Deputy Misreads License Plate - November 1, 2021

  • 10 months ago
On the night of November 1st, 2021, a Caldwell Parish Sheriff's Office deputy allegedly misread the "R" in a motorist's license plate as an "H." Given how different those two letters look on Louisiana license plates, and that deputy's history of "accidentally" misreading plates, I find it very difficult to believe that was an honest mistake.

He stopped the vehicle, a Jeep Cherokee, on suspicion of "switched plates" due to the misread plate coming back to a Crown Vic. Another deputy arrived and they searched the vehicle. Not finding anything (except the driver not being licensed), they let the person go.

This tactic of accidentally-on-purpose misreading a license plate, was used by the same deputy just hours later to stop a vehicle that only loosely fit the description of one reported to be driving badly. This tactic was also used by Frisco, Texas police to stop an out-of-state black family in July 2023, resulting in a very viral traffic stop gone bad.
