Ständerat lehnt Kurswechsel in der Asylpolitik deutlich ab

  • last year
Asylverfahren im Ausland durchführen, Aufbau von Schutzzentren: Der Ständerat spricht sich deutlich gegen einen Paradigmenwechsel in Asylpolitik aus.
Der Ständerat will keinen Paradigmenwechsel in der Asylpolitik.
00:00 Implementing asylum procedures abroad, building up protection centres - the Standing Council
00:05 is clearly speaking out against a paradigm shift in asylum policy.
00:09 The Standing Council does not want a paradigm shift in asylum policy.
00:13 And it does not want to discuss the independent control of immigration again.
00:19 On Wednesday, the small chamber rejected two corresponding motions from the rows of the
00:24 SVP party.
00:26 The largest parliamentary group initiated the debate on asylum and immigration in the
00:32 form of an extraordinary session.
00:35 For example, it called for the consistent implementation of the mass immigration initiative
00:41 adopted in February 2014 by the people and the stands.
00:44 Like the Federal Council, the Standing Council also saw no further need for action in the
00:50 motion.
00:51 The motion was rejected with 28 to 9 votes in three abstentions.
00:57 This is therefore off the table.
00:59 The second motion for a paradigm shift in asylum policy was also without chance in the Standing
01:04 Council.
01:05 With 30 to 8 votes in one abstention, the small chamber said no.
01:10 The now completed motion required a concept to be able to carry out asylum procedures abroad
01:17 in the future.
01:18 In addition, protection centres should be built abroad.
