• 2 years ago


00:00 I love to dance, I love to learn things, I'm a poet, and I am a witch.
00:08 I'm a tarot reader, I'm an astrologer, I specialize in shadow work.
00:16 I think people are still very much afraid of the word witch.
00:20 Because we've been conditioned to believe that a witch is somebody with like a crooked nose
00:27 looking into their crystal ball, like throwing hexes on people.
00:31 That's not anything that I do.
00:33 Place your hands on your heart.
00:37 Feet planted firmly on the ground.
00:40 Ready to receive divine wisdom from our spirit guides.
00:46 One more deep breath in, filling the belly up with air.
00:50 And let it all go.
00:54 You can just shake it out and get all nice and loose. I love it, I love it, I love it.
00:59 Let's pull some cards.
01:00 My family was religious growing up, but I'm like the crazy one, the rebellious one,
01:06 and I began to dabble into the occult.
01:10 The magician is coming in upside down next to the ten of swords upside down.
01:15 There's some limiting beliefs.
01:16 Yes, there is.
01:17 I'm going to get a little deep with you, okay?
01:20 This little twinge of doubt, this isn't going to work.
01:23 Childhood trauma.
01:24 My spirituality guides every single part of my life.
01:28 When I was in my undergrad, I had a dream.
01:32 I was literally like in the woods, in the jungle, and I was like, like working with the earth somehow.
01:38 It prompted me to talk to my biology teacher.
01:41 And she's like, "We're going to Ecuador in December."
01:43 And I was like, "Sign me up."
01:45 And then I went.
01:47 I met Manuel that very first year.
01:50 My fiancé's name is Manuel.
02:02 He's 35 years old.
02:04 He's a construction worker from Cudeo, Ecuador.
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