Kanye West Does Photoshoot In Public With His Wife

  • last year
Kanye West Does Photoshoot In Public With His Wife


00:00 Kanye West and Bianca Sensori, his Australian wife, they had an impromptu photo shoot in
00:05 Florence, Italy.
00:06 Kanye West and Bianca are living it up and it's totally cray cray.
00:10 Kanye West and his wife decided to do a public photo shoot in the middle of the street and
00:16 the public absolutely loved it.
00:24 This happened as they went back to Italy and Italian locals as well as tourists crowded
00:29 around Kanye West as he took photos of his Kim Kardashian lookalike wife, Bianca Sensori,
00:37 who was of course dressed in skin tight clothing in the streets of Florence, Italy.
00:42 Kanye West and Bianca easily attracted a lot of attention, causing a traffic jam literally
00:48 outside of a pastry shop.
00:56 Just when you think that Italians are done with them and that they're done with Italy
01:02 themselves, nope.
01:04 Turns out that there are tons of Italian locals who absolutely love them.
01:09 Of course many of the people in the crowd were tourists too, but the fact that they
01:13 did this while the Italian police are investigating them, it just goes to show you that they really
01:19 don't care what people think about them.
01:21 They just gon' do what they gon' do.
01:23 And yeah, it looks like they had a really good time and they had a lot of fun doing
01:27 this.
01:28 Kanye West was dressed in all black and he had something on his head to hide his identity,
01:38 but people recognized him, of course, at Kanye, clearly.
01:42 Bianca Sensori continued her trend of wearing outfits that reveal a lot, and this time she
01:47 was dressed in a low-cut skin-colored bodysuit, bronze semi-transparent tights, and pointed
01:54 heels.
01:55 Bianca also had her hair slicked back and carried a green handbag.
02:00 And Kanye West didn't want people to get too, too close to them.
02:03 He acted as a buffer to gently move fans aside so that he could take photos of Bianca on
02:08 his iPhone while she was posing, and you know, just to make sure that people weren't coming
02:13 too, too close to them.
02:14 Now during the photo shoot, the crowd cheered and they took their own photos and videos
02:19 of the couple as well.
02:21 That day in Florence, Italy, appeared to be a more positive outing compared to their previous
02:26 ones.
02:27 So no somber or tired faces were made by Bianca and no real drama or controversy happened.
02:33 It was all in all a pretty good day.
02:35 Prior to this, they faced criticism for what they did during a boat ride in Venice.
02:41 As a result, they were permanently banned by the boat company and there were reports
02:45 of them being investigated for possibly violating public decency standards.
02:51 Law enforcement had this to say about this at the time.
02:54 The images showed the couple clearly in a state of intimacy and if the local prosecutor
03:00 decides to press charges, then we will notify the couple, most probably through the relevant
03:05 embassies.
03:06 The offense being investigated is acts contrary to public decency, which is punishable by
03:13 an administrative sanction.
03:15 Since Kanye and Bianca started their adventures over in Italy in August of 2023, Bianca has
03:22 been wearing outfits made from sheer tights, which many on social media have criticized
03:27 as being disrespectful and classless.
03:30 And this is all because of Italy's conservative Catholic culture.
03:34 They're wondering why she's dressing like that in that country.
03:37 However, Bianca's fashion choices seemed to be more accepted when they traveled to
03:41 the United Kingdom as well as Germany.
03:44 Before heading back to Italy, she and Kanye West attended the Mola Lola fashion show during
03:50 London Fashion Week and a source mentioned that Bianca was having a great time over there
03:56 and no major complaints about her and Kanye West were made at all.
04:00 So it looks like people are getting used to them now.
04:03 What are your thoughts about this?
04:07 I had a feeling that this was coming.
04:20 Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.
04:23 As always, if you haven't done so already, follow me here on FTD news for more videos
04:27 posted like this every single day.
