Entstaubt, gepflegt und geliebt: Michelangelos David in Florenz

  • last year
Alle zwei Monate wird die mehr als 500 Jahre alte David-Marmorstatue in Florenz entstaubt, gepflegt und auf Schäden kontrolliert.

Seit 150 Jahren ist sie sein Zuhause, und dort wird er gebührlich und mit dem Respekt eines weltberühmten Hausherrn behandelt.
00:00 Every two months, the more than 500-year-old David marble statue in Florence is dusted,
00:06 cared for and checked for damage.
00:09 It has been at his home for 150 years, and there he is treated with respect and with
00:13 the respect of a world-famous landlord.
00:17 The imposing marble statue of David, which Michelangelo built at the beginning of the year 1500,
00:23 stood in the open for centuries before it was brought to a private museum in the Galleria
00:27 dell'Accademia in Florence, a house built for them, protected from the weather.
00:33 It was brought to this museum 150 years ago and we see it here in a religious context.
00:40 The museum was built in the form of a basilica with a real apsis.
00:46 Right in the middle, where you normally find the main altar, Michelangelo's David stands,
00:52 explains Cecilia Holberg, director of the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence.
00:58 Thorough physical care, every two months.
01:00 The more than five meters high statue of the shepherd who defeated the giant Goliath and
01:06 then became the king of the Jews, is now one of the most famous sculptures in the world.
01:12 It is cared for carefully and regularly.
01:15 Every two months the museum closes for a day, so that David is dusted and thoroughly
01:21 checked.
01:22 You get to know and love the work of art, you see how it changes, you observe and check
01:29 if everything is in order, just like with a real person, a loved one, says Eleonora Pucchi,
01:36 restorer.
01:37 The landlord does not seem to be particularly bothered by the hundreds of people who pay
01:43 him a visit every day.
01:44 But whoever knows him well knows that this is not true.
01:48 I really wonder what he thinks about what he sees around him every day, about the people
01:55 who come here to see him, and whether he actually feels understood by them, whether they know
02:01 him well, whether they understand where they are, says Pucchi.
02:06 Original copy of David in the open.
02:09 For the next two months, until the next dusting, David will continue to be received patiently
02:15 by visitors.
02:18 We are here on the square of the Palazzo della Signoria, where a copy of Michelangelo's
02:25 David has been guarding the city for 150 years.
02:27 It is certainly not as significant as the original, which is preserved in the Galleria
02:31 dell'Accademia, but still a necessary symbol of Italian art and culture.
