeah, this week has been beautiful
00:31:52 to learn a lot about ourselves.
00:31:54 You guys are two people that have been honest with me
00:31:58 pretty much the whole game, so I feel like,
00:32:00 regardless of how tonight goes, I can live with it.
00:32:03 I don't know where anyone's head's gonna be tonight.
00:32:05 No, I think it's very wide open.
00:32:07 But one thing we do need to talk about,
00:32:09 regardless of who's gonna vote for who in the council,
00:32:13 is what are we gonna do?
00:32:15 As far as voting for each other?
00:32:17 Yeah.
00:32:18 The obvious answer is just to triangle it, 1-1-1,
00:32:21 and then hope people don't gamble.
00:32:25 Yeah, I would agree with that.
00:32:27 Yeah.
00:32:28 So, do you want to just do it--
00:32:29 I vote for Megan, Megan votes for you, you vote for me?
00:32:32 Yeah.
00:32:33 Sounds good.
00:32:34 I don't know that I trust this whole triangle plan of voting.
00:32:37 This could be a Hail Mary attempt, idea, thought from Rudy.
00:32:42 So Megan and I had a pretty good understanding
00:32:44 that we would vote for each other,
00:32:46 and I think hopefully we can stick to that plan.
00:32:49 So, obviously, downstairs,
00:32:51 we all shook on voting for each other,
00:32:53 but Spider and I have had a pact since day one,
00:32:57 so that's kind of where we're at.
00:33:00 I'm voting for Spider, Spider's voting for me.
00:33:03 I will say, I was trying to think before I got here
00:33:06 whether it would be better to get voted off day one
00:33:10 or make it to the final three and lose.
00:33:13 I think my answer is make it to the final three and lose.
00:33:18 The experience that I've had here,
00:33:20 again, mentally, physically, emotionally,
00:33:23 I feel like it's changed me as a person.
00:33:26 I think that I'm up against two incredibly strong competitors.
00:33:29 What I learned in surviving Barstool last time
00:33:32 is that the speech does carry a lot of weight.
00:33:35 I think that people have an idea of who they're going to vote for,
00:33:38 and then as soon as they get in there and they hear what we have to say,
00:33:41 things change dramatically.
00:33:43 But the big one in my mind is Francis.
00:33:46 He took it a lot harder than I expected him to,
00:33:49 so I'm going to have to really, really, really
00:33:53 do some good pitching with Francis
00:33:56 and also be ready for him to really be fucking upset with me.
00:34:01 That's going to be a big to-do.
00:34:04 Best friends go to war.
00:34:08 I feel good about where I'm at.
00:34:10 I think I have some friends in the jury that might be willing to vote for me.
00:34:14 I think I took out some of the top threats in the game.
00:34:17 I was always a step ahead,
00:34:19 and I saw the writing on the wall
00:34:21 that was happening before those plans unfolded,
00:34:24 and I prevented it.
00:34:26 And here I am proudly in the finale.
00:34:28 Spider kind of exposed his hand last night in elimination,
00:34:32 saying that he was responsible for Francis,
00:34:34 and Rudy's the one that really put the nail in the coffin.
00:34:37 And honestly, I haven't really been the one to send anybody home,
00:34:43 but I've also not orchestrated things.
00:34:47 Probably I've played this game,
00:34:49 and if it all comes to fruition,
00:34:54 then I'll have $25,000 later tonight.
00:34:57 We're about to decide who wins the $25,000.
00:35:04 Spider, Rudy, or Megan.
00:35:06 One of them is going home with the cash.
00:35:08 These conversations will decide
00:35:10 who wins Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:35:16 Contestants, come on in.
00:35:19 No big deal, just your fate ahead of you.
00:35:22 Spider, Megan, Rudy.
00:35:26 The three finalists on Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:35:32 And what a grueling show it's been.
00:35:34 Every night we've congregated around the fire,
00:35:37 traded questions and barbs.
00:35:39 We've done a lot of talking. At least I have.
00:35:42 But tonight is different.
00:35:44 Tonight is your night to do the talking.
00:35:48 The council is here, the five who have been eliminated from the show,
00:35:51 and they'll cross-examine you.
00:35:53 But before we even do any of that, I want to hear your statements.
00:35:56 I want to know what the three finalists
00:35:59 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show plan on doing.
00:36:04 I want to know who wants the $25,000.
00:36:09 We were competing for $25K?
00:36:11 Enough, Grace. Tonight's serious.
00:36:15 Does anyone want to go first?
00:36:18 I mean, I guess ladies first, huh?
00:36:20 I guess ladies first. Megan, the floor is yours.
00:36:24 Council, Spider, Rudy,
00:36:28 I would love all of your votes for the $25K.
00:36:32 I know some of us didn't have a lot of time to hang out
00:36:35 or, you know, get to know one another,
00:36:37 but I want to commend everyone on their efforts this week.
00:36:41 And Dana, on you losing 20 pounds.
00:36:44 I didn't forget that. That's a big accomplishment.
00:36:46 She's sucking up. She's sucking up.
00:36:48 It's a big accomplishment.
00:36:50 And also, I mean, it was kind of dirty,
00:36:53 all of us voting you out for that on the first day.
00:36:55 I'll admit that. So I would love your vote.
00:36:58 Jackie, you did a hell of a job. Challenge won.
00:37:02 Obviously, you jumped out of an airplane.
00:37:04 You did the puzzle. You looked hot doing it.
00:37:07 And, I mean, the second challenge,
00:37:09 we already knew you looked good in the helmet,
00:37:11 so that doesn't really matter.
00:37:12 But I wish we could have gotten more time together
00:37:14 because I really enjoyed your company,
00:37:16 and I would love your vote.
00:37:19 Pat, I want to apologize first
00:37:22 for going against what I said
00:37:24 when I said I wouldn't vote for you.
00:37:26 I will say that when I voted for you,
00:37:28 I felt like you were the strongest competitor left in the game.
00:37:31 I feel like you would have done the same
00:37:32 if you were in my shoes.
00:37:34 Your vote would be fantastic.
00:37:37 Francis, this sucks.
00:37:39 I enjoyed your company, your compassion, your conversation.
00:37:43 We really hit it off from day one.
00:37:45 If you can forgive me,
00:37:46 I would like to have your friendship and your vote.
00:37:49 Grace, you should be here just as much as I should.
00:37:53 You fucking kicked ass in all the challenges.
00:37:55 You did better than me in most of them.
00:37:58 And it sucks that we have to be here in this situation.
00:38:01 I don't want to be repetitive,
00:38:02 but you really have inspired me
00:38:04 and motivated me throughout this competition.
00:38:06 Like, you were the first to jump out of an airplane.
00:38:08 You fucking crawled through the mud with us.
00:38:11 You fucking went in the snake pit.
00:38:13 You fucking ate shit today that I didn't.
00:38:16 And, I mean, you just-- you killed it.
00:38:18 And I would really love if you would vote for me to win the 25K.
00:38:23 Well, I hope everyone feels sufficiently buttered up.
00:38:26 Spider, Rudy, who's next?
00:38:29 I'm happy to go.
00:38:30 I think I played a really good game.
00:38:32 Every move I made, as I said before, has been calculated,
00:38:34 so I would like an opportunity to explain them to each of you.
00:38:37 Dana, obviously, let's start with you.
00:38:39 I think you're a great competitor.
00:38:40 I would have loved to see you and Pat butt heads late in this game,
00:38:43 and I was in favor of keeping you around.
00:38:45 To Jackie, I would say that my hand was forced
00:38:48 just because my name was mentioned twice,
00:38:51 and I wasn't posing a threat until someone threatened me.
00:38:54 So I hope you understand that it was just a reaction.
00:38:58 To Pat and Francis, I would also say,
00:39:01 as much as you guys were kind of on different alliances, teams,
00:39:04 you have a lot in common.
00:39:05 You're both extremely bright, extremely--
00:39:08 probably, in my humble opinion, two of the most physical competitors here.
00:39:12 And then combine that with Pat's reality TV knowledge
00:39:16 and just knowing how to play the game,
00:39:17 and Francis's just incredible intelligence
00:39:20 and figuring out challenges that none of us could wrap our brain around.
00:39:24 I would say the same, that I think your time had to come.
00:39:28 I hope that you understand that, you know, you guys were massive threats.
00:39:32 To Grace, I would say, I respect and love you.
00:39:35 Hell of an effort. Everything Megan said is spot on.
00:39:38 True fucking performance today.
00:39:39 You were down to ride. You came through. You had my back.
00:39:42 I mean, unfortunately, earlier today just didn't work out in your favor,
00:39:45 but I think you played a hell of a game,
00:39:47 and you have nothing to be ashamed of.
00:39:49 But I feel as though I should win
00:39:51 because the difference between me and these two people sitting beside me
00:39:54 is that I had a target on my back.
00:39:57 At no point were these two voted on a single time at any elimination.
00:40:02 So I would just say that keep in mind that I think I had a tougher ride here.
00:40:07 I think I had people out for me.
00:40:09 I didn't envision jumping out of a fucking plane to start the week.
00:40:12 And everything I've done since then has been because, like, just committed.
00:40:18 And that's what I am. I'm fucking committed to everything.
00:40:20 About to celebrate my five-year anniversary at Barstool.
00:40:23 All I do is fucking grind and commit to shit.
00:40:26 Viva!
00:40:27 Huh? Yeah, Viva.
00:40:29 If I can't win this, I ask for your V for Barstool beast.
00:40:32 But, no, this has been an unreal experience,
00:40:35 and I truly value all you guys.
00:40:37 It's been so much fun hanging out.
00:40:39 And, yeah, I think I had a harder ride here than some of the other competitors.
00:40:43 Rudy, the winner of today's challenge, the floor is yours.
00:40:48 In regards to my gameplay, I'm going to focus on my style of play
00:40:54 and sort of address why I think that my game was the most sound.
00:40:59 I know you guys all think that and say that I'm the most likable guy
00:41:04 and I'm chill and I co-spy.
00:41:06 Megan did say I'm the most trustworthy player,
00:41:09 and, yes, I was incredibly trustworthy.
00:41:11 Dana, on the first day, I came to you and said,
00:41:14 "Listen, I'm going to tell you that you're in trouble,
00:41:17 and I will help you try to get out of this."
00:41:19 It didn't work out. I wish it had.
00:41:21 But I did tell you that I was going to tell you you were in trouble,
00:41:24 and I did that.
00:41:25 Pat, your name was being thrown around on the day that I won the challenge,
00:41:30 and even though it didn't make a lot of sense to other people,
00:41:33 I invited you up to the house to speak with me
00:41:35 because I wanted to give you a chance to state your case.
00:41:39 And I think you understand that that shows that I was being trustworthy and fair.
00:41:44 Jackie, you were with me on Surviving Barstool.
00:41:47 You know what it's like. You see me play.
00:41:50 I tried to help you when you were in trouble.
00:41:53 Unfortunately, at the ceremony, words got a little loose,
00:41:57 but I did come to you and say I would help you and that you were in trouble.
00:42:02 So I do play a trustworthy game.
00:42:04 Grace, I can't say the same with you.
00:42:08 I was in a horrible fucking position. It was terrible.
00:42:12 Having to choose between you and Megan because I couldn't do Spider like that,
00:42:16 I couldn't vote for him and cross him.
00:42:18 I had to choose between you and Megan. I know it doesn't help,
00:42:21 but just know that I felt truly fucking awful about that, and I still do, and it sucks.
00:42:26 And if you don't vote for me out of spite, I can understand that.
00:42:30 Francis, we were best friends.
00:42:33 I'll put a word "were."
00:42:35 But at the end of the day, this is a game.
00:42:37 I showed that I can be fucking ruthless.
00:42:41 I can be the trustworthy guy, and I can make the biggest play.
00:42:44 I did have a tremendous time with you.
00:42:47 It was so much fun. I hope we can still be friends.
00:42:51 So by saying all this, I'm just trying to show that I had the most dynamic gameplay.
00:42:57 I was trustworthy, and I was ruthless.
00:42:59 And on top of that, I also won the most challenges.
00:43:02 And you're probably thinking, "Well, one of the challenges was given to you."
00:43:07 Yeah, it's true.
00:43:08 But that's what happens when you are very trustworthy and very likable.
00:43:13 In the end, I really did have a tremendous time this week.
00:43:17 I know that two of you in particular probably don't like me right now,
00:43:21 but this is a game show. It's a game.
00:43:25 You guys all know me outside of work. I've never done anything wrong to you.
00:43:28 I played the game, and I hope you can see that.
00:43:32 I think a lot of people on the council have grievances that they'd like to air.
00:43:37 And so now I'd like to give them the opportunity to speak their minds, cross-examine,
00:43:44 really have their voice heard in a way that it hasn't been since they've been eliminated
00:43:49 from Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:43:51 So let's go in order of the eliminations, and let's start with Dana.
00:43:56 I'm pretty set in stone on who I'm voting for, and it's pretty selfish reasoning,
00:44:01 but my only question, Rudy, did you vote for Pat night one?
00:44:06 No, I did not.
00:44:07 -So you voted for me? -Yeah.
00:44:09 Okay. I at least really appreciated Spiders having my back,
00:44:12 even if it didn't mean anything in the end.
00:44:14 So if Rudy had voted for you in the first challenge,
00:44:16 could he have a better shot at getting your vote?
00:44:18 I would say so, yeah. That's the only thing I wanted to ask, really.
00:44:21 Thank you, Dana.
00:44:22 Jackie, what do you have to say?
00:44:24 I'll keep it short and light.
00:44:26 Megan's speech kind of made me realize that I respond best to compliments,
00:44:30 so Spider and Rudy, I'll give you a chance to butter me up.
00:44:35 -Rudy, want to pump her tires? -I'd love to.
00:44:37 Jackie, honestly on the first day, I thought my hair looked fucking sick,
00:44:41 and your hair actually looked really sick,
00:44:43 and it was kind of annoying because it looked better than mine,
00:44:45 but I've got to give you credit on that, props on that.
00:44:47 That's more what I was going for.
00:44:48 The longer my hair gets, the harder it is to style, and your hair is super long,
00:44:51 and so it was pretty impressive.
00:44:53 I mean, I did mention how good you looked in a helmet,
00:44:55 -but that's neither here nor there. -No, that is noted.
00:44:58 No, this.
00:44:59 Any physical compliments, Spider?
00:45:00 Yeah, I was going to say, you should focus more on the physical compliments.
00:45:03 Yeah, I mean, Jackie's just beautiful, that goes without saying.
00:45:05 -Thank you. -You have a great rack.
00:45:07 -Thank you. -I was going to say that, but it was a little questionable.
00:45:10 Yeah. Okay. No, I have all the information that I need, thank you.
00:45:14 -Ego boosted? -Ego is boosted.
00:45:16 Unless you guys want to keep going.
00:45:18 -No, no, we have limited time. -Okay.
00:45:20 Pat, what do you have to say?
00:45:22 This question is for Spider and Rudy.
00:45:26 Megan is a mother of two.
00:45:29 Why do you deserve the money more than Megan's children?
00:45:34 Great fucking point.
00:45:36 Spider, you know, I don't know that I don't,
00:45:38 but at the end of the day, we're at different stages in our career.
00:45:41 I mean, Megan is an established media mogul.
00:45:44 She knows what she's doing.
00:45:45 I've only been here for two years.
00:45:47 -Exactly. -You just said that you're going to--
00:45:48 -Exactly. It's taken me two years. -You're fucking five years.
00:45:50 And you have a quarter million fucking Twitter followers.
00:45:53 -You're a wagon. You're Megan making money. -It's just 'cause I'm a girl.
00:45:57 It's a different grind, you know?
00:45:59 I try to do everything in my control to commit to what's in front of me.
00:46:02 I wouldn't be mad if Megan won.
00:46:04 I mean, I love Megan. I love her husband.
00:46:06 I have yet to meet her kids, but they looked adorable at their graduation.
00:46:09 And, yeah, so I mean, I think it's up to you guys to decide that.
00:46:13 Rudy?
00:46:14 To quote Little Sasquatch from last season,
00:46:17 "Who gives a fuck if Megan has kids?"
00:46:20 I still don't know who I'm going to pick.
00:46:23 I'm interested to hear what these guys have to say.
00:46:25 Francis, as Rudy spoke, you were unable to make eye contact with him.
00:46:30 It seems as if your elimination had the most gravity.
00:46:34 The floor is yours.
00:46:36 Oh, boy.
00:46:37 Buckle up.
00:46:41 I've spent the last 24 hours struggling to process this week.
00:46:47 I could not make sense of a phenomenon I had experienced,
00:46:52 a force with which I've had little familiarity,
00:46:54 both in my personal and professional life.
00:46:57 So it took a while for me to see that what I'd experienced,
00:47:02 what took me out of this game,
00:47:04 was evil.
00:47:08 Evil cloaked in a robe of friendship.
00:47:12 This game was devised to strip us of pretense,
00:47:16 to grind away the version of ourselves we wanted the world to see,
00:47:20 to exhaust and break us down to our essential selves,
00:47:23 untouched by makeup and unaffected by character.
00:47:27 It was in this naked reality that I found something worth playing for
00:47:32 that meant more to me than $25,000.
00:47:35 Friendship.
00:47:36 I made friends, or so I thought.
00:47:40 These friends were Spider and Rudy and Megan, my alliance.
00:47:45 My friends spoke to me for hours.
00:47:47 And by the way, I should clarify, this is mostly at you.
00:47:50 I figured.
00:47:51 They spoke to me for hours.
00:47:53 They looked me in the eye and shook my hand, as friends do,
00:47:57 and then my friends smiled to my face as they walked me to the gallows.
00:48:03 You'll tell yourself you were simply playing the game.
00:48:06 That is a flaccid lie.
00:48:08 A lukewarm glass of milk congested to help you sleep,
00:48:13 despite knowing who you really are.
00:48:15 I could not have done to you what you did to me.
00:48:19 Tomorrow, I will return to my life with my dignity, my integrity,
00:48:23 my sense of self intact.
00:48:26 I played this game the way I wanted to play it.
00:48:29 And you will return to your small lives.
00:48:32 Your two-dimensional street view.
00:48:34 Your daily search for the next neck to use as a rung on your stepladder of avarice.
00:48:43 You are bankrupt of honor.
00:48:45 You are devoid of worth.
00:48:47 I think less of you as a man.
00:48:50 You are a barnacle on the hull of a shipwrecked life.
00:48:54 And $25,000 seems like a mighty bad bargain for your soul.
00:49:01 Rudy, anything to say back to that?
00:49:03 Yeah. Honestly, it's a game.
00:49:07 And voting for you was awful.
00:49:10 The reason I took so long was because I couldn't do it.
00:49:13 I literally could not do it. I could not vote for you.
00:49:15 I know that probably means nothing to you now.
00:49:17 It made me hate you, and I'm filled with contempt for you.
00:49:21 But that hate will dissipate and be replaced with apathy,
00:49:26 because you are not worth my feeling.
00:49:29 Okay?
00:49:31 I would just say to you, Francis, all the fun we had was genuine.
00:49:35 This is a game.
00:49:37 I had a blast with you.
00:49:39 It sucks that it went this way.
00:49:41 But your reaction to this is juvenile.
00:49:45 It's a game.
00:49:47 If you're not man enough to understand that,
00:49:49 then I don't know what to tell you, bro.
00:49:51 I hope we can be friends.
00:49:53 It fucking sucks you feel this way.
00:49:55 You're a bad person.
00:49:57 No, I'm not.
00:49:59 I could not look you in the eye and lie to you the way that you did to me.
00:50:03 I didn't lie to you.
00:50:05 I went into the round going to pick Grace.
00:50:07 I went down to the desk going to pick Grace.
00:50:10 Spider was the one that wanted to vote you out.
00:50:12 I told you, "You got to talk to Spider. He's getting squirrely."
00:50:15 You came back to me, and you said, "Spider's solid."
00:50:17 It seems short-sighted of you to have played the way you did for your career.
00:50:22 Because when this comes out, people are going to hate you.
00:50:24 No, they're not.
00:50:26 Because it's a game.
00:50:28 Maybe.
00:50:29 Also, you're forgetting the fact that it was 4v1.
00:50:33 You had the votes without having to vote for me.
00:50:36 You had it.
00:50:37 I know, but you want me just to gamble?
00:50:40 Yeah.
00:50:42 I think that's it.
00:50:43 If I could go back in time and know that I was going to win the final challenge and be here no matter what,
00:50:47 I absolutely would do that, because I felt terrible.
00:50:49 I would have done that and thrown away my vote,
00:50:51 but it would have put me in a terrible position if I didn't win the final challenge.
00:50:55 I would have gone against everyone else here,
00:50:57 and I would have been fucked if I didn't win that last challenge.
00:51:00 I don't know what to tell you, man.
00:51:02 I thought I knew you.
00:51:03 You do know me!
00:51:04 I have no idea who you are.
00:51:05 Yes, you do!
00:51:06 You're talking about a 10-minute window in a game show
00:51:10 versus the hours upon hours we spent getting to know each other truly.
00:51:13 All of that now appears to have been a sick, calculated trap
00:51:20 from the mind of someone
00:51:23 I cannot fathom.
00:51:25 It's a game.
00:51:26 I guess we're just different people because I could not have done it to you.
00:51:30 Okay, but if you had done the same to me, I would have understood because it is a game.
00:51:35 If we played a game of checkers and you beat me,
00:51:38 I wouldn't write a fucking manifesto about how much I hated you.
00:51:42 A passionate response from Francis and also from Rudy.
00:51:49 Grace.
00:51:50 I don't know how to follow that up.
00:51:52 That's crazy, man.
00:51:53 I didn't think it was that deep.
00:51:56 That's fucking nuts.
00:51:58 Me neither.
00:51:59 I hope you guys can work through things.
00:52:02 Me too.
00:52:03 That was a death to kill right there.
00:52:07 I think you guys should really work this out on camera
00:52:10 because if not, it's going to be a deep-rooted hate for ages on end.
00:52:14 I tried. I'm very open.
00:52:16 I think Francis seems like he's open to the deep-rooted hate.
00:52:19 I think he's open to that end, that path.
00:52:22 So we've heard everybody lay it out there.
00:52:26 We've heard everybody get off their chest, what they needed to say.
00:52:30 You guys making your cases.
00:52:32 Now what we're going to do is to go up to the Bureau d'Honnebois and cast our votes.
00:52:38 Everyone will vote.
00:52:40 The five members of the council and then the three remaining competitors.
00:52:45 Dana, why don't you take the walk to the Bureau d'Honnebois.
00:52:48 Cast your vote on who should win.
00:52:51 Oh, God.
00:52:52 That was almost another ACL.
00:52:54 Dana, fresh from making his vote.
00:53:03 Oh, oh.
00:53:05 Almost broke his own ankles.
00:53:07 I never stopped attending high school.
00:53:09 Jackie, it's time to make your vote.
00:53:11 You look great.
00:53:12 A lot of thinking.
00:53:13 Now it's time.
00:53:16 [Voting]
00:53:18 Down comes Jackie, fresh from making her vote.
00:53:24 Pat, you were third eliminated.
00:53:26 Now is the time to make up your mind.
00:53:29 Set someone free, make someone rich.
00:53:31 Here's my vote.
00:53:33 Fuck, I actually don't know who to vote for.
00:53:35 Francis, now's your time.
00:53:42 Leave your speech behind.
00:53:45 Well, Grace, time for you to go make your vote.
00:53:50 I just want to take one last look in the eyes.
00:53:53 What do you see?
00:53:54 Death, despair, and a winner.
00:53:56 Oh.
00:53:58 Fars.
00:54:00 Grace.
00:54:07 I just need one more moment to shine.
00:54:09 A little more attention.
00:54:11 Well, the council has made their vote.
00:54:13 And now it's time for the three of you to decide who wins.
00:54:17 Rudy, take that walk to the Bureau d'Honneurbois.
00:54:21 Make your vote and play your part in the democracy
00:54:24 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:54:27 One last go around.
00:54:29 Megan, go ahead and make your vote.
00:54:38 Well, Spider, take that walk to make the eighth and final vote.
00:54:43 I don't know what to do.
00:54:46 Fuck, I don't know what to do.
00:54:49 And here comes Spider, floating down the steps,
00:54:53 unburdened by the fact that he no longer has to make a vote.
00:54:57 The die has been cast, the ballot box has been stuffed,
00:55:00 and we will find out who wins.
00:55:02 $25,000, a mattress from Mattress Firm,
00:55:06 and the honor of calling themselves the champion
00:55:09 of Season 2 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:55:13 Let's find out who won.
00:55:35 And here it is, the results.
00:55:37 I have them.
00:55:39 They're in.
00:55:41 Let's get into it.
00:55:43 The first vote for the champion of Season 2
00:55:48 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show...
00:55:51 Rudy.
00:56:01 The second vote to win Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show...
00:56:06 Spider.
00:56:11 The third vote...
00:56:17 Megan making money.
00:56:28 Three votes in, one vote for each competitor.
00:56:33 - That's not how you spell it. - Thank you, thank you, Dana.
00:56:36 Our fourth vote...
00:56:38 Megan making money.
00:56:47 Two votes for Megan making money.
00:56:51 One vote for Spider.
00:56:53 One vote for Rudy.
00:56:56 The fifth vote...
00:56:58 Spider.
00:57:06 Two votes for Spider, two for Megan making money,
00:57:10 one vote for Rudy.
00:57:12 The sixth vote...
00:57:14 Spider.
00:57:25 So, as it stands, six votes in.
00:57:28 Three votes for Spider, two for Megan making money,
00:57:32 one for Rudy.
00:57:34 Our seventh vote...
00:57:40 Megan making money.
00:57:48 So, as it stands, three votes in,
00:57:51 three votes for Megan making money,
00:57:54 one vote for Rudy.
00:57:56 He is eliminated from contention.
00:58:00 So it all comes down to this.
00:58:02 One vote left in the box.
00:58:06 The winner will go home with a bed from Mattress Firm
00:58:13 with $25,000
00:58:15 and will be the champion of Season 2 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
00:58:20 The final vote...
00:58:22 and the winner of Season 2 of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show...
00:58:29 Spider.
00:58:38 Wow.
00:58:39 Congratulations, Spider,
00:58:42 the champion of Season 2,
00:58:45 a beautiful game played by Megan.
00:58:48 But there it is.
00:58:50 Spider, take your seat on the Mattress Firm winner's bed.
00:58:55 The $25,000 is yours.
00:58:58 I mean, this is bittersweet.
00:59:00 This is bittersweet.
00:59:01 I feel slimy about this win.
00:59:03 I thought Megan had it locked up based on what I heard from this audience,
00:59:07 from the jury.
00:59:08 And I thought Francis was far too hard on Rudy
00:59:12 and that that's not the kind of guy he is.
00:59:15 So I wasn't going to let Rudy's efforts go unnoticed.
00:59:18 Just glad I got one instead of zero.
00:59:20 And I wasn't about to let him not get voted for.
00:59:23 That being said, Megan McImani won this contest.
00:59:26 She deserves a seat alongside this bed here with me.
00:59:29 I think we should split this prize.
00:59:31 Megan, get over here.
00:59:32 Oh, shit.
00:59:33 Wow.
00:59:34 Wow.
00:59:35 That's a good guy.
00:59:36 Wow, Spider.
00:59:38 I'm not getting here without you.
00:59:40 So I get the mattress.
00:59:43 I get the mattress.
00:59:45 And we will split $1,200.
00:59:49 $12,500 each.
00:59:51 There you go.
00:59:52 There you go.
00:59:53 Wow, Spider.
00:59:55 What an absolute minx.
00:59:57 This is your win.
00:59:58 This really was.
00:59:59 I appreciate you guys letting me use this as a vehicle for more exposure
01:00:04 and everything, but Megan, your efforts cannot go unnoticed.
01:00:08 Megan, you had a look of bitter disappointment
01:00:11 as soon as that last vote was read.
01:00:13 What's going through your head?
01:00:14 I just--I played the game to the best of my ability.
01:00:18 Spider is Spider in the end.
01:00:20 I'm really thankful that he's doing this.
01:00:22 He definitely doesn't have to.
01:00:23 Spider, you are the winner of Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show,
01:00:27 and what you choose to do with the money after you win
01:00:30 is completely your decision.
01:00:34 Thank you, Rowan.
01:00:36 You got it, bro.
01:00:37 This, my friend, belongs to you, my boy.
01:00:42 $25,000.
01:00:47 From all of us here at Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show Season 2,
01:00:52 thanks so much, and we'll see you next year.
01:00:55 And congrats to our champ, Spider.
01:00:57 [applause]
01:01:01 [music playing]
01:01:04 I need some time to process what just happened.
01:01:06 Like, this is extremely bittersweet for me.
01:01:08 It was an incredible week.
01:01:10 I couldn't be happier for Spider.
01:01:12 Looking back at the whole experience, I gave it my all.
01:01:15 I can't have a bad thought.
01:01:17 It was great.
01:01:18 I just feel really grateful that I get to do something like this.
01:01:20 This is Megan's win as much as it is mine.
01:01:23 Hopefully she can understand my perspective.
01:01:25 Getting this close and then not winning, it sucks.
01:01:28 Being the deciding vote for Spider to win,
01:01:30 I thought would feel really good because he was on my team all week,
01:01:34 but it doesn't feel that great right now.
01:01:36 Part of me feels like I'm an asshole for doing what I did.
01:01:39 Part of me feels like I'm the only person in the show
01:01:41 that would have split a prize with another contestant.
01:01:43 I mean, with Spider offering me the money,
01:01:45 it's an extremely kind gesture, and I mean, I can't be mad at it,
01:01:49 and I can't be mad at him because I did say, you know,
01:01:51 like I would be happy for him.
01:01:52 It sucks, but, I mean, hey, 12 grand is 12 grand, right?
01:01:56 Massive win for Spider Camp.
01:01:58 I wouldn't have jumped out of that plane.
01:02:00 I wouldn't have eaten all the insects unless I really had intentions to win.
01:02:04 That's a wrap on Barstool's Most Dangerous Game Show.
01:02:07 [MUSIC]
01:02:10 [CICADAS]
01:02:13 [CICADAS]
01:02:17 [CICADAS]
01:02:20 [SOUND]
