Kamara, nanindigang hindi pulitika ang dahilan ng realignment ng confidential and intelligence funds

  • last year
Kamara, nanindigang hindi pulitika ang dahilan ng realignment ng confidential and intelligence funds
00:00 The leader of the Camaradon was shocked by the politics behind the realignment of the Confidential and Intelligence Fund of some government agencies.
00:11 Vice President Sara Duterte answered the issue regarding the CIF.
00:17 Melanies Moras was surprised.
00:21 House Speaker Martin Dumualdez was shocked that the reason behind the removal of the Camara from the Confidential Funds of the Office of the Vice President and Department of Education under the Proposed 2024 National Budget is not yet political.
00:36 Vice President Sara Duterte is leading the two offices and coincidentally, she has a new view on the issue.
00:46 Whoever is against the Confidential Funds is against peace.
00:53 Whoever is against peace is against the country.
01:01 According to Speaker Dumualdez, the aim of the Camara and VP Sara is the same and this is what will strengthen the peace and security of the country.
01:11 Borrowing the words of the Vice President, even she says that she could live without it and she would leave it to the sound discretion of the Congress for its proper disposition.
01:24 Under the circumstances, we felt that it would best be reliant to the agencies and to the departments and into the areas where we have just mentioned that are a priority.
01:38 I think earlier, there's a bit too much speculation and I think people are reading too much into that.
01:46 Yesterday, as part of the removal of the Camara of the National Rights and Protection, its leader moved to Pag-asa Island in Palawan.
01:55 Speaker Dumualdez said that they will now use the funds to build important infrastructure in the area for the benefit of our residents there.
02:05 According to the House Committee on Appropriations, next week, they expect to finish the planning of all amendments and realignment to the 2024 budget proposal.
02:17 Their new agreements are already in place.
02:20 What we're doing right now is not only the Confidential Funds that we're going to recommend, the small committee to recommend to the Speaker, then going to the Senate.
02:33 But also, as discussed during our visit, it's to provide additional funding in order for us to secure our sovereignty.
02:45 Our deadline for us to finish the amendments of the small committee is October 10.
02:53 Melaleus moras para sabayar.
