Faeser erwartet am Donnerstag Einigung auf strittige Krisenverordnung

  • last year
An diesem Donnerstag soll es zu einer Einigung bezüglich des europäischen Asylsystems kommen.
00:00 On this Thursday, there is supposed to be an agreement on the European asylum system.
00:06 At least that is what Germany's Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, expects.
00:10 Federal Minister Nancy Faeser expects that on this Thursday, there will be a breakthrough
00:17 in negotiations in Brussels on a core element of the planned reform of the European asylum system.
00:23 She assumes that there will be a political agreement on the controversial EU crisis
00:28 regulation, said the SPD politician of the German press agency on Wednesday evening
00:33 at the edge of a party to the upcoming German Unity Day.
00:37 The EU ministers will meet on Thursday in Brussels.
00:41 The crisis regulation is part of the planned asylum reform, which, among other things,
00:47 is to limit irregular migration.
00:50 For example, a particularly strong increase in migration should be extended over time,
00:56 if people can be held under conditions similar to those in prison.
01:00 Before Faeser's statement, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, SPD, issued the course according to information
01:07 from government circles in the cabinet that the crisis regulation should not be blocked for any longer.
01:12 In particular, the Greens had rejected the regulation in the past because they feared
01:19 that protection standards for migrants in crisis situations could be reduced in an
01:23 unacceptable way.
01:25 The fact that the current draft for the crisis regulation could be significantly changed
01:31 before the agreement was reached was considered very unlikely in Brussels that evening.
01:36 It was said that only minor adjustments were likely to be made.
01:40 As soon as the dispute over the crisis regulation has been settled, important negotiations with
01:47 the European Parliament can probably be continued for the reform.
01:50 Because the Parliament had recently announced that it would block parts of the talks until
01:56 the EU states have positioned themselves on the topic of crisis regulation.
