• last year


00:00 will put in noodles and noodles according to the customer's request.
00:03 Then, salt, flavor enhancer, and secret seasoning
00:07 that can make the taste of this Gopir meatballs
00:09 different from other meatballs.
00:11 Then, put in the cut pieces of the noodles
00:16 that have been mixed with beef head,
00:18 fennel, kikil, and beef bone.
00:21 Then, the last one is a big beef muscle
00:24 and two small meatballs that will fill the bowl.
00:29 This is the big portion of meatballs
00:31 priced at 25,000 rupiah
00:33 aka Rp. 1,000,000.
00:35 Excuse me, let's take out the meatballs first.
00:41 Awur-awur!
00:43 By the way, for meatballs,
00:45 if you want to be more satisfied
00:47 with the noodles, you have to cut it first.
00:49 This is the noodles.
00:51 The meatballs, the broth.
00:57 It's delicious and savory, but it tastes heavy.
00:59 It's really heavy from the seasoning.
01:01 Maybe because the noodles contain fat.
01:03 It seems like something is missing,
01:07 it's missing in Guyur.
01:09 Guyur! Guyur! Guyur!
01:13 Even though I haven't eaten anything,
01:17 I still want to eat Guyur.
01:19 But I have to, Omay.
01:21 Here, sambal lerek.
01:23 The color is really sweet,
01:25 like a sweet syrup.
01:27 I'm still being covered.
01:35 Guys,
01:37 the sweet syrup.
01:39 I'll eat it right away.
01:53 Omay mixed it like this,
01:55 I'm already scared.
01:57 The sambal lerek is really sweet.
01:59 Look at this.
02:01 I'm being covered by Omay.
02:07 I'm covered.
02:11 (I'm covered)
02:13 Look at this.
02:29 The fat.
02:31 It's not only the fat of the beef,
02:33 but also the fat of the meat.
02:35 (I'm covered)
02:39 (I'm covered)
02:41 I'm covered.
02:43 For me, this is a typical Laksu.
02:55 It's like a standard dish.
02:57 There's celery,
02:59 green onion, and fried shallot.
03:01 The noodles are really thick.
03:03 Especially the sambal.
03:05 I'll eat it again.
03:07 (I'm covered)
03:09 (I'm covered)
03:17 Omay, you have to eat it.
03:21 If you don't, you'll be a scat.
03:23 The beef is really fresh.
03:33 The air is really fresh.
03:35 The beef is really good.
03:37 This is the biggest Laksu.
03:41 The biggest one.
03:43 You can order one,
03:45 or two.
03:47 Let's eat it.
03:49 I don't know if I can say this is really strong.
03:55 But I'm praying.
03:59 Look at this.
04:01 The beef.
04:03 (I'm covered)
04:05 Relax, my friend.
04:11 (I'm covered)
04:13 The noodles in this shop
04:19 can consume
04:21 50-60 kg per day.
04:23 The shop is always crowded.
04:25 It's hard to mix it,
04:29 because the noodles are really strong.
04:31 It's really brutal.
04:33 I'm covered.
04:35 It's good to be covered.
04:39 If you order this Laksu,
04:41 you don't have to order a big portion.
04:43 This is enough.
04:45 There's still a lot.
04:47 I'm not eating it all.
04:49 Oh my God.
04:51 How is it, Omay?
04:55 Is the beef good for this crowd?
04:57 Be honest.
04:59 Oh my God.
05:01 I don't have any money for this.
05:03 What should I do?
05:05 It's too late.
05:07 I'll take it home.
05:09 The beef is really good.
05:11 Are you ready?
05:13 Masuk Kopir,
05:15 is suitable for you.
05:17 Masuk Kopir is open every day
05:25 from 11 am to 9 pm.
05:27 The price is around
05:29 15.000 to 35.000 rupiah.
05:31 If you're curious about
05:33 Masuk Kopir,
05:35 you can visit the address below.
05:37 You can see the address
05:39 on undercover.trans.tv.
05:41 We'll help you to get back your safety.
05:55 Masuk Kopir is open every day
05:57 from 11 am to 9 pm.
05:59 The price is around
06:01 15.000 rupiah.
06:03 If you're curious about
06:05 Masuk Kopir,
06:07 you can visit the address below.
06:09 You can see the address on undercover.trans.tv.
06:11 Masuk Kopir is open every day
06:13 from 11 am to 9 pm.
06:15 The price is around
06:17 15.000 rupiah.
06:19 If you're curious about
06:21 Masuk Kopir,
06:23 you can visit the address below.
06:25 Masuk Kopir is open every day
06:27 from 11 am to 9 pm.
06:29 The price is around
06:31 15.000 rupiah.
06:33 If you're curious about
06:35 Masuk Kopir,
06:37 you can visit the address below.
06:39 The price is around
06:41 15.000 rupiah.
06:43 If you're curious about
06:45 Masuk Kopir,
06:47 you can visit the address below.
06:49 From Ravinosi, smooth lines,
06:51 to Zia Simenay, black noda lines.
06:53 Light skin looks younger.
06:55 PONS H. Perakal
06:57 I thought all mineral water is the same.
06:59 But it turns out
07:01 mineral glue is different.
07:03 It's hot outside.
07:05 After drinking mineral glue, it tastes smooth.
07:07 It's not sticky.
07:09 It's like a sweet aroma.
07:11 Mineral glue is different.
07:13 Each drop contains
07:15 balanced essential minerals
07:17 for the body and make the water
07:19 fresh.
07:21 It's refreshing.
07:23 It makes the body lighter.
07:25 Mineral glue, the protection of minerals.
07:27 Cough? Maybe because of low body resistance.
07:31 Baru Imbus Cough.
07:33 New herbal cough syrup from Imbus.
07:35 Natural ingredients combination
07:37 helps reduce cough, maintain body resistance.
07:39 Cough is reduced, activity is maintained.
07:41 Imbus Cough.
07:43 Baru Smooth Cleanse Nostalgen Double Perfume
07:45 Double Perfume
07:47 Maximum Clean, Soft and Glowing
07:49 Baru Smooth Cleanse Nostalgen Double Perfume
07:51 Double Perfume
07:53 Double Perfume
07:55 Long-lasting
07:57 When you want to relax,
07:59 there's someone who wants to join.
08:01 When you want to add one to accompany,
08:03 there's a third person
08:05 who joins the crowd.
08:07 Sun Life
08:09 There's an assurance.
08:11 I believe in your wisdom
08:13 and the miracle of nature.
08:15 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains,
08:17 not a place that is easily polluted.
08:19 Aqua is absorbed by layers of rock
08:21 without any recreational process.
08:23 Aqua contains natural minerals
08:25 without any harmful additives.
08:27 So, Aqua feels cold
08:29 without being cooled.
08:31 Explain,
08:33 if not all water is Aqua,
08:35 Aqua 100% pure.
08:37 Aqua 100% pure.
08:39 Aqua 100% pure.
08:41 Aqua 100% pure.
08:44 Cough?
08:45 Cough? Maybe because of low immune system.
08:47 Baru Imbus Cough.
08:48 New herbal cough syrup from Imbus.
08:50 Combination of natural ingredients,
08:52 helps to reduce cough,
08:53 keeps immune system,
08:54 reduces activity,
08:55 and keeps you safe.
08:56 Imbus Cough.
08:57 Hi, today I want to share tips
08:59 to keep your hands soft.
09:01 Your hands can be dry because you often wash dishes.
09:03 Try Sun Life Extra Soft Baru.
09:05 With no moisturizer,
09:07 inspired by skincare,
09:08 effective in removing wrinkles,
09:09 keeping your hands still soft.
09:11 Try Sun Life Extra Soft Baru.
09:13 The crunchiness of Kwa Cirebo,
09:16 comes from the best sunflower seeds.
09:18 Kwa Cirebo makes your day
09:21 more fun.
09:23 Kwa Cirebo, just crack it.
09:25 Kwa Cirebo.
09:27 Ah, I can't.
09:29 Just try it.
09:31 Only 10 herbs,
09:32 from 10 choices.
09:34 Keep your spirit up,
09:37 to face the challenge.
09:39 The more you smell, the more fun.
09:41 P Pucuk Harum.
09:43 Cough.
09:45 Maybe because of low immunity.
09:47 Baru Imbus Cough.
09:48 New herbal cough syrup from Imbus.
09:50 Combination of natural ingredients,
09:51 helps to reduce cough,
09:52 keeps immune system,
09:53 reduces activity,
09:55 and keeps you safe.
09:56 Imbus Cough.
09:57 Ah, I don't want to eat outside.
10:00 I can't shop either.
10:01 Let's cook.
10:03 What do we cook?
10:05 Just wake her up.
10:08 Only with the touch of the smell,
10:10 made from the best ingredients,
10:12 and natural ingredients.
10:14 Make simple dishes,
10:19 more special.
10:21 How is it?
10:24 It's better, Mom.
10:25 Because the taste,
10:26 never lies.
10:27 Life is,
10:28 not like the weather.
10:29 When it's sunny,
10:30 it feels,
10:31 happy.
10:33 With chocolate,
10:34 with chocolate from Italy,
10:36 enjoy your heart,
10:38 let go of your burden.
10:39 Chocolate toast,
10:40 Mamma Mia, delicious toast.
10:41 We,
10:44 are different,
10:45 but when it comes to coffee,
10:46 Kapal Api One.
10:47 Quality, taste, and certainty,
10:48 from number one,
10:49 Kapal Api.
10:50 The sugar,
10:52 you can adjust it yourself.
10:53 Kapal Api One.
10:54 Clear, better.
10:57 [Music]
11:06 Hmm.
11:11 Rice is being smashed on the chopstick.
11:17 Hmm.
11:18 Have you ever seen this,
11:19 Pemirsa Undercover?
11:20 Have you ever eaten,
11:22 chicken wrapped in egg,
11:24 and the rice is smashed on the chopstick?
11:26 You have to try this,
11:27 rice on the chopstick.
11:28 The chicken is cooked,
11:29 until it's cooked,
11:30 and then,
11:31 fried with egg.
11:32 Well,
11:33 this is how it looks,
11:34 and then,
11:35 added with chili sauce.
11:36 In my opinion,
11:37 this is quite unique,
11:38 creative, and innovative.
11:39 Wow,
11:44 usually,
11:45 the chili sauce is smashed,
11:46 but here,
11:47 the rice is also smashed.
11:48 Now,
11:49 it's the one and only,
11:50 Omay Faridah Nurhan,
11:51 try this.
11:52 How delicious,
11:53 Bang Jams's rice,
11:54 with unique way of making.
11:56 Bang James.
12:01 Where is Bang James?
12:03 Bang James,
12:04 come here for a while.
12:05 It's so crowded.
12:06 It's like lunch time,
12:07 so crowded.
12:08 Bang James,
12:09 come here.
12:10 How are you?
12:11 This is Bang James, right?
12:12 Yes.
12:13 Bang James,
12:17 where did you make the rice,
12:19 which is said to be mixed with chili,
12:21 and all kinds of things?
12:22 This is for the one who ordered,
12:24 who ordered takeaway.
12:25 After this, you make it, right?
12:26 Yes, we'll make it later.
12:27 We'll make it from the beginning.
12:28 Special for the undercover.
12:30 Later, we'll find out
12:31 how Bang James makes the rice.
12:33 Behind the uniqueness,
12:37 it turns out that making nasi cobek
12:39 is quite easy.
12:40 First,
12:41 add chili,
12:42 garlic, and salt,
12:43 to be mashed,
12:44 and become the base of rice.
12:46 After that,
12:47 add warm rice,
12:48 and mash it with the spices.
12:50 Lastly,
12:51 this is what makes nasi cobek
12:52 so savory.
12:53 Terimedan,
12:54 which is mixed and mashed
12:55 together with rice.
12:57 Can I try it here, Bang James?
13:01 Sure.
13:02 I'll try it,
13:03 as an undercover.
13:04 I'll try it now, Bang James.
13:06 It's good.
13:14 What do you want for the dish?
13:15 Chicken?
13:16 Chicken.
13:17 You said you want it with egg,
13:18 and this big.
13:19 And the chicken.
13:20 I want it with fish.
13:21 Fish.
13:30 Fish.
13:31 Sorry, Bang Gila.
13:32 I'll order the rice later.
13:33 Thank you, Bang James.
13:35 Besides nasi cobek,
13:45 there's also a special dish
13:46 that's not less special.
13:48 There's chicken and fish
13:50 wrapped with egg.
13:51 Lastly,
13:52 don't miss it,
13:54 there's kemangi chili sauce,
13:55 which is super spicy,
13:57 and makes it fresh.
13:59 Shooting here is like heaven.
14:02 The cover is so beautiful.
14:03 Look at this.
14:04 Oh my god,
14:05 the chili.
14:06 This is a mixture of
14:07 chili from Iblis
14:08 and from Setang.
14:09 And then,
14:10 the way to serve it is like this.
14:14 Wow.
14:15 I love it.
14:20 I love kemangi.
14:21 Mix it like this.
14:22 Mix it.
14:23 Oh my god.
14:26 Look at this, guys.
14:28 Bang James,
14:30 you're like this, right?
14:31 Yes, Omay.
14:32 Yes, yes, yes.
14:33 Bang James,
14:34 you're like this, right?
14:35 Yes.
14:36 Really?
14:37 I'm like this.
14:38 Why does he always do this?
14:39 What do I do?
14:41 You can mix it with the sauce,
14:43 or you can mix it with rice.
14:45 I'll add chili sauce.
14:48 Is this enough, Boss?
14:53 One more.
14:55 Is this enough, Boss?
14:56 One more.
14:58 One more, one more.
15:00 One more, Boss?
15:02 Okay.
15:03 Thank you so much.
15:04 Give a round of applause for Bang James.
15:07 I'll eat first.
15:08 I'll eat first, Bang James.
15:11 (Bang James, the king of food)
15:13 Oh my god.
15:14 If it's already complete like this,
15:15 what are we waiting for, Omay?
15:17 Let's go.
15:18 Let's try it.
15:19 Let's take out the meatballs first.
15:22 Come on, guys.
15:23 Oh my god.
15:26 There are so many of them.
15:27 Here.
15:29 Wow.
15:32 The chicken.
15:33 It's wrapped with egg.
15:35 I'll try it.
15:38 (The taste is amazing)
15:40 Omay's face is so soft.
15:54 Oh my god.
15:57 You can eat the rice, guys.
15:59 It's already enough.
16:01 It's so good.
16:02 Because the rice has been seasoned.
16:04 It's savory.
16:05 It's spicy.
16:06 The texture of the meatball is so good.
16:08 The chicken.
16:13 It's so soft.
16:15 And the rice.
16:16 It's so good.
16:23 Omay's hands are so good.
16:28 It's so good.
16:31 This is it.
16:33 The undercover noodles.
16:35 I think the reason why Omay's restaurant is so popular is because of the rice.
16:38 It's rare to find a restaurant that sells rice like this.
16:41 Most of the rice is sold by using rice.
16:43 But, this is mixed with other spices.
16:45 It's so special.
16:46 Come on.
16:48 Let's show it to the camera.
16:49 This is for you guys in Sulawesi.
16:52 Where else?
16:55 In Bengkolo.
16:56 In Bali.
16:59 In Kampung.
17:01 You're so lucky.
17:02 Cheers!
17:03 The sauce is so good.
17:14 I think.
17:15 It's so good.
17:17 It's so spicy.
17:18 It's savory.
17:19 It's so good.
17:20 It's only Rp. 28.000.
17:21 It's Rp. 30.000.
17:22 If you're near Omay's house, you should come here.
17:31 Very, very good.
17:33 The rice itself is savory and delicious.
17:40 Especially with the crispy fried chicken because of the egg.
17:43 Now, Omay wants to try the fish in the egg.
17:48 It looks so crispy.
17:53 Time to eat fish.
17:59 Let's see if it's big or small.
18:02 It's not bad.
18:05 It's medium-sized.
18:07 It's enough for one portion.
18:08 In the name of God.
18:10 I'll eat the fish with the egg.
18:25 It's extra savory.
18:26 It's good.
18:28 No one can beat the fish in Bang Jams rice.
18:33 Especially the kemangi chili sauce that makes the rice more complete.
18:38 You don't have to worry about the price.
18:40 A portion of rice and egg can be got for Rp. 26.000.
18:46 Meanwhile, the fish is only Rp. 22.000.
18:51 Oh my God.
18:55 Look at the stomach.
18:56 It's so big.
18:57 What is this?
18:58 Bang Jams.
19:00 It's finished.
19:02 It's good, right?
19:04 It's so good.
19:05 The chili sauce is so good that I'm sweating.
19:09 Bang Jams, are you ready?
19:10 Ready.
19:12 Bang Jams' nasi cobek is perfect for our hour.
19:15 Omg.
19:23 After watching them eating, you must be curious about Bang Jams' nasi cobek.
19:29 Just come to this address.
19:32 Or you can check it on Instagram @undercover.transTV
19:49 We'll help you to get your health back.
19:53 New Isotonic Nutritional.
19:56 That refreshes and replaces the liquid when you sweat.
20:01 If you sweat, drink Isotonic Nutritional.
20:04 Isotonic Nutritional.
20:08 I like it.
20:11 Perfectly crunchy.
20:13 Comfortable when you bite it.
20:18 Sharp.
20:19 I like it.
20:23 It doesn't smell in my mouth.
20:24 It's sweet, right?
20:32 Use this.
20:33 It's sweet, right?
20:34 Just like you.
20:35 The sweetness doesn't make you diabetic.
20:38 Probika Plus Slim.
20:39 It must be done tonight.
20:40 And the breakfast is started.
20:42 Drink Mema Fiton Energy Drink when you need it.
20:44 With extra vitamin B, caffeine, and taurine.
20:48 They pick up the middle material, Ema holds it, and it becomes a Viton.
20:52 Ema, Viton, Ema, Viton, Edy.
20:56 And the mission is done.
20:58 That's cool.
20:59 Now it's Nova's turn.
21:01 Let's continue.
21:03 Drink Ema Viton Energy Drink.
21:05 Express your energy to do activities.
21:11 Cough? Maybe because of low immunity.
21:14 New Imbus Cough.
21:15 New herbal cough syrup from Imbus.
21:17 Natural ingredients combination to help reduce cough.
21:19 Keep immunity.
21:20 Cough is reduced, activity is maintained.
21:22 Imbus Cough.
21:23 Wow, there's a new one.
21:26 The skin is so smooth.
21:27 This brightening cream not only makes the skin more moist,
21:33 but also brightens the skin.
21:35 With new formula, 8 times hyaluronic acid.
21:38 8 times more moist and brightening.
21:42 SPF upgrade to 36.4 plus, maximum protection.
21:47 Recommended for oily skin.
21:49 Voice Luminous White Brightening Cream.
21:52 Love my voice, Kim.
21:53 The crispness of Quachirebo.
21:57 Made from the best sunflower seeds.
22:00 Quachirebo makes your day more fun.
22:04 Quachirebo, crack it.
22:08 LactoGro.
22:10 The only milk with L-reuterine.
22:13 Enriched with omega 3 and 6.
22:16 Support for smart and active body.
22:19 LactoGro.
22:20 The amazing small thing starts from the inside.
22:23 We.
22:25 Indeed.
22:26 Different.
22:27 But if you want to be.
22:28 Kapalapiwan.
22:29 Quality, taste, sure.
22:30 From number 1, Kapalapi.
22:32 The sugar, you can adjust it yourself.
22:35 Kapalapiwan.
22:36 Clear, better.
22:38 My steps never stop.
22:41 Because it's fresh.
22:42 Give Fija Perfume Beauty Body Wash.
22:44 New with rose water and argan oil.
22:46 Care and soften my skin when I take a bath.
22:49 Give Fija Perfume Beauty Body Wash.
22:51 Rose water and new argan oil.
22:53 Wingscare.
22:54 Cough.
22:57 Maybe because of low urination resistance.
22:58 New.
22:59 Imbusca.
23:00 New cough syrup.
23:01 From Imbus.
23:02 Natural ingredients combination.
23:03 Helps reduce cough.
23:04 Maintain endurance.
23:05 Reduce cough.
23:06 Active.
23:07 Imbusca.
23:08 Imbus.
23:09 Coffee with coffee.
23:11 Anytime.
23:13 Anywhere.
23:16 Nescafe.
23:22 This is my cafe.
23:24 Life is not always like the weather.
23:26 When it's sunny, it feels happy.
23:30 With chocolate toast.
23:31 With chocolate from Italy.
23:33 Enjoy your heart.
23:34 Release your burden.
23:36 Chocolate toast.
23:37 Mamma Mia, delicious toast.
23:38 We.
23:41 Indeed.
23:42 Different.
23:43 But when it comes to coffee.
23:44 Kapal Api One.
23:45 Quality, taste, and certainty.
23:46 From number one.
23:47 Kapal Api.
23:48 You can adjust the sugar yourself.
23:50 Kapal Api One.
23:52 Clear, better.
23:53 I love what I do.
23:56 Royal Perfume Series by SOKLIN.
23:58 Inspired by world celebrity perfumes.
24:01 Royal Active Touch.
24:02 Spread the fragrance in every touch.
24:04 With Royal Perfume Series by SOKLIN.
24:07 I win my world.
24:08 Wingscare.
24:09 Sarimi.
24:10 New.
24:11 Sarimi, price Rp 2,500.
24:12 Panti Basuh.
24:13 Sarimi Iga Sapi.
24:14 It's so good.
24:15 Palt.
24:16 Palt.
24:17 Sarimi Ayam Keremes.
24:18 It's full of crunch.
24:19 Sarimi.
24:21 New.
24:22 Price Rp 2,500.
24:23 It's delicious.
24:24 Keep eating.
24:26 The egg.
24:27 What else?
24:30 Spicy.
24:34 It's spicy.
24:38 I'm so dizzy.
24:42 I can't speak.
24:43 Spicy.
24:44 It's spicy.
24:47 I'm so dizzy.
24:51 I can't speak.
24:52 I can't speak.
24:53 Spicy food is not familiar to Indonesian people.
25:05 Spicy food like Seblak, Ceker Mercon, and Basol Lava...
25:08 ...that has chili in it, is a favorite of many people.
25:12 Some people don't like it if they don't eat it with chili.
25:16 Besides being a food-lover...
25:21 ...research shows that spicy food can make you live longer.
25:26 In the study, the candidates who regularly consume chili...
25:31 ...have a 26% reduction in risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
25:36 23% reduction in risk of cancer.
25:40 And 25% reduction in risk of death from all health disorders.
25:45 From the results of the team's analysis...
25:49 ...spicy food or chili can make you live longer is a fact.
25:53 Chili is known to contain capsaicin...
25:59 ...an active substance in chili that causes hot and spicy taste.
26:03 Not only causing hot and spicy taste...
26:06 ...but some studies have proven that capsaicin in chili...
26:10 ...has anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects.
26:14 Chili is also rich in antioxidants...
26:16 ...that can protect the body from free radicals that cause cancer.
26:20 Not only can it prevent cancer...
26:22 ...but other benefits of chili are to improve cardiovascular health.
26:26 So, indirectly, chili can reduce the risk of various causes of death.
26:31 However, eating too much chili is not good...
26:35 ...because it can cause stomach pain.
26:37 That's all for this episode of Hoxe Fakta.
26:42 Hopefully, it can add to our knowledge.
26:45 Stay tuned to Hoxe News and Bijak Laber's social media.
26:49 See you!
26:51 (Hoxe News)
26:53 I strongly believe that live shopping will continue to increase...
27:11 ...even though it's not on TikTok Shop.
27:13 Why? Because live shopping actually relieves the pain of the consumer.
27:17 (Hoxe News)
27:19 (Hoxe News)
27:33 (Hoxe News)
27:35 (Hoxe News)
27:57 (Hoxe News)
27:59 Assalamualaikum. Good afternoon.
28:15 How was your Sunday?
28:16 You're out and about.
28:18 It's so hot.
28:20 But, no matter what the weather is, I hope we all stay cool.
28:24 I'm with my friend, Seka. She's here at Rubin's show.
28:27 Hello, Seka.
28:29 Daniel is also here with us.
28:31 Your outfit today is so colorful.
28:34 Let's go to the corner before we go to our first star.
28:39 What are you talking about?
28:41 Are you talking about the real world or the fake world?
28:44 It's me.
28:45 This Saturday, we're going to talk about...
28:47 ...or follow the story of a teenager's love.
28:53 Because, at the end of this week, we're going to talk about...
28:56 ...Thorik and Alia's holiday.
28:59 Not a holiday. We talked about their relationship.
29:02 They're in a relationship now.
29:04 Thorik and Alia are going to Malaysia.
29:08 One of the people who likes to update is Haris Riza's friend.
29:12 I think Haris Riza is trying to get more viewers on his Instagram.
29:17 But, that's just one of the reasons.
29:22 But, Thorik reposted it.
29:26 How many more?
29:30 And, from Thorik's fanbase?
29:34 Thorik and Alia already have a fanbase?
29:36 Yes.
29:37 What's the name?
29:39 Tora.
29:42 What was it?
29:46 I don't know.
29:47 Private but not secret.