Wegen Tempo 30: Braucht Freiburg bald mehr Busse?

  • last year
In der Stadt Freiburg gilt neu vielerorts Tempo 30.
00:00 In Freiburg, the new local speed is 30 km/h.
00:03 There are similar projects in other places in the canton,
00:08 like curses and blessings for local public transport operators.
00:10 The number 30 currently causes heated discussions in Freiburg.
00:15 The reason?
00:17 In large parts of the Sahnestadt,
00:19 you can only travel at this speed when it's new.
00:22 But not only in the city itself, there are new 30R zones.
00:27 With Düdingen and Flammert, such extensions are planned in other places in Freiburg.
00:32 Not only private drivers are affected,
00:36 but the buses also have to comply with them, logically.
00:39 The Transportpubliks Fribo-Urschwa (TPF)
00:43 are on the road with their buses in Freiburg and Düdingen.
00:47 In Düdingen and Flammert, there are also postage lines.
00:51 The topic 30R zones poses challenges for the local operators.
00:58 As TPF spokesman Jerome Gachet said in a request from nau.ch,
01:02 the slowdown in Freiburg has consequences for bus lines 1 and 2.
01:07 The journey takes longer, on average between 20 and 90 seconds, it is said.
01:13 As a result, according to TPF, it should be difficult
01:17 to always keep the original pace on these lines.
01:20 However, according to Gachet, the route plan remains unchanged.
01:26 Even if it is apparently not always possible to keep it.
01:29 The TPF want to observe the situation first.
01:33 If the route plan can actually not be kept,
01:37 an additional bus should be driving on the two lines.
01:40 On the remaining 10 lines, it should continue to go up in the meantime despite the tempo 30.
01:47 Meanwhile, PostOtto is even more optimistic.
01:52 The municipalities of Düdingen and Flammert are currently
01:55 again and again affected by traffic jams,
01:57 said media spokesperson Katharina Merkle to nau.ch.
02:01 "Everything that dilutes the traffic is therefore in our interest," she says.
02:07 It will then be seen whether tempo 30 will actually help.
02:11 But already now, according to Merkle, we are still often not faster
02:17 because of the high traffic load inland than with tempo 30 on the road.
02:22 The OV-company of the slowdown policy is not deviated from Switzerland as well.
02:27 PostOtto supports all measures that lead to less noise and exhaust gases
02:32 and is positive about the introduction of tempo 30.
02:36 However, it is important that the design of such zones is implemented in an OV-friendly way.
02:42 Depending on how these are built, there can be problems such as delays,
02:49 road narrows or ground thresholds can lead to, for example,
02:53 bus lines being significantly more slowed down because of their size than cars.
02:58 The Swiss Association of Public Transport, FÃœV,
03:02 does not want to generalize zones on the subject of 30R.
03:06 Media spokesperson Roger Baumann said in a request,
03:10 "FÃœV is against a generalized tempo 30, i.e. a tempo 30 regime without exceptions."
03:18 However, this does not mean that tempo 30 cannot be useful from the perspective of FÃœV on individual roads.
03:24 It is clear to the association that public transport must not be attracted to attractiveness by tempo 30.
03:31 To avoid delays or other problems, it is important that OV-companies are involved in such projects.
03:39 A stronger and earlier inclusion of public transport would be generally desirable, says Baumann.
