• last year


00:00 Three minutes left!
00:02 Three minutes left!
00:04 Curious?
00:08 Let's see!
00:10 Who will be the winner?
00:12 [Music]
00:31 Okay, now we will play a game with these kids!
00:35 Give them a round of applause!
00:37 We will play a game called 369!
00:41 And the winner will get a prize!
00:43 The rules are very simple.
00:45 Listen to me, kids.
00:47 You have to concentrate and focus.
00:50 Don't listen to what others say.
00:52 If you still owe something to the retainer,
00:54 forget about it for now.
00:56 If you win the first round,
01:00 you will get a prize of millions of rupiah.
01:02 So, you won't be able to go to school for a year.
01:04 Are you ready?
01:07 If you hear the number 369,
01:11 don't use your voice or say anything.
01:13 Just say it.
01:14 But if you hear the number 1,
01:16 say 2, say 3, and stay still,
01:18 say it.
01:19 Do you understand?
01:21 Because the prize is millions of rupiah.
01:25 Are you ready?
01:26 Okay, let's give them a chance to play the game.
01:29 369 is a prize.
01:31 The prize is millions of rupiah.
01:33 Are you ready? Concentrate!
01:35 Concentrate, everyone.
01:37 369. Count it from now.
01:41 One. / Smart.
01:43 Two. / Smart.
01:45 Four. / Smart.
01:47 Five. / Yes.
01:48 Smart.
01:49 Six.
01:50 Seven.
01:51 Hold it. Don't let anyone know.
01:53 Eight.
01:54 Nine.
01:55 Ten.
01:56 Keep going. Hurry up.
01:58 Twelve. / Smart.
02:00 Don't let anyone know.
02:02 Twelve. / Keep going.
02:04 Smart. Hurry up.
02:06 Don't let anyone know.
02:07 Five.
02:08 Four. / How many?
02:09 Three. / How many?
02:10 Two. / How many?
02:11 One.
02:12 We failed to give them a prize.
02:15 It should be 17.
02:16 That's why you should concentrate.
02:18 You're smart. Keep going.
02:20 Keep going. From 17.
02:22 Okay, ready?
02:23 Concentrate.
02:24 From number 17.
02:27 18. / Smart.
02:28 Yes.
02:29 20.
02:30 21. / Yes.
02:33 22. / Smart.
02:34 Yes.
02:36 24. / Smart.
02:38 25.
02:39 Five.
02:43 Four.
02:44 Three.
02:45 Two.
02:46 One.
02:47 Time's up.
02:48 27.
02:49 That's why you should listen to them.
02:50 And for the younger ones, you should speak louder.
02:52 So, they can hear you.
02:54 Okay. Let's continue.
02:56 Keep going.
02:57 Concentrate. Listen to the people in front of you.
03:01 From number 27.
03:03 28. / Smart.
03:05 30.
03:10 There's number 3. You should speak louder.
03:13 Okay, give them 100.000 rupiah.
03:14 Okay, ready? Concentrate.
03:18 Concentrate. Don't tell anyone.
03:20 From... Don't tell anyone.
03:22 From number 30.
03:24 31.
03:25 Thank you.
03:27 Ready?
03:28 One more time. Concentrate.
03:30 Ready? Concentrate.
03:32 From number 31.
03:34 Smart.
03:35 Smart.
03:37 You should get 40.
03:52 It's okay. I got it. Thank you.
03:54 Good. Concentrate. Smart.
03:56 The younger ones are smart.
03:57 Don't tell anyone.
03:58 Okay, ready?
03:59 Don't tell anyone. / Ready?
04:00 Okay. From number 40.
04:03 41. / Wait.
04:05 42.
04:06 44. / Yes.
04:11 45.
04:12 47.
04:16 48.
04:17 50. / Yes.
04:26 You're wrong.
04:27 51.
04:29 Okay.
04:31 Go ahead.
04:33 You should concentrate.
04:35 Hurry.
04:36 Ready?
04:37 Concentrate.
04:38 From number 51.
04:40 52.
04:41 54.
04:44 55.
04:45 57.
04:48 58.
04:49 You're close.
04:55 You're close.
04:56 You're close.
04:58 Okay, ready?
04:59 Concentrate.
05:01 Ready?
05:02 From number 59.
05:03 60.
05:04 Yes.
05:05 Ready?
05:08 Two left.
05:10 Two left.
05:11 Ready?
05:12 Ready.
05:13 Okay.
05:14 The second winner will get 300.000 rupiah.
05:17 The first winner will get the boxes.
05:20 Ready?
05:21 Ready?
05:22 From number...
05:28 60.
05:30 Yes.
05:34 Okay.
05:38 300.
05:39 The second winner will get 300.000 rupiah.
05:42 Okay.
05:44 The winner is...
05:46 Hania.
05:47 The winner is Hania.
05:51 Hania, please come to the bonus round.
05:55 Choose the boxes.
05:56 Right.
05:57 There's no zonk.
05:58 Choose the boxes.
06:00 Do you want to choose the small, medium, or big boxes?
06:04 Big.
06:05 Choose.
06:06 The big boxes are not decided yet.
06:08 The small boxes are not decided yet.
06:10 But I don't know.
06:11 There's no zonk here.
06:12 So, you have to choose.
06:14 All boxes have prizes?
06:16 Which one do you want to choose?
06:17 The middle one? Are you sure?
06:19 The big boxes are not decided yet.
06:21 Which one do you want to choose?
06:23 The middle one? Are you sure?
06:24 Salaman?
06:25 Salaman.
06:27 Okay.
06:28 So, you choose the medium boxes.
06:33 For you, we'll give you 600.000 rupiah.
06:40 Do you want to get 600.000 rupiah?
06:42 Or do you want to choose the medium boxes?
06:45 The medium boxes.
06:46 I want to choose the medium boxes.
06:48 Are you sure?
06:50 You don't want to get 600.000 rupiah?
06:51 It's not bad for you.
06:52 I want to get 600.000 rupiah.
06:53 You want to buy a Cilor?
06:55 Do you want to buy it?
06:57 Okay.
06:58 Because you're consistent with your choice,
07:01 you choose the medium boxes.
07:02 We'll give you 200.000 rupiah.
07:03 So, you'll get 800.000 rupiah.
07:06 I want to get 800.000 rupiah.
07:08 Do you want to get cash or medium boxes?
07:11 Medium boxes.
07:12 Are you sure?
07:13 We'll let you know.
07:15 All the boxes have their prize.
07:17 So, do you want to get 800.000 rupiah or medium boxes?
07:20 Medium boxes.
07:21 You choose the medium boxes.
07:22 Okay.
07:23 Before you choose the medium boxes,
07:25 we'll open the box that you didn't choose.
07:27 Which one is it?
07:28 The small one.
07:29 To get rid of your curiosity.
07:31 The small box has a prize of 500.000 rupiah.
07:35 It's safe.
07:38 500.000 rupiah.
07:39 So, do you want to get 800.000 rupiah or medium boxes?
07:43 Medium boxes.
07:44 Are you sure?
07:45 Yes.
07:46 You don't want to get cash?
07:47 No.
07:48 I want to get cash.
07:49 Okay.
07:50 This is the last one.
07:52 Add 200.000 rupiah.
07:54 So, you'll get 1 million rupiah.
07:56 1 million rupiah.
07:58 1 million rupiah.
08:01 1 million rupiah.
08:07 If you want to get cash, you'll get it right away.
08:11 If you want to get medium boxes, you don't know what's inside.
08:13 Which one do you want?
08:15 It's up to you.
08:17 Do you want cash or medium boxes?
08:18 Ladies and gentlemen,
08:20 medium boxes or cash?
08:21 Cash.
08:23 Everyone chooses the medium boxes.
08:25 Do you choose the medium boxes or cash?
08:26 Cash.
08:29 We'll count to three.
08:31 Choose it.
08:32 One, two, three.
08:33 Choose.
08:34 Are you sure?
08:35 Salaman first.
08:37 Salaman.
08:39 Hold on.
08:40 Let's add 100.000 rupiah.
08:43 Add 100.000 rupiah.
08:44 So, it's 1.1 million rupiah.
08:47 I want the medium boxes.
08:53 Medium boxes?
08:54 Are you sure?
08:55 Okay.
08:56 Because I said it's the last one,
08:58 it's the last one.
08:59 I gave you 1.1 million rupiah.
09:02 You still choose the medium boxes.
09:03 I gave you 100.000 rupiah.
09:05 You still choose the medium boxes.
09:06 Okay, Salaman.
09:07 Salaman.
09:09 Okay.
09:10 We'll add 1.1 million rupiah.
09:12 I gave you 1 million rupiah.
09:17 You don't want it?
09:18 1.1 million rupiah.
09:19 You don't want it?
09:20 Okay.
09:21 Let's see.
09:22 The box that you didn't choose.
09:23 The box that you didn't choose.
09:24 The box that you didn't choose.
09:26 1 million rupiah.
09:32 1 million rupiah.
09:34 And...
09:35 The box that you chose from the start,
09:38 he gives up the 1.1 million rupiah that I gave you.
09:44 He chooses the box that you chose from the start.
09:46 And let's see the prize that Sania got.
09:49 The prize is...
09:51 How much?
09:53 Ania.
09:54 Ania.
09:55 Ania. I'm sorry.
09:56 Ania.
09:57 Ania.
10:07 You got the prize.
10:09 2 million rupiah.
10:24 Oh, my God. She got 2 million rupiah.
10:26 Praise be to God.
10:30 Okay. You can go wherever you want.
10:32 Amazing.
10:33 You got 2 million rupiah.
10:34 Keep watching.
10:35 Who will be the winner?
10:36 I will be the winner.
10:37 (To be continued...)
10:44 (Preview of the next episode)
10:49 (Preview of the next episode)
10:52 (Preview of the next episode)
11:19 (Sponsor Message)
11:34 Why cereal for breakfast, Mom?
11:36 Cereal is made from wheat.
11:38 So, it's nutritious and gives you energy.
11:40 The number one cereal in Indonesia.
11:42 Made from Australian wheat.
11:44 Nutritious and delicious.
11:46 Delicious.
11:47 Delicious.
11:48 Bang Bang Share Eats One-Half Challenge.
11:51 Put it in your mouth in one bite.
11:53 Say Bang Bang Share Eats.
11:55 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth.
12:01 Bang Bang Share Eats. It's that good.
12:03 To get the best water source,
12:06 LEMINERAL has done hundreds of explorations.
12:08 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
12:13 A new gallon and free of BPA.
12:16 This is the commitment of LEMINERAL.
12:18 Gentle Jen now has a sachet.
12:21 Buy 3 get 1 free.
12:23 Your hands will still be soft.
12:24 Your clothes will be soft, too.
12:25 The fragrance will last long, too.
12:28 No need to use a softener.
12:30 Gentle Jen, the growth-reducing soap.
12:33 We want to win for the nation.
12:35 The sun that makes our skin shine will not stop us.
12:40 With GLUTAL GLOW, 30 times the strength of antioxidants.
12:43 For a brighter skin and a moist feeling in 3 days.
12:46 Restore your brightness with VASELINE BARU.
12:49 We feel Italy, actually.
12:54 The cream is melting, it can be shaken.
12:57 Choose WAFER, WAFER.
12:59 Italy!
13:00 WAFER!
13:01 Buy 10 get 3 free.
13:03 For more.
13:04 TRANS TV is always with you with the sweetest program.
13:09 There's Putri Salju, there's Liliput.
13:11 Wow, wow, wow, I'm sleepy.
13:13 There's Ruben, Ayu, Wendy and Egun.
13:16 After eating, I'm sleepy.
13:17 We're in the toilet, too.
13:18 They're ready to make your day colorful.
13:21 With music and laughter.
13:23 Because it's Sarangbaru, right?
13:25 Brownies, brownies.
13:27 Brownies, available every Monday to Friday at 11.30 PM on TRANS TV.
13:33 Hmm, it's Sunday, Dad.
13:53 Stop working, hi, Dad. Let's have fun.
13:57 Wow, wow, wow, Oreo.
13:59 Wow, wow, wow, Oreo.
14:02 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
14:07 Aldi is sick.
14:08 Yeah, now kids get sick easily.
14:11 Kids don't get sick easily, but now humans are stronger and more dangerous.
14:15 Regular soap is not enough to fight it.
14:19 Huh?
14:20 Take a bath with Lifebuoy new multivitamin.
14:23 100% stronger, effective against dangerous germs.
14:26 Take a bath with multivitamin?
14:27 Just use Lifebuoy.
14:29 Get free consultation with Lifebuoy.
14:31 Hello, Doc.
14:32 Lifebuoy with multivitamin.
14:33 We feel like Italy.
14:38 Waffel!
14:39 Cream can be shaken.
14:42 Choose Waffer, Waffer.
14:44 Italy.
14:45 Waffel.
14:46 Buy 10 extra 3 for more.
14:48 Torrabica Cappuccino, number one in the world.
14:51 Choose coffee beans and milk from New Zealand.
14:54 Chocolate granola, chocolate is gone.
14:56 But the coffee is still there.
14:58 Perfect, back to the mood.
15:00 Torrabica Cappuccino, number one in the world.
15:03 Are you sure deodorant can be fresh all day?
15:06 Compare it with Rexona.
15:08 From morning to night.
15:10 The regular deodorant doesn't last long.
15:13 But Rexona is still clean and fresh all day.
15:16 Okay, I trust you. I'll use Rexona after this.
15:18 I always tie my hair to control my play.
15:21 But I'm worried my hair will be curly.
15:24 New Sunsilk Active Infusion.
15:26 With Argan Oil, Protein and Vitamin E.
15:28 So I can trust myself and let go of my hair tie.
15:30 Hair 5 times softer and fragrant.
15:32 New Sunsilk.
15:33 My skin is pale and dull.
15:36 Relax, there's Glowing Lovely Body Wash.
15:39 With multivitamin and niacinamide.
15:41 Soft foam, brightens.
15:44 Make glowing skin no more insecure.
15:47 By Boa Hello Glowing.
15:49 For dry skin, I give you new softness.
15:52 New Sunsilk.
15:53 First, with 4 times prebiotic moisturizer.
15:56 Moisturizing and soft fragrance.
15:58 Make a bath moment, bonding moment.
16:01 New Sunsilk Hair and Body.
16:03 To get the best sun source.
16:06 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
16:08 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
16:11 Important for the body.
16:13 New gallons and free of BPA.
16:16 This is Lemineral's commitment.
16:19 TransTV always accompanied by a news that opens your eyes.
16:24 The world has a lot of amazing stories.
16:28 The elements of Indonesian culture in a Hollywood movie.
16:31 From the unique to the interesting.
16:33 All will expand the chakra and knowledge of all of us.
16:38 Dunia Punya Cerita.
16:40 Now available every Monday to Friday at 8.30 pm.
16:43 And Saturday and Sunday at 8 pm on TransTV.
16:48 (Next episode)
16:50 Dam, that means I'm with you, right?
16:54 Who do we meet?
16:55 They share.
16:56 Yes, you.
16:58 Buy Oreo Waffle, scan and check the way on Instagram.
17:01 Let's go.
17:02 (Next episode)
17:06 Okay, we're going to play a game.
17:12 The name of the game is...
17:13 Pile of gifts.
17:16 We're going to play with handsome guys.
17:20 There are two teams on my left and right.
17:22 One team is from...
17:23 Two handsome guys.
17:26 Which team do you want?
17:28 This team or that team?
17:30 Because we're divided.
17:32 I want to play with you.
17:35 I'll play with this team.
17:38 Okay.
17:39 The rules are simple.
17:40 For Cheng Li, to be fair.
17:44 For both teams, please switch.
17:46 The winner will choose the color.
17:48 Because the color is the same as the item you're going to pick.
17:52 The highest one will be the winner.
17:54 Okay, please switch.
17:56 The winner is...
17:58 What's your name?
18:00 Ucok.
18:01 Ucok, please choose.
18:02 What color do you want?
18:05 According to your choice.
18:08 If Ucok chooses blue,
18:10 you have to find the blue item...
18:12 and pile it up the highest.
18:14 Do you want to choose the right or left?
18:18 Right.
18:19 Right, okay.
18:20 If Ucok chooses right,
18:21 that means Ucok chooses the blue item.
18:24 And for Cika's team,
18:28 she chooses the red item.
18:30 So, the rules are simple.
18:32 For both teams, please listen carefully.
18:35 So, in five minutes,
18:38 both teams have to find the item according to your choice.
18:42 Ucok and her team...
18:44 have to find the blue item.
18:47 And Cika's team has to find the red item.
18:50 And then,
18:51 if you've picked the item,
18:53 pile it up the highest.
18:54 The item can't fall or be touched.
18:57 You have to pile it up and the highest one will be the winner.
19:00 Do you understand?
19:02 The first winner will get a prize of 1.5 million rupiah.
19:06 The second winner, how much do you want?
19:08 The second winner will get 1 million rupiah.
19:12 Are you ready, both teams?
19:13 Ready.
19:14 So, the third round will start.
19:21 Let's count together.
19:22 One, two, three.
19:24 Find the item according to your choice.
19:27 I'm looking for it.
19:30 There are two colors, red and blue.
19:35 I'm looking for it.
19:37 I'm looking for it.
19:39 I'm looking for it.
19:58 (The red item is found)
20:00 There's a red one.
20:08 Sir, this one is not.
20:16 It's not red.
20:17 Just turn it around.
20:19 Let's pile it up according to your choice.
20:24 (The blue item is found)
20:26 The big one.
20:32 It's red.
20:53 It's not red.
20:54 Let's just take that one.
20:58 Put it there.
20:59 Put it with the chair.
21:02 (The red item is found)
21:05 Let's just take this one.
21:10 (The blue item is found)
21:12 I'm looking for it.
21:16 I'm looking for it.
21:20 I'm looking for it.
21:22 I'm looking for it.
21:24 Where's my team?
21:36 Where's my team?
21:40 (The blue item is found)
21:42 (The red item is found)
21:50 (The blue item is found)
21:52 The blue one is not here.
21:56 Help me.
22:00 Let's just pile it up.
22:05 Let's just pile it up.
22:08 Here.
22:12 Good.
22:15 Don't drop it.
22:19 You'll lose if you drop it.
22:21 It's tilted.
22:23 The chair first.
22:29 The chair.
22:31 Close it.
22:35 You can't do that.
22:41 Just take it slowly.
22:47 It's tilted.
22:49 The right one.
22:52 The chair is on the top.
22:54 The chair is on the top.
22:58 You have one and a half minutes left.
23:04 You have one and a half minutes left.
23:06 Where's the red item?
23:11 (The blue item is found)
23:13 That's enough.
23:20 We've won.
23:22 That's enough.
23:24 We can still do it.
23:27 Don't drop it.
23:38 We have to add more.
23:40 Be careful, Nick.
23:42 How?
23:46 You have one minute left.
23:53 One minute left.
23:55 Each team...
23:57 ...has to pick the item according to the color they've chosen.
24:01 The red team has to keep looking for the item...
24:05 ...and pick the right one.
24:08 Try to pass it.
24:10 That's enough.
24:17 The top one.
24:20 You have 30 seconds left.
24:24 You have 30 seconds left.
24:26 One more time.
24:28 You have 30 seconds left.
24:46 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
24:56 Time's up.
24:58 If we look at it, the red team is the best.
25:07 But...
25:11 There's a pink one.
25:15 It's called red.
25:18 It's all blue.
25:21 This is pink.
25:24 It should be red.
25:27 The first winner to get the prize of 1.5 million rupiah...
25:31 Bilisa Putra.
25:34 It's okay. I got the prize.
25:38 This is pink.
25:40 Okay. Congratulations to the blue team for getting 1.5 million rupiah.
25:46 Don't worry about the loser. We'll give you the prize.
25:53 1 million rupiah.
25:55 1.5.
25:58 Okay.
25:59 1 million rupiah.
26:01 Take care.
26:04 (The winner is...)
26:06 (The winner is...)
26:10 To get the best mineral, Lemineral has done hundreds of explorations.
26:20 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
26:24 New gallons and free of BPA.
26:27 This is Lemineral's commitment.
26:29 My skin still feels dull after taking a shower.
26:32 If you want to glow, you don't need to use a lot of soap.
26:34 Use Citra every time you take a shower.
26:36 With 20 times glowing serum and 10 times moisturizing,
26:39 you look glowing and feel soft.
26:42 Use Citra. Glowing skin and feel soft.
26:45 Let's study and apply the Quran in our daily lives with three brothers and sisters.
26:55 There's Oki Setia Nadewi, the oldest.
26:59 Ria Richis, the most funny.
27:02 And Sinti Putri, the most informative.
27:04 Assalamualaikum.
27:06 Sahabat Cantik airs every Sunday at 9 AM on TransTV.
27:14 (The winner is...)
27:17 To get the best mineral, Lemineral has done hundreds of explorations.
27:35 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
27:39 New gallons and free of BPA.
27:42 This is Lemineral's commitment.
27:44 Attention!
27:46 Buy Better.
27:47 Free of charge. Better again.
27:49 Yay! I got Better again.
27:53 I want to trade.
27:54 Me too.
27:55 Semua di sana.
27:57 Hurry up and buy. Free of charge. Better again.
28:00 The weather makes me sick.
28:02 Be grateful.
28:03 Every day is soft.
28:05 Be grateful.
28:06 Give milk. 7 dates.
28:07 The goodness of sterile milk and dates becomes one.
28:10 Give sterile milk 7 dates.
28:12 Insya Allah, double the benefits.
28:15 The poster is smooth.
28:16 Oh, my nose.
28:18 Ponspir Bright.
28:19 With charcoal that reduces dirt.
28:21 Reduce nose for a glowing and smooth face.
28:24 This song is for my grandma.
28:27 Smooth.
28:28 Ponspir Bright.
28:30 To get the best mineral, Lemineral has done hundreds of explorations.
28:35 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
28:39 A new gallon that is free of BPA.
28:42 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
28:44 Where there is strength, there is kindness.
28:53 Support them with the kindness of milk and biscuits.
28:57 Good strength from the inside.
29:00 Follow the development of the warmest information with CNN Indonesia.
29:05 Accompany your afternoon. We present the current issues that are being discussed in the community.
29:11 The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim,
29:15 made a new regulation related to the condition of completing the college on the S1 and D4 lines.
29:19 Watch CNN Indonesia News Update, Monday to Friday at 4 PM.
29:24 Live on TransTV and CNN Indonesia on Transvision.
29:31 [Commercial Break]
30:00 [Commercial Break]
30:29 [Commercial Break]
30:31 [Commercial Break]
31:00 [Commercial Break]
31:15 [Commercial Break]
31:42 [Commercial Break]
32:01 [Commercial Break]
32:15 [Commercial Break]
32:45 [Commercial Break]
33:00 [Commercial Break]
33:06 Okay, players.
33:07 I'm back again with me, Melissa Putra.
33:08 Who wants to be a champion?
33:10 Usually, I'm with my partner, beautiful girls.
33:14 But this time, I'm not accompanied by beautiful girls.
33:16 Only, only, only, alone.
33:18 So I'm here to meet beautiful girls.
33:21 [Music]
33:27 There's a girl I want to seduce.
33:29 Introduce.
33:30 Wow, a beautiful seller.
33:32 Hi, beautiful girl.
33:34 Buy a pentol, I'll give you all.
33:36 I want to give a beautiful girl.
33:38 So, I'll give you all.
33:40 Oh, yes, my boss.
33:41 What?
33:42 What do you want?
33:44 I want to choose.
33:45 I'll take you anywhere.
33:46 Why is this TV a little hot?
33:47 Oh, it's up here.
33:48 Here.
33:49 There's a smoke.
33:50 Where do you want to go?
33:51 I sell pentol here.
33:52 You sell pentol?
33:53 Yes, what do you want?
33:54 You're not an artist anymore.
33:55 9.
33:56 What 9?
33:57 10 or 11?
33:58 That's 9.
33:59 9.
34:00 Pentol, my boss.
34:01 Pentol, pentol, okay.
34:02 But the pentol is not cooked yet.
34:04 So, the orange first.
34:05 This is the same.
34:07 This is not pentol.
34:08 It's the same.
34:09 No, it's different.
34:11 Des, come here.
34:12 No wonder you're looking for me.
34:14 I'm not here.
34:15 Yes, wait.
34:16 Suddenly, you're a pentol seller.
34:18 How are you?
34:20 I'm looking for 9 so I can get more money.
34:22 After this, I'll pay the vendor.
34:24 Okay.
34:25 If you're looking for a beautiful girl,
34:27 you're with the beautiful woman.
34:28 Desi Ngapa.
34:30 Who is she?
34:31 I'm the winner.
34:32 Today, we'll find...
34:34 ...lucky people to play with.
34:37 Who will be the winner?
34:38 We'll play a game.
34:39 The name of the game is...
34:40 'Tear the Balloon as a Gift'.
34:42 'Tear the Balloon as a Gift'.
34:44 So, the rules are simple.
34:46 Inside the balloon, there will be someone...
34:48 ...we'll ask to tear the balloon.
34:49 And inside the balloon, there will be gifts.
34:52 Inside, there will be questions or challenges.
34:55 So, if someone joins the game,
34:57 if someone joins the game,
35:00 and get a challenge,
35:02 and succeed in doing it,
35:04 they'll get the gift.
35:05 It's risky.
35:06 People are shooting.
35:07 You can't stop the train.
35:09 Okay. Let's go.
35:10 Let's find lucky people...
35:13 in the area...
35:15 Where is it?
35:16 Kalibata.
35:17 Neng.
35:22 What's your name?
35:23 What's your name?
35:24 What's your name?
35:25 Aziza.
35:26 Aziza.
35:27 Who?
35:28 Aziza.
35:29 What are you doing here?
35:30 I'm waiting for...
35:31 Your girlfriend?
35:32 I'm waiting for my girlfriend.
35:33 Do you have a girlfriend?
35:34 You don't have a girlfriend?
35:35 How old are you?
35:36 22.
35:37 I'm 24.
35:38 2 years older.
35:39 Do you think if Bang Bili...
35:41 ...wants to be close to you?
35:42 Bang Bili.
35:43 I think this is not close.
35:44 We're playing 'Tear the Balloon'.
35:46 It's risky.
35:49 Aziza.
35:50 Do you want to...
35:51 ...tear the balloon?
35:52 Tear the balloon?
35:53 Come here, Aziza.
35:54 Do you want yellow or green?
35:55 Come here.
35:56 Come here.
35:57 If it rains, take out your umbrella.
35:59 If it rains, take out your umbrella.
36:01 If it rains, take out your umbrella.
36:03 What color do you want?
36:05 What color?
36:06 Just tear it.
36:07 Okay.
36:08 Red.
36:09 Ouch.
36:10 Okay.
36:14 A challenge or a question?
36:16 Aziza.
36:18 Say I love you five times to Bilisabutra.
36:22 Then, say I love you.
36:25 No.
36:26 No.
36:27 No.
36:28 Why is the writing different?
36:29 It's like this.
36:31 Aziza asked you to tear the balloon.
36:33 No.
36:34 No.
36:35 No.
36:36 No.
36:37 It's not Muhrib.
36:39 Come here, Aziza.
36:40 What is it? Read it.
36:42 So, Aziza has the right to get 500.000 rupiah...
36:46 ...if she can do this challenge successfully.
36:48 What is the challenge?
36:49 Find 20 people...
36:51 sign on one of the cameraman's shirt...
36:54 two minutes.
36:56 Okay.
36:57 So, Aziza, you're represented by the cameraman's friend.
37:01 Choose the cameraman's shirt.
37:03 Sign it on the shirt by 20 people.
37:06 Okay.
37:07 If you can do it, you'll get 500.000 rupiah.
37:09 Okay.
37:10 Drop it.
37:11 Drop it.
37:13 Come here, Aziza.
37:14 I'm asking you.
37:15 Okay.
37:16 Ready?
37:17 Come here.
37:18 I'll carry the bag.
37:19 Come here.
37:20 I'm safe, dear.
37:21 Here's the sticker.
37:23 Come on.
37:24 You have to ask for the sign on the shirt.
37:27 20 people.
37:28 20 people.
37:29 Okay.
37:30 Calibrate it.
37:31 500.000 rupiah.
37:32 One, two, three.
37:33 Come on.
37:34 20 people.
37:35 Sign on the shirt.
37:36 Sign on the shirt.
37:37 Maybe the cameraman will like it.
37:38 What are you doing?
37:39 I haven't done this.
37:41 One person.
37:42 Ask for the sign.
37:43 Aziza.
37:44 The other one.
37:45 Hurry up.
37:46 The other one.
37:47 Sign on the shirt.
37:50 Sign on the shirt.
37:51 Hurry up.
37:52 What are you doing?
37:53 Here.
37:54 Sign on the shirt.
37:55 That's crazy.
37:56 She's so hardworking.
37:57 That's crazy.
37:58 She's so hardworking.
37:59 Again.
38:02 Ask for the sign.
38:03 Ask for the sign.
38:04 How many people?
38:09 How many people?
38:10 That's a lot.
38:11 Okay.
38:15 Come on.
38:16 Ask for the sign again.
38:17 Ask for the sign again.
38:18 Hurry up.
38:20 Hurry up.
38:21 Hurry up.
38:22 Ask for the sign again.
38:23 Four.
38:24 Sign on the shirt.
38:26 With the candidate.
38:27 Aziza's husband.
38:28 Okay.
38:29 Sign on the shirt.
38:31 Here.
38:32 Behind you.
38:33 Here.
38:34 Here.
38:36 Come on.
38:38 Hurry up.
38:39 Hurry up.
38:40 How many people?
38:41 There.
38:45 Thank you.
38:46 Aziza's gojek.
38:48 Wait a minute.
38:49 Wait a minute.
38:50 Sign on the shirt.
38:53 The fried food vendor.
38:54 Sign on the shirt.
38:55 Here.
38:56 Let me help you.
38:57 Let me help you.
38:58 Okay.
38:59 Come on.
39:00 Hurry up.
39:01 Sign on the shirt.
39:02 Hurry up.
39:03 Hurry up.
39:04 That's crazy.
39:05 She's so hardworking.
39:06 She's a victim for Aziza.
39:07 That's how it is.
39:08 Is this the front entrance?
39:09 Bang Gondrong?
39:10 Yes.
39:12 Gondrong.
39:13 Come on.
39:15 Sign on the shirt.
39:16 Hurry up.
39:17 Behind you.
39:18 Here.
39:19 Sign on the shirt.
39:22 Hurry up.
39:23 It's his father.
39:27 Sign on the shirt.
39:30 Don't.
39:32 Gondrong.
39:33 Gondrong.
39:34 I'm sorry.
39:35 Your face looks like a cartoon.
39:37 Gondrong.
39:38 Aziza is smiling at you.
39:39 She's laughing.
39:40 I swear.
39:41 She's looking at you like this.
39:42 I'm not stupid.
39:46 You have to tie the knot.
39:48 Sign on the shirt.
39:50 Outside.
39:55 Aziza, outside.
39:56 It's fun here.
39:57 Here.
39:58 Here, Aziza.
40:00 Hurry up.
40:01 There are many people here.
40:03 Sign on the shirt.
40:04 Sign on the shirt.
40:05 Hurry up.
40:11 Hurry up.
40:12 Here.
40:14 Sir.
40:15 Do you have anyone?
40:16 Just sign on the shirt.
40:18 Yes.
40:21 How many?
40:22 Come on.
40:23 Eight more.
40:24 Hurry up.
40:25 Hurry up.
40:26 Sign on the shirt.
40:30 As many as you can, Aziza.
40:31 If you can, 20.
40:32 If we know the time,
40:40 there are one and a half minutes left.
40:42 And the hand signs are already collected.
40:44 How many?
40:45 15.
40:46 That means, five more hand signs...
40:48 that have to be collected by Aziza.
40:50 Sign on the shirt.
40:53 Come on. Sign on the shirt.
40:57 Hurry up.
40:58 How many?
41:01 18.
41:02 Two more people.
41:04 This is the owner.
41:11 I'm tired.
41:12 Sign on the shirt.
41:13 There are 30 seconds left.
41:18 One more.
41:19 30 seconds left.
41:20 One more, and you'll succeed.
41:21 30.
41:22 20 seconds left.
41:23 Okay.
41:24 That means, Aziza succeeded.
41:27 Thank you.
41:29 Let's count.
41:30 Let's count.
41:31 Let's count.
41:32 One, two, three, four, five,
41:37 six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
41:42 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,
41:48 eighteen,
41:51 and this one.
41:52 Where's the other one?
41:53 Nineteen.
41:54 Twenty.
41:56 Okay.
41:57 That means, Aziza succeeded...
41:59 in getting...
42:01 500.000 rupiah.
42:06 And she succeeded...
42:09 in getting Gondrong's love.
42:12 Bro, say thank you to Gondrong.
42:16 Come here.
42:17 Try it.
42:18 Try it.
42:20 Come here.
42:21 Come here.
42:22 Try it.
42:23 Come here, Gondrong.
42:24 Thank you, Gondrong.
42:25 No, she wants to talk to you first.
42:31 What do you want to talk about?
42:33 The same thing.
42:34 The same thing.
42:35 My name is Satrio.
42:41 Satrio.
42:42 Satrio, you're lying.
42:47 It's not Satrio.
42:48 It's Gondrong.
42:49 Okay, for Gondrong, you got 200.000 rupiah.
42:53 Thank you.
42:56 Thank you, Aziza.
42:58 I hope it's useful.
42:59 Thank you, Gondrong.
43:02 Assalamualaikum, sir.
43:04 This is our sir.
43:06 What's your name, sir?
43:07 Come here, sir.
43:10 Just put it here.
43:12 Okay.
43:13 What's your name, sir?
43:17 Come here, sir.
43:18 What's your name, sir?
43:19 Come here, sir.
43:20 His name is Mr. Edi Susanto.
43:22 And he's called Mr. Gunawan.
43:24 You're right.
43:25 It's different.
43:26 How can you call him Mr. Gunawan?
43:28 If it's Edi Susanto, it's not called...
43:30 Edi or Susanto.
43:32 It's Siti.
43:33 You're getting further.
43:34 So, Mr. Edi.
43:35 I'm from Siapa Mau Juara.
43:37 We want to give you a present.
43:38 Do you want a present?
43:39 Yes.
43:40 It's simple. Just break the balloon.
43:42 You'll get a question or a challenge.
43:44 And you'll get a present.
43:45 Do you want a color?
43:46 Yes.
43:47 Okay.
43:49 Before we open it, I want to ask you something.
43:51 How long have you been a soldier in our country?
43:55 It's been 32 years.
43:57 It's been 32 years.
43:59 It's older than you.
44:00 Back then, my dream was to be a soldier.
44:03 Now, I'm a...
44:05 Presenter.
44:07 Why don't you become a soldier?
44:09 Why don't you become a soldier?
44:10 Because I'm stupid.
44:11 It's okay. Soldiers are smart.
44:13 Okay.
44:14 Please, sir.
44:15 Here.
44:16 Get ready.
44:17 The question or the challenge is...
44:20 Name five foods made from cassava.
44:24 Okay. The first one.
44:27 Name five foods made from cassava.
44:31 There. Five.
44:32 Ketuk.
44:33 Okay. Ketuk. Correct.
44:34 Tapai.
44:35 Correct.
44:36 Misro.
44:37 Correct.
44:38 Misro combro.
44:39 Fried cassava.
44:40 Correct.
44:41 Congratulations. You've got 200.000 rupiah.
44:44 200.000 rupiah for you, Eji.
44:46 Congratulations.
44:48 Thank you, sir.
44:51 (The next day)
44:54 (The next day)
44:57 (The next day)
45:02 I'm with you, right?
45:07 Who are we meeting?
45:09 They're Sher.
45:10 Yes. You.
45:12 Buy Oreo Waffle, scan, and check the method on Instagram.
45:15 Let's go.
45:17 (The next day)
45:22 Taste the softness of chocolate mixed with the goodness of milk.
45:28 Catbury Dairy Milk.
45:30 Taste the softness of goodness.
45:32 TransTV. Always accompanied by the latest infotainment.
45:37 We've compiled all the news in the following broadcast.
45:40 Here's the most anticipated celebrity news update.
45:44 (The latest news)
45:47 Brought to you in a different style.
45:49 Make everyone go crazy.
45:51 (The latest news)
45:54 Insertion.
45:55 Coming up in the following hours.
45:57 Only on TransTV.
45:58 (The latest news)
46:02 (The latest news)
46:06 (The latest news)
46:11 (The latest news)
46:13 (The latest news)
46:17 (The latest news)
46:18 Every 10 years, he hunts down the prey.
46:23 To fill his power.
46:27 (The latest news)
46:28 You think this is the solution to all problems?
46:30 What if something happens?
46:32 (The latest news)
46:33 An agreement with the hot-blooded genie.
46:37 Who will make him live forever.
46:40 As a...
46:42 Gunggul.
46:44 (The latest news)
46:46 To get the best water source,
46:49 Lemineral has done hundreds of explorations.
46:52 Each drop contains a balanced essential mineral
46:55 that is important for the body.
46:56 A new gallon, free of BPA.
46:59 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
47:01 (The latest news)
47:03 48 hours to fight the smell and the smell of old-fashioned.
47:07 Hey, hang out you.
47:24 Only Axe that smells good in any situation.
47:27 48 hours to fight the smell and the smell of old-fashioned.
47:30 The new Axe Effect.
47:32 To get the best water source,
47:34 Lemineral has done hundreds of explorations.
47:37 Each drop contains a balanced essential mineral
47:40 that is important for the body.
47:41 A new gallon, free of BPA.
47:44 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
47:46 (The latest news)
47:47 I want to show you again, for those who like to eat,
47:49 who are gluttonous, who eat a lot of endos,
47:51 who eat a lot of endos, who eat a lot of endos,
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51:07 who eat a lot of endos,
51:08 who eat a lot of endos,
51:09 who eat a lot of endos,
51:10 who eat a lot of endos,
51:11 who eat a lot of endos,
51:12 don't worry,
51:13 all your curiosity will be answered by John Martin.
51:16 Do you have a lift?
51:18 Yes, I do.
51:19 Because this is on TV,
51:20 I promise,
51:21 I'll call you later.
51:22 Interesting and informative,
51:23 make everything become inspirational.
51:25 Asal Ucil,
51:27 on Insert Siang,
51:28 every Monday to Friday at 11 PM,
51:30 on Trans TV.
51:31 Oh, God, I'm hungry.
51:35 Aha, I want to eat abon.
51:37 Extra abon,
51:40 Extra abon,
51:41 Extra energy.
51:42 Magical House,
51:43 feel a lot,
51:44 get ready to have fun again.
51:45 Now, fill up more.
51:47 Mom,
52:01 where are you going, Mom?
52:03 What's your name, Mom?
52:05 What's your name, Mom?
52:07 Ibu Ida.
52:08 Ibu Ida,
52:09 like my mom's name, Ibu Ida.
52:10 Really?
52:11 Padang people?
52:12 Yes.
52:13 Padang people,
52:14 wow,
52:15 my mom is also from Padang.
52:16 So, we're here,
52:17 to invite Ibu Ida to ask for fried food.
52:19 No,
52:20 we want to give her a gift.
52:22 Where are you from, Ibu Ida?
52:24 We want to buy a gift.
52:26 Where do you live?
52:27 In Jalibata Apartment.
52:29 With your husband?
52:30 With my son.
52:31 With your son.
52:32 With family.
52:33 How to get a gift from us?
52:35 Just break the balloon.
52:36 Break the balloon,
52:37 what color do you want?
52:38 Just break the balloon.
52:39 Break it.
52:40 Come on.
52:41 There.
52:42 Red.
52:43 Ibu.
52:44 Ibu.
52:45 Before, do you know us?
52:46 We're famous artists.
52:48 Do you know me?
52:49 I know you.
52:50 What's your name?
52:51 My son is Olga.
52:52 Olga's son, right.
52:53 What's your name?
52:54 Billy.
52:55 Billy, right.
52:56 You're famous, Ibu.
52:57 Ibu.
52:58 Ibu, you have a chance to get 300 thousand rupiah,
53:03 if you complete this challenge,
53:05 in 2 minutes,
53:06 find as many people as you can,
53:08 that you want to feed,
53:10 20 meatballs.
53:12 One person, one meatball.
53:14 So, Ibu,
53:15 just prepare a lot.
53:17 Okay, Ibu.
53:18 This is for you.
53:19 Yes, a lot.
53:20 Just feed them.
53:21 Okay, the judge.
53:22 Ibu Ida,
53:23 we'll give you a challenge to feed people,
53:25 with food,
53:26 20 meatballs.
53:28 So, one person, one.
53:29 So, 20 people.
53:30 Okay.
53:31 In 2 minutes, if you succeed,
53:32 we'll give you 300 thousand rupiah.
53:34 We'll count together.
53:36 On the count of 3, we'll start.
53:37 1, 2, 3.
53:38 Go.
53:39 Go, Ibu. 2 minutes.
53:40 20 people, okay?
53:41 There, Ibu.
53:42 Ibu, this is for you.
53:43 One.
53:44 One.
53:45 Good. One person.
53:46 One.
53:47 The other one.
53:48 Come on. Good.
53:49 Help Ibu.
53:50 Come on, Ibu.
53:51 Ibu.
53:52 Help Ibu.
53:53 Okay, two.
53:54 Hurry.
53:55 Only 2 minutes.
53:56 Go there, Ibu.
53:57 Hurry.
53:58 Come out, Ibu.
53:59 Come out, Ibu.
54:00 Come out, Ibu.
54:01 Three. Three meatballs.
54:02 Three meatballs.
54:03 I need help.
54:04 Help me.
54:05 Help me, Ibu.
54:06 Help me.
54:07 Help me.
54:08 Help me.
54:09 Come on.
54:10 Help me.
54:11 Three.
54:12 Okay.
54:13 This is a soldier.
54:14 Soldier.
54:15 Soldier.
54:16 Soldier, Ibu.
54:17 Help me.
54:18 Help me.
54:19 Thank you, sir.
54:20 Five.
54:21 Five.
54:22 Come on.
54:23 Help me.
54:24 Help me, Ibu.
54:25 Six.
54:26 Who else?
54:27 Help me.
54:28 Okay.
54:29 Help me.
54:30 Help me.
54:31 Help me.
54:32 Seven.
54:33 Seven.
54:34 Come on, sir.
54:35 Come on.
54:36 Ibu, come here.
54:37 This is a lot.
54:38 This is...
54:39 Eight.
54:40 Eight.
54:41 Swap this.
54:42 One.
54:43 Nine.
54:44 Nine.
54:45 Nine.
54:46 Ten.
54:47 Ten more people.
54:48 Ten more people.
54:49 Come on.
54:50 Come on, Ibu.
54:51 Four.
54:52 Sir, do you want to swap these meatballs?
54:53 Open it.
54:54 Open the window.
54:55 Open the window.
54:56 Come here, Ibu.
54:57 Swap these meatballs, Ibu.
54:58 Open the window.
54:59 Open the window.
55:00 Open the window.
55:01 Swap these meatballs, Ibu.
55:02 Swap these meatballs.
55:03 Come here.
55:04 Eat this.
55:05 Swap these.
55:06 Open the window, Ibu.
55:07 Thank you, sir.
55:08 How much is it?
55:09 Eleven.
55:10 Eleven.
55:11 Thank you, sir.
55:12 Thank you, sir.
55:13 This.
55:14 This.
55:15 Ibu.
55:16 Swap this.
55:17 Swap this.
55:18 This.
55:19 How much?
55:20 Twelve.
55:21 Twelve.
55:22 One minute left, Ibu.
55:23 One minute left.
55:24 Hurry up.
55:25 Hurry up.
55:26 Hurry up.
55:27 Here.
55:28 Here.
55:29 Here.
55:30 (speaking in foreign language)
55:33 (speaking in foreign language)
55:37 (speaking in foreign language)
55:41 (speaking in foreign language)
55:45 (speaking in foreign language)
55:49 (speaking in foreign language)
55:53 (speaking in foreign language)
55:57 (speaking in foreign language)
56:01 (speaking in foreign language)
56:05 (speaking in foreign language)
56:09 (upbeat music)
56:11 (speaking in foreign language)
56:15 (speaking in foreign language)
56:19 (speaking in foreign language)
56:23 (speaking in foreign language)
56:27 (speaking in foreign language)
56:31 (speaking in foreign language)
56:35 (speaking in foreign language)
56:39 (speaking in foreign language)
56:43 (speaking in foreign language)
56:47 (speaking in foreign language)
57:02 (speaking in foreign language)
57:06 (speaking in foreign language)
57:09 (speaking in foreign language)
57:13 (speaking in foreign language)
57:17 (speaking in foreign language)
57:22 (speaking in foreign language)
57:27 (speaking in foreign language)
57:32 (speaking in foreign language)
57:36 (speaking in foreign language)
57:40 (speaking in foreign language)
58:09 (chimes)
58:12 (upbeat music)
58:22 ♪ I keep out of sunlight ♪
58:35 ♪ I never get anywhere ♪
58:37 ♪ It's hard to find me ♪
58:40 (speaking in foreign language)
58:44 (speaking in foreign language)
58:48, (speaking in foreign language)
58:53 (speaking in foreign language)
58:57 (upbeat music)
59:22 (speaking in foreign language)
59:26 (chimes)
59:47 (speaking in foreign language)