Adam was arrested in Melbourne in the 1999 Canberra woman in the cold case of Irma Palasics

  • 10 months ago
#IrmaandGregorPalasics #attacked #intruders #homeinvasion
#cold #case #gfam #palasic #palasics #irma

Canberra police made a breakthrough in the 24 -year -old cold case . Lock Points Irma and Gregor Palasics were attacked in their homes in 1999 and of river injuries In 1999, Irma and Gregor Palasics were attacked in their homes, and Irma was arrested on a 24 -year -old cold case. A Melbourne man was arrested on a 24 -year -old cold case, making sure that the police allegedly killed would be identified. ACT police said that a 68 -year -old man was arrested for the death of Irma Palazics, who was killed during a theft at Canberra in Melbourne this morning. Both Ms. Palasics her husband Gregor, who aging in her 70s, were attacked during house occupation and the police said that two indispensable guests connected to double beat them. Ms. Palasics at the scene and Mr. Palasics was taken to hospital with serious injuries. Canberra Kadın Irma Palasics, 73 years old, in 1999, her family was killed in hoping that the cold case would be solved for decades. Today, Detective Responsible Scott Moller was strictly attached how police came to arrest, but this was not due the information from public. He said that man is expected confront the Dandenong Magistrates' Court today and to be returned Law. "I will not enter the complexity or evidence we use to get this person before the courts today," he said. Act Policing Detective Responsible Scott Moller said that civil servants were determined to solve the 1999 cold case. Detective Officer Moller said that the man was arrested in his home in Melbourne and had limited connections to action. He also said that the police are still looking for an uninvited guests who are still allegedly second and gave them a sharp warning. "I would call that person to come forward before the ACT police knocked on the door." Detective Officer Moller said that the investigation into Mrs. Palasics's death has been stretched for decades. He said, "Movement will not stop." "This is the subject and all other issues we have, no matter how old they are. "We will continue until it makes people responsible." 'My grandmother and my grandfather did not deserve them what happened that night' John Mikita praised the police for being arrested for the of his grandmother. Mr. John Mikita, the grandson of Mr. and Mrs Palasics, said his family felt "completely disbelief" when he was informed about the arrest. "My grandmother and grandfather did not deserve what happened that night, not only my grandmother Irma was killed, but grandfather's life ended - and our lives were never the same."Said. He continued "After about 24 years of pain, questioning and uncertainty, we never gave up the hope of finding out who was responsible for this disgusting action." He said that the family remained hopeful, but this suspicion emerged, given the last decades. "Twenty -four years long and we've started to think that we will never close as a family." The law thanked
