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La décision de la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme (CEDH) concernant l'adhésion de la Turquie à l'Union européenne a déclenché une vive réaction de la part du président turc, Recepp Tayyip Erdogan. Lors de la session inaugurale du parlement, Erdogan a exprimé sa frustration envers l'UE, déclarant que la Turquie n'attendait plus rien de cette dernière après 40 années d'attente. Il a critiqué l'UE pour ne pas avoir respecté ses engagements, tandis que la Turquie avait tenu toutes ses promesses.
Le président turc a averti qu'il ne tolérerait aucune nouvelle exigence ou condition concernant le processus d'adhésion de la Turquie. Il a également dénoncé l'imposition de visas par l'UE, la qualifiant de sanction latente. Erdogan a prévenu que si l'UE ne corrigeait pas ses erreurs et injustices, elle perdrait le droit d'exprimer des attentes politiques, sociales, économiques ou militaires envers la Turquie. Il a souligné que si l'UE souhaitait mettre fin au processus d'adhésion, cela serait sa propre décision.
La colère d'Erdogan a été exacerbée par la récente décision de la CEDH. Cette dernière a critiqué la Turquie pour avoir condamné un homme sur la base de son utilisation de l'application de messagerie cryptée ByLock, l'accusant ainsi d'appartenance à une organisation terroriste armée. La Turquie considère ByLock comme l'outil de communication privilégié des responsables présumés du putsch manqué de 2016. Erdogan a qualifié cette décision de la CEDH de "dernière goutte qui a fait déborder le vase" et a affirmé que les membres de l'organisation terroriste ainsi que leurs partisans ne devraient pas espérer en vain, car cette décision n'apporterait aucun soulagement. #Turquie #UnionEuropéenne #Erdogan #CEDH #adhésion #diplomatie #politique #sécurité #terrorisme #lutte #stabilité #droitsdelhomme #putschmanqué #tensions #relationsinternationales #actualités #UE #Visas #promessesnontenues #attentesdéçues #frt
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Eben Media TV and also share the video.
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00:16 At the heart of tensions between Turkey and the European Union, a recent decision
00:21 of the European Court of Human Rights, CEDH, triggered a wave of reaction and
00:26 frustration.
00:27 This decision questions Turkey's adherence to the EU and pushed the Turkish President,
00:32 Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to express his anger during an inaugural session of the Parliament.
00:37 In a speech full of disappointment and resolution, Erdogan declared that Turkey
00:42 was not expecting anything more from the EU after 40 years of waiting.
00:45 He accused the European Union of not having kept its commitments, while Turkey
00:49 had fulfilled all its promises.
00:51 The Turkish President warned that he would not tolerate new requirements or conditions
00:56 for the adhesion process.
00:58 The EU's visa imposition has also been criticized by Erdogan, who considers it
01:03 as a latent sanction.
01:04 He warned that if the EU did not correct its mistakes and injustices, it would lose
01:09 the right to express political, social, economic or military expectations towards Turkey.
01:14 He stressed that if the EU wanted to end the adhesion process, it would be its own decision.
01:19 The decision of the CEDH, the culmination of Erdogan's frustration, was strongly contested.
01:26 It concerns the conviction of a man in Turkey on the basis of his use of the
01:31 Crypto Bylock messaging application, thus accusing him of belonging to an armed terrorist organization.
01:36 Erdogan described this decision as "the last drop that made the vase overflow" and
01:41 said that members of the terrorist organization and their supporters should not hope
01:45 for vain, because this decision would not bring any relief.
01:48 However, despite this tension with the EU, Erdogan did not address the process of
01:54 adhesion of Sweden to NATO during his speech in Parliament.
01:56 He rather stressed that Turkey would not back down in its fight against what he
02:00 calls "traitor bands".
02:02 He reaffirmed that terrorist attacks could not threaten the country's peace and security.
02:07 These strong statements come a few hours after a suicide attack perpetrated
02:12 against the police headquarters and the Ministry of the Interior in Turkey.
02:16 The attackers were neutralized, but this event recalls the need for Turkey
02:21 to continue fighting terrorism.
02:23 In conclusion, the relationship between Turkey and the European Union is marked by frustration
02:29 but disappointment.
02:30 The decision of the CEDH exacerbated tensions, and Erdogan expressed his anger at him during
02:36 his speech in Parliament.
02:37 Despite these challenges, Turkey remains determined to fight against traitors and to preserve
02:42 the stability of the country.
02:44 A new page is being written in this complex relationship, and the future of Iraqi compromise
02:48 will be possible.
02:50 the world.
