Kid Dynamite (1943)

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Kid Dynamite (1943)
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00:00:00 [THEME MUSIC]
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00:00:54 Hey, Stoney.
00:00:55 Hey, wait a minute.
00:00:57 Don't hit so hard.
00:00:58 Take it easy.
00:00:59 All right, I'll swing easy then.
00:01:00 All right, come on. Let's go.
00:01:01 Come on. Let's see it.
00:01:02 Now, what are you backing up for?
00:01:03 Hey, who are you waving at?
00:01:05 Hey, what are you, faxing to be a wrestler?
00:01:07 What is that, a 100-yard dash?
00:01:08 What a sad case.
00:01:09 Hey, Gloopy.
00:01:10 Why don't you get me a partner that'll spar?
00:01:13 Jeff, you know no spar partner will get in a ring with you
00:01:15 the minute they're in their route.
00:01:17 Yeah, pretty tough, I guess.
00:01:18 Why, you'll hit that kid from the west side so hard,
00:01:20 you'll knock her from the north side to the south side.
00:01:23 Get in there and give him a few rounds.
00:01:24 I got a bicycle rider.
00:01:26 Get up on your feet.
00:01:27 All right, but take it easy.
00:01:28 Mugs, you know I'm your pal.
00:01:30 Just throw a few jabs at me.
00:01:31 That's what I got to rehearse with.
00:01:32 All right, take it easy, though.
00:01:33 Hey, come on.
00:01:34 Come on.
00:01:35 Hey, hey, hey.
00:01:36 Hey, cut out the fisticuffs, especially you, Mugs.
00:01:39 Shh.
00:01:40 I want to rehearse a little more.
00:01:41 He's got a very important fight tomorrow night.
00:01:43 Yeah, yeah, I know.
00:01:44 But listen here.
00:01:45 There's a brand new pool player down at Nick's.
00:01:46 Boy, he's just loaded with that stuff called money.
00:01:49 And buddy, he's just dying for somebody to come
00:01:51 and take it away from him.
00:01:52 Easy picking, son.
00:01:53 Yes, man.
00:01:54 What's the lad's name?
00:01:56 I didn't get a name, but it sounded like something
00:01:57 like Harry somebody.
00:01:59 Look, I want you to go in and fight a couple more rounds.
00:02:01 Yeah, yeah, I want you in shape tomorrow night.
00:02:03 Mugs is in great shape.
00:02:04 You're in great shape, aren't you, Mugs?
00:02:05 Shut up, cock-eye on the manager.
00:02:06 I'll tell him when he's in shape.
00:02:07 Put the goggle in, Glimpy.
00:02:09 The fight's tomorrow night.
00:02:10 The ready cash is waiting now.
00:02:11 Besides, a fighter needs some rest and relaxation, don't he?
00:02:14 Boys, get my pool room formal.
00:02:15 Why don't you put on your socks?
00:02:16 You look shape on.
00:02:18 Hey, Danny's got that phony chalk.
00:02:20 Where is Danny, anyway?
00:02:22 You ought to know.
00:02:23 Ivy's your sister.
00:02:24 First thing you know, Danny will be your brother-in-law.
00:02:27 Anybody that marries my sister has to lick me first.
00:02:29 We still haven't got that right.
00:02:45 Will you show me how you do it?
00:02:46 Here.
00:02:47 Hey, kids, why don't you put this in your routine?
00:02:50 Hey, Danny!
00:02:51 Hey, what's cooking up there?
00:02:55 Ivy's up there doing a kazatski with your sister.
00:02:57 Kazatski my front plates.
00:02:59 Hey, Danny!
00:03:01 How you doing?
00:03:02 I think so.
00:03:03 This will be good.
00:03:04 Let's try it.
00:03:05 OK.
00:03:06 Hey, Danny!
00:03:07 What's brewing up there?
00:03:14 Hi, Mugs.
00:03:15 Hi, fellas.
00:03:16 Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
00:03:17 I'm just practicing up for the big dance contest.
00:03:19 No, Pablo.
00:03:20 Will you come down?
00:03:21 I want to practice up on you a little bit.
00:03:22 OK.
00:03:23 I'll be right down.
00:03:24 Yeah, leave Ivy there.
00:03:25 Boy's got a brilliant future.
00:03:29 Swell fellow.
00:03:32 We'll have to finish our practicing later, Ivy.
00:03:33 I got to go with the fellas.
00:03:34 OK, Danny.
00:03:35 So long.
00:03:36 So long.
00:03:38 I wonder what's keeping that great hero I heard so much about.
00:03:42 He'll be here.
00:03:43 Mugs can hear that money jingle in your pockets miles away.
00:03:47 Hey, Mugs!
00:03:49 Get a load of that.
00:03:50 Don't cover it up.
00:03:51 That's the way I like to see it.
00:03:53 My name first.
00:03:54 Yeah, but that makes you the challenger.
00:03:55 Just a natural born point killer, ain't you?
00:03:57 You know, my father once had his name on a thing like that.
00:03:59 Yeah, wanted dead or alive.
00:04:01 Reward, $0.02.
00:04:02 Hey, Mugs!
00:04:03 Mugs!
00:04:04 Your man is in there waiting.
00:04:05 Pardon me, Slim.
00:04:07 Man, he sure looks anxious.
00:04:10 You sure you got that chalk, Danny?
00:04:12 Yeah, but you won't need it, Mugs.
00:04:13 You can beat him on the level.
00:04:14 There's no percentage in that.
00:04:16 When I give you the signal, you change that chalk.
00:04:18 Hi, Nick.
00:04:22 How's the trust fund?
00:04:23 Hello, boys.
00:04:24 Hello there, sucker.
00:04:25 So you're the champ around here, huh?
00:04:27 That's me.
00:04:28 How'd you like a few lessons?
00:04:29 I might condescend to teach you to find a point to the game
00:04:31 for a nominal consideration.
00:04:32 Yeah, even for money.
00:04:33 Your line of chatter is very impressive, Jack.
00:04:35 Your name is Mugs.
00:04:37 I'm sorry.
00:04:38 Mugs.
00:04:39 What do you say we just play a nice sociable game
00:04:41 for about $5?
00:04:43 What are you going to use for money?
00:04:44 Cigar store coupons?
00:04:45 You'll have to talk to my treasurer about that.
00:04:47 Don't worry, I'll see that you get your money.
00:04:49 What am I saying?
00:04:50 Go ahead, grab a cue.
00:04:51 I don't need no cue.
00:04:52 I'll kick him in.
00:04:53 Hey, Scruno, get my weapon.
00:04:56 Solid.
00:04:57 Don't forget, when I give you the high sign,
00:04:59 remember that chalk.
00:05:00 All right.
00:05:01 This will be brutal.
00:05:02 I don't want no handicaps.
00:05:08 Let's toss for the break.
00:05:09 Sure.
00:05:10 OK.
00:05:11 You got a coin?
00:05:13 Nothing but big bills here.
00:05:16 What are you crying?
00:05:17 Heads.
00:05:18 You break.
00:05:19 Did I say heads?
00:05:20 Yeah, you said heads.
00:05:21 Here's your artillery, Mugs.
00:05:23 Thanks, Scruno.
00:05:24 Watch this shot.
00:05:25 A little safety, I taught Greenleaf.
00:05:27 Go ahead, shoot, mister.
00:05:40 That's a great shot.
00:05:41 Where'd you learn that one?
00:05:43 You better get that dough ready, McGinnis.
00:05:45 If I sink these next four balls, you're through.
00:05:47 You ain't got them yet.
00:05:48 What are you stalling for?
00:05:59 It's like a run out soon, Mugs.
00:06:01 Then you can win on the level.
00:06:03 I'm not going to run out.
00:06:04 I'm going to win on the level.
00:06:06 I'm going to win on the level.
00:06:08 You better get that dough ready, Mugs.
00:06:10 Then you can win on the level.
00:06:11 Don't give me that routine.
00:06:13 Change that chalk as fast as you can.
00:06:16 Nice throw, kid.
00:06:18 This is game ball, you know.
00:06:19 Yeah?
00:06:20 Where's it going?
00:06:21 Down the end.
00:06:22 Optimistic, aren't you?
00:06:26 Yeah.
00:06:27 Come on, get clear, will you?
00:06:28 Keep your eye on it, fellas.
00:06:37 Come on, pay off.
00:06:38 Thanks, Danny.
00:06:39 I should make you pay the five.
00:06:41 Come on, where's the dough?
00:06:42 What dough?
00:06:43 That was just a practice game.
00:06:44 That's all, just a practice game, wasn't it?
00:06:45 Yeah, I heard him with my own eyes.
00:06:46 I heard him.
00:06:47 Practice game, huh?
00:06:48 You're pretty brave with this gang around here.
00:06:50 Come on, get that dough up.
00:06:52 What dough?
00:06:53 The five bucks.
00:06:54 You want the five?
00:06:55 Yeah, I want the five.
00:06:56 How about these five?
00:06:57 Oh, kid, you're not in condition.
00:06:59 I'll see you later.
00:07:04 Hey, Mugs, how about my money?
00:07:05 Just put it in a book.
00:07:07 I'll trust you.
00:07:08 Gee, I'm sorry, fella.
00:07:12 He just lost his temper.
00:07:13 Don't worry, he won't get away with this.
00:07:15 He's not so tough.
00:07:16 And I'll get my money, too.
00:07:18 Hope that fella I'm fighting tonight falls up that easy.
00:07:21 Oh, forget about it.
00:07:23 He's OK.
00:07:24 You'll get your dough.
00:07:25 Darn right, I'll get my dough.
00:07:27 Look at Danny in there talking to that pool shark.
00:07:29 I bet they're Uncle Hoos.
00:07:30 Hey, fellas, who's going to pay for that game?
00:07:33 Mugs said he'd trust you for it, didn't he?
00:07:35 That's right.
00:07:36 He did say that.
00:07:37 He's honest, that boy.
00:07:38 You shouldn't have hit him, Mugs.
00:07:43 He wasn't set.
00:07:44 I wasn't set, huh?
00:07:45 Why didn't you change that shark?
00:07:47 Well, I--
00:07:48 Well, I what?
00:07:49 You're yellow.
00:07:50 That's why you didn't change it.
00:07:51 I'm not yellow.
00:07:52 I thought you could win on the level.
00:07:53 You know, I'm beginning to figure something out.
00:07:55 Why I won a championship last year,
00:07:57 and you were just a runner up?
00:07:58 Because you haven't got what it takes.
00:07:59 That's why.
00:08:01 You won that on the square, didn't you?
00:08:03 Stop beating around the bush.
00:08:05 I'm leaving, fellas.
00:08:06 This jellyfish is getting me into chesting.
00:08:09 You work me.
00:08:10 The one thing I can't stand is a nerf.
00:08:11 What?
00:08:16 Dog races?
00:08:17 Nah, nah.
00:08:18 We ain't got any more dog races.
00:08:20 They're rare for time.
00:08:21 All right.
00:08:22 All right.
00:08:23 What's on your mind, kid?
00:08:25 I got a tip for you, Tony.
00:08:27 You got a tip for me, huh?
00:08:29 You know that amateur championship fight tomorrow
00:08:31 night, east side versus west side?
00:08:33 Now, don't tell me you're giving me a tip on McGinnis.
00:08:36 We're betting McGinnis on the nose.
00:08:38 Yeah, but you're giving odds.
00:08:41 What are you driving at?
00:08:42 Suppose I tell you I got a way of keeping that McGinnis out
00:08:45 of the ring tomorrow night.
00:08:47 All right, McGinnis don't show up.
00:08:49 What about the switch in the yard?
00:08:52 Find out that neighborhood and that west side kid, Johnson.
00:08:55 Your money will be riding in town,
00:08:56 against the east side.
00:08:57 Sounds wacky, but maybe he's got something.
00:09:05 Maybe he has.
00:09:07 Now, here's what I'll need for my end of the deal.
00:09:09 There's three things we gotta get, see?
00:09:11 That's the one that's gonna get him, Ma.
00:09:20 You know, this is just the way I'm gonna look
00:09:21 when I come home tonight, untouched by human hands.
00:09:23 That's the spirit, son.
00:09:25 I'm sure you don't want to go, Ma.
00:09:26 There ain't gonna be no blood, much.
00:09:28 No, I think I'll stay and listen to the radio.
00:09:30 Danny and I'll be right there rooting for you, Mugs.
00:09:32 You mean hooting for me, don't you?
00:09:33 I may be a little late, Ma.
00:09:35 You know, speeches and testimonials and stuff like that.
00:09:37 How about a little kiss for luck?
00:09:38 Thanks.
00:09:39 I sure hope Mugs wins.
00:09:45 What do you mean, hope?
00:09:47 A McGinnis never lost a fight.
00:09:49 That's right.
00:09:51 [car driving]
00:09:53 [whistling]
00:10:03 Hold it, McGinnis.
00:10:06 What's the beef, Chief?
00:10:07 Publicity picture.
00:10:08 Oh, pictures, huh?
00:10:09 Well, let's get a good pose.
00:10:11 I'm from the bulletin, McGinnis.
00:10:12 I figured I'd take in a few pictures before you win tonight.
00:10:14 You know, once you get through the arena, the newspaper men
00:10:16 and the cameramen, why, they'll steal you right away.
00:10:18 So I figured I'd get a couple in front of your house.
00:10:20 That's for the newspapers, huh?
00:10:21 Sure, the bulletin.
00:10:22 See that sign up there?
00:10:23 Yeah.
00:10:24 Mugs McGinnis, boss Hank Johnson.
00:10:26 Yeah.
00:10:27 Well, focus that right in the middle of your lamp.
00:10:29 And let's get a good picture.
00:10:31 OK, anything you say, champ.
00:10:32 I'll show you how I'm going to look after I win this fight.
00:10:34 Are you ready?
00:10:35 Hold it now.
00:10:36 Well, let me wash my hair a little bit.
00:10:37 OK, here it goes.
00:10:38 Oh, when my mother sees that picture, will she be proud?
00:10:41 Hey, what papers you say you were from?
00:10:43 Bulletin, we'd like to get an interview.
00:10:44 You know one of those things.
00:10:45 Dynamite McGinnis tells reporter how
00:10:47 he expects to knock out Johnson.
00:10:49 Oh, you mean kind of an autobiographical, huh?
00:10:51 That's it.
00:10:52 Well, that's--
00:10:53 Mr. Dynamite, say listen, kid.
00:10:54 I got a great idea.
00:10:55 Mr. Dynamite?
00:10:56 Mr. Dynamite.
00:10:57 That's me?
00:10:58 That's you.
00:10:59 Say listen, I got a great idea.
00:11:00 How about riding over to the arena in style
00:11:01 on the company's Jeep?
00:11:02 In the meantime, you can tell me the background
00:11:03 of your whole life.
00:11:04 Do you want the dramatic highlights
00:11:05 or just a little personal touches?
00:11:06 Anything you care to say.
00:11:07 All right, that's great.
00:11:08 We'll start from the beginning.
00:11:09 OK, step in, Chief.
00:11:12 Arena, Joe.
00:11:14 Murphy Harris, same paper.
00:11:16 Meet Muggs McGinnis, the greatest
00:11:17 fighter on the east side.
00:11:18 Hello, kid.
00:11:19 What's new, Shorty?
00:11:20 Well, Muggsy, how about telling
00:11:21 us something about yourself?
00:11:22 When I was three months old, I run away from home.
00:11:24 Six months later, I come back, my father took one look at me,
00:11:27 and he'd run away from home.
00:11:29 [LAUGHTER]
00:11:30 All kidding aside, when did you first start fighting?
00:11:32 I started when I was very young.
00:11:34 I won my first 18 fights by knockouts.
00:11:36 Then I got a little bit of a kick in the back.
00:11:38 I got a little bit of a kick in the back.
00:11:40 I won my first 18 fights by knockouts.
00:11:43 Then they took my brass knuckles away.
00:11:45 Scrap metal.
00:11:46 [LAUGHTER]
00:11:48 Hey, what's the idea?
00:11:53 We ain't going to the arena.
00:11:55 What are those blinds down for?
00:11:57 Haven't you heard?
00:11:58 This car's having a dim out.
00:12:00 You can't get away with this.
00:12:01 Let me up.
00:12:02 You should try to be more cooperative, champ.
00:12:04 Relax.
00:12:05 We're going to let you in on a little treat.
00:12:07 Listen, there's 10 million people down there tonight
00:12:09 waiting to see me fight.
00:12:10 I got to get there, you understand?
00:12:11 They'll see a fight, all right.
00:12:13 But you won't be in it.
00:12:14 And Amsterdam has a good right.
00:12:21 That was a pretty good fight, wasn't it?
00:12:23 Yeah, well, you'll see the next one.
00:12:24 I can hardly wait.
00:12:25 Hey, Danny, you're wanted in the dressing room right away.
00:12:30 What for?
00:12:31 Don't ask questions.
00:12:32 Just come on.
00:12:33 Go ahead, Danny.
00:12:36 That substitute of yours isn't here in three minutes.
00:12:38 He's got to disqualify the east side kids.
00:12:40 Hey, Glimpy, why don't you go in?
00:12:41 Who, me?
00:12:42 I'm not in shape.
00:12:44 Is that him?
00:12:45 Yeah.
00:12:46 OK, thanks.
00:12:47 What's going on?
00:12:48 Ah, Mug's got lost somewhere.
00:12:49 So you've got to go in and fight for him.
00:12:51 Me?
00:12:52 I'm not in shape.
00:12:53 Uh-uh, I said that first.
00:12:54 What do you got to worry about?
00:12:55 You was runner up, wasn't you?
00:12:56 You can't get hurt.
00:12:57 Look, if you're not in there within three minutes,
00:12:59 we get disqualified.
00:13:00 Take the clothes off.
00:13:01 Come on, will you?
00:13:02 Hey, Joe, go out and explain to Ivy, will you?
00:13:04 Right away.
00:13:05 How long we got?
00:13:06 Oh, about three minutes.
00:13:07 Come on, get on the table.
00:13:08 I'll give you a rub now, fast.
00:13:09 Don't get in my face.
00:13:12 Ivy, Mug's didn't show up.
00:13:14 Danny's got to go on in his place.
00:13:15 Well, where is Mug's?
00:13:16 He left the house in town.
00:13:17 I don't know.
00:13:18 We haven't heard a word from him.
00:13:19 Maybe he had an accident.
00:13:20 Danny can't go in there and fight.
00:13:21 He's not in condition.
00:13:22 Oh, look, Ivy, it's only four rounds.
00:13:24 He can't get hurt much.
00:13:25 Much?
00:13:26 He was runner up last year, wasn't he?
00:13:28 Yeah.
00:13:29 Oh.
00:13:30 Turn on the radio, Joe.
00:13:31 Save the electricity.
00:13:32 That fight will be forfeited just like you guys won.
00:13:34 Shut up.
00:13:35 I want to listen to the fight.
00:13:37 That fight, there ain't going to be no fight
00:13:38 unless I'm in there.
00:13:39 [applause]
00:13:42 You all right, Danny?
00:13:48 Yeah, I guess I'm OK.
00:13:49 Well, just don't worry about it.
00:13:50 If anything happens, I'll be right in there
00:13:52 with that water bucket.
00:13:53 Water bucket?
00:13:54 What are you, an air raid warden?
00:13:55 Gee, I wish I was in there fighting.
00:13:57 I shall never forget my first fight.
00:13:58 Never forget my last fight.
00:14:00 Same fight.
00:14:01 Don't worry, I'm going to win this fight.
00:14:03 That's the spirit, kid.
00:14:04 Just go in there.
00:14:05 Keep swinging, keep swinging.
00:14:06 In case you don't hit the guy, the breeze
00:14:07 might give him pneumonia.
00:14:08 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event of the evening.
00:14:13 Four rounds of boxing in this corner,
00:14:17 and representing the west side, battling Hank Johnson.
00:14:21 [applause]
00:14:24 And in this corner, from Muggsy McGinnis,
00:14:29 and representing the east side, young Danny Lyon.
00:14:33 They can't do that.
00:14:34 They can't shut the door, man.
00:14:35 Hey, get easy, Mr. Dynamite.
00:14:36 You're not in the ring tonight.
00:14:38 [applause]
00:14:40 I get it.
00:14:41 Danny paid you guys to snatch me tonight
00:14:43 just so he could fight.
00:14:44 Huh? Is that it?
00:14:45 What's the matter?
00:14:46 Don't you think Mr. Lyon's going to win?
00:14:47 Win?
00:14:48 He'll be hanging on those ropes so much tonight,
00:14:50 the people will think he's a yo-yo.
00:14:51 Pretty smart kid, though, don't you think?
00:14:53 Sure, sure.
00:14:54 He's smart, very smart.
00:14:55 He'll roll the time he's been associating
00:14:57 with you cheap snipers, and I never knew nothing about it.
00:14:59 That's what I mean about being smart.
00:15:02 I'm not going to let you guys win.
00:15:03 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:04 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:05 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:06 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:07 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:08 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:09 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:10 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:11 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:12 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:13 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:14 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:15 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:16 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:17 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:18 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:19 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:20 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:21 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:22 I'm going to let you win.
00:15:23 [chatter]
00:15:50 Come on, give it to him.
00:15:51 Keep your left up.
00:15:53 [chatter]
00:16:06 Boys, move around cautiously.
00:16:08 [chatter]
00:16:13 Watch that left.
00:16:15 Ooh, ooh, I wish it was in there.
00:16:17 Ooh, I wish it was in there.
00:16:18 Why didn't you get in there when you had a chance?
00:16:19 Ooh, I'm glad I'm not in there.
00:16:20 Stop grooming.
00:16:21 [chatter]
00:16:33 [bell rings]
00:16:35 Get in.
00:16:36 Get in there.
00:16:37 [chatter]
00:16:40 Watch that left, Jim.
00:16:41 Listen to me, you'll be a fighter.
00:16:43 You know, you're ruining my reputation.
00:16:45 I'm sick of this.
00:16:47 Get in there and keep your head.
00:16:49 [whistle]
00:16:54 [bell rings]
00:16:56 Lyons comes out, barely able to keep his hand up.
00:16:59 Johnson, cool, ready for the kill, steps around smartly.
00:17:03 See that?
00:17:04 Lyons jipped his way into that ring tonight.
00:17:06 Now he's getting just what's coming to him.
00:17:08 But that ain't nothing compared to what's going to happen to him
00:17:10 when I get out of this overcrowded bus.
00:17:12 [chatter]
00:17:18 Why is he doing so well?
00:17:20 He'll come around once he gets used to being in there.
00:17:23 [chatter]
00:17:41 Wait a minute, Annie.
00:17:42 Take it easy, Annie.
00:17:43 Take it easy.
00:17:45 [chatter]
00:17:58 One, two, three--
00:18:01 Get up, get up!
00:18:02 What are you waiting for?
00:18:03 Come on, get up.
00:18:04 --four, five, six, seven.
00:18:07 [chatter]
00:18:14 One, two, three, four, five--
00:18:19 One more like that and you'll be able to go home.
00:18:21 Thanks.
00:18:22 --seven, eight, nine.
00:18:24 [chatter]
00:18:28 He did it!
00:18:29 Hit him again!
00:18:30 Hit him with your right!
00:18:31 [chatter]
00:18:36 Sit down.
00:18:37 Come on.
00:18:38 [chatter]
00:18:41 Look, this time go and give him a left cross, a right cross,
00:18:43 then give him a Japanese uppercut.
00:18:45 A Japanese uppercut?
00:18:46 Yeah, double cross.
00:18:47 Come on, kid.
00:18:48 Build up.
00:18:49 [chatter]
00:18:52 [ding]
00:18:53 Beat him up!
00:18:54 [chatter]
00:18:55 Come on, Danny.
00:18:57 Danny boy!
00:18:58 [chatter]
00:19:07 Yes, folks, Danny Lyons just seemed to step out of a trance.
00:19:10 Lyons lands a vicious hook to Wildcat's right eye.
00:19:13 [chatter]
00:19:22 Hey, what goes on?
00:19:23 You got me.
00:19:24 Give him a left!
00:19:25 A left!
00:19:26 Give him a right!
00:19:27 [chatter]
00:19:32 Johnson is down!
00:19:33 He's down!
00:19:34 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:19:44 [chatter]
00:19:48 Well, can you picture that?
00:19:50 He must have hit him with a stool.
00:19:53 [cheering]
00:19:58 Now, ladies and gentlemen, the winner, Danny Lyons,
00:20:00 will receive the coveted amateur boxing belt.
00:20:02 It'll take you 10 years to work this off,
00:20:05 and you start tomorrow.
00:20:07 Sensational champion.
00:20:08 Oh, boy, you're really looking for the ringside.
00:20:10 Oh, man.
00:20:11 You hit that guy so hard with that bolo,
00:20:12 they're still counting over him.
00:20:13 Will that Muggs be surprised?
00:20:15 I'm not very surprised.
00:20:16 Muggs, where have you been?
00:20:17 What happened to you?
00:20:18 I've been around.
00:20:19 Don't worry, we won the championship.
00:20:21 Gee, Muggs, when you didn't show up,
00:20:22 we didn't know what to do, so--
00:20:24 I did all right, kid.
00:20:25 My friends took very good care of me.
00:20:27 My friends?
00:20:28 What are you talking about?
00:20:29 Might as well tell you, fellas.
00:20:31 Danny fixed it up so he could fight tonight instead of me.
00:20:34 Muggs, you're wrong.
00:20:35 Yeah, yeah, playing dumb, huh?
00:20:37 Don't you figure this out all by yourself?
00:20:38 I don't know what you're talking about.
00:20:39 I wouldn't do a thing like that.
00:20:40 No, you wouldn't do it, but you hired a couple of polonkas
00:20:42 to take me for a ride until this fight was over.
00:20:44 Hey, is he making with the truth?
00:20:46 Is that on the level?
00:20:47 Hey, what goes on?
00:20:48 Muggs, you're wrong.
00:20:49 You gotta believe me, you're wrong.
00:20:50 Yeah, yeah, I know.
00:20:51 Incidentally, this belt belongs to me.
00:20:56 OK, Muggs, what about the car and those guys?
00:20:58 Yeah, I know, you never heard nothing about it.
00:21:00 Of course, you know I'm still champ around here.
00:21:03 Sure, Muggs, we--
00:21:04 Well, just to prove it--
00:21:05 [interposing voices]
00:21:06 Hey, wait a minute, Muggs!
00:21:07 Hey, slow down, boy.
00:21:08 What's the matter?
00:21:09 You lose half your buck--
00:21:10 Now I'm going out and show the press the real champ.
00:21:12 Take care of him.
00:21:13 I gotta take some pictures.
00:21:14 I will, I will.
00:21:15 I'll take care of him.
00:21:16 Danny's coming.
00:21:17 Hello, Mom.
00:21:18 Hello, Mr. Gendry.
00:21:19 Congratulations, Danny.
00:21:20 You were great tonight.
00:21:21 Thank you.
00:21:22 We heard the whole thing on the radio.
00:21:24 Where's the belt you won?
00:21:25 Oh, the belt?
00:21:27 You won it, didn't you?
00:21:28 Yeah, I won it, but I lost it.
00:21:32 Lost it?
00:21:33 Where?
00:21:34 How could you lose it?
00:21:37 I'll tell you all about it later, Mom.
00:21:39 Sure, Danny.
00:21:40 Oh, by the way, one of my boys left for the Army
00:21:43 this afternoon.
00:21:44 You can have the job tomorrow.
00:21:46 Gee, that's swell, Mr. Gendry.
00:21:47 I'll be there first thing in the morning.
00:21:49 Good night, Mrs. Lyons.
00:21:50 Good night, Mr. Gendry.
00:21:51 Good night, Danny.
00:21:52 Good night, sir.
00:21:56 Danny, what about the belt?
00:21:58 Well, I-- I didn't exactly lose it, Mom.
00:22:01 The East Side has it.
00:22:03 The East Side has it?
00:22:04 Well, I gave it to Muggs.
00:22:06 If I didn't, it would have meant a brawl.
00:22:08 Mom, why don't you let me go out and teach him a lesson?
00:22:11 Danny, as long as I live, I will never have a son of mine
00:22:13 fighting in the streets.
00:22:15 But Mom, you--
00:22:17 [chatter]
00:22:20 [music playing]
00:22:23 Things are getting heavy, Mr. Clark.
00:22:25 Halt.
00:22:26 Here you are, ladies and gentlemen.
00:22:28 Meet the new champ, Muggs McGinnis.
00:22:30 Muggs is going to hit Danny Lyons so hard,
00:22:32 they're going to count him out in the air.
00:22:34 He's going to give him a mushroom nose, a cauliflower ear.
00:22:37 In fact, he's going to make him the only kid in this block
00:22:39 with a built-in victory guard.
00:22:41 He's so tough, he told Joe Lewis where to get off.
00:22:44 He told Joe Lewis where to get off?
00:22:46 Are you kidding?
00:22:47 Well, they were riding on the same streetcar together.
00:22:50 What do you say, champ?
00:22:51 It's a pleasure to stand up here and look down at all
00:22:53 these smiling and intelligent faces.
00:22:55 Now, don't you folks think the phony champ ought to come out
00:22:58 and fight like a real man?
00:22:59 Yes.
00:23:00 Yeah.
00:23:01 Well, then call him.
00:23:02 Danny!
00:23:03 That's not a matter with you.
00:23:04 You're trying to make yourself conspicuous?
00:23:06 Now, call him conservatively.
00:23:08 Danny!
00:23:09 Take it easy, champ.
00:23:13 I want you to bruise that hand you're fighting next week.
00:23:16 Mugs McGinnis, beat it.
00:23:18 Not till Danny comes down.
00:23:20 I want to give him a little lesson in pugilistic art.
00:23:23 He's working.
00:23:24 Working, huh?
00:23:25 Whose baby carriage is he pushing now?
00:23:27 Go and find out for yourself.
00:23:29 Go over to Lewis Gendik's garage.
00:23:31 Gendik's?
00:23:35 Sir, that mooch is muscling in on my territory again.
00:23:38 You know how long ago I was promised that job?
00:23:40 How long?
00:23:41 Six months, 180 days.
00:23:42 What are you going to do about it?
00:23:43 It ain't going to be pleasant to watch.
00:23:45 Give me the crown, champ.
00:23:47 Stoney, Skinny, take this back to Joe DiPetro.
00:23:49 Right.
00:23:50 Right.
00:23:51 Thanks very much.
00:23:55 Come back again.
00:23:57 [engine starting]
00:23:59 Hiya, fellas.
00:24:13 What's cooking?
00:24:14 Still crawling in front of me, huh?
00:24:15 Last night, you fixed it so I can't make the fight.
00:24:17 Now you take the job that I was supposed to have.
00:24:19 Not in a million years, McGinnis.
00:24:21 Your memory must be depreciating, Gendik.
00:24:23 You promised me this job.
00:24:24 Sure, I remember.
00:24:26 But when I put anybody to work around here, I want a gentleman.
00:24:29 Not an irresponsible nerdy well like you.
00:24:31 Since when do you call this double-crosser a gentleman?
00:24:34 On your way, troublemaker.
00:24:36 Come on, fellas.
00:24:37 The atmosphere is getting a little dense around here.
00:24:40 Why don't you two guys go play ping pong with a time bomb?
00:24:43 If he was my son, I'd give him an old-fashioned talking to right over my knee.
00:24:50 Sometimes I can't figure, Muggs.
00:24:54 I wonder if he could take the same kind of medicine he dishes out.
00:24:57 Yes, sir.
00:25:04 Oh, it's you. Hi.
00:25:05 Hello, champ.
00:25:06 What do you want, regular or ethyl?
00:25:08 [laughs]
00:25:09 What's so funny?
00:25:10 You cost me some dough last night.
00:25:12 And incidentally, you can thank me for getting you in that ring.
00:25:14 What? You mean--
00:25:16 Yeah, yeah. I finally got in with Muggs.
00:25:18 Cost me some dough, but it was worth it.
00:25:20 How many gallons you want?
00:25:22 Make it three, and here's my ration book.
00:25:24 Don't be so gloomy.
00:25:26 Don't forget, Danny's name is going to be stricken from the records.
00:25:30 He's out of the club intimately, ultimately, and forever.
00:25:33 Why not get his next year's dues first?
00:25:35 I know, maybe--
00:25:36 Never mind his next year's dues.
00:25:37 He's out right now, presently, henceforth, et cetera.
00:25:40 Oh, you're a big man, aren't you?
00:25:42 [knocking]
00:25:43 Oh.
00:25:44 Check the oil?
00:25:49 No, here.
00:25:50 Thanks. I'll be seeing you, champ.
00:25:52 Oh, Mr. Gendik, could I take about 10 minutes off?
00:26:03 Why, sure, Danny.
00:26:04 Thanks a lot.
00:26:05 Azov, the 15th instinct of the month quote.
00:26:11 Hey, how do you spell Azov?
00:26:13 Azov? I don't know. Strike it from the records.
00:26:16 I, as the president of this club, hereby alone, unanimously ostracize Danny Lyons from this club.
00:26:22 And if he knows what's good for him, he won't come around anymore.
00:26:25 Hey, chairman at arms, see who that is.
00:26:33 Maybe somebody trying to break the lease.
00:26:35 Now, when all the good news comes a little bad--
00:26:37 Hey, Muggs, it's Danny.
00:26:39 Never heard of him.
00:26:40 Come on in.
00:26:41 I've just been advised that Muggs would not enjoy the pleasure of your company.
00:26:45 Well, I'm still a member of this gang.
00:26:47 I told you not to let him in here.
00:26:50 I don't second thought.
00:26:51 Listen to me, Muggs, and the rest of you fellas.
00:26:53 What'd you do, come over here to cry on my shoulders?
00:26:55 I didn't come down here to cry on anybody's shoulder.
00:26:57 I have an idea that Harry Wyckoff was behind that whole mess last night.
00:27:00 Sure he was. You and Harry worked together.
00:27:03 Oh, you're crazy. Well, the last time I saw Harry was at the--
00:27:06 Was at the pool room.
00:27:07 And now I know why you didn't switch that shark like I told you.
00:27:10 You wanted Harry to win.
00:27:11 Well, Muggs, you've got to believe me.
00:27:13 I'm on the square with you.
00:27:14 No, I think I know why you came down here.
00:27:16 To encounter Ivy.
00:27:17 Ivy? What's she got to do with it?
00:27:19 She's got a lot to do with it.
00:27:20 Just in case you thought I didn't want you two going out together.
00:27:23 Well, you'd come down here and try to worm your way out of this thing, just like you're doing now.
00:27:27 Muggs, you don't even give me a chance.
00:27:29 I ain't giving away no chances.
00:27:30 And furthermore, stay away from my sister.
00:27:32 Well, I'll see you tonight, Mr. Klinkhammer.
00:27:37 Okay, Danny.
00:27:38 Well, hello, boys.
00:27:40 Hiya, Klinky.
00:27:42 It's Klinkhammer.
00:27:43 Okay, sinkhandle.
00:27:44 Hey, weather clear, track fast.
00:27:47 Looks like a Mickey Finn with fuzz on it.
00:27:49 Man, look at that head, a beautiful skin.
00:27:51 Every time I look at it, I want to put in my finger and start bowling.
00:27:54 Very funny.
00:27:57 Well, I suppose you boys all have your partners for the big dance tonight.
00:27:59 I don't need no partner. I can win it alone.
00:28:01 I got a dammit solid Z-O-I-L-T.
00:28:03 Hey, look here, you going to give Wes more of that counterfeit money?
00:28:05 I certainly am.
00:28:06 Counterfeit?
00:28:08 Why, my money's good.
00:28:09 I'll win it for you.
00:28:10 Counterfeit?
00:28:11 Why, my money's good.
00:28:12 Always has been.
00:28:13 Yeah, the last time you gave me a five, Lincoln was winking.
00:28:15 Well, look, boys, I got to go now.
00:28:17 I got to pay a little social call on your folks, you know.
00:28:19 Well, I'm off.
00:28:21 You're not kidding.
00:28:22 You are off.
00:28:23 See you later, Klinky.
00:28:24 If clothes make the man, you got a long way to go, son.
00:28:27 See you later.
00:28:28 Step down, sir.
00:28:31 Here you are, Milky.
00:28:35 Keep the change.
00:28:36 Thank you, sir.
00:28:37 Hiya, Mr. Scrooge.
00:28:39 Hi, how are you, fellas?
00:28:40 Hi, Pop.
00:28:41 Hi, Ray.
00:28:42 Where you been to, a Turkish fest?
00:28:43 This y'all getting a shine.
00:28:44 Gotta look neat once in a while, don't I?
00:28:45 Take over.
00:28:47 Yeah, I'm only hip to what you're talking about.
00:28:50 Hey, Jackson, you know that shop you just shined up?
00:28:52 Yeah.
00:28:53 Well, who's that big colloquial he's talking to in there?
00:28:54 He's a friend of my boss.
00:28:56 He works here.
00:28:57 Hey, Mugs, maybe Danny was right.
00:28:58 Sure, maybe he was right, but that still don't prove he didn't have nothing to do with it.
00:29:01 Look, you kids, if anything's cooking on your brains, don't do it around here.
00:29:06 And for you, my little clips,
00:29:08 you take over while I go home and see your mama.
00:29:10 Give me a shine, boys.
00:29:12 Look here, Pop, I'm allergic to this polish.
00:29:14 Hey, boy, give me a shine.
00:29:15 If you give me a shine, I'll polish you off, but quick, if you don't get out of that chair.
00:29:20 So you came around to pay off a little pool debt, huh?
00:29:25 Yeah, we came around to pay off, all right.
00:29:27 What do you want?
00:29:29 Where's that young elephant you was just talking to?
00:29:31 I didn't see nobody.
00:29:33 You got a stigmatism, huh?
00:29:34 You paying much protection lately, White Coat?
00:29:37 What's it to you?
00:29:38 Oh, nothing, nothing at all.
00:29:40 How much you lose in a fight last night?
00:29:42 I think you lost a little more than I did, huh?
00:29:45 How would you like to lose consciousness?
00:29:47 What's the matter, can't you take a little rib?
00:29:49 Maybe your laughing boy knows a little about this, huh?
00:29:51 Look, fellas, this ain't no pool hall.
00:29:53 Now get out of here before I call the cops.
00:29:55 Call the cops?
00:29:56 That's a funny one.
00:29:57 Go ahead and call them.
00:29:58 We'll lead them right into that back room there and let them place a couple of bets.
00:30:01 And speaking of bets, there's a couple of newspaper men back there.
00:30:06 We're going to place a little parlay on them.
00:30:08 But I wouldn't bet them to win.
00:30:10 What do you kids want in here?
00:30:18 We just come around to renew acquaintances.
00:30:20 Hello, kid.
00:30:22 Hello, kid.
00:30:23 So you remember me, huh?
00:30:24 I thought you tried to say you was a couple of other guys.
00:30:27 I don't know what you're talking about.
00:30:29 That's a lapse of memory.
00:30:30 All right, outside. Get going.
00:30:31 Sure, we'll get going. You hear what he says, fellas?
00:30:33 Well, let's go.
00:30:35 Give me the phone!
00:30:36 Hey, I wonder what time the floor show goes on.
00:30:43 What's Hatcher's face doing up there?
00:30:47 Where's the judge?
00:30:48 Must be out to lunch.
00:30:49 Gee, a lady judge.
00:30:51 Next case, please.
00:30:52 Benny Miller.
00:30:55 Joe Collins.
00:30:57 Harold Stone.
00:30:59 Grimpy McLeavy.
00:31:01 Atherford McGinnis.
00:31:03 Atherford McGinnis.
00:31:04 Atherford McGinnis.
00:31:06 Hey, Muggs!
00:31:07 Do people usually call you by that name, Muggs?
00:31:16 No, that's because he's so homely.
00:31:18 I mean, tough.
00:31:20 Tough?
00:31:21 Only my friends call me Muggs.
00:31:23 I don't think you'd know a friend if you saw one.
00:31:25 I'm his friend.
00:31:27 Thanks, Gwen.
00:31:28 I don't suppose any of you boys have got a job?
00:31:30 A job? I worked once.
00:31:32 I was a pin setter.
00:31:33 What is a pin setter?
00:31:34 They knock 'em down, I set 'em up.
00:31:36 Gee, Judge, ain't you never bold?
00:31:39 Stop that!
00:31:42 Sorry, Miss, uh, your Honor.
00:31:45 Uh, didn't get much sleep last night.
00:31:47 I can't see no point in discussing Grimpy's career.
00:31:49 The issue is, are we going to the Who's Gala or ain't we?
00:31:52 Whether I send you there or someone else does,
00:31:54 eventually that's where you're going to wind up.
00:31:57 I can't understand it.
00:32:00 You boys are supposed to be good American citizens.
00:32:02 While our soldiers are fighting for peace, you're disturbing it.
00:32:06 There's 101 things that you can do to further the war effort.
00:32:10 And I'm going to give you a chance to do it.
00:32:12 Go on home and don't let me catch you back here again.
00:32:15 Case dismissed.
00:32:17 Thanks, Miss Judge.
00:32:19 So long there, Charlie.
00:32:22 Where do you think you're going?
00:32:24 You said the case was dismissed.
00:32:29 The case was dismissed for them.
00:32:30 They were brought in here for disturbing the peace.
00:32:32 You were brought in here for bookmaking.
00:32:34 This is your second offense.
00:32:36 How do you plead?
00:32:37 Guilty.
00:32:39 Six months each.
00:32:41 Next case, please.
00:32:43 I'll see you fellas later.
00:32:46 I got a little date.
00:32:48 Monks, can I go with you, maybe, huh?
00:32:49 No, this is personal.
00:32:51 Okay.
00:32:52 Hey, fellas, you want to go over to the pool room, huh?
00:32:54 Didn't you hear what that judge said?
00:32:58 Hey, I wonder where he's going.
00:32:59 Let's find out.
00:33:01 Hey, Danny.
00:33:12 I've had a change of disposition.
00:33:14 Yeah?
00:33:16 Yeah.
00:33:17 Hey, Muggs is talking to Danny.
00:33:19 Hey, what do you know about Dan?
00:33:21 You can take Ivy to that dance tonight.
00:33:23 Thanks, I appreciate that.
00:33:26 Hey, that's nothing.
00:33:27 Nothing at all.
00:33:29 About that fight.
00:33:31 They found out about Wyckoff.
00:33:33 Oh, did he tell you how much I paid him for the job?
00:33:35 Yeah, right, so you wasn't in on it.
00:33:37 It's just a lucky break for you, that's all.
00:33:39 By the way, we're having a meeting tomorrow night.
00:33:42 The last I heard, I was kicked out of the club.
00:33:44 Yeah, well, I kicked you back in.
00:33:46 I'll see you later.
00:33:48 Don't wait up for me.
00:33:52 Patricia may, but we got nothing in common.
00:33:55 I'm not going to shoot a game of pool.
00:33:56 If that's the way you feel about it,
00:33:58 you better hang up.
00:34:00 I guess that's the way she felt about it.
00:34:03 I hope Danny likes his dress.
00:34:06 Well, I don't see why not.
00:34:08 He sees you in it every day.
00:34:10 Mother.
00:34:12 Good evening, Mrs. McGinnis.
00:34:16 Won't you come in, Danny?
00:34:18 Thank you.
00:34:20 Hello.
00:34:21 Hello, Ivy, are you ready?
00:34:22 I will be in just a minute.
00:34:24 It's been nine years since I've seen Miss Ivy McGinnis.
00:34:25 Prepare for a lull.
00:34:27 Very funny bit.
00:34:29 You expect to win that 50 tonight?
00:34:31 We're sure going to try.
00:34:33 Well, you should know a couple of good steps by now.
00:34:35 You've been practicing for 300 years.
00:34:37 Take me, for instance.
00:34:39 I'm going to win at Mizuma tonight,
00:34:41 and I ain't had no practicing at all.
00:34:43 You going to dance tonight, Muggs?
00:34:45 Who's your partner, anybody I know?
00:34:47 I didn't know you went in for dances, Muggs.
00:34:49 I'm ambidextrous.
00:34:51 Tonight you're going to find out that I can beat you
00:34:53 to a pulp.
00:34:54 Come on, Danny, let's go.
00:34:56 Good luck, kids.
00:34:58 Be home early.
00:35:00 Good night, Muggs.
00:35:01 Good night, Mrs. McGinnis.
00:35:03 Have a good time.
00:35:05 Don't slam the door, Schlemiel.
00:35:07 I'm sorry, Ma.
00:35:09 I don't like to be crude like that,
00:35:11 but that guy brings out the bad side in me.
00:35:13 Did I hear you say you were going to the dance?
00:35:15 When did you decide on that?
00:35:17 Just now.
00:35:19 A little spontaneous conclusion.
00:35:22 You're not going to the dance in those clothes.
00:35:23 No.
00:35:25 No, I guess not.
00:35:27 Well, how about that outfit I used to wear
00:35:29 when I was a choir boy?
00:35:31 I'll get it for you.
00:35:33 Choir boy.
00:35:35 [music playing]
00:35:37 When a body meets a body
00:35:46 Coming through the right
00:35:50 When a body kisses a body
00:35:52 Need a body cry
00:35:55 When a lassie has a laddie
00:36:00 Name they say
00:36:03 Oh, in all the land
00:36:07 They smile at me
00:36:09 When coming through the right
00:36:13 Hey!
00:36:15 [music playing]
00:36:18 When a body meets a body
00:36:20 Good evening, Mr. Gendix.
00:36:22 Good evening, Danny.
00:36:24 I wish you luck in the contest this evening.
00:36:26 Oh, thank you.
00:36:28 Thanks a lot.
00:36:30 Gee, that band sounds swell, doesn't it, huh?
00:36:32 Sure does.
00:36:34 Danny, look, I can't believe it.
00:36:36 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:38 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:40 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:42 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:44 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:46 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:47 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:49 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:51 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:53 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:55 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:57 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:36:59 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:01 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:03 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:05 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:07 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:09 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:11 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:13 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:15 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:16 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:18 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:20 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:22 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:24 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:26 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:28 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:30 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:32 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:34 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:36 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:38 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:40 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:42 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:44 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:45 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:47 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:49 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:51 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:53 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:55 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:57 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:37:59 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:01 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:03 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:05 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:07 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:09 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:11 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:13 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:14 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:16 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:18 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:20 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:22 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:24 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:26 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:28 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:30 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:32 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:34 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:36 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:38 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:40 I'm going to be a choir boy.
00:38:42 [music playing]
00:38:44 [music playing]
00:38:46 [music playing]
00:38:48 [music playing]
00:38:50 [music playing]
00:38:53 [music playing]
00:38:56 [music playing]
00:38:59 [music playing]
00:39:02 [music playing]
00:39:05 [music playing]
00:39:08 [music playing]
00:39:11 [music playing]
00:39:14 [music playing]
00:39:17 [applause]
00:39:19 [laughter]
00:39:21 [music playing]
00:39:24 [music playing]
00:39:27 [music playing]
00:39:30 [music playing]
00:39:33 [music playing]
00:39:36 [music playing]
00:39:39 [music playing]
00:39:42 [music playing]
00:39:46 [music playing]
00:39:48 [music playing]
00:39:51 [music playing]
00:39:54 [music playing]
00:39:57 [applause]
00:40:00 [chatter]
00:40:03 [chatter]
00:40:06 What you turning that ball on the clock for?
00:40:09 Dispose of that thing.
00:40:11 You know, someone said, didn't I?
00:40:14 (upbeat music)
00:40:17 (upbeat music)
00:40:20 (upbeat music)
00:40:22 (upbeat music)
00:40:25 (upbeat music)
00:40:27 (upbeat music)
00:40:31 (upbeat music)
00:40:35 (upbeat music)
00:40:39 (upbeat music)
00:40:42 (upbeat music)
00:40:46 (audience applauding)
00:40:54 - Go get your old girls.
00:40:55 Come on, second front, let's get some milk.
00:40:58 (upbeat music)
00:41:01 (upbeat music)
00:41:05 - This head pop is getting close to $50 time.
00:41:20 Oh, Muggs is sure to win.
00:41:22 (upbeat music)
00:41:24 (upbeat music)
00:41:46 (upbeat music)
00:41:49 (upbeat music)
00:41:51 (upbeat music)
00:41:54 (upbeat music)
00:41:56 (upbeat music)
00:41:59 (upbeat music)
00:42:01 - Too bad, I guess they were too good for us.
00:42:28 - It's all right, Muggs won anyway.
00:42:30 (audience applauding)
00:42:33 - Well, congratulations Muggs.
00:42:46 - Thanks, give me the 50 quick stammer.
00:42:49 - I've told you a thousand times,
00:42:50 my name is Clunkhammer, Clinkhammer.
00:42:52 - Yeah, yeah, we'll overlook your personal difficulty.
00:42:54 Shoot the foodie to me, snooty.
00:42:57 (audience chattering)
00:43:00 - No.
00:43:03 - I don't like that look in your eye.
00:43:04 - I'm sorry, kids.
00:43:07 - What are you sorry about?
00:43:09 I won, didn't I?
00:43:10 - Well, that all depends.
00:43:12 Young lady, do you work at the Silver Slipper Dance Hall?
00:43:15 - Well, in a way.
00:43:16 - And you get paid for dancing?
00:43:19 - Yes, I guess so.
00:43:20 - Well, that settles it, I'm sorry.
00:43:22 I can't give you the prize money.
00:43:23 Ladies and gentlemen, quiet please.
00:43:25 Attention.
00:43:27 Unfortunately, Mr. McGinnis has been dancing
00:43:30 with a professional.
00:43:31 - How did you expect me to win with an amateur?
00:43:33 I gotta have some personal handicap, don't I?
00:43:35 - Will you please stop butting in when I'm interrupting?
00:43:38 Mr. McGinnis has been disqualified,
00:43:40 and the real winners of the East Side
00:43:42 Amateur Jitterbug Contest are Danny Lyons and Ivy McGinnis.
00:43:47 (audience applauding)
00:43:49 - Danny, Danny, we won.
00:43:51 - We won.
00:43:52 - Oh, Muggs isn't gonna like this.
00:43:54 - All right, champions, come and get your money.
00:43:57 - You're full of perjury, you know that.
00:43:59 I won that contest all by myself.
00:44:01 I just used the slightest bit of assistance
00:44:03 from this young, innocent girl here.
00:44:04 - Muggs, I told you before, you're disqualified.
00:44:07 That means scram.
00:44:09 - Aw, come on, Muggs, we had fun anyway.
00:44:11 - Congratulations, Danny, and you too.
00:44:13 - Thank you.
00:44:14 - Thanks a lot.
00:44:15 Well, half of this is yours, Ivy.
00:44:16 - Oh, that's all right, Danny.
00:44:17 You keep it for a while.
00:44:18 - Okay.
00:44:19 I've been playing second fiddle you for a long time, Lyons,
00:44:23 but you're gonna look awful funny playing a harp.
00:44:26 - Now, no fisticuffs.
00:44:28 - Go part your hair, breakaway.
00:44:30 - All right, everybody dance.
00:44:35 And let the arches follow where they may.
00:44:37 (upbeat music)
00:44:40 - Gee, that's some drag, Muggs.
00:44:47 You had to lose that contest after all that fancy hoofing.
00:44:50 - Yes, indeed it, Muggs.
00:44:51 Where did you learn all those fancy steps?
00:44:53 - I invented them.
00:44:53 - You're a real hip cat, Pop.
00:44:55 - Yeah, that's a killer move.
00:44:57 - Ah, Danny, congratulations, both of you.
00:44:59 That was great stuff.
00:45:00 - Oh, thanks. - Thanks a lot.
00:45:01 Gee, I'm sure sorry you got disqualified, Muggs.
00:45:03 - I never saw anybody look any sorrier.
00:45:05 - Aw, cheer up, Muggsy.
00:45:06 It's all in the family anyway.
00:45:08 - Well, the drinks are on us.
00:45:09 What'll you have?
00:45:10 - I'll have an orangeade.
00:45:11 - Orangeade. - Orangeade.
00:45:12 - What are you gonna have, Muggs?
00:45:13 - I'd like to have a few words with you.
00:45:16 There's a lot of little things we gotta discuss,
00:45:18 about 50 of 'em,
00:45:20 but I think we better do it in private.
00:45:23 - Okay, Muggs.
00:45:24 Excuse me, honey, I'll be right back.
00:45:25 - Yeah, he'll be right back.
00:45:27 - Hey, Clippy, it's too bad you were disqualified.
00:45:32 Professional jealousy.
00:45:33 Will you have kids, Clippy's buying.
00:45:34 - I've already got mine, orangeade.
00:45:36 - Me too, lemonade.
00:45:37 - Just make mine water, I'm driving.
00:45:39 (laughing)
00:45:41 - Come on, fork over to 50.
00:45:44 You've been holding it long enough.
00:45:45 - But Muggs, we won the contest.
00:45:47 - Technically, yes.
00:45:48 Financially, no.
00:45:49 - You were disqualified.
00:45:52 Besides, part of this money is Ivy's.
00:45:53 - I'll take care of the distribution.
00:45:55 - Muggs, Danny, what's the matter?
00:45:57 - You'll get back to your lemonade.
00:45:58 It's a little personal matter.
00:45:59 Now come on, get it on the line.
00:46:01 - You can't stand to lose, can you?
00:46:03 - No, I can't.
00:46:04 If you don't give me that dough,
00:46:05 I'm gonna belt you one right on the chin.
00:46:08 Now make with the take.
00:46:09 - Danny, don't do it.
00:46:12 Just because he's my brother, don't let him knock you around.
00:46:15 That money belongs to us.
00:46:17 - My palm is itching and my left is raring to go.
00:46:20 - If you're gonna get it up, I'll give you one more chance.
00:46:23 - Okay, Muggs, if that's the way you want it.
00:46:28 - That's just the way I want it.
00:46:29 - Half of that's Ivy's, don't forget.
00:46:31 - I don't want any part of it.
00:46:32 - Wait a minute, Ivy.
00:46:34 I'll take you home.
00:46:35 - I can find my own way home.
00:46:37 - Spoken like a true McGuinness.
00:46:40 Well, so long, champ.
00:46:44 (upbeat music)
00:46:46 - Hey, Danny, wait a minute.
00:46:58 You're leaving the dance rather early, aren't you?
00:47:03 - Well, I was getting pretty tired.
00:47:05 - Isn't everyone to take what Muggs hands out?
00:47:08 - I'm not afraid of Muggs.
00:47:10 - I know that, but he thinks you are.
00:47:13 - You ever think of joining another gang?
00:47:15 - That'd be running away.
00:47:17 - Not the outfit I'm talking about.
00:47:19 They'll be glad to get you.
00:47:21 They will sooner or later.
00:47:23 You'll be fighting all kinds of bullies.
00:47:25 - Like Muggs?
00:47:26 - Worse.
00:47:27 These bullies are called Japs and Nazis.
00:47:30 - You mean the army?
00:47:32 - That won't be running away, Danny.
00:47:34 That's real fighting.
00:47:35 They tried to get me in '17, but couldn't finish the job.
00:47:41 - There they go, talking about that again.
00:47:43 We'll talk it over some more.
00:47:47 See you in the morning, Danny.
00:47:49 - Yes, sir.
00:47:50 Good night, Mr. Gandick.
00:47:52 - Good night.
00:47:53 - Then I met Mr. Gandick outside.
00:48:00 - Your father and Mr. Louis Gandick were very good friends.
00:48:03 They fought together over in France.
00:48:05 - I'll bet Pop was a good soldier.
00:48:08 - One of the best.
00:48:11 - What are you thinking of, Danny?
00:48:13 - I'm thinking what a lot of us fellas
00:48:17 should have done weeks ago.
00:48:18 I'm joining the army, with your consent.
00:48:22 - For that kind of fighting, Danny?
00:48:27 Always.
00:48:28 I'm proud to have you go.
00:48:29 - I wonder what Ivy will think.
00:48:35 - Do you mean to say that Danny stood there
00:48:38 and did nothing about it?
00:48:39 - Mugs might be a bully and all that,
00:48:41 but Danny doesn't even stand up for his own rights.
00:48:44 - Well, it seems to me that if Danny had a little
00:48:46 of what Mugs has, and vice versa, you'd have something.
00:48:50 You still like Danny anyway, don't you, honey?
00:49:03 (fire crackling)
00:49:05 - R-Q-O-P-L-Y-Z-M.
00:49:11 - Hello, Glimpy.
00:49:12 Don't tell me you want to go to work.
00:49:13 - What?
00:49:14 I was giving myself an eye test.
00:49:15 Hey, what happened to Danny?
00:49:16 You fire him?
00:49:17 - Danny quit.
00:49:18 - Quit?
00:49:19 What'd he do, let failure go to his head?
00:49:21 - He had a special reason of his own.
00:49:23 I don't think you boys are going to see him around so much.
00:49:25 - Okay, I'll play straight.
00:49:26 Tell me.
00:49:27 - Danny quit.
00:49:28 - Quit?
00:49:29 What'd he do, let failure go to his head?
00:49:30 - I'll play straight.
00:49:31 Tell me.
00:49:32 - Danny's joined a new gang.
00:49:34 - No gang.
00:49:35 Bring him around, I'll rip their heads again,
00:49:36 I'll make a bonfire out of them.
00:49:37 - But this gang's really tough.
00:49:40 - Tough?
00:49:41 That's different.
00:49:41 New gang?
00:49:42 Mugs ain't gonna like this.
00:49:44 - Fantastic.
00:49:46 How do you make those hangers, Mugs?
00:49:47 - Just practice, just practice, that's all.
00:49:49 - Hey!
00:49:49 I can remember one time in Chicago--
00:49:50 - Hey, get a load of this!
00:49:51 Don't move or I gotta tell you.
00:49:52 Listen quietly, listen, listen.
00:49:53 - I speak English.
00:49:54 - Danny's left, he's gone away.
00:49:55 - Why do I care about Danny?
00:49:57 - Yeah, but he's joined a new gang.
00:49:58 - What gang?
00:49:59 - I don't know, Gendix wouldn't tell me.
00:50:00 - What's Gendix know about it?
00:50:02 - Nothing.
00:50:02 As long as he said it was very tough
00:50:04 and they control the whole country.
00:50:06 - I'm gonna get even with Gendix one of these days.
00:50:08 - Yeah, he always sticks up for Danny.
00:50:09 That's why you never got the job.
00:50:11 - I'll tell you what to do.
00:50:12 You fellas scatter around,
00:50:13 see what you can find out about Danny and his new gang.
00:50:15 And come back here and let me know.
00:50:17 (whistling)
00:50:20 Come out of your tone, Def.
00:50:22 - Oh, don't be so gruesome.
00:50:25 (door slams)
00:50:27 - Hey, Muggs, what is this about Danny?
00:50:33 - Oh, I'd rather not talk about it.
00:50:34 - Nick, Nick!
00:50:35 - Hello, Peter, what's the matter?
00:50:38 - Look, look what they did.
00:50:40 - Murderers.
00:50:45 - My parents.
00:50:46 What do I do about them?
00:50:48 - Oh, don't worry, Peter.
00:50:50 Go over to the consulate.
00:50:52 He will advise you what to do.
00:50:55 - You mean to say those Nazis just walked in
00:50:56 and snuffed out a whole town just like that?
00:50:59 - Yes.
00:51:00 It was no bigger than our neighborhood
00:51:01 from Mott Street to this block.
00:51:04 - Hey, Nick, what's this?
00:51:08 What are you doing, going to school or something?
00:51:10 - Or this?
00:51:11 I'm studying to be an American citizen.
00:51:16 - You mean to say you ain't a citizen?
00:51:18 - I soon will be.
00:51:20 Soon as I know what's in here.
00:51:22 - Is it very tough?
00:51:23 - Mm-hmm, some of the questions are easy,
00:51:25 and others you have to study again and again.
00:51:29 - I don't see why you have to know all that stuff.
00:51:31 - That's the trouble with you and a lot of people.
00:51:33 You take your citizenship for granted.
00:51:35 You should know all these things,
00:51:37 just like you know the name of your friends.
00:51:39 - I know the whole book from cover to cover.
00:51:41 Go ahead, ask me some questions.
00:51:43 - All right.
00:51:45 What are the first 10 amendments called?
00:51:49 - Uh, you better ask me another question.
00:51:52 The book's full of them, ain't it?
00:51:53 - Oh, if you don't know that, there's no use
00:51:54 of going any further.
00:51:56 The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights.
00:51:59 - Did you ever read them?
00:52:02 - Not recently.
00:52:03 - Well, the Bill of Rights simply means
00:52:05 freedom and protection.
00:52:07 It has a lot of clauses, but after all in all,
00:52:10 it's like the four freedoms the president talks about.
00:52:14 - Well, uh, those people must have kind of
00:52:17 missed the boat on that setup, huh?
00:52:19 - Oh, but they will get those things pretty soon.
00:52:22 That's why our boys are joining the army.
00:52:26 - You mean all those fellas who used to come in here
00:52:28 and shoot pool and all those guys that have joined the army,
00:52:30 they know all about this Bill of Rights and amendments?
00:52:32 - Maybe not.
00:52:35 But in their hearts, they know.
00:52:37 Like you, Muggs.
00:52:39 I saw your face when you read that paper.
00:52:42 I didn't have to tell you about the Bill of Rights.
00:52:46 Americans are born with it in their hearts,
00:52:50 and it just has to come out sooner or later.
00:52:55 Where are you going, Muggs?
00:53:09 (door closes)
00:53:11 (footsteps)
00:53:16 - Guess what, guess what? - What?
00:53:20 - Danny's joined the army. - Danny did what?
00:53:22 - Don't you hear my voice? Danny's joined the army.
00:53:24 - Maybe he wants to fight now.
00:53:25 - Yeah, I'm just in the mood.
00:53:28 - What are you gonna do?
00:53:30 - Gonna do nothing.
00:53:31 Exactly nothing.
00:53:41 (door closes)
00:53:43 - What's the matter, Muggsy?
00:53:46 ♪ (romantic music)
00:53:57 What's the trouble, Muggs?
00:53:58 I've never seen you this way before.
00:54:01 - What's wrong with me anyway, Ma?
00:54:03 - Why say that? There's nothing ever wrong with a McGuinness.
00:54:06 - Everything I do turns out wrong.
00:54:08 I'm always making enemies.
00:54:10 I don't like to hurt nobody, Ma.
00:54:12 I always try to do the right thing.
00:54:14 Once in a while I gotta kick the fellas around the club
00:54:16 a little bit, but that's just to show them I'm the leader,
00:54:18 that's all.
00:54:19 - What's the real trouble, Muggs?
00:54:22 - I want your consent to join the army.
00:54:26 - What brought this on?
00:54:28 - Well, Danny's in the army...
00:54:31 strutting around like a peacock in that new uniform
00:54:33 he has with the brass buttons and everything.
00:54:36 Look Ma, I can beat Danny, I can beat him at anything!
00:54:38 I've been beating him all my life!
00:54:40 I'll be a captain, I'll be a major!
00:54:42 I can still beat him!
00:54:45 - If that's the reason you want to join,
00:54:46 I don't think you'll make a good soldier.
00:54:50 - That's not the reason, Ma.
00:54:52 There's other reasons I can't explain.
00:54:53 Just give me your consent, will you?
00:54:55 - No...not until you're drafted,
00:54:58 or I think you really want to fight for your country
00:55:01 and not just to show Danny up.
00:55:04 ♪ (sentimental music)
00:55:16 - Muggs never kept you away from Ivy?
00:55:19 - No, and he won't be able to after tonight.
00:55:23 More work than one.
00:55:25 Look, Mom...
00:55:27 - An engagement ring!
00:55:29 - It's pretty, isn't it?
00:55:31 - I knew someday you and Ivy would.
00:55:33 - Does she know?
00:55:35 - No, I...
00:55:36 I don't know whether to tell Muggs first or...
00:55:40 - Tell Muggs?
00:55:41 Get on your feet, soldier.
00:55:44 Now you listen to me, Danny Lyons.
00:55:47 You're a man now.
00:55:49 Sooner or later Muggs McGinnis is going to find this out.
00:55:52 You go and give that ring to Ivy...
00:55:55 and forget about Muggs.
00:55:57 - Thanks, Ma.
00:55:59 (door closes)
00:56:01 (footsteps)
00:56:04 (footsteps)
00:56:06 (paper rustles)
00:56:08 (footsteps)
00:56:16 - Hey, wait a minute, you cheated!
00:56:17 - How can you win a game of solitaire without cheating?
00:56:20 At least once-- - Hey, hey, hey!
00:56:22 Hey, I seen him, I seen him, I seen him!
00:56:23 - Quit those semi-hysterics. You seen who?
00:56:26 - I saw his uniform. He even saluted me!
00:56:29 - Hey, wait a minute! - What's the matter?
00:56:31 - Come to think of it, he didn't have his thumb in the right place.
00:56:34 - Where was he going? - Towards your house.
00:56:36 - He was, huh? Gonna strut his uniform up in front of Ivy.
00:56:39 - Where you going?
00:56:41 - Oh, I'm gonna have a little chat with him, that's all.
00:56:43 - Wait a minute...with Danny in the Army,
00:56:44 you can't boss him around like you used to.
00:56:46 - I'm still head man around here.
00:56:47 You fellas follow me at a safe distance
00:56:49 and you'll find out whether or not I can force him.
00:56:52 (footsteps)
00:56:53 (knocking)
00:56:56 (door opens)
00:56:57 - Why, Danny! - Hello Mrs. McGinnis.
00:57:03 - When did you get back?
00:57:04 - Well, I got in about an hour ago.
00:57:05 - Oh, wait till Ivy sees you.
00:57:07 Ivy! Why, you look fine in your uniform.
00:57:10 I think you put some weight on.
00:57:11 You look splendid. How've you been?
00:57:14 - Danny! Gee, what a surprise!
00:57:16 - Hello Ivy. I brought you some popcorn.
00:57:18 - Ah, popcorn?
00:57:20 Well I've heard of boys bringing orchids and candy,
00:57:22 but never popcorn. - Oh my, the please.
00:57:24 - Well, I suppose you two kids haven't seen each other
00:57:26 in a long time and you want to be alone.
00:57:29 - Yes, well... - I'll be right back.
00:57:32 - Oh... - In about three hours.
00:57:34 - Oh! (chuckles)
00:57:35 - Come on Danny, sit down.
00:57:36 I want you to tell me everything you've been doing.
00:57:38 - It's a long story.
00:57:41 Oh, you've got the wrong bag.
00:57:43 - Well what's the difference? Popcorn's popcorn.
00:57:45 - Well, there's a little more in this one.
00:57:47 - Oh, all right.
00:57:49 Good.
00:57:53 You know, the popcorn man told me
00:57:54 you sometimes find a prize in these.
00:57:56 - Oh really? - Mm-hmm.
00:57:57 - Gee, it's been so lonesome without you.
00:58:00 Wait, Danny! Danny, look, I found one!
00:58:05 - See, what did I tell you?
00:58:06 - It's just like an engagement ring.
00:58:08 - What do you mean, "like"? It is.
00:58:11 - You put it in there? - Uh-huh.
00:58:14 - That means we're engaged?
00:58:16 - If you want to be.
00:58:17 - Oh, Danny, here.
00:58:21 (door closes)
00:58:23 - Well, how romantic.
00:58:28 Ah, Romeo and Cleopatra!
00:58:31 - Don't be obnoxious.
00:58:33 This is no time for compliments.
00:58:34 - Mugs, I want you to meet your future brother-in-law.
00:58:36 - Since when are you making the decisions around here?
00:58:38 - Danny and I are engaged. - That's right.
00:58:40 - I don't know how long this has been going on,
00:58:41 but you're disengaged right now.
00:58:43 - Yeah, and I'll have you both annulled.
00:58:45 - What's the idea, Mugs?
00:58:46 - This is my house, ain't it?
00:58:48 I'll ask the questions around here.
00:58:49 - Mugs, please.
00:58:50 - Let you out, you'll hurt my arm.
00:58:52 Boys are downstairs, they'd like to see you.
00:58:55 Besides, I'd like to have a little talk with you.
00:58:57 Ivy can spare you for a few minutes.
00:59:00 Come on.
00:59:02 - Yeah, okay Mugs.
00:59:03 - Fine.
00:59:04 I'll be right back, Ivy.
00:59:13 (door closes)
00:59:19 - Hi! - Hi Danny!
00:59:21 (indistinct chatter)
00:59:24 - Say boy, do you look rude in that suit?
00:59:26 - Yes sir!
00:59:27 - We really thought you'd join a new gang.
00:59:28 - No wonder Gannick said your gang
00:59:30 had a couple of million guys.
00:59:31 - And they're all swell fellas too.
00:59:33 - All right, break it up.
00:59:34 Cut the gab.
00:59:35 - What's on your mind, Mugs?
00:59:38 - Oh, nothing much.
00:59:39 I just want to stop these boys before they start kissing you.
00:59:42 You know, I'm still head man around here
00:59:44 and I don't like to see the old gang bust up.
00:59:46 So I'm going to give you a chance to get back in.
00:59:48 - He's in the army, he don't like our gang.
00:59:50 - Heck, I don't. I still want to be a member.
00:59:52 - I'll give you a chance to prove that.
00:59:54 - How can I?
00:59:55 - Gannick likes you a lot, doesn't he?
00:59:57 - Yeah, and he'd like you too if he gave him half a chance.
00:59:59 - I'm not interested in the old boy socially.
01:00:01 I'm just interested in those new tires he's got.
01:00:04 - What?
01:00:05 You kidding?
01:00:06 - No, I'm not kidding.
01:00:07 And I need you to help me.
01:00:09 - You want me to help you rob Gannick's?
01:00:11 What for?
01:00:11 - For dough, that's what for.
01:00:13 - But Mugs, you-- - Never mind!
01:00:14 You may belong to a new gang,
01:00:15 but you're still taking orders from me.
01:00:17 - Okay, Mugs...
01:00:19 Anything you say.
01:00:21 - If you get a hold of Gannick,
01:00:22 you can get him in a conversation.
01:00:23 The main thing is to get him
01:00:25 right in the front of that store.
01:00:26 - Suppose you get caught?
01:00:27 - I got an alibi.
01:00:28 - Then fight him while we got an excuse.
01:00:30 - Just tell him he looks like he needs
01:00:31 a glass of milk or something.
01:00:32 Take him down to McGillicuddy's.
01:00:33 - Okay.
01:00:34 - Take it easy.
01:00:36 (whistling)
01:00:37 Boys...there goes a chump.
01:00:39 (whistling)
01:00:40 What are you whistling about?
01:00:42 - I'm not whistling.
01:00:46 - Well, what brings you around here this time of night?
01:00:50 - Well, I was sort of strolling,
01:00:51 and I have to get to bed early at camp, so...
01:00:54 - Oh, just the novelty of staying up, eh?
01:00:56 - Yeah, I guess that's it.
01:00:58 - Well, sit down, Danny, and tell me all about army life.
01:01:01 - Yeah.
01:01:01 - Hey, they're sitting down.
01:01:04 He must be tired.
01:01:06 - What's that slug trying to do?
01:01:07 I told him to get Gannick out of there.
01:01:09 - Looks like he's giving you the double cross.
01:01:10 - Well, if he knows what's good for him,
01:01:12 he's going to take Gannick for that walk.
01:01:14 Maybe he's trying to save his rubber heels.
01:01:17 You're looking well, Danny.
01:01:19 The army must be treating you all right.
01:01:20 - Oh, I've been feeling great.
01:01:22 I've only been in a month and I've put on 50 pounds.
01:01:24 - 50 pounds?
01:01:25 - Yeah!
01:01:26 Two in weight and 48 in equipment.
01:01:28 (laughing)
01:01:30 - How do you like that?
01:01:32 Danny turned stool pigeon.
01:01:34 - So what?
01:01:35 Gannick's would have caught us anyway.
01:01:36 - There's only one thing to mix that deal up,
01:01:38 and I'm going to fix that right now.
01:01:39 - Hey, we're going back to the pool room.
01:01:40 I got a date with an eight ball.
01:01:42 - You ever hear the old maximum?
01:01:43 Business before pleasure?
01:01:44 Well, this is old business.
01:01:46 - Danny?
01:01:47 - For once and for all.
01:01:49 - Is the back of the garage all locked up?
01:01:52 - Why sure, it's always locked up at night.
01:01:54 You know that.
01:01:55 - I should know it.
01:01:56 I used to work for you.
01:01:57 Well, I have to be running along now.
01:02:04 Good night, Mr. Gannick.
01:02:05 - Good night, Danny.
01:02:07 Drop in again before you go back to camp.
01:02:09 - I sure will.
01:02:10 (door creaking)
01:02:12 - What's the matter?
01:02:14 You got a hole in your memory?
01:02:15 - I talked to Gannick just like you told me to.
01:02:17 - Sure you talked to him.
01:02:19 You didn't follow my orders.
01:02:20 You have an important job and you're hedged on it.
01:02:23 - You weren't really going to rob Gannick.
01:02:24 You just wanted to get me in trouble.
01:02:26 - Still the same old jellyfish, huh?
01:02:29 - You must be crazy to think I'd help you
01:02:30 pull a job like that, especially in these.
01:02:33 - Look, I'm still head man around here,
01:02:34 and when I say something, I want it done.
01:02:36 - I'm sorry, Muggs,
01:02:37 but I'm through taking that kind of orders.
01:02:39 - I think I can still keep you in line.
01:02:41 I've been doing it all my life.
01:02:42 - Here, Beanie.
01:02:46 Is she kidding?
01:02:48 - No, I'm not kidding, Muggs.
01:02:50 You've been asking for this for a long time,
01:02:52 and now you're finally gonna get it.
01:02:54 - Well, make yourself nice and comfortable
01:02:55 so when you fall, you won't hurt yourself.
01:02:57 - Yeah, you better be comfortable.
01:02:58 - Yours, kid.
01:03:00 - Hey!
01:03:01 - Hey!
01:03:01 - Watch it, Muggs!
01:03:03 - How'd you like that, Muggs?
01:03:08 - I love it.
01:03:09 - Well, have you had enough?
01:03:22 - Yeah.
01:03:25 Yeah, I guess that fills the bill.
01:03:27 - No hard feelings, huh, Muggs?
01:03:32 - Yeah.
01:03:36 I always said the guy that married my sister
01:03:37 would have to lick me first, and you've done it.
01:03:40 - I'm sure glad it worked out this way, Muggs.
01:03:42 - Well, I'm not glad, but it's all right.
01:03:44 - Well, we cleaned that place out,
01:03:47 and where can we get some more?
01:03:49 - Yeah, let's see.
01:03:49 - You know that, don't you, Jim?
01:03:50 - Well, I don't know.
01:03:51 I don't know.
01:03:52 - Hey, well, look who's coming!
01:03:53 - Hey, hey, Muggs!
01:03:54 - Hey, Muggs!
01:03:54 - Hey, how are you, fellas?
01:03:55 - Boy, you look great!
01:03:56 - What are you boys doing?
01:03:57 - Oh, we're taking this scrap metal
01:03:59 down to Genick's garage for the salvage drive.
01:04:01 - Hey, didn't they get Genick for the army yet?
01:04:02 - Not yet.
01:04:03 - Well, I'm glad to see you boys.
01:04:05 It's close cooperation with the armed forces.
01:04:06 Keep up the good work.
01:04:08 - Too bad us guys couldn't make it.
01:04:09 - But we'll be in there with you next year.
01:04:10 - Yeah, with Danny, Glimpy, and I in there,
01:04:12 the war will be over next year.
01:04:13 (men laughing)
01:04:14 - Good luck!
01:04:15 - So long.
01:04:16 - See you in Tokyo.
01:04:17 - Tokyo will be dirty.
01:04:18 - Hey, look!
01:04:20 You see what I see?
01:04:21 - Oh, no, it can't be.
01:04:23 - Ivy!
01:04:30 - Salute your superior, officer.
01:04:32 - Yes, sir.
01:04:33 - Yes, ma'am.
01:04:34 - Private Lyons, get in.
01:04:35 - Yes, ma'am.
01:04:37 - Boy, ain't this a swell army.
01:04:41 Where else could a buck private
01:04:42 kiss a second lieutenant than like it?
01:04:44 - In spite of all my objections.
01:04:47 (dramatic music)
01:04:50 (dramatic music)
01:04:52 (dramatic music)
01:04:55 (dramatic music)
01:04:58 (dramatic music)
01:05:01 (dramatic music)
01:05:03 [ Silence ]