Presentata 2a edizione Dolomite Conference all’head quarter di Axa

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Presentata presso l’head quarter di Axa a Milano, la seconda edizione della Dolomite Conference on the Global Governance of Climate Change, intitolata “A new hope for climate: action beyond words”, si terrà il 5, 6 e 7 ottobre a Trento per poi concludersi a Bolzano il giorno successivo. Ideata da Vision Think Tank, in partnership scientifica con Università Bocconi, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Trento, Oxford Blavatnik School of Governance e con il patrocinio del Parlamento Europeo e della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, la conferenza globale sul cambiamento climatico, di cui AXA Italia e Autostrada del Brennero sono founding partners, vuole cercare risposte e soluzioni concrete alle grandi sfide del cambiamento climatico.

TAGS: Dolomite Conference on the Global Governance of Climate Change, Dolomite Conference, Global Governance, Climate Change, cambiamento climatico, sostenibilità, ambiente, esg, Axa, Axa Italia, Vision Think Tank, Autostrade del Brennero, Università Bocconi, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Trento, Oxford Blavatnik School of Governance, Parlamento Europeo, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento, Bolzano, Dolomiti, Gigantiello, Giacomo Gigantiello, Francesco Grillo, Grillo.


00:00 The second edition of the Dolomite Conference on Global Governance for Climate Change,
00:13 this year entitled "A new hope for the climate, actions beyond words",
00:17 was presented at the AXA Headquarters in Milan.
00:20 The conference, which AXA and Founding Partner, together with Autostrada del Brennero,
00:26 wants to seek concrete solutions to the great challenges of climate change.
00:31 The AXA's support for the initiative is based on several reasons.
00:35 There are three fundamental reasons.
00:37 The approach to sustainability and the AXA's sustainability strategy, which is fundamental,
00:43 but also to the inclusion culture that we have in AXA.
00:47 I like the multidisciplinary aspect of this multigenerational conference
00:51 and also the focus on sustainability.
00:54 The second element embraces all aspects of sustainability,
00:58 from the environment, society and governance,
01:01 with a particular focus on social inclusion.
01:05 The third element is the element of sharing.
01:08 In a more fragmented world, the idea that more people, from more nations,
01:14 but also from different types of training and experience,
01:18 can come together to bring concrete examples or concrete proposals,
01:22 we liked it a lot.
01:24 How to make more efficient, inclusive and fast,
01:26 the organizations that deal with climate change?
01:29 How to reduce bureaucracy and costs related to ESG indicators?
01:33 And how to transform in a future investment
01:36 the urgent expenditure that must be sustained for the energy transition?
01:40 To these and other questions, we will try to give answers,
01:43 from 5 to 8 October, in Trento and Bolzano.
01:45 We are trying to make the conference zero impact,
01:52 neutralizing the negative impact that these conferences have,
01:59 especially in terms of flights, of people from all over the world.
02:03 About 60 people will arrive in Trento, from all over the world.
02:09 In this sense, we are buying the certificates that will offset the impact.
02:16 In addition, we will use hydrogen cars, thanks to Autostrade Brennero,
02:22 which have zero impact and which will probably become an example
02:27 for other meetings of this type.
