MT Exclusive: Horacio Pagani on the Evolution of His Latest Hypercar

  • last year
It’s not a bad gig: founder of Pagani Automobili S.p.A.


00:00 [Music]
00:17 What is the one thing you want everybody to understand about Pagani cars?
00:21 I think Pagani is inspired by a concept that is not Pagani's, it's not my invention, but it's a Renaissance concept that goes back to Leonardo.
00:36 Leonardo said "Art and science can walk hand in hand".
00:41 So we, Pagani, try to apply this concept. So on one hand, the search for beauty, on the other hand, the scientific knowledge.
00:58 When you did the Coupe BC, you thought also about creating a Roadster BC?
01:07 No, initially we didn't plan to build this car, we already thought about moving to a new car.
01:17 Then, curiously, checking the accounting data, I saw some accounts, even with a very precise number, there were 5, with the word "Roadster BC".
01:38 I did an investigation to understand why this was, because the car was not in our plans.
01:47 I was told that these were spontaneous accounts, and many of them followed.
01:53 The curious thing is that when these events happen, they have already happened in the past,
01:59 and usually the client sends a 10%, and this time, these accounts were 10% of a figure that then became the current price of the car.
02:18 Therefore, the client not only had the desire to have this car, but he also put a price on this car.
02:27 Obviously, in their imagination, they had imagined something even more different, more sporty, more evolved.
02:36 When do you see the Roadster BC? What are your eyes going to look at for the first time?
02:43 I think that the clients, knowing our way of working, knowing our goals, our ideas,
02:53 the first thing they ask is how much the car weighs, and then they look for the details,
03:01 and then they try to understand where we have inserted so much technology to make the car weigh 1,250 kg,
03:14 rather than because it can do almost two laps of lateral force.
03:19 The Pagani customers are very refined, they know the technique, they try to understand,
03:25 we have to please this very demanding audience.
03:30 When we make a new car, even if the car has a strong sporty character for the track, like the Roadster BC,
03:43 the client in the past expected a harder car, a car that is given by elements that are not sporty.
03:58 Therefore, every time we make an even more sporty car, incidentally,
04:04 this car is even more comfortable, easier to drive, more dynamic, it can do things in a more agile way.
04:14 So, behind this, there is a huge job.
04:19 The car must be friendly.
04:22 If you are an entrepreneur, someone who works all week, and then you want to have fun,
04:28 to get rid of the stress of the whole week, and you get in a car that creates more stress,
04:34 you use it once or twice and then you leave it there.
04:36 What are you doing with this car?
04:38 When I talk about comfort, I mean that the car must make you feel in your environment at its best.
04:46 The driving must be very genuine, the car must be very communicative with you,
04:53 it must be friendly, otherwise you leave it there.
04:56 You can only reach this goal with a clear goal,
05:06 and then with a lot of scientific work.
05:10 The car must transmit a lot of beautiful sensations,
05:15 also through everything you see, touch, and generate emotion.
05:20 But behind all this, there must be a very strong scientific work.
05:27 Only in this way can you reach things, with knowledge and work.
05:31 Who is Beni Cayola?
05:33 Beni Cayola was a life teacher, a person with great sensitivity,
05:41 a man who really made you feel at ease, created a comfortable environment.
05:48 He was our first client.
05:53 What do you think that Beni would think about the Roadster BC?
06:00 I must say that Beni was a very generous man, so he would have said "well".
06:07 We are probably less generous with ourselves, we are more self-critical with our work,
06:14 but he was such a good man, he would have looked at the car and offered us all a pizza.
06:24 [Music]
