Il censimento del cervo nel Parco delle Foreste Casentinesi

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Fondazione Una e Federparchi insieme per aumentare la consapevolezza sulle pratiche virtuose di gestione degli equilibri faunistici.


00:00 [Music]
00:06 More than 550 volunteers, hunters, teachers and students
00:10 committed to night postings in the National Park of the Casentine Forests
00:15 between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna
00:17 for what is one of the most involved fauna management meetings in all of Europe.
00:21 The annual census of the deer population,
00:24 biodiversity stamp in flight,
00:26 the project of Foundation Una in collaboration with Feder Parchi
00:29 to increase awareness of the virtuous practices of management of fauna balance.
00:34 [Italian]
00:59 [Italian]
01:28 [Italian]
01:31 The same evenings of the census of the deer
01:34 also hosted the monitoring practices of the wolf
01:36 through the technique of wolf howling.
01:39 [Howling]
01:46 Taking advantage of the wide acoustic coverage on the territory
01:48 guaranteed by the operators located in the numerous postings
01:52 allows to identify individual subjects or family members
01:55 taking advantage of the natural tendency of the wolf to respond to howling.
01:59 In the National Park of the Casentine Forests
02:01 poaching is not an existing problem
02:04 but it is more the relationship between human activities
02:09 as particular breeding
02:11 with, for example, the presence of the wolf.
02:14 And so we also addressed the whole theme of how to defend yourself from the wolf
02:18 and at the same time protect it.
02:20 And we have seen how important, for example,
02:23 the projects with the guard dogs.
02:25 Knowing the population that lives in the park for those who work there is very important
02:29 not only to understand how many specimens to check year after year.
02:33 Monitoring year after year means understanding
02:36 even if the management choices that the park makes are right
02:40 and therefore this population rises or falls depending on what we do
02:44 and even if there are environmental news
02:46 an explosion of diseases, predators or problems that derive from man.
02:52 So monitoring over time is the best way to make an intelligent and calibrated management.
02:58 Thank you.
