Listing Off Our WORST Enemies (Free Swim)

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Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00 Already been banging today's Wednesday. It's October 4th. Welcome to the dog walk presented by Barstool sports free swim Wednesday. It's myself
00:06 We got Danny we got chief
00:08 How's everybody doing?
00:10 I'm doing fine
00:11 Feeling good. Wanna you know a little Monday. We had a golf outing. It was nice. It's still hot in October
00:18 We're getting bonus weather here. I don't like that
00:20 Fucked up because this is wild card week
00:24 Which I always associate this ever since the first wild card game the Cubs play the Pirates in as being like the official turn
00:32 Mm-hmm like of where the weather gets a little crisp
00:35 So it's it is can feel it when you breathe in
00:38 yeah, so this October and having this is odd you think they would ever like if if
00:43 It became permanent. What's the word?
00:47 I'm a global warming like they would change summer break to maybe start later and extend to end of September. I
00:54 Mean, you don't really it's a June's already getting
00:56 Yeah, this is all the months are one month behind. Yeah, it's just shifted
01:01 It just that's why I feel like we need to have one year where we reset the clocks and do two Januaries
01:06 Just get us back on the right weather to January sounds all just don't play only have you only have to do it once
01:13 It has to be January. What other month could you be would you repeat?
01:17 You reap. Yeah, you go
01:20 You even give yourself the new holidays do I have this one the first and second off of the month as a reward?
01:26 Because we got to buckle down. We got to have two Januaries one time so we get the weather back on
01:32 On the schedule like I was when we were kids. I can't do a groundhog month of January. Yeah
01:38 Yeah, you can't cuz then that's torture. No, but think about it cuz when you get to March
01:43 Birds will be chirping. It'll be spring be warm for st. Patrick's Day
01:47 It'll be it'll like you'll feel the benefit of it like right away in the moment for the next 30 50 however long
01:54 however many years
01:56 You're gonna be like man. I really I'm glad I did that in 2024 to January's
01:59 I don't hate your logic, but the president who runs on the double January ticket loses and yeah
02:05 Look at sometimes you need a little you need a little austerity. You got to be like
02:09 Hey, like we've been running a muck for too long. We got a buckled down. We got a reverse course. I got to get things, right?
02:14 We're gonna start with the weather we need what is it March flowers March showers April shower. What is that?
02:20 Showers bring me. Yeah, or like March is like in like a lion out like a lamb. It's never out like a lamb anymore
02:27 It's all fucked up every May is may used to be nice a hundred percent of the time now
02:31 It's like May's kind of shitty and June is even kind of shitty
02:35 So we just need that we need something to get us back on track here a second January is like getting your prison sentence prolonged
02:42 The day you're supposed to get out. That's a long 31 days. Yeah, but it's just one time in your life
02:48 Then we'd be fine. If you rip the calendar on January 31st
02:52 New Year's New Year's Day be a put a pull the chili on watch a little football be a bad day be a bad day
03:00 Hey before we get really cooking though. I want to talk about I'm already cooking to January's
03:05 Mugsy hey, you would have an extra an extra month of gene season. Well, it's gene season all the time
03:11 Yeah, but a nice, you know, make sure those legs are covered up season and then you can even wear your
03:17 Shorts in May for once maybe even April true cuz Mugsy's not just jeans. I got she knows I got shorts
03:24 I got joggers and they're super comfortable. They got this buttery soft patented stretch material that looks stylish, but is insanely comfortable
03:30 Never too baggy. Never too tight. We all love Mugsy here. Love it all of us great stuff
03:38 Can't wait. We get to wear Mugsy shorts in October. What a world. Yeah, you're right. Exactly
03:42 Exactly. So head to Mugsy comm get 10% off now using code Chicago
03:47 That's 10% off some of the most premium jeans chinos swimwear and shorts on the internet Mugsy also offers free shipping and return
03:54 So there's absolutely no risk giving them a try if you're in Chicago, Boston, DC or Austin, Texas
04:00 Make sure to head downtown check out their storefront as well easy vibes every time enjoy a beer while you shop
04:07 Do yourself a favor and get your pair of jeans for you know, the winter. Yeah, whatever you will not get your whole wardrobe
04:14 Get your whole wardrobe figured out everything. Honestly. Yeah, he is legit. So go do it
04:19 You're a big Greta Thunberg guy, right? He loves her global warming. Yeah. Oh, yeah always happen
04:25 What a life just didn't she like quit schools but on a world tour just started talking
04:29 I got the same my lifestyle is like a pop star. Hey if you follow you if you fall into a
04:36 Niche you gotta you gotta go in can't tell you I fucking hate this girl
04:40 I did you bring her up just cuz you knew I hate what we were talking global warming. She's the modern-day Al Gore
04:46 She's even worse than Al Gore
04:49 What is I don't think I don't know what I'll speak. She gave me
04:53 She gained a lot of goodwill when she absolutely donked on Andrew Tate, though. When did she do that?
04:58 It was like right when he got arrested, but like that guy's begging to be dumped on. Yeah. Yeah, he wanted her to do that
05:04 Yeah, but she's that but
05:06 She's people associate her with the pioneer of global warming. It was it was our guy out. Yeah
05:12 No, yeah, I took the torch talk a little about about Gore tomorrow. I got Paul Vallis on. Yeah, what did he have to say?
05:17 I forget exactly what he said about Gore
05:20 But how they they trotted him out there and made him someone he wasn't if White Sox Dave was here right now
05:24 He'd bring up man bear pig from the South Park Al Gore episode
05:27 Stop and then he'd recite it. Yeah a couple minutes. We'd move on. Yeah, but like wasn't his whole thing that when did
05:36 inconvenient truth come out like 2004 and
05:38 In was that was that before he ran? No, it was after so he so that came out in 2006
05:45 So he ran for president and won but then it was kind of stolen from him
05:49 in 2000
05:51 So that was Bush and then he came out and then he's like I'm just gonna be a climate guy
05:55 So that came out in 2006 and I want to say that
05:59 Basically everything that he said in that book is just like not really or that movie rather hasn't come true
06:05 It wasn't he like the whole Chicago's gonna be Phoenix by the year and everything's gonna be underwater
06:10 I like haven't we passed that time frame though. I'm not sure I don't watch it
06:15 Okay, can I get can I get political about one thing? I would love it if you got political
06:20 It's not political at all get political controversial. Okay, I'd like to know your guys thoughts. Well, we're on the weather
06:25 Fuck Greta Thornburg, but
06:28 Yes, well, I don't
06:30 I do but
06:32 Can we talk about these bike lanes, oh
06:36 Okay, I'm listening
06:39 What you don't like them I assume
06:42 Tesla Ed doesn't like the bike lanes. They're on your side
06:46 What's your qualm?
06:48 People living we live driving safely in a cold weather city. Yeah
06:54 Not against bike lanes, but we need to get a smart
06:58 mother fucker
07:00 To make sure that we could put them in and take them out when it gets cold, you know
07:05 Cementing off like I don't know if you guys have been down Belmont recently. Oh, yeah, like a little West of Western
07:11 So you're talking about the bike lanes are like the guardrails basically. Yeah, not even the guard would be well
07:15 There's a little bit of curve fuckers up. It's a curve. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and listen
07:19 I know the bike activists are gonna be down my neck. I
07:21 Get it. It's good exercise
07:24 But it's just it's a cold weather city. It is. Yeah, I like the idea of a bike lane
07:31 I don't know why we on the major roads and not even all of them. Just give me like a couple of diagonals
07:35 yeah, a couple of east-west couple of north-south and
07:38 Just do like elevated ones just do it like above like and said, you know, we have the L
07:44 Yeah, make an L but for bikes so like the 606 just fucking everywhere. Mm-hmm
07:49 I still don't know what to do
07:51 While I'm driving and with some of those bike lanes because if you're like turning right
07:55 It'll be a bike lane and then like a right turn lane and cycle if there was like a string of bikers
08:00 It's like impossible for me to turn right here. Sure. Yeah, you're exactly right. I know I'm talking about
08:05 Not talking about painted on lines, I know you're talking about the curb I'm talking about they have that on Roscoe - yeah, dude
08:12 There's cement in these I'm telling you go west of Western. I'm not
08:15 No, it is
08:18 I'm not gonna go west of Western. It is it is crazy
08:21 you know, I've been being a pedestrian a lot lately because my parking situation at my apartment is non-existent and
08:28 I'm no longer moving downtown Dan for for bikes on the sidewalk
08:33 Like it's one it's like illegal
08:36 You can't ride it
08:37 But like when when there's like a guy on a divvy coming up to me and I have to move out of the way while I'm
08:42 Walking no more you have you're not supposed to be here you accommodate not me
08:46 I think they should always just ride on the roads. Anyways, the bikers. Yeah, so when I was living on Chicago Avenue, I
08:53 would go
08:55 either Halsted to Chicago or
08:57 Take Ashland like all the way up. This is just in the regular traffic lines
09:02 And I get it scary. I get people drive like assholes. It's a little scary, but just keep you know
09:07 accommodate
09:10 Somewhat to people who ride their bikes make the fucking L lines
09:14 606 606 everywhere get Paul ballots back in here. I mean, did you bring this up on the podcast?
09:20 No, I didn't I did but it's just this specific because I take Belmont to work something and it's just like
09:25 You got to see these to know what I'm talking about to really I know what you're talking about
09:29 They have them in different places around the city that I think they're putting them on Chicago Avenue, too
09:34 I don't know. I don't know someone tell me I'm wrong
09:37 You guys don't see sure plenty of bicyclists. Well, I mean it's been a problem for so long a problem
09:44 You want to call I hope that we get a picture of somebody using that lane while Eddie just can't make a turn
09:49 That's a tall bike going
09:51 Exactly what's gonna happen, but like I said, I do need you know
09:55 Not a bike but we there is definitely so much smarter off
10:00 That could have built something where we could put them up in the summer and put them take them down the one a collapsible curb
10:07 I'm saying that's actually not a bad idea
10:09 That's all I'm saying because you could just have something on like a metal thing because those how tall are those those cement curbs like this
10:15 Right. Yeah something like so say a foot to 18 inches something like that. Yeah
10:19 You I think you're right that you could probably operate those on a hinge
10:23 Make it like a fucking train track thing that operates and collapses down. That's smart. Yeah, it's fucking smart
10:30 I and that's probably less expensive than
10:32 And then cement and doing road work like that forever or my idea would of the L
10:38 Yeah, that is undoubtedly to gonna get chipped up and fucked up once snow plows and everything
10:43 Already, I'm sure that's already baked into the budget where they can just skim a little bit more
10:48 Yeah, so yeah, not political but I know some people won't be happy with that
10:52 Big spend ed. I got a question
10:55 so
10:58 How do I phrase this
11:00 So I have a friend named James
11:04 But growing up I had a different friend named James and he was out the friend growing up was always just James to me
11:10 But now I have a new dominant James in my life in my phone book
11:14 Have you guys ever changed a contact name? Do you have a James one?
11:18 It's the original one was just James, but now the new James has his last name in there, but he's not just
11:25 James like he's the new standalone James to me, you know what I mean?
11:29 Where the other one is I don't even talk to anymore should be getting the last name treatment in the contact in parentheses possibly James. Yes
11:36 James - yeah, I guys I feel like no one ever goes back and changes the contact name from the first day
11:42 They put not what like you like you might be chief bar still and Eddie's phone still probably you know, who else would be?
11:49 I'm saying instead of being a Ryan or chief. You're like chief from work. I can tell you a time that I
11:55 Some friend of the chief
11:57 Chief from work, that's my dominant. Yeah
12:02 But I did have to change his contact
12:06 I always go first and last name when I put him in I
12:09 Had been misspelling his name for probably like five ten years Carrar fucked up. Yeah
12:14 Well, I changed there didn't always used to be the first and last name option. It was just name
12:19 Really share like way back flip phone day and that's where my contact list still came from
12:24 I've had the same phone since I was it sounds like original James should be deleted all together
12:28 I feel like maybe you shouldn't even talk to him anymore. I don't doesn't the original James is out of the picture
12:33 Yeah, he was a grade school friend. This one's now a permanent friend. He's out. How do you know he's a permanent friend?
12:38 That's true, too. It doesn't have to be permanent. He's like when I just say James
12:43 People know I'm talking about my James not James from grade school
12:47 You know what? I mean? Yeah, you're like if you had an old friend named Ryan
12:53 And you went to text Ryan like you would think it was chief your Ryan who you interact with every day
12:58 not someone from eighth grade I
13:00 hate to always bring up white socks
13:02 Well, he always tells this one story about his friend named Ryan and I'll be sitting in the room
13:08 He always feels the need to clarify. That's not me. It's this other guy. Not this Ryan. You know Ryan from grade school. Yeah
13:14 He does always do that yeah, I know that Ryan - yeah
13:21 He does I got some poisoning on his roof one time and I had to throw up at Winnie City smoke out. Oh, yeah
13:27 Big throw-up guy chief throw up. She got the unit of boot that guy. Yeah, he's out. What was the last time you talked to him?
13:35 It's the principal. So if you had a friend named Dave from high school
13:40 But white socks Dave is now your Dave when you say Dave you're talking about white. So it's not Dave. Yeah, not Dave
13:47 You know Johnson from Borgia
13:50 Well white socks Dave is consistently like when people say Dave him and like him in Portnoy
13:56 I was like both turn their heads. Yeah, since like New York people moved in
14:00 I'll just be like here and they're all fucking Dave like whoa. Whoa. No, no white socks. White socks. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah
14:08 But yeah, I think that's just kind of how it goes have you ever do you think you've been I I'll tell a story
14:16 Here let's hear it. I feel like I have a friend who's like one of my good friends from when I was eighth grade until
14:22 He's he's had some hard times, but I've recently reconnected with another buddy from high school and
14:29 This guy this guy and I'm talking this was like my best friend and I was his and he's had some he's had some trouble
14:37 Here in the last ten years
14:38 He just won't respond to me at all text called nothing
14:43 To the point that our other friend has started a group chat and it's just he and I
14:48 Talking in the group chat with this other guy doesn't respond at all
14:51 I have no idea why it is like we like we never had a falling out. We never had any issues
14:58 He like kind of went dark and disappeared a little bit over Christmas
15:02 I have not received a call text anything in all the 20 23 is he alive and well
15:08 Per the other friend he is alive, which I did question
15:13 But no chance. He has a new number or anything. No because he's on that other one
15:17 So I was like when I went to a wedding
15:20 In May and me and that other guy
15:23 Who I do still talk to we're both in the wedding and I was like what is
15:28 You still talk to our guy like what's the deal? And he's like, yeah, I talked to him like oh
15:33 Is he mad at me about something like does he like just fucking hate me?
15:36 No, he goes no like we were actually just talking about you the other day had nothing but good things to say
15:39 so it like
15:42 Occupies my brain like why is this guy who only speaks highly of me not speaking to me?
15:48 Was he talking to your other friend? I missed that part
15:50 Yeah, so he was talking to the guy that we so we it was like the three of us in high school in st. Charles. I
15:56 Was at a wedding with one of the other guys in at the end of May
16:00 And I and like the bachelor party like all that kind of stuff was beginning of the spring
16:05 And I was like does this guy like what happened like he just fucking he goes no
16:09 I talked to him the other day like we talked to him talking about something what was on dog walk and he was like
16:14 Yeah, like he you know, he was speaking so glowingly about you. So I'm like then why the fuck won't he talk to me?
16:19 I think you it's very bizarre. Yeah, that is I think you so he'll respond to him in the group chat, but no
16:24 He won't respond to that group chat, but he'll respond to the other guys
16:28 I've got guys separately not like about the group chat, but it's like he texted us the other night
16:32 He's probably just an anti group chat guy, but he won't respond to chief not a standalone
16:37 Everyone else. Yeah. Oh, he so one-on-one. All right. Yeah, so like in the group so Tim Wakefield passed, right?
16:44 Yeah, so remember the MLB the show whatever year that was. Yeah, Oh five or whatever
16:49 Like we would play that game, you know
16:52 The three of us it would always be if we had a party or whatever just dicking around we would like play that game
16:56 And Tim Wakefield was like on hit a ball in that game like cuz the ball like knuckleball just danced around
17:02 So like he like texted a group chat like oh, here's our fucking we had to make a rule about this guy
17:07 now he's dead because we were like you can't use Tim Wakefield and
17:09 Like I responded the other guy dead silence, but I guarantee you
17:14 They probably talked earlier that week. What the fuck is going on?
17:18 I've been shunned. I think you you call him
17:21 He inevitably doesn't it won't answer sounds like he doesn't want to talk to you
17:25 But then you call him out all again
17:27 Let's call again
17:28 And so you see that he once someone sees that they have two missed calls from someone like oh this might be urgent
17:34 So if he's not calling back after two missed calls from you
17:37 I have not had communication from him since September 24. So it's almost a year
17:42 2022 I feel like there's always like some reason a guy would be like, oh, sorry
17:46 I didn't see it like, you know, especially if you're not texting them asking the question, but the two missed calls and they're not calling back
17:52 You know, I have to make him think that I'm dead right? Yeah
17:56 Okay
17:59 That's guys fucking hates you dude, I but why just I would love to know him now ask him I can't do that
18:04 No, hey, you're on air. This is why I don't answer
18:07 This is why I fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so it's it occupies my brain
18:14 Why the fuck I would if I did something or he hated me for a reason
18:19 Yeah, I don't care if you hate me, but you have to I feel like I have a right to know why you hate me
18:23 Yeah, if you see him in public, are you gonna be like, hey, why have you been responding to my text?
18:27 Yeah, a thousand percent a thousand percent
18:30 And what are you gonna say back? He's like, oh, sorry. I didn't see him
18:34 Like dude, it's bad. You're a fucking liar. Hey, you have a year you over here
18:39 You haven't sent him a text been like hey, is everything good?
18:42 Not
18:45 Like I good in his life. No, I like good with like being you I
18:49 Mean clearly it's not you got to do it. I got to ask all caps. Holy shit. Did you hear the suspense will kill him?
18:56 He's gonna have to reply. I
18:58 Think I will probably do that. That's actually that is a good idea. Holy shit. Did you hear that's a great thing to do?
19:04 My my worst enemy could text me that and I'd be like what?
19:07 Yeah, no question mark. What what do you want? Yeah, do you have a worse enemy? I don't think I do
19:13 Not that I know of at least
19:16 Do you guys have enemies you have a worst enemy?
19:19 I
19:24 Hate Radio Shack, but they're dead. So
19:26 That's over. So you won that battle? Yeah one that bad. Yeah, I'm talking radio shack. I told that story on here
19:33 I don't think I don't think so reshare dude. Fuck Radio Shack. All right, I
19:39 Won't go to one ever again. This is always a hard story to tell though
19:43 It brings back some memories. Well, no, it's just it's fair. It makes me sound like a shade ball. So one time I was like
19:52 One time I went to Radio Shack and I was like, yeah, I was like really hustling doing my podcast by myself
19:57 So I had like a like a my own mixer and my own microphones and I was doing everything alone
20:02 and you know, there's only so many places that you could buy like those adapters at you know, and
20:06 They're one of them, you know, so I was like, all right like and I don't know why it wasn't just I mean
20:13 This was probably circa
20:15 2015 yeah, 2013 to 2015 ish when this was happening
20:21 uh-huh, and so I'm like, all right, maybe I'll
20:24 Maybe I'll go to this Radio Shack and I'll be like, let's see if they have it in person and
20:29 I because I don't know like I also didn't want to go to Walmart and they also sold me because I'm a sucker and they
20:35 that like just came out that Super Bowl commercial where they had like Hulk Hogan and like elf and like
20:40 Never it was like bringing back the 90s or something Radio Shack's back and I'm like fuck you Radio Shack
20:46 I like that commercial you got me as a customer, you know, so
20:50 Which I know you're rooting for them. I know I was rooting for him
20:53 I was trying to go to them instead of Walmart plus you can get stuff there that you couldn't get a Walmart
20:57 So I go to the Carbonell Radio Shack and I'm like, hey, I need this adapter
21:01 Anyway, I could you know get he's like Scott looks music man. I think we got that
21:08 But we don't have it in stock
21:12 Like well, then you don't got it. Yeah, I'm like, oh shit. I was like, when is it gonna be here? He's like
21:19 Trucks come and Thursday and it was like Monday. So I'm like, oh nice. I'll just wait. He's like honestly though, man
21:25 I just find it somewhere else and I was like, huh? No wonder they're out of business. He thinks so
21:32 He's like, yeah, dude, it's not worth waiting. Just go find it at this place. They'll have it
21:38 I was like, all right, dude, sounds good. You just leave customer lost the customer, you know, whatever
21:47 Fast forward like a couple months. I needed a second cell phone. Okay, which this is where the shade ball comes in
21:54 I think I can actually kind of openly talk about this now that there's no pen involvement. You know, you were a drug dealer
22:00 No, but you're running the book
22:02 It was small-scale like just like yeah college stuff like that handshake bets. Yeah, exactly
22:11 Okay, nice. So
22:15 It's also statute of limitations. So I think you're good with the government. Yeah, I don't care
22:19 I mean it was like they want to come at me for that come at me bro. There's small money. I made sure there was
22:25 It was nothing
22:26 So I'm like numbers same thing. I'm trying to get a flip phone like whatever 40 bucks a month
22:32 Just so people could text me and get the whatever and go
22:35 I'm like, I'm gonna go to Radio Shack. They got those pay-as-you-go phones like that's perfect. That's all I need
22:40 Walk in there same guy
22:44 Hey, man, I just need a little cell phone like this looks good on this shelf like pay-as-you-go, whatever
22:50 This guy looks at me goes man. You know what?
22:53 I'll be honest. I think you're just better off going to Verizon for this
22:58 Like I just looked at I'm like, dude
23:01 Why do I want to give you money and you just keep turning me down you said that to him?
23:05 Well, like I didn't say that to him, but I was just like mystified. I was puzzled
23:09 I was like, yeah, why is this guy keep turning me down same guy same guy? Okay, same guy
23:13 I think it was the same guy. Okay, but regardless I had the same result going into radio second second time try to buy stuff
23:20 I'm ready to go want to support Radio Shack and they just keep stopping me at the damn door and
23:25 I'm like and then like it gets got so far to the point where he's just like he sold me on how a plan from
23:31 Verizon would make more sense than like a pay-as-you-go phone
23:34 So my alright, I'll just up and leave my shit and I'll uh, I went to Verizon
23:40 I got the phone from price and the old reverse psychology pitch. I mean, he's really not on Commission. No, I
23:46 Wonder if they just had too many guys like that, dude
23:50 I don't know and I'm also kind of surprised to learn that podcast and Radio Shack overlapped
23:54 I thought Radio Shack been dead longer like long before podcast. No, no, maybe I think it's
23:59 Circuit City maybe
24:02 Hmm, so then I don't even know if I went to Verizon. I forget I went to some phone carrier cricket
24:06 I don't know. Maybe it was cricket or boost. I don't know
24:09 Yeah, if you're gonna be running a legal book, it's got to be one of those shady ones. Yeah
24:13 And then I think the final nail in the coffin
24:16 Was I moved back home and this is when I was doing the podcast with Danny and I needed another adapter
24:23 I needed something quick and you know, it was it was like a rush scenario. It's like I didn't want to wait for Amazon
24:29 I wanted to get it done that weekend
24:31 Look googled it
24:33 All right
24:35 Radio Shack it's open
24:38 Milwaukee and whatever Foster that went over there
24:41 I pull up and it was closed and the hour said it was open and that from that day on I said fuck Radio Shack
24:47 I thought you're just gonna see the same guy from Carbondale
24:49 Got transferred up here. Honestly, you'd be better off going. Yeah, that's by you
24:55 It's my long-winded story about how I
24:58 It's a fair vendetta is best by like a monopoly. Now. I feel like they kind of are that's by I tried to go to
25:06 beef with Best Buy -
25:08 Kind of dude. I tried to go I when there was one day we're like something happened
25:13 We couldn't come in and I didn't have a USB mic and I always wanted to make sure the audio was good
25:17 So I went to Best Buy and I tried to buy a podcast mic didn't have any podcast mics at Best Buy. Hmm in the year
25:24 2023 that's crazy. Are these stories just giving up like everyone's just gonna buy it on Amazon
25:28 Anyways, they're more like doing like fucking ring doorbells and like drones and like TVs
25:33 But still I I was stunned that where there was no podcast like everyone in the fucking world is a podcast
25:38 Yeah, that was crazy to me. What's what's your ratio of buying things in person as opposed to online?
25:44 He buys in person with cash, right?
25:47 Like was there certain things I understand like maybe clothes or something but what difference does it really make with an adapter?
26:00 You just need the right plug-in like clothes sizes can vary by brand
26:03 So you're going in store to buy
26:08 Technology that was logical things. No, this is like where it two-day shipping wasn't fast enough. Okay, you know, it's like I need it now
26:16 So that's where it happened. Like we were doing a draft thing
26:19 It was like the actually remember it was a scary movie draft with Roper. We all took it from home and
26:25 I needed an adapter and I couldn't make it into the office for whatever reason and I there was no you can't get a fast
26:32 Snap in the in the ironic thing and ironic. I know nobody probably people are probably who gives a fuck
26:37 But the ironic thing is they didn't have it in this Best Buy where I went to it was near my house
26:43 It was in Village Crossing. It's in Skokie. Shut up, and I went to that when I didn't have a podcast mic and right there
26:49 Are you have to pass to go to the Best Buy is?
26:52 Sure headquarters. Yeah. Yes, if you don't know what sure is it's the mics were speaking to you on right now
26:57 Yeah, it's off like 41, right?
27:00 It's off a to me
27:02 huge class, yeah, yeah the railroad the irony of
27:06 Passing the largest mic manufacturer and all I needed I thought about just busting in be like hey guys
27:12 Yeah, but it was it was high irony of me driving back and looking at that fucking building man
27:19 Like you got to be kidding me. I can't even get one of these if I tried right now
27:22 You tried helping the little boys didn't work. I know it was unreal. It wasn't real. I don't know in positive news
27:29 Can I give us some positive news, please got a new advertiser that I'm very excited about okay, I
27:34 Think a lot of people have heard of them drumroll. I'm very excited about a lot of people heard of them
27:40 Mm-hmm, and it is none other than
27:42 Portillo's
27:44 Icon icon I sugar not yeah, Chicago staple beast
27:49 Portillo's it always sounds good. Oh, yeah, it's great stuff
27:54 You guys know those a crinkle fry batter by the way, dude. Here's my thing about Portillo's they just are
28:01 Great at everything which is so hard to do. They're even good at salads. Yeah, I
28:06 Yeah, yes, you will never be disappointed going into Portillo
28:10 Exactly, you could be blindfolded like a pin the tail on the donkey with the menu and whatever you put your little thing on you
28:16 Get it. It's gonna be good. Yeah sure. Yeah, we should we should start we should do that
28:19 in the tail
28:22 And that's not even this is not a
28:25 I mean it is but it's not but it is but it's not you ever had the chicken nudie. Fuck. Yeah
28:32 I'm not believable chicken nudie. It's just like their version of a tender. They get like a chicken breast. They fry it up
28:37 Perfect. So my little brother you always use that order and then they just slice it
28:42 So instead of having like all these individual nugs, it's just like one big chicken breast that they would slice into little
28:47 Wow, it's it's like they reinvented that yeah and like listen, you know, obviously Chicago dogs telling beef for the classics
28:53 You get a beef dip extra gravy jardonnaire having people over they got the great catering options. They give you a chocolate cake
29:01 The big beef combo. It's a great. We great move. We got portillo's for the Notre Dame, Ohio State stream
29:08 People were losing their minds over that chocolate cake. Yeah, I could not be like this is the best cake I've ever had
29:14 Yeah, and those pieces are the size of your face and the most criminally slept on thing is our burger. I think I
29:19 Ordered the burger. Yeah, it's lame bro. Portillo's is one of those places though where they're my order is beef
29:25 Wet hot cheese fried coke. It's it's so good that I just can't order anything else
29:29 I'm like that should be a t-shirt like that or hot. Yeah cheese fry their cheese
29:35 I think it's the best cheese fries I've ever had
29:37 What is even in the ad copy? I mean a lot of this but it doesn't matter I could we could speak of birth portillo's
29:43 Yeah, effortlessly
29:44 So here's the thing
29:46 Visit your local portillo's or go to portillo's comm to order your Chicago dog for pickup or delivery
29:51 Portillo's it always sounds good. I can't wait to start advertising with portillo's
29:57 Tweet us your pictures of your orders your feet
29:59 Dog walk and we're back in the retweeting beef game. Yes. Yeah. Oh, yeah another thing when you do go to portillo's
30:07 You're talking about all the things that they do great. Nobody's always drive-thru better. No one. It's the most efficient
30:12 Do you remember that picture was out? It was my portillo's actually it was out on South Elgin from earlier in the summer
30:17 where it was like they had a line around the around the building with a
30:21 Tornado in the background and everyone knew was like well that tornado won't get here in four minutes
30:26 So it's like this line is long, but we'll beat the tornado. We'll get my wet hot beef. Yeah
30:31 Yeah, the drive-thru workers like hurry up tornadoes about to hit us
30:34 So get your order no, it's the most efficient like Henry Ford to be like, how did you do this?
30:38 Sometimes I I'm prolonging the ad read sometimes
30:44 I don't like the drive-thru because the inside is so sick. I love eating in there. The ambiance is top-notch
30:51 number 77
30:54 Yeah
30:56 Doing jokes - you bring the girlfriend. I don't want to eat it. Well get a salad
31:00 It's great. I'll finish it. Yes, right. It's great stuff
31:05 Chop salad best salad out there. I
31:08 Have a I have a funny situation woman poppy seed muffins that come with man
31:14 Keep going
31:17 They're getting their money's worth this one, but seriously tweet us your pictures of your orders
31:21 Yeah, especially on a Sunday actually hits better on a Sunday than Bertels and church before we get to that
31:27 There we were talking about best buy
31:29 I was recalling a situation as a kid and you tell me if you have a problem with this
31:34 do you have a problem if you're in a
31:36 Grocery store doesn't necessarily have to be a best buy if people walks in front of you where you're walking when you're looking at the shelf
31:43 What do you explain further?
31:45 So if you're someone's at the grocery store and like maybe they're more towards the center and like hey
31:50 You you obviously if they're looking at the if they're looking at the shelf. Mm-hmm
31:56 You want to go behind them typically? Yeah, I want to go walk right in front of them
32:00 Okay
32:01 Now do you get mad when people do walk in front of you?
32:03 I get mad at the grocery store about just people having
32:06 No spatial awareness all the fucking time or when they're blocking the door to the cheese the butter the eggs, whatever
32:13 You know, they're staying in front like the frozen or the chilled frozen refrigerated aisle, whatever and they're just staring at them
32:19 Like can I can I sneak in there and just grab the milk that I know I want I can fucking see it
32:23 You're going through every doesn't matter what it is. If you're stopped, but you should never be paused in
32:28 the grocery store
32:31 For more than four seconds. Yeah, so you want whole milk or 2% make a grab it and go
32:36 Oh, I don't know. Sometimes you're like doing one cool ranch or cheese nacho. I don't know sometimes grab the bowls and keep going
32:41 I think it's time to decide well, then you better
32:46 It's on you to have the spatial awareness to make sure you have enough room in back of you
32:51 To me
32:53 It's like you have the same amount of time to stop as if you were caught looking at your phone when the light turned green
32:59 Like so you put no one behind you as a honker, you know, so you have to be like aware like hey lights green
33:05 Someone's behind me. I got to go true. I was at
33:08 Walmart yesterday and this guy kind of was more towards the middle and I like I'm for whatever reason I took the front
33:15 I said I went in front of him and I felt him I felt a little angst and I remember I was I
33:20 was I was a youngster at Walmart or at war Best Buy and
33:24 This guy was looking at DVDs and there was a like a $5 bin behind him
33:30 So there was no real way other way to go
33:33 So I walked right in front of him and this dude straight-up fucking for check me
33:37 You know in the DVDs and I was a kid this guy was a man and it was like it stuck with me forever
33:43 Of how preposterous of a move that's that's a wild move. Yeah. Yeah, I just escaped like an asylum
33:50 Great. I sort of got he was just like and it wasn't like it wasn't like he fucking smoked me
33:56 But he definitely yeah gave me a decent thing and I went right into the DVDs and I walked like I was like stunt and
34:04 I look back and I was like, oh my god, that's that's that's a man
34:06 Yeah, you know was that a reason he checked you though?
34:09 He was like like you like put his hands up. So yes, he was mad that I went in front of him
34:13 So that's why that reminded me of this. That's a psycho move. I will say though
34:17 I'm jealous of that guy like it what did he fucking it was hitting an eighth grader?
34:22 I don't know about hitting an eighth grader
34:24 Fucking I mean circling back to our our bike talk, you know, like one of my
34:30 like fantasies that I have like daily is when I'm walking on the sidewalk and if a skateboarder goes by me on the sidewalk I
34:39 Want to just throw him a little hip check like that
34:41 I feel like you know, and once you've stopped playing sports, you don't get to hit people anymore. I love hitting people
34:47 I haven't hit anybody in 20 years probably I
34:49 Want to throw a little hip check into the skateboards and send them flying
34:53 So that guy like he probably had he's probably has to scratch that itch of hitting people and you just yeah cut him off in the DVD
34:59 So you don't fuck with skateboarders? Oh, they're all they'll always fight back. No, they will. Yes. They don't go palms up, bro
35:06 They'll do I don't know what skateboarders you've been hanging out. You ever seen the fucking scene from kids. No. Yeah
35:12 You tried to get me to watch that and it was creep me out
35:17 So I think I didn't I a skateboarder would rather get his ass beat and like take that from someone. That's what I feel like
35:22 Darum those guys are like skinny little nothing dude. Yeah, but it's like they're they'll like claw
35:30 Yeah, like they'll do anything to beat you. I feel like it doesn't mean they're afraid because they're skinny
35:34 I think that was skateboarders of old. I don't know. Yeah, they're not hard now
35:38 It depends where you find them if you're like at a skate park. Yeah, they're gonna be hard
35:42 But if they're I don't know. Well, that's their territory. You want to skate at a skate park fine
35:45 If there are a skate park skateboarder, I mean like so like really in the skateboarding game as opposed to somewhere
35:51 They're a long border
35:53 That's yeah, that's a whole different. That's a whole different person
35:56 That's not a skater. That's just a guy trying to not spend money
36:01 We're at the wheels community after
36:03 By a car
36:07 Car people unite have our backs if they're coming at us, please
36:12 Have our back you're 34 by a car. Yeah
36:16 Just kidding
36:19 Honestly, just kidding. I did just getting to skateboarders not the bicycle bicyclists, man
36:24 I mean who knows for all I know I was not the first 14 year old who cut
36:28 Yeah, that guy's in jail. That's not normal. You can be mad but to check it was easy
36:33 It was just like an instinct thing. It's like crazier than kidnapping a kid. Yeah
36:37 No, it is
36:40 Kidnappers a full-fledged psycho should be locked up with this guy's in a weird gray area
36:44 It's like I guess you'd be pissed. But what are you checking people into?
36:47 Shelves for and I'll tell you what - did they go flying this DVDs on the ground?
36:52 Yeah
36:53 Leaning tower all the shelves just that would a domino even if you just like had a couple of like Mission Impossible's on the ground
36:59 That would have been yeah
37:01 Nothing fell makes any pick him up
37:03 Nothing fell and I'll tell you
37:07 Getting checked in the DVDs. It's almost was like a nice cushion. Like it was like, yeah, so what are you crying about?
37:12 It was shocking
37:15 It was a man how tall were you at 14?
37:19 I've been I was like five seven like WSD size
37:23 Yeah, probably like or I was probably like what I am now really five eight five nine. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well then what do you want?
37:30 Did you get I think I was taller than him?
37:32 Okay. Yeah, so the fair fight keep your head on a swivel
37:35 Have a better balance. He had man strength and to hit someone behind. I didn't I didn't have the luxury of having those fucking
37:43 You know peewee hockey stop signs on my back. It was a clip
37:49 Like a direct shot, I know it was not a direct shot
37:52 It was just I hated those I was I was all in favor of one guy gets paralyzed again
37:56 Now we all have this ugly stop sign on our back dude. That was that's why they did it. I assume I think that happened around
38:02 Like a little bit after the Travis Roy thing, yeah, so Travis the best book I've read really
38:09 Yeah, best book I've read that book guy. Mm-hmm. What book? Oh, yeah. Yeah big book guy
38:15 What year did you read that? I had to read it for my
38:18 Master's. Oh, so he's in college. Yeah, I call it. I don't know. It's not psychology. I think he has passed now
38:25 I'm almost positive Travis Roy. Yes. Yes, but I want to say it was
38:28 It wouldn't make sense I guess if it was college date game day, but it was some kind of
38:34 Tom Rinaldi type piece on ESPN that just showed him like it made me feel like a piece of shit
38:42 Because this guy like ended up graduating from BU
38:46 Like with honors, he might've got like a master's degree too
38:49 And he had to like he did all his own work and he had like this
38:53 mouthpiece
38:55 But he would put in it had like a long stick almost like a straw at the end of it and like that's how he would
39:00 Like type things out is that he would like use his face and his teeth because I was the only and he still got like
39:05 Straight it's fucking incredible. Yeah. Yeah, I would highly recommend that for
39:11 someone looking for a book to
39:13 Your first book to read. Yeah
39:16 Really? You didn't just make a pledge read it for you. I was I was in grad school at that time
39:22 So no pledge you were still hanging out the frat house. Oh
39:25 100% not a ton. Yeah
39:27 I was I was in my upstairs apartment just fucking chillin. Okay, you know
39:34 So not that much. Did you like living in the frat house?
39:38 Yeah, yeah, I like the chaos. Okay, it was disgusting. Yeah, and it was I didn't love it all the time
39:43 If you're going to grad school, are you still part of the frat after your four?
39:46 No, you go into brother for brother for life, right? You want to alumni status Sigma Chi forever?
39:53 But could you still stay at the house? I want to choose. Ah
39:56 No, I did after the senior year no, I was house dad for a semester though, what does that entail?
40:05 Free rent and I was like, you know kind of overlooking the house make sure that the young lads didn't get out of order
40:10 Mm-hmm. Didn't you say that the frack I kicked off campus? Yeah shortly
40:15 Not that sounds like you did a good job. It's a couple years. I didn't really set a culture
40:22 You're president and then frat dad and then they got kicked buddy. I can't set a culture of the frat
40:28 Let me just tell you that it's very hard
40:30 Yeah, you know, you never you just all takes is one rotten pledge class to come in and they just allows those guys come in
40:36 No, you never know. Everyone's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
40:39 You think they're good guys and then you know, you get a little comfy a little drunk exactly four month of the vetting process
40:45 You hope it does the job. It does not always do the job. Okay, and that's the way it works
40:49 It is the way it works. So, you know, sometimes takes you five years to know a guy
40:53 Yeah, yeah for real. Mm-hmm. Wait, was that just arbitrary number? Yeah
40:59 It's arbitrary number. Okay. I don't know if there was like some book you read that said five years is when you I said
41:04 They say you can do whatever you want to do in five years
41:07 Really? Yeah, like it's like a law of attraction shit manifest like start and buy I
41:15 Don't know like if you want to be a rock star
41:17 You'll at least be getting paid to play guitar somewhere in five years
41:21 Sounds like some fucking Gary V bullshit and where I feel like Gary V's been telling me
41:25 He's the next owner of the Jets and I see Woody Johnson taking pictures with Taylor Swift
41:29 So he's still in charge. So Gary V confirmed does not own the New York Jets
41:33 Why would you wanna call him Danny V for nothing?
41:36 I'm not Danny V. Gary V. Is that that's a total different that's like
41:41 Sell your fucking shirt if you want to make money, dude
41:45 So go and go on the L go buy a piano take it on the L take it home. Sell it no excuses
41:52 I'm not gonna do all that for a piano
41:54 You don't got time to practice bring your keyboard on the L and start playing
41:59 In the middle everybody's people at his live shows. Why are you here? Why aren't you making money?
42:05 Why don't you own the goddamn Jets yet? Yeah, you're wearing two socks. You could have sold one of those for two bucks
42:10 Yeah, well, like I kind of want to wear two socks care. Yeah. Yeah, you know, it's not you
42:15 Nothing against Gary V though. He's he's he's become a meme and he knows it
42:20 Yeah, and I mean some of it's probably unfair some of it's probably I bought one of his books one time
42:25 I heard his books are amazing. Actually, I got a book
42:28 It was my camera when I came when it was exactly but I was in my early 20s
42:32 I want to say but it was called the thank-you economy. It was all about how
42:35 social media and the proper use of social media was gonna change economics forever and
42:41 I don't think any of that stuff you wrote came true. No, I don't think so. I don't listen. I don't begrudge people who
42:48 Look to get motivated or no inspiration and other channels
42:52 I know sometimes people need that shit need like fucking what's-his-face get hard the guy who's the David Goggins? Yeah
42:59 Jocko Wilmick, I think you had Whitney on a podcast one time
43:04 He was like, can you imagine like needing that like he's like, I think everyone knows what they need to do
43:09 They just don't do it. Like why do they need that? I I think what's probably right about that
43:14 He's not wrong. But also people yeah people need that people need everyone needs a little kick in the ass sometimes they need that
43:21 mental or
43:23 Shall I say spiritual kick in the ass where it's like you have that destiny in your mind? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah
43:30 Yeah, I mean motivational speaking is a big business
43:33 Running 101 miles. So he's like get up. Yeah, it's 2:30 a.m. You're still sleeping get up
43:41 Well, it's gonna ruin the rest of my day if I run 50 miles before work
43:45 I think I played it on something before but like his his birthday message that he sent to Joe Rogan
43:52 Have you guys heard that?
43:54 Hey pull it up right now don't fucking celebrate your birthday
43:58 Well, that's basically Ron, but that was it like you were you were born. So now you're eligible to die
44:05 So you better not be sitting on your ass
44:07 Get after birthdays make people fucking weak
44:11 Good point. Yeah make you think you're fucking special. It's a good point. I hate birthdays
44:16 Danny just had his he made a big deal out of it. No, you did you do love birthdays though?
44:22 Oh that actually reminds me. We're a week away from Eddie's. Oh, yeah
44:27 10 10 I think it is. We're one week away change this year. What do you want to do for your big special day?
44:37 I'm getting you sparklers. No, no, no, that sounds unnecessary
44:41 Maybe just a handshake. Let's go to the club
44:44 No handshake. I'm gonna send you that David Goggins video
44:48 I
44:52 Fucking need it. Maybe I'll fuck it. Yeah
44:55 All right. So happy birthday. What number is this 34?
45:00 34 33 33 you guys this triple threes. You guys the same age next year
45:06 I
45:08 Mean that's not that much older. It's not I
45:14 Feel like once ever once you turn 25, everybody's the same until you're like 50 like everything's I
45:21 Don't feel any different now that I did it like 28 29
45:24 Just look different a little fatter. I'll figure it out. Yeah
45:29 All right, then we could wrap this up. I enjoyed talking to you guys today. Yeah, it was nice go work out
45:35 Idiots and then reward yourself. Yeah
45:37 Yeah, just maintain work out like David Goggins so you can eat portals every day maintain
45:45 perfect
45:47 All right, everybody. Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching tune in tomorrow and
45:51 We'll see you then
45:54 (whooshing)
45:56 (whooshing)
