The Fastest Wins In Magnus Carlsen's Career
Short filmTranscript
00:00 Magnus Carlsen, the number one ranked player in the world, is so good at chess that he
00:04 wins almost all his games with complete dominance.
00:08 And while sometimes it can take hours to defeat his opponents, here are some of Magnus' fastest
00:13 wins where he destroyed his opponents within moments.
00:16 Starting with this game against Sergey Karyakin, an extremely strong super grandmaster who
00:21 has beaten nearly everyone.
00:23 But this didn't scare Magnus, and with both players having three minutes on the clock,
00:28 Magnus quickly started the game playing his pawn to e4, which Sergey responded to with
00:33 e5.
00:34 And after the first few developing moves, the position quickly turns into the Roy Lopez
00:38 opening, which Magnus is more than familiar with.
00:40 After trading the knight and bishop, Magnus instantly develops his knight, knowing exactly
00:44 what to do.
00:45 Sergey then castles, making Magnus consider options for a few seconds before castling
00:49 his own king.
00:51 After a few more moves being played, Magnus attacks Sergey's knight, which Sergey attacks
00:55 and Magnus moves back, making Sergey think for a very long time before playing his pawn
00:59 to g5.
01:00 A big mistake.
01:02 Magnus plays his pawn to g4, attacking Sergey's bishop, and while the best move for Sergey
01:07 here is to take Magnus' bishop, he retreats.
01:10 Another mistake.
01:12 This is the beginning of the end for Sergey.
01:14 And after moving his bishop back, Magnus starts launching a huge attack, quickly bringing
01:19 his pieces closer and closer to Sergey's wide open king.
01:23 After Sergey moves his knight to e6, Magnus takes the open file, planning to use it to
01:28 attack Sergey's king.
01:30 Sergey knows he's in trouble.
01:32 Now spending more time thinking, and after trading two knights and bishops, the two exchange
01:36 a few more moves before Magnus trades rooks, bringing his queen in the game, which after
01:41 Sergey attacks, Magnus plays queen g6 check, winning a pawn and then winning a rook exchange.
01:48 And after a few more shuffling pieces, Magnus delivers the final blow, moving his pawn to
01:52 f6, which threatens checkmate after queen g7, completely destroying Sergey's chances
01:58 at beating Magnus.
01:59 But after the entire game, Magnus still had nearly two minutes left on his clock, spending
02:03 only around a minute to defeat the super grandmaster.
02:06 But this is nothing compared to Magnus' match with FIDE master Espen Agdestin.
02:11 Magnus starts with moving his pawn to g3, which Agdestin responds to with d5, the king's
02:17 fianchetto opening.
02:18 After both players develop their starting pieces, Magnus strikes the center, moving
02:22 his pawn to e4.
02:24 A few more pieces are developed before both players castle, and a set of pawns are traded
02:28 off.
02:29 Magnus here plays c4, aggressively pressuring his opponent to take the pawn.
02:34 Agdestin starts tapping the table impatiently with a piece.
02:37 A few moves after, and Magnus brings his knights into the game, having them both lining up
02:42 to Agdestin's king, about to prepare a deadly attack.
02:46 After playing his pawn to h6, and Magnus bringing his queen in, Agdestin makes a grave error,
02:53 taking Magnus' knight, allowing Magnus to bring his rook into the game.
02:58 Magnus then lines up his rook to Agdestin's king, looking for checkmating possibilities.
03:05 Agdestin then moves his king to h8, allowing Magnus to grab a free pawn before trading
03:09 the knight and bishop, bringing his queen closer to Agdestin's king.
03:13 Magnus is now just looking for the killer move, which he finds after moving his rook
03:19 to g6, which after Agdestin thinks about, defends by moving his knight to f6, which
03:25 does nothing.
03:27 Magnus takes Agdestin's pawn with his bishop, before forcing a trade in pieces, allowing
03:32 Magnus to deliver a forced checkmate.
03:36 Magnus Carlsen only used 18 seconds to destroy this chess master.
03:42 But in Magnus Carlsen's next game, he was about to defeat Bill Gates, the richest man
03:47 alive while only using 12 seconds on the clock.
03:50 Bill Gates, having the white pieces, confidently started with e4.
03:54 Magnus responds by moving his knight to c6 before Bill moves his knight to f3.
03:59 Magnus plays d5, quickly pressuring Gates to either take his pawn or be taken, which
04:05 Gates responds to with a third option, defending the pawn with his bishop.
04:09 Magnus starts with knight f6, adding more pressure on Gates' pawn, before the d and
04:14 e pawns are finally traded off, bringing Magnus' queen into the equation.
04:18 Magnus' pieces were starting to come active, while Gates' pieces seemed pretty passive.
04:23 Gates then attacks Magnus' queen, which Magnus almost immediately moves out of the
04:26 way.
04:27 This move seems to confuse Bill Gates.
04:30 Looking at the chessboard, not being able to see which move to play, it's in this
04:33 position Bill Gates decides to castle.
04:36 The worst possible move in the position, with Magnus' pieces already surrounding his
04:41 king, Magnus plays bishop g3, putting a double pin on Gates' queen, while also threatening
04:46 some nasty attacks.
04:49 Magnus instantly brings his knight in, he takes Magnus' seemingly free bishop, which
04:53 Magnus expects, and while everything seems safe to Gates, the position is completely
04:58 lost.
04:59 And with Gates taking Magnus' knight, like a complete beginner, Magnus Carlsen delivers
05:03 the final move, queen h2 checkmate.
05:11 He managed to defeat the richest man in the world in only 9 moves, using less than 12
05:17 seconds.
05:18 But Magnus' next feat is much more impressive, as when facing a famous explorer named Lars
05:23 Monsen, who is also a very strong chess player, Magnus would only have a few seconds on his
05:28 clock to checkmate his next famous opponent.
05:31 Magnus starts the game by moving his pawn to e4, which his opponent responds to with
05:35 c5, the Sicilian defense, and after their starting pieces are developed, Magnus starts
05:40 the first move of his attack, moving his knight to a square looking to fork Monsen's pieces,
05:45 forcing a trade, bringing his queen into the game.
05:48 Already Monsen is in a bout of trouble, attacking Magnus' queen, which Magnus retreats, before
05:52 both players develop a few more pieces, and Monsen castles.
05:57 After Monsen moves, Magnus starts pushing pawns towards Monsen's king, creating a big
06:01 attack.
06:02 Monsen spends a lot of his time thinking before retreating his knight, allowing Magnus to
06:06 bring his knight in and push his pawn before trading off knights, taking Monsen's pawn.
06:11 If Monsen takes this pawn, he's in big trouble, as Magnus' rook would come in, causing problems
06:17 for his king.
06:19 Monsen pushes his pawn forward, but Magnus brings his rook into the game, before taking
06:23 another pawn, then bringing his queen closer towards Monsen's king.
06:28 And after a couple more moves, Monsen plays his queen to f7, allowing Magnus to capture
06:33 it for free.
06:34 A queen blunder.
06:36 It is at this moment Monsen drops the clock, wasting a few seconds of Magnus' clock time,
06:41 before Magnus surrounds Monsen's king and promotes his pawn to a queen, checkmating
06:46 Monsen as soon as he runs out of time on the clock.
06:50 The players shake hands, with Monsen knowing Magnus had completely outplayed him in a matter
06:55 of seconds.