Reduced mango season in the Northen Territory

  • last year
Mango grows in Catherine and surrounding areas are looking at around a 50 per cent decrease in crop from last year after a dry flowering season.
00:00 GCTV Ep#7 Mago Harvest
00:01 GPS
00:02 Catherine's mago harvest is underway and it's looking like a bit of a tough season
00:05 ahead for local growers.
00:07 The crop forecast for Catherine and Manuranka is estimated to be 1.1 million trays, which
00:14 is nearly half of last year's crop.
00:17 The crop is very much lower than in any usual year.
00:21 It's probably the lowest I've seen since the 2012 season across all varieties.
00:28 The smaller crop is being put down to a failed flowering on a number of farms because of
00:33 a bit of a warmer dry season.
