Sedrick Van Pran Talks Kentucky vs Georgia

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Sedrick Van Pran Talks Kentucky vs Georgia
00:00 >> [INAUDIBLE]
00:10 >> Said this is the,
00:11 I think it's the fourth time you've prepared for Kentucky.
00:14 I'm just wondering, when you study them over the years,
00:16 how much have they have changed and how much have they not?
00:18 And when you've played a team like this, and
00:21 you're kind of comfortable with them, what does that provide to you?
00:25 >> It's a great question.
00:26 I think the biggest thing about them that's been really consistent is just
00:29 their level of physicality.
00:30 So this is my third game actually playing.
00:35 My freshman year, we went there, and I went on a trip, but
00:39 Churchill was here, so he played that game.
00:41 And I just remember seeing how physical it was, and
00:43 that's definitely something that sticks with you throughout the years.
00:46 And you kind of realize as you start to prepare,
00:48 when you start to play for yourself, understanding the level of physicality
00:52 that comes with this game, and understanding that this isn't a game
00:54 that you can take lightly, you must be on your P's and Q's.
00:56 So I think they've done a tremendous job of staying consistent as far as that
01:00 level of physicality.
01:02 Of course, there are different things that may change throughout the years,
01:04 depending on their personnel, whether it be the amount of times they wanna blitz,
01:07 or different things they wanna do on first, second, third,
01:09 whatever it may be, just depending on personnel.
01:12 But the main thing is that they're very consistent with their physicality.
01:15 >> Yeah, just wondering about you guys.
01:20 Normally this game is physical versus physical, run versus run,
01:24 stop the run, all that kind of stuff.
01:26 You guys have been kind of wired a little bit different on offense this year.
01:31 I mean, do you have to be careful about getting drawn into a game like that?
01:35 Are you doing them a service by trying to play that game?
01:38 Or do you do what you've been doing these last few games,
01:42 which is throw the ball?
01:43 >> So I think at the end of the day, our job is to try to win.
01:48 That's really all you can do.
01:49 However that is, however you have to get it done is what you do.
01:52 I think they're a great team, and they're gonna do what they're gonna do.
01:55 They're gonna run the ball, they're gonna do play action,
01:57 whatever it may be that works for them.
01:59 And vice versa, we have to do what works for us.
02:01 So whether it be a game that you have to win throwing the ball 50 times, or
02:04 it's a game you have to run the ball 50 times.
02:07 End of the day, the goal is to try and win.
02:08 So whatever that is, you adjust on the fly, you try to get it done.
02:11 >> Cedric, when we talked to Tate on Monday,
02:15 he was frustrated with the run blocking himself, also the entire offensive line.
02:19 Where do you feel like you guys are as an offensive line when it comes to run
02:22 blocking, and what ways can you guys improve going forward?
02:25 >> I think we're one block away from having some big ones, I think.
02:30 We've all taken turns messing things up.
02:32 I think we've had a numerous amount of plays where it's four out of the five guys
02:35 doing a job perfect, and one guy may mess something up.
02:38 And that's kind of the beauty of the position that we play.
02:41 You need all five guys working in unison at all times for
02:44 things to look pretty.
02:45 So I think that's kind of what we are, is just really understanding that at
02:50 the end of the day, no matter how big or how small your block may be for
02:54 the development of the play, it's still very important that you can't take that
02:56 lightly.
02:57 >> Yeah, a couple of different guys have acknowledged that maybe they haven't been
03:01 playing up to the standard that has been set here.
03:04 And given that this is Kentucky game that has repeatedly been set as one of,
03:07 if not the most physical on the schedule, is the fact that it is such a physical
03:11 game and knowing that style points aren't gonna matter,
03:13 who throws the ball the best isn't gonna matter.
03:15 It's just whoever is the most physical,
03:17 can that be something that this team really sort of needs and
03:20 leans into this weekend?
03:21 >> So if I'm understanding your question properly, you're basically asking,
03:26 is being physical something that we want to lean into and
03:29 kinda just make that our identity?
03:31 >> Yeah, especially with the way the team has sort of been struggling.
03:35 >> So I think that's something that we try to hang our head on every year.
03:38 If I'm just saying what Coach Smart preaches,
03:41 I think the biggest thing is that we try our hardest to be a physical team,
03:45 to go out there and depend on the run, stopping the run as well.
03:49 And that's just kinda what we wanna be able to do.
03:52 And of course, this will be a physical game.
03:54 Their goal as well is to run the ball and stop the run.
03:57 So at the end of the day, it'll just be about who can execute the best, and
04:00 you kinda gotta go from there.
04:01 >> Cedric, what stands out to you about Deion Walker, that number zero for
04:06 Kentucky, and what challenge does he present going up against a guy like that?
04:10 >> Really, Twitchy, that's the first thing that stands out to me.
04:12 It's his ability to kind of improvise on the run and
04:16 kind of just figure things out.
04:19 There are some times that he may, I've seen on film where he may have been in
04:24 a bad position as far as the O-lineman may have been under him.
04:28 And he's improvised by shedding a block or spinning out of a block,
04:31 whatever it may have been.
04:32 I think he does a tremendous job of kinda just really understanding what's going on.
04:38 He's not a guy that just kinda goes to a gap and stops.
04:41 He's a guy that is always looking to get to the ball.
04:43 So I think he does a tremendous job of being twitchy and
04:46 improvising on the run based upon what the offensive line is showing.
04:49 >> Ced, I feel like the true zero has more teams play it,
04:55 you see it a lot more often.
04:57 But Kentucky's a football team that really features a true nose tackle.
05:01 Talk to me, the week of preparation when you know you're going into a game where
05:05 you might be uncovered versus a game where you know you're gonna be covered a lot
05:08 of the snaps.
05:10 >> Well, I think for, I'll speak for me specifically.
05:14 I think you kinda prefer to be covered up just for
05:18 the simple fact of it's usually immediate.
05:20 You don't have to read as much.
05:22 You don't have to process what your guard's doing,
05:26 what that G or that three tech's doing.
05:28 You have to also process what the linebacker's doing.
05:31 It's usually kinda very simple in what you're doing for that assignment usually.
05:35 Typically it's either one of two things.
05:38 Either that guy's gonna rock, he's gonna play into you.
05:40 Somebody's gonna fill that gap.
05:41 And at the end of the day,
05:42 it's gonna be a matter of who can kinda do their job the best.
05:44 So I think, speaking for me as a center, I kinda prefer to do that.
05:50 Especially with a great guy like they have, number nine, who's really,
05:54 really good, really strong, really stout guy.
05:57 I think he presents a great challenge for myself this week.
05:59 And you kinda just look forward to things like that as a competitor.
06:02 So just wanna go out there and compete to the highest level and
06:05 hopefully I can shine some glory on God.
06:06 >> Yeah, we're at the halfway point of the season.
06:11 This is a top 20 ranked undefeated team coming in.
06:14 You guys are undefeated, ranked number one.
06:17 You're heading into a month, there's gonna be a few of these in a row.
06:20 You guys jacked, what's the feeling going into Saturday Night's Game, ESPN,
06:27 night game, the vibe that you're getting on campus and heading into Saturday's?
06:32 >> Well, as far as the vibe on campus, I don't think I'm the right guy to ask.
06:34 Just because I don't really have class on campus too much anymore.
06:38 So I'm kinda just home in the facility throughout the day.
06:41 So- >> I've been to a lot of programs.
06:44 >> Okay, okay, that's fair.
06:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:45 So I think definitely the guys are excited for sure.
06:48 I think that the guys are really looking forward to the opportunity.
06:50 But I think the biggest thing is not becoming too excited or
06:54 becoming too overstimulated.
06:56 I think it's understanding that the game has to be played day in and day out.
07:00 You can't play the game on Monday, Tuesday, and be burnt out by Friday.
07:04 You kinda have to take it in stride, you have to prepare the right way.
07:07 You have to give yourself a break in between that and then get back to work.
07:10 So I think that's the biggest thing is being able to handle those emotions and
07:13 understanding that there is a level of excitement.
07:16 But also there's a level of, I guess, relaxation that kinda comes with it in
07:20 between that kinda builds up throughout the week that goes on until you finally
07:23 get to that, I guess, climax of preparation.
07:26 >> I'm gonna say a little bit more of Micah Morris.
07:30 Where do you feel like he's improved the most over the course of the season?
07:33 >> So I think Mike is really physical.
07:35 If I had the skills that Mike had, gosh, I could only tell you.
07:42 But I think he's a tremendous player.
07:44 I think the biggest thing that he's done to me
07:46 is really trying to understand what the coaches are asking of him.
07:50 I think that's the biggest thing.
07:51 I think when you're kinda just starting to play,
07:53 I think there's a very interesting line between playing football and
07:58 also trying to do exactly what the coaches are asking you to do.
08:01 And sometimes it becomes blurry and you kinda see that with the way that guys
08:05 around the country play sometimes just because there's usually, I guess,
08:10 a blur line with just going out there and having fun and playing ball.
08:14 But also trying to be perfect and do exactly what your coach asks you to do.
08:17 So I think that Mike has done a tremendous job of trying to do what Coach
08:21 Charles is asking him to do, but
08:22 also doing it within the scheme of what he knows how to do.
08:25 So I think that's the biggest thing.
08:26 >> We have two more questions.
08:28 >> Yeah, with the clock changes,
08:30 it seems like the first quarter in particular is a shorter in terms of
08:33 possessions and plays out there.
08:35 And as an offensive guy, do you have a preference,
08:37 whether it be to get the ball first or do you just not care?
08:40 >> That's hard to say, and the reason why it's hard to say because it kinda depends
08:47 on what we are planning on doing that week.
08:49 I think it depends on what Coach Smart, his aim is, whether or
08:52 not he wants us to set the tone, whether or not he wants the defense to set the tone.
08:56 I think that kinda goes back to Coach Smart and
08:58 you kinda just gotta buy into the game plan.
09:00 So I think preferably, you kinda just wanna be in a position to where
09:05 you're ready to capitalize if your numbers call first.
09:07 But ultimately, you have to trust Coach Smart and
09:09 understand that he has a game plan.
09:15 >> Any more for Seth?
09:16 All right, Seth, thank you.
09:18 >> God bless y'all.
09:19 >> Appreciate it.
