McFarlane Toys Batman '66 Series Superman Figure

  • last year


00:00 Hey, look, it's Supes from the 60s. Here's your look at McFarlane toys Batman 66 Superman
00:06 Sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton as a baby
00:24 Kal-El was found by farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent and raised their son Clark as Clark grew up the radiation from the Earth's yellow sun
00:31 Gave him extraordinary powers, which he kept hidden now, though fully grown
00:35 He uses his powers to protect his adopted world as Superman
00:38 From meteoring away from the planet Krypton to meeting the Cape Crusader
00:43 Before we get a closer look at the new Batman 66 Superman
00:47 Let me go ahead and thank the folks first over McFarlane toys that did provide this sample
00:51 We could have a look at based on many of the online sites. It seems to be that these are getting released in October of
00:56 2023 so they should be dropping soon
00:59 I'm gonna go drop the tape measure into this review so we can actually see how tall the man of steel stands in this case
01:05 Though he's about the same size give or take as the rest of the classic series Batman figures
01:09 That the figure is about six inches in height or it's gonna be about 15 centimeters tall. I
01:15 Did bring up a bat. So why don't we bring out bats?
01:17 Here's what the figure looks like with the Adam West Batman that we have looked at them before height wise at least from their bodies
01:23 They're built about the same
01:24 It looks to be the case though that Superman has just a slightly longer head
01:28 Giving him just a little bit more height over Adam West other figures. We can also do as well for comparison sake
01:33 Let's bring in the boy Wonder Robin. Let's bring in also a figure that also appears in 66 series run
01:39 This is also what he looks like with Batgirl and another figure from the 66 figure line
01:43 Here's also what the figure looks like with Two-Face
01:45 Now unlike Batgirl and Two-Face that both would have appeared in the pages of the 66 Batman comic run
01:53 I don't think Superman has yet appeared in the comics
01:56 This might be just McFarlane's team designing a character as he would have appeared
02:00 Necessarily in the 66 comics as he certainly would have never appeared in the original series
02:04 The figure though comes in clue with a couple of accessories both of which can be harmful to Supes health
02:09 He comes with a a larger shard
02:11 I guess this would be kind of more of a shard and then this would be kind of more of a formation
02:15 Of Kryptonite crystals. Now with this you can actually have this one at least be flat
02:20 So not that it probably be best advised to have this so close to Supes body
02:24 You can have that right next to Superman and this one
02:27 I don't know really what I'm gonna do with necessarily as Superman doesn't come in clue with any gripping hands
02:31 He has a fist hand on one side and then he has a flying hand on the other
02:36 I mean not that he would really want to be carrying around Kryptonite anyways
02:39 But he really wouldn't have the means if he really wanted to
02:42 We're gonna move those accessories out of the way on a monopia Bob bubbles, by the way will not come in clue with Superman
02:47 Could you imagine though the on a monopia bubbles that would come in clue with Superman?
02:51 I mean considering that both Burt Ward Robin and Adam West Batman would have come in clue with it like POWs and Kapowies
02:57 What would Superman would have come included with?
02:59 That's a question
03:01 I don't know if I had the answers for
03:03 One thing I did want to though talk about when it comes to the figure is the fact that he does have like Batman before
03:07 a cloth cape
03:09 The cloth cape as you can see is attached the same way that basically Batman's would have been so let's just bring in Batman here
03:15 So you can see that not necessarily the same Z's between the two but more the fact that they're attached to the neck about the same
03:21 Way, unfortunately though by not having a cowl piece like Batman would have had which is obviously this figure right here
03:27 Superman unfortunately has to now rely on a little collar piece that wraps around the top of this kind of gives him a strange look
03:33 To it because it looks like obviously there's the sculpting right there
03:36 They almost wanted to kind of finish the look of the cape, but I feel in a way
03:39 It kind of gives him this strange looking collar gives him almost more like an alien look to it
03:44 Which is kind of fun for me to say that
03:45 But I don't know if I necessarily like the little ring of plastic that they put to the top of it
03:49 It's molded well, but I don't feel it really belongs necessarily with the rest of the cape
03:53 I feel like in a case like this
03:55 If only they could have found a way to attach the cape underneath say his neck and then just have the cape kind of be attached
04:01 Out from there. I mean it sits really boxy obviously on the back of the figures body
04:05 But again by adding this little ring of plastic. I feel like it's a little more of a detractor unfortunately as Superman's cape
04:11 Speaking of his cape though
04:13 Unfortunately though the way he was packaged inside. I he had a little bit of tape at the bottom of the cape
04:17 I just realized I rhyme there a little bit of tape though on the bottom
04:21 And I tried my best carefully remove the tape it looks like it's done a little bit of damage the Superman's cape
04:26 It's a bit of a bummer
04:28 Material wise though just to look at the two it seems to be a very similar type of material obviously Superman has red
04:33 Batman has blue as for the head sculpt. I'm not sure necessarily what they based the head sculpt from
04:39 I'm sure there may have been rumors at one point that Superman could have appeared and maybe the 60s Batman series
04:44 But I think right now
04:45 I mean we can only kind of really
04:47 Speculate as to where this design could have come from I mean in a way
04:50 I kind of would have hoped that they could have designed the figure a little bit around the portrait of
04:54 George Reeves the actor of course that was made for famous for playing Superman
04:59 Actually, I think even predating the 60s series by just a little bit
05:03 But I think if they had just only found a way to make this look a little bit more like George Reeves for example
05:07 Instead we kind of get just kind of a basic looking Superman
05:11 again
05:12 not knowing necessarily if this is supposed to be tied to an actor that at one point was rumored to be maybe even cameoing as
05:18 Superman in the series again. It's not a bad-looking head sculpt, but it doesn't look necessarily
05:23 I feel like Superman
05:24 I'm not really sure what I would expect a Superman figure head sculpt to look like I think my biggest thing is the fact
05:29 I'm looking at the time frame in which this figure would have in theory existed
05:33 And I keep thinking I want to see George Reeves the head sculpt wise
05:36 I mean for head wise for what it is at least it's painted really well
05:41 the coloring around the cheeks as you can see is a slightly darker shade than the otherwise coloring of the
05:46 Plastic that he has for the rest of his face the eyebrows the eyes and the hair have all been painted really well on the figures
05:51 Head it's not necessarily a bad head sculpt
05:54 It's just not one I really necessarily identify with as for the rest of the figures body of course
05:58 It's classic looking Superman. He sort of does have about the same build as Adam West
06:02 So it doesn't look like necessarily Superman's working out any bit more
06:06 I will say though like looking at his abdomen area
06:08 Does look like he's got a little bit more ab muscles than maybe Adam West Adam West was never really known for a cape crusader
06:14 That had really muscular bodies, but obviously though when it comes to Superman
06:18 You can see he's got a little bit more of an abdomen muscle right there really large cape
06:21 I like the way that's been printed on the front of the figures body
06:23 Of course really primary colors being used for Superman all around so you got the more brighter blues being handled for the majority of the
06:30 Costume some red for his trunks and red for the symbol of course there on the front
06:33 He's got the yellow utility belt
06:35 It's not even really a utility belt just a yellow belt and then of course he's got the red Superman boots down below here
06:40 Unfortunately one thing that gets omitted on the fact is on the back
06:43 It's the fact that figure doesn't have the little Superman logo on the back of his cape
06:46 But that's okay flip it around so you can see like what's happening behind the scenes the paints actually really handled
06:51 Well here don't really have any necessarily issues with the figure except for really the way
06:55 They have attached the cape like again if they had only I'm just gonna kind of bring this back
06:59 Just only by a little bit if they had maybe only just had the neck for example be something that would have attached over top
07:05 Of the cape I might even see if I can maybe bring this back
07:08 Just a little bit and have the figure kind of displayed with that
07:11 Elms feel like the cape looks a little too boxy kind of along around the shoulder area
07:15 I mean it was also the case obviously when we looked at the Adam West Batman
07:19 But it feels even more obvious by maybe the fact they add a little ring there at the top of the collar
07:23 for Superman's
07:25 Articulation starting first the course with his head sculpt it rotates all the way around
07:29 The head does look up only by just a little bit though
07:32 And it also looks down also about the same you can also rock it back and forth that mileage may then vary
07:37 You can also as well take the arms rotate them all the way around just be careful
07:40 That you don't snag the cape you never want to pull on Superman's cape you bring the arms out as well
07:45 They sit easily at 90 degrees can also bend the elbow as well. That's also the same also in the side as well
07:50 You can rotate yes the forearm you can rotate sure the hands rotate all the way around
07:54 Waist swivels on soups and of course when it comes to these figures
07:58 They're gonna be very limited when it comes to leg articulation
08:01 So you're only really gonna be able to get the means to swivel these legs forward and back
08:04 They though abruptly stop when he met's meets date when they meet the Kryptonian behind behind behind behind
08:10 What's rather interesting though about the behind of Superman is that the coloring on it seems a little bit different than the colors that they?
08:17 Would have used for the sides
08:18 I don't know if this has actually been molded here in red plastic and this has simply been painted in red
08:22 But the colors of the red aren't
08:24 100% but they're pretty close though the figure also does have of course knee articulation
08:29 The knees do allow the lower legs to rotate back and forth and that's basically all you're getting with these more limited
08:35 Articulation retro figures as a side note though Superman does have like the other figures before pickles in the undersides of his feet
08:41 You know again
08:42 It's one of those interesting
08:43 What if stories like what if Superman had teamed actually up with Batman in the 60s series?
08:48 Never really happened, and I don't believe it also happened either in the 60s comic run yet
08:52 At one point we obviously did get the cameo from the Green Hornet now that would be an interesting figure to see McFarlane's team released
08:59 Under the 60s Batman series because of course it appeared also in the series and not in the comics
09:04 I think it actually may have even appeared in the comics as well
09:06 I would definitely love to get a Green Hornet and a Kato but going about though back to Superman
09:11 I think he's overall a nice-looking figure. He scales well obviously with the all the other Batman figures
09:16 We've already had a look at let's not knock him over in the process and though again like while I don't think
09:20 100% I'm not 100% sure if he actually did appear in the comics we can at least bring in
09:24 Let's at least bring in the other figures that we've also looked at from the 66 comic run
09:29 The only other thing I would certainly say about some of these figures at least you probably have already seen
09:33 It by him falling over twice is that sometimes the figures don't stand all that well
09:38 But at least if though he didn't come in clue with display stand which is one disappointing thing about this line is that they don't come
09:44 In clue with display stands you can most definitely use one from another another figure like DC multiverse figures
09:50 I'll use the same size diameter peg as the Batman figure feet that we're looking at in this review here
09:55 Now actor George Reeves did unfortunately die in
09:59 1959 so it would have been impossible anyways for him to have appeared as Superman in the 66 Batman series
10:05 But one could certainly have dreamed what that team-up would have looked like having both George Reeves and Adam West in their costumes on-screen
10:11 battling bad guys
10:13 I don't know if it would necessarily still be a match of them just powing and
10:16 Kapowing all the bad guys on the screen as Superman could basically just obliterate the entire room
10:21 He'd have to cross crash through a brick wall
10:23 That's what Superman always did in the original series
10:26 But going to go back to this figure still though one disappointment about them is not necessarily the build of the body
10:33 I like the head sculpt that they used but without actually getting a likeness down for George Reeves
10:37 It sort of reads to me like sort of more just a generic
10:40 60s actor that they just happen to have wearing a Superman costume
10:45 But all the other figures of course that we've looked at from the 60s series so far
10:49 With them already having actors and actresses portrayed that role
10:52 It's easy then to look at those figures and say this looks better like Julie Newmar or this looks a lot like Vincent Price
10:58 But without really knowing who the actor is that they're trying to base the Man of Steel figure around
11:03 For me at least it sort of just reads as a generic actor sort of wearing the Superman's outfit
11:09 I don't know if I have as much attachment had they only had say the chance to do a likeness of George Reeves
11:15 Maybe had something to do with the fact that you just couldn't get the likeness from the estate of George Reeves
11:20 But imagine if you will if we got ourselves a smaller version of George Reeves Superman in the same outfit in the same build of
11:26 Body either in a colorized version or hey, why not a black and white version?
11:29 Sign me up for that either way though a big
11:32 Thank you to the folks over at McFarland toys that did provide this sample of the Batman
11:36 66 series Superman even though he never really appeared in the 60s Batman series
11:41 As far as I know he never appeared in the 60s Batman comic either
11:44 If you guys enjoyed this video one hit with a like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing you certainly do
11:48 Want to stick around for more Batman reviews? Hey just an FYI, by the way
11:52 We are gonna be looking at some more Batman 66 series
11:54 Curse of the folks over at McFarland toys
11:57 So make sure you don't want to miss out on any of that that you're hitting that subscribe button down below and you're turning on the bell
12:01 Notification, of course as always guys. Thanks for watching. See you guys next time
12:05 *Outro*
12:07 *Outro*
12:10 *Outro*
12:12 (explosion)
