La vérité sur le divorce de Julien Tanti et Manon Marsault :

  • last year
#ActualitéspaysFrance #JulienTanti #ManonMarsault


00:00 Julien and Manon Tanty, separated because of Paris.
00:03 The tensions are palpable between Julien and Manon Tanty.
00:07 Not long ago, the young mother expressed herself on their separation,
00:17 shortly after the revelations made by many bloggers.
00:26 Indeed, shortly after the family was released,
00:30 Manon was heavily criticized by netizens for her behavior,
00:34 and Julien had not failed to give his opinion.
00:36 But that's not all.
00:44 Shortly after their breakup, the blogger @iconic2tv
00:49 made new revelations about the reasons for their breakup.
00:52 Julien and Manon were at the Arcacan,
00:54 on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th, celebrating July 14th.
00:59 "A working person in this box would have apparently seen Julien holding Manon's hand."
01:12 "The reason I don't know, I think it's the one @astmzfrofficial threw."
01:22 "Close the quotation marks," explains the blogger @iconic2tvr.
01:29 Before adding, "After Manon would have stayed the rest of the evening sitting, shocked."
01:41 "I was also told that she was hiding to cry."
01:49 "Meanwhile, Julien was still celebrating, and she would have even seen Manon leaving crying."
01:54 "It was the first time he was apparently holding her hand."
02:04 "After that, to make a few clicks on Manon, Julien followed girls on social media, and even his ex @parisa."
02:16 "Manon was with her brother Eric, the one who supported her."
02:20 "I understand why they left earlier than expected."
02:23 "Close the quotation marks. Julien and Manon Tanti, separated because of @parisa.question.tensions, are palpable between Julien and Manon Tanti."
02:44 "Recently, the young mother expressed herself on their separation shortly after the revelations made by many bloggers."
02:51 "Indeed, shortly after the family was released, Manon was heavily criticized by netizens for her behavior, and Julien had not failed to give his opinion."
03:13 "But that's not all. Shortly after their breakup, the blogger @iconic2tv made new revelations about the reasons for their breakup."
03:23 "Julien and Manon were at the Arkakane on Thursday 13 and Friday 14, celebrating July 14."
03:30 "Close the quotation marks. A working person in this box would have apparently seen Julien holding Manon's hand."
03:43 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @astmzfrofficial threw."
03:54 "Close the quotation marks. Explains the blogger @iconic2tvr."
04:00 "Before adding, after Manon would have stayed the rest of the evening sitting, shocked."
04:12 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @astmzfrofficial threw."
04:17 "I was also told that she was hiding to cry, during this time Julien continued the party, and that she would have even seen Manon leaving crying."
04:32 "It was the first time he was apparently holding her hand. After that, to make Manon click, Julien followed girls on social media, and even his ex @parisa_."
04:42 "Manon was with her brother @eric_, he was the one who supported her. I understand why they left earlier than expected."
05:00 "Close the quotation marks."
05:02 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:06 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @astmzfrofficial threw."
05:10 "I was also told that she was hiding to cry, during this time Julien followed girls on social media, and even his ex @parisa_."
05:16 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:20 "I was also told that she was hiding to cry, during this time Julien followed girls on social media, and even his ex @parisa_."
05:26 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:32 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:36 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:40 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:44 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:48 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:52 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
05:56 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
06:00 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
06:04 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
06:08 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
06:12 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
06:16 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
06:20 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
06:24 "I don't know the reason, I think it's the one that @iconic2tvr threw."
