Haunted Mansion - Official Trailer

  • last year
Haunted Mansion - Official Trailer
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 Wait!
00:14 I should warn you, before you step inside the house, this could change the course of your entire life.
00:19 I'm not afraid of a couple ghosts.
00:21 You say that now.
00:26 [CRYING]
00:28 This mansion is unhinged.
00:36 These ghosts definitely don't want to leave.
00:40 Death lurks around every corner.
00:46 God, give us a break. There's so many bad people in the world. Haunt them.
00:52 Amen.
00:54 I do like surprises.
00:56 Is anybody else seeing this?
00:58 I hope you do too.
01:00 We're gonna fight, whether we like it or not.
01:05 Or else we're stuck here for eternity.
01:08 If this comes down to an exorcism, we're in big trouble.
01:18 This house is dripping with souls, but there's always room...
01:24 ...for one more.
01:28 [THUD]
01:29 [THUD]
01:35 [CLICKING]
01:48 My friend was mugged.
01:50 He was tall. He had hair that was sticking out of a...
01:55 What is it?
01:56 Top hat.
01:57 Yes.
01:58 He had a nice top hat.
02:00 You would pull a rabbit out of it, probably.
02:02 Eyes.
02:03 They were a bit...
02:05 Deep sunken eyes.
02:06 Like a raccoon.
02:07 BD eyes.
02:08 They sat back.
02:09 And he was smiling like...
02:12 Yeah, like that.
02:13 This guy.
02:14 Exactly.
02:15 Is this the man who mugged you?
02:16 Wow.
02:17 You just did that just now?
02:19 [LAUGHTER]
02:21 (growling)