Golpean a Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca en prisión

  • last year
Eralidis Frómeta, esposa del prisionero político Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca, denuncia golpes y maltratos en la prisión. Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca fue arrestado el 14 de junio de 2021 tras publicar en redes sociales las imágenes de un lanzamiento de octavillas, en La Habana, con algunas frases de los próceres de la independencia en Cuba. Posteriormente el régimen lo condenó a cinco años de cárcel por los supuestos delitos de propaganda enemiga de carácter continuado y resistencia.


00:00 Hello, good afternoon everyone. I am Heralydi Frometa, independent journalist and wife of the political and conscience prisoner, Lazaro Yuri Valles Roca.
00:10 On this afternoon, October 3rd, 2023, Lazaro Yuri was taken to a board of directors in the maximum security prison with East Vinao.
00:20 I don't know the reason yet. The second chief of the very rude, very deputy unit, who uses his degrees, his power and his position to exercise abuse of power.
00:35 This man, this very rude hitman, came in and wanted to put Yuri in detention, as if Yuri were a military man.
00:48 And Yuri is simply a human rights defender and an independent journalist who is unjustly imprisoned for publishing phrases by Martí and Antonio Maceo,
01:00 who the dictatorship criminalized by sanctioning Lazaro at the age of 5.
01:07 This second chief of the unit, whose name I do not know because I have never seen his face, with Lazaro handcuffed,
01:14 among him and another of his hitmen, they brutally beat him, they were hanging him.
01:19 And at this moment Yuri is in that camp, the most rude, combined with East Vinao,
01:25 he is in a very bad state. I will continue to denounce the dictatorship of Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel for the physical integrity of Lazaro Yuri.
01:35 They took a totally healthy man and after two years and four months, they made him sick.
01:42 The regime of Cuba contracted diseases for Lazaro that were incompatible with the penitentiary regime of Cuba.
01:54 What happens to Lazaro Yuri, what is happening at this moment, is the responsibility of Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel, who gave the order to fight.
