Herbert's Non-Throwing Hand Injury: Its Effect on Chargers

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 >> And just quickly on the Chargers who entered that bye week maybe at a good
00:06 time for their young quarterback in Justin Herbert injured his left hand
00:10 yesterday against Las Vegas played through the rest of the football game
00:15 with what appeared to be a brace a soft cast on that left hand of course the
00:19 non-throwing hand for Justin Herbert how does that affect
00:22 the way that a quarterback plays if it is in fact an injury to his
00:27 non-throwing hand? >> Well first of all there was a lot of
00:31 speculation on internet and otherwise that he was
00:35 stepped on he was not stepped on there were that he was cut by the face
00:38 mask face masks are not sharp what I believe
00:43 happened is he on the interception he got his finger
00:46 caught up in the face mask of the uh defender that was now blocking
00:51 him twerked it and either fracture or dislocation
00:55 maybe a little bit through the skin and this therefore the little bit of blood
00:59 the big split was clearly for stability now how does it affect him if
01:04 this were his throwing hand he might be out non-throwing hand
01:07 more shotgun etc they did do a quarterback sneak
01:11 and maybe the ball security prevented him from getting the fourth and one
01:15 because you can't have two hands firmly on the ball and extend you've
01:18 got to sort of cradle it in this healthy side that may have
01:22 prevented the fourth and one now in the end the big pass at the end
01:25 ice the victory for them now going forward and you are here heard it here
01:29 first as I went back and looked at the video
01:32 I would not be surprised if Justin Herbert has a surgery
01:36 on that middle finger on the left hand a small surgery for pins or screws
01:41 number one you don't want to be wearing that big
01:45 case next time for the next game and be all shotgun
01:48 number two the chargers have a bi-week so it's a good opportunity
01:52 to get any skin wounds closed and healed so don't be surprised if he has
01:58 left hand surgery of some site type announced
02:01 in the coming few days
