Las Vegas Raiders Davante Adams Weekly Address

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Las Vegas Raiders star WR Davante Adams's entire midweek press conference before the Green Bay Packers game on Monday night.
00:04 >> I got some questions, how's your shoulder doing?
00:07 >> It's good, getting better every day.
00:09 Getting better every day, just gotta keep working at it.
00:11 >> Obviously, this is a big game for a lot of different reasons, but for
00:14 you personally, playing against the Green Bay Packers where you grew up as a man,
00:18 as a football player, it's gotta have a little bit of special significance for you.
00:22 >> Yeah, I mean, it's obviously that's the part leading up to it, but
00:25 then once the game starts, it's just like every other game.
00:28 I mean, it's not gonna be a whole lot of emotion and
00:30 all that other stuff tied up in it once the clock is ticking.
00:33 So the story and the specialness of the opportunity to play the team that you
00:39 kinda grew up in that organization is special.
00:42 But then like I said, once we get going, it's time to go.
00:45 >> There's one way, I mean, obviously, there's, I'm sure,
00:48 an appreciation level for what that city has meant to you,
00:50 what that organization meant to you as a player and as a human being.
00:53 But is the best way to thank them for that by going out there and
00:56 putting your best version out there and
00:58 going out there to honor what they taught you and how you were brought up?
01:03 >> Well, maybe not the fans, I don't think they would appreciate that.
01:05 But yeah, the organization, I mean, I'm not looking too deep into it as it
01:10 pertains to that stuff, it's more just enjoying the opportunity to see some of
01:15 the old faces in the training room, coaches, couple players,
01:19 a lot much different team over the last couple of years since I was there.
01:22 So yeah, just it'll be a cool opportunity to see some of those guys and
01:27 obviously play against a team that I've never played against.
01:30 It's my last team to play against, so it'll be fun.
01:33 >> The guy that you've talked about in the past that you kinda helped grow into
01:38 the man he is in terms of a player, Jair Alexander.
01:41 Can you just talk about how you've seen him grow just as a person and
01:44 as a player and what's it gonna be like to go against him?
01:47 >> Yeah, I mean, he's one of the most locked in players as far as from
01:53 the jump that I've got to play with.
01:57 And I still remember I told a story about our first one on one in Green Bay and
02:02 how I came back in the locker room and he was already on his iPad looking at the tape
02:05 trying to see exactly what it was and he came up to me and asked me,
02:08 what was it that I seen that led to me doing what I did on the route?
02:12 So typically at that point in my career is people were just,
02:17 if you have young guys come in, especially a rookie, they'll come in and
02:20 then they'll get beat and it's just kinda like, we'll learn from it on tape.
02:23 But it wasn't something that really got to him to their core, like how it was with him.
02:27 So that's when I knew he was gonna be a special player.
02:30 And then not that I, well, I won't say not that I had nothing to do with it,
02:35 but I didn't create that monster, but he definitely turned into one.
02:38 So it's always good to see a player, especially a highly talented player like
02:44 that get drafted in the first round and then realize his potential and live up to it.
02:49 So it's fun to see and it's definitely gonna be fun to play against.
02:53 >> With those experiences and all the reps you took against each other,
02:55 does this make it even more of a chess match than usual if you guys are matched up
02:58 against each other Monday?
03:00 >> No, I mean, it'll definitely be different than any head to head or
03:06 lack for lack of better words that I've had in the past.
03:10 But it'll be just like the other ones in the sense that we're not gonna be lined up
03:13 across from each other every play.
03:15 He's not gonna follow me probably every single place and
03:17 that's just by their defensive scheme.
03:19 I move around a lot and different things like that and
03:21 it's just really not how the game is played too much these days.
03:24 You don't really see one guy just going wherever the guy is cuz it gives up a lot
03:28 of tales of what the defense is doing and just the way that they scheme.
03:32 So the times that we'll have, we'll definitely go and compete but
03:37 it won't be some, we line up each other 70 snaps across from each other,
03:43 the whole game, but it'll be fun either way.
03:45 >> Would you say the way that there was more harmonious than maybe it seemed from
03:50 the outside?
03:51 >> Yeah, I mean, we ended in a good place.
03:54 I still, not frequently, but I still speak to the front office guys over there.
04:00 I checked in on Matt in the offseason, hit him on his birthday.
04:03 All the coaches over there I love, the ones that are still there.
04:06 So the players, obviously they understood the situation as well.
04:10 So it wasn't some big crazy breakup that people thought it was.
04:13 Obviously, it felt like it just because everything seemed good a week ago and
04:19 then obviously I was gone.
04:21 But a lot of love and respect, mutual love and respect between the Packers and I.
04:27 >> You and Aaron have both come out publicly and
04:28 talked about that first offer they made you before the 21 season.
04:32 You obviously don't go back and play the what if game, but
04:36 if they had given you something that it pleased you, then would you still be there?
04:41 >> Well, I would have played that next year there for sure.
04:44 I mean, that was what I said.
04:45 It was obviously a lot of limbo with Aaron and his situation,
04:48 deciding what his future was gonna be like playing football, let alone on that team.
04:54 So it wasn't really a risk that I could take at the time and
04:57 it was a decision that had to be made.
04:59 But had they made the correct offer or
05:03 submitted something like they did right before I left, then I would have 100% been
05:07 there for another year and then we would obviously see what happened as it moved
05:11 forward, but at least for that upcoming season, I would say yes, I would have been there.
05:16 >> There are only 18 guys on that 53 that you played with,
05:20 like you said, it's a turnover.
05:22 Does that make it easier to take kind of the, I don't wanna say nostalgia out of this,
05:27 but the team is so different.
05:28 Is it just almost another team or is there still some connection there?
05:32 >> I mean, it's still a connection cuz it's not really about the players.
05:35 I'm not bonding with the guys while I'm out there.
05:37 It's more about the organization and the uniform, seeing that cuz I won't,
05:42 I mean, I don't know how many more times in my career and it definitely hasn't
05:46 happened to this point where I'll be able to line up across from somebody with the
05:50 green and gold on, that'll take some adjusting, getting used to that.
05:55 But for the most part, it'll be just another game.
05:59 >> Has flashes this season but hasn't been able to find consistency.
06:04 What do you think the disconnect has been just in terms of replicating that over and
06:08 over again?
06:08 >> It's just getting a call and executing it every time.
06:11 It's just a matter of just being one out there on the field and
06:18 having all 11 connected to be one and we haven't had that.
06:22 It's always been 10 guys do it right and then one guy does it wrong or
06:26 nine or whatever, everything but 11 consistently.
06:29 And that's where you make very difficult.
06:32 It's difficult to make, hey, especially the way we play the game.
06:36 And we just gotta be more together and people gotta own up and
06:41 find a way to get their assignment taken care of.
06:43 And once we do that, we'll be able to make more consistent plays.
06:47 >> Your experience, is that something that clicks at some point or
06:49 is it like, is there a turning point?
06:51 >> I mean, it can click, yeah, and you can use that as something that where you use
06:55 the rhythm and find a way to consistently keep that going.
06:59 And then it can be a time where you figure it out and then you go on a dry spill.
07:02 So you just have to, it's always a work in progress.
07:05 It's never something that you just figure out and then you got it taken care of.
07:08 It's something that you gotta work at and
07:09 continue to work at to be in a place where you feel comfortable as a team.
07:14 >> What makes Aaron Jones such a special player and what can you tell the defense
07:18 about his style of play from being with him in that locker room for so many years?
07:22 >> Yeah, he's just such a unique runner, very explosive player.
07:25 And I never seen anybody like him as far as just how vertical he plays.
07:30 It's not a lot of breaking down and
07:32 I think that's a pretty unconventional way of playing that position.
07:35 Because I mean, people are coming out of everywhere, you're running through the
07:38 smoke, you can easily get hit, especially with the, he's not AJ Dillon size.
07:42 So going through the hole, I think it's just people aren't ready for it.
07:46 It's like I said, it's just so downhill and so vertical.
07:48 He doesn't really give people time to get a plan together.
07:52 He just kind of get up on them and very slippery player and really good vision.
07:56 And when you put those three together, it creates a pretty big problem.
08:00 >> You guys all good?
08:02 >> All right.
08:03 >> Cool.
