Why did JUIF concerns regarding constituencies? Kamran Murtaza's Reaction

  • last year
00:00 What are the objections you have to the JUIF's light arrests?
00:06 If you could elaborate on the basis on which you have complaints?
00:10 I will talk about the first complaint in relation to Baluchistan.
00:19 The first complaint you will see is that the population, the preliminary report that they published,
00:25 the census commission, had a population of 70 lakhs.
00:30 And the final report has a population of 70 lakhs less.
00:35 You can keep that as an NFC award separately, but when you apply your mind on it in relation to the election,
00:42 the seats of the National Assembly increase. We have 16 seats, and in those 16 seats,
00:47 it was possible to increase by at least one-half, but they scrapped that one-half.
00:58 Our seats have gone to other provinces.
01:01 Forget this matter for a minute.
01:06 In our province, the general seats are 51.
01:10 And in 51 seats, according to the population, the population that they have finalized,
01:17 the census that they have taken, the last census,
01:20 they had to divide that into 51 and according to the ratio that will come, they had to do light arrests.
01:28 Now that comes in the ratio of about 4 lakh to 4.5 lakh.
01:32 In that, it is made, I am talking about the light arrests of our province.
01:37 So, the population that comes in between 4.5 and 4.5 lakhs,
01:41 on one side, they have made a constituency, I will tell you about the Chaman constituency,
01:47 it is made at 4 lakh 66 thousand something.
01:50 And on one side, they have made a constituency, which is close to 1.5 lakh.
01:55 And it is not done in one place, but in many places.
01:58 Where they have their own demands, their own intentions,
02:02 there, the seat has been created, the seat has been made,
02:05 and not only has it been made, but small rings have been made,
02:08 so that whoever has to be won, whoever has to be brought,
02:11 they can be accommodated easily.
02:14 Because this is the first false accusation that has been made by these light arrests.
02:17 So, sir, what can we say, technically, the senator is being pre-polled,
02:21 the basis of pre-poll rigging has been laid, because of these light arrests, do you understand this?
02:30 I am forced to understand this, I have no evidence of this,
02:35 but when I see the population of these light arrests,
02:38 and I see that there is no parity between them,
02:42 then I have doubts, although there is no evidence of doubt,
02:47 but it is of a very strong kind.
02:49 That is, you have a constituency of 4.5 lakhs or 4.5 lakhs,
02:52 and above 4 lakhs 66 thousand something,
02:55 there you make a constituency, and you make the other one,
02:58 and you make a constituency of 1.5 lakhs.
03:00 So, senator, who will benefit from this?
03:02 Like you are talking about two constituencies,
03:05 who will benefit from this? What is your guess?
03:08 I am not talking about two, I am talking about many things.
03:12 Okay, so who will benefit from this? This is what I asked.
03:15 What is your guess? Who will benefit?
03:18 Look, I am not talking about the party, we have electables,
03:25 when you leave the city, you have electables,
03:30 you have the Sardar, you have the Nawab.
03:32 And in this way, making someone light and breaking others,
03:37 spoiling them, the result of that, when you do it in minus plus,
03:41 then you understand that.
03:43 In one region, suppose that one district or two districts are together,
03:48 where the population is, suppose, there is 10 lakhs,
03:51 in 10 lakhs population, they have made one constituency of 4 lakhs,
03:55 one of 3 lakhs, one of 1.5 lakhs, they have divided it in this way.
03:59 So, when you have made a compact unit of all the regions,
04:03 then you start understanding the matter.
04:05 You just put the population of 51 regions in front of you.
04:08 Okay, and you also talked about Balochistan,
04:10 Mr. Mustafa, people of Punjab are also complaining in the same way.
04:13 I don't know whether they challenge it individually or not,
04:16 but you are understanding what they are saying.
04:18 And in Punjab, then the scale of their complaints will be more.
04:21 Look Maria, the basis which Mr. Kamran has made,
04:26 that basis he has made on the census.
04:28 If I understand his argument correctly,
04:31 that in the census, the way the population of Balochistan was shown to be less than 70 lakhs,
04:37 in the preliminary result, it was more than 70 lakhs.
04:40 So, the request is that when all these Jamaats were sitting in the government,
04:44 then the JUI was also involved in notifying this flawed census.
04:49 People's Party was also involved in it.
04:51 Noon League was also involved in it.
04:53 You accepted the flawed census so that the elections get delayed.
04:58 And today you are giving an argument on the same census that the census is wrong.
05:02 Unfortunately, I have to take a break here.
05:04 I am addressing a speech of Mrs. Mariam Nawaz.
05:06 We will come back to this discussion from here.
05:08 We will continue this discussion.
