The 10 SADDEST Moments in Spider-Man Games

  • last year


00:00 Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we are grabbing our tissues and taking a look at the 10 most
00:23 heart breaking moments in Spider-Man games.
00:26 For this list we'll be looking at the most tear jerking things to happen to Peter and
00:31 his fellow Spider-Men.
00:33 With great power comes great responsibility, and Spider-Man learns this lesson more than
00:37 the average superhero through loss and heartbreak on an unending loop.
00:41 Let's try not to cry too much today, let's do it, which of these moments broke your heart
00:45 the most?
00:46 Let us know in the comments below.
00:49 Before we continue, we publish content all week long so be sure to subscribe and ring
00:53 the bell to get notified of our latest videos.
00:57 Yuri becomes Wraith
01:09 NYPD Captain Yuri Watanabe is the close confidant of Spider-Man throughout the 2018 game.
01:14 Getting a call from her always means high quality banter and even high quality intel.
01:19 During the events of the Spider-Man DLC The City That Never Sleeps, the player watches
01:23 the descent of Yuri's morals after crime boss Hammerhead brutally kills most of her men.
01:29 She gets short lived vengeance before the villain is resurrected, and Yuri continues
01:33 down a dark path by murdering one of his enforcers, who she leaves tied up with evidence of his
01:37 crimes scattered around him.
01:40 Listening to the recordings of Yuri as well as slowly watching her descent into madness
01:44 is as brutal to the player as it is to Peter.
02:00 Rick's Death
02:11 Much like Uncle Ben to Peter, Rick Mason was a guardian to Finn, as well as her older
02:16 brother.
02:17 Watching good people lose their lives to evil is a constant theme throughout Spider-Man,
02:22 and Rick's death in Spider-Man Miles Morales was not able to escape this theme.
02:27 As a supportive and kind older brother figure to Miles as well, seeing Rick show up from
02:32 time to time to shine nothing but light whenever he's on screen always warmed the player's
02:37 heart.
02:38 In this footage, the player witnesses Rick's death at the hands of Simon Krieger, wherein
02:42 a final moment of bravery he attempts to shut the reactor down.
02:46 His toe-curling screams and pleas for his younger sister to look away while he sacrificed
02:51 himself will haunt us for years to come.
03:05 Stay with me.
03:12 During one of the Miles sections of the 2018 Spider-Man game, we witness a terrorist bombing
03:17 perpetrated by Mr. Negative.
03:19 After we see Miles' father attempt to lessen the blast impact on his fellow officers, we
03:24 fade to black and into the eyes and ears of an unconscious Miles.
03:28 This scene perfectly captures the soon-to-be two Spider-Men in a mirroring moment, with
03:34 Miles' mother thanking God for her son's survival, while we as Miles hear this stranger,
03:39 Mary Jane, pleading for Peter to be okay.
03:47 We never see Peter wake up, and having to leave Mary Jane begging for Peter is both
03:52 an incredibly heartbreaking moment, and a reminder that everyone has their own story
03:56 and their own path, even in Spider-Man's world.
03:59 Luckily, Peter is okay.
04:02 Other people however, well, we'll get to that a bit later on.
04:06 Uncle Ben's death.
04:14 Spider-Man game fans had been pretty lucky up until this point to not have to live one
04:18 of the most upsetting moments in Marvel history as Spider-Man.
04:22 Players experienced a good amount of whiplash in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 when the game
04:26 unexpectedly opened with a flashback.
04:29 To the player, they were simply Peter walking out of a store, but when a thief followed
04:33 close behind and the shopkeeper gave us a hard time, we knew what was coming.
04:38 In a brilliant voice acting performance by Sam Riegel, we get another brutal take on
04:43 arguably the most infamous comic book death of all time.
04:47 Damn it Spider-Man, why couldn't you have just stopped that guy?
05:14 The Death of Spider-Man.
05:26 Spider-Man Edge of Time is a game all about changing fate.
05:29 In an opening scene that is as brutal as it is heartbreaking, Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man
05:34 2099, witnesses a possible future for our original friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man,
05:39 Peter Parker.
05:40 Eddie Brock as Venom takes on the player as Peter, and no matter how well you handle
05:45 the gameplay, the outcome is always the same.
05:48 Venom viciously beats Peter into a pulp, and in the final moments of this flashback, we
05:53 see our hero dead and torn apart in the arms of Miguel O'Hara.
05:57 The rest of the game is spent trying to prevent this tragedy from happening.
06:14 Miles Dad
06:20 Let's finish this heartbreaking moment from earlier with a bow of sadness thrown on top.
06:26 After the explosion at City Hall that Miles Dad bravely protected his fellow officers
06:30 from, Miles approaches the explosion zone to see his fathers lifeless body, bloodied
06:36 and still.
06:37 The game protects us from seeing what the blast did to the brave Jeff Davis, instead
06:42 opting to show us the pained and broken expressions that wash over Miles face as he pleads for
06:47 his father to wake up.
06:49 The funeral that immediately follows is a bittersweet moment as we see Peter is okay,
06:54 but Miles is far from it.
06:56 Jumping straight into Spider-Man's story as an adult was supposed to protect us from
06:59 these brutal origin stories, but then Miles had to break our hearts.
07:11 Anti-Hero Ending
07:17 Spider-Man Web of Shadows is a game that can actually have a lot of heartbreaking endings,
07:21 depending on your temperament.
07:23 Sure, it's difficult as the player to watch Peter in the evil ending vow that he will
07:27 get Mary Jane back and that no one will ever say no to him ever again, but for this ending
07:32 to happen you really have to make decisions that meant by this point you've probably
07:36 decided what kind of Spider-Man you are.
07:41 The anti-hero ending is a little less black and white, with Peter leaving a voice message
07:45 for Mary Jane that shows us that he knows he's made the wrong decisions and wishes
07:50 she could understand.
08:00 We watch the lonely Spider-Man stroll away and our hearts break for him.
08:05 Should have just gone evil Peter.
08:16 Becoming a mentor
08:25 I feel like we can make a list of heartbreaking Spider-Man moments and just use Insomniac's
08:30 2018 Spider-Man.
08:32 Throughout this game we get a much longer and drawn out look at Dr Octavius and his
08:36 relationship with Peter.
08:38 Although it's nice to spend more time with the kind doctor before things go bad, it does
08:43 make his ending far sadder for the player, and obviously Peter.
08:47 After defeating him in a brutal fight we strip the man of his tools and leave him lowly and
08:52 weak.
08:54 Seeing Doc Ock back to just a frail man is heartbreaking enough, but listening to his
08:59 cries and pleas as a heartbroken Peter realises he can't help his old mentor anymore is a
09:04 whole lot of hurt for our little gamer hearts.
09:08 Me personally, I'd have thumped him over the head with a rolled up newspaper, he was being
09:11 a turd.
09:24 The death of Finn
09:30 During the events of Spider-Man Miles Morales we watch the degradation and downfall of our
09:35 dear friend Finn as she, much like all Spider-Man villains, starts her mission of destruction
09:40 from a place of altruism, before she quickly loses sight and anger takes over.
09:45 From this point it is very easy for the player to just hate her.
09:49 In the final moments of the games story Finn sees our protagonist Miles absorb the power
09:54 of the reactor in an effort to protect the city.
09:57 With Miles unable to hold it in, Finn sacrifices herself by getting Miles to a safe distance
10:02 and telling him to let the blast go.
10:05 Finn's sacrifice, her caring nature towards Miles in this moment and having to watch Miles
10:10 let the power go and kill his own friend is a perfect recipe for an absolute tearjerker
10:16 sandwich.
10:17 I should have just ordered the soup.
10:40 Mays Sacrifice
10:49 I can't express to you enough how much I was crying while writing this, after rewatching
10:54 this scene for probably the 10th time.
10:55 Not only is this the most heartbreaking moment in any Spider-Man game, but it's one of the
11:00 most heartbreaking moments in a game period.
11:03 In a final conversation with a dying Aunt May, she reveals that she's known Peter was
11:08 Spider-Man for some time with the infamous line "I want to see my nephew".
11:14 In her final moments she tells Peter that she's unbelievably proud of the man he's
11:19 become, and that Uncle Ben would be too.
11:21 Watching Peter fight with the decision of whether to use the anti-serum to save Aunt
11:25 May or use it to save the city is, and I'm sorry for the use of this word for the 100th
11:30 time, heartbreaking.
11:32 Peter's sobbing as May passes is a moment that will live with gamers for as long as
11:37 they live.
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