Französischer Botschafter aus Niger ausgereist

  • last year
Der französische Botschafter Sylvain Itté hat den Niger verlassen, nachdem die neuen Machthaber im Land dies nach einem Militärputsch gefordert hatten.
Zwei Monate nach dem Militärputsch im Niger ist der französische Botschafter wie von den neuen Machthabern gefordert aus dem westafrikanischen Land ausgereist.
00:00 French Ambassador Sylvain Itte left the Niger after the new rulers in the country had called for a military coup.
00:08 Two months after the military coup in the Niger, the French ambassador, as requested by the new rulers, left the West African country.
00:18 Sylvain Itte arrived in Paris on Wednesday.
00:21 The news agency Deutsche Presse Agentur from diplomatic circles learned about this.
00:28 The Nigerian military shared that Itte had left the country early in the morning with a special flight.
00:34 At the end of July, the President's Guard deposed the State Chief Mohammed Batz.
00:40 The ruler is now General Abdourahmane Tiani, who put the constitutional order out of power.
00:47 The former colonial power of France does not recognize the new government, as do other Western and African states.
00:57 The Putschists had deposed Itte at the end of August.
01:00 France had ignored and emphasized its ultimatum.
01:04 They were not authorized to demand the withdrawal of the ambassador, as its accreditation was coming from the elected Nigerian representatives.
01:12 On Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the return of the ambassador to France, as well as the withdrawal of about 1,500 French soldiers and soldiers from the Niger.
01:26 Macron had already complained that Itte and other diplomats would be kept in the Niger like hostages.
01:33 Food deliveries would be prevented.
