• 2 years ago
'Dan Hamdrews' wins first place in Walbundrie Show pig races.


00:00 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
00:06 And they're off and racing, hopefully.
00:08 The dark blue pig's out the front, followed by the purple.
00:11 And the light blue pig, no, they're having a little picnic there.
00:13 The purple's first one through the tyre, the first tyre up the Dunlop straight.
00:18 We've got gold, red, purple.
00:20 Now they're going through the trick gate. One of them must have a remote control.
00:23 We don't know which one it is. They've opened it.
00:25 And there's the gold pig out the front. No, it's the purple pig.
00:27 Through the little barrels, and we're going through the next gate.
00:31 They're coming down with the light blue pig.
00:33 The light blue pig, they're looking around.
00:35 Pull back.
00:37 Come on, kids.
00:40 Now, they're cloud-activated pigs, folks.
00:42 The louder you scream, the more they'll run.
00:47 OK, kids, don't lean over, please.
00:56 Oh, dear. OK.
00:57 More noise. We need more noise, folks.
00:59 Yeah, and there they go.
01:03 There's the gold pig out the front, followed by the red, then the light blue.
01:06 They're going to have a little rest here now.
01:08 They've got to go through the tunnel of love.
01:10 Through the tunnel of love.
01:11 Who's first? It's the purple pig. No, the gold pig's going over first,
01:14 followed by the black, then the purple.
01:16 There's the gold pig all the way. Gold pig. Gold, gold.
01:19 No, they're going the wrong way. Look out.
01:21 It's the purple pig out the front, followed by the orange pig,
01:24 then the yellow pig, the bangan pig, the purple pig.
01:27 No, the purple pig. Where are they all?
01:30 It's the orange dish.
01:31 And, ah!
01:33 Aha!
