"Elle m'a appris les choses du sexe" : Serge Lama cash sur sa vie amoureuse et ses nombreuses expéri

  • last year
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"Elle m'a appris les choses du sexe" : Serge Lama cash sur sa vie amoureuse et ses nombreuses expériences

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00:08 C.S.T. An artist who sang love like no one else.
00:12 Interpreter, throughout his career, many beautiful and legendary songs.
00:16 From adventure to adventure,
00:18 woman, woman, woman, I'm sick.
00:24 Serge Lama is indeed one of the singers whose words and melodies have managed to touch the audience in the heart for 60 years.
00:31 It must be said that the singer knows what he is talking about, eternal lover,
00:38 he has lived great stories and rather original experiences, as he confided to our fellow TV stars.
00:44 But I was lucky during my sexual and romantic life.
00:53 Suzanne Gabriello, who was the mistress of Brel, taught me things about sex.
00:58 He also wrote "Don't leave me for her", he said in particular.
01:05 A first experience that marked him, but certainly less than one of his great love stories, which ended tragically.
01:16 Liliane, Michelle, and the wonderful Lua at the time.
01:22 In the early 60s, the singer is in full swing, but does not necessarily like women.
01:28 I wanted to run the roads and love women.
01:34 I needed this love of women like the Seine, he explains in the same interview.
01:41 But as he begins to make a name for himself in music by singing in a Parisian cabaret,
01:49 he meets Barbara in a Parisian cabaret.
01:52 And we fall madly in love with the singer's pianist, Liliane Benelli, with whom he begins a love story.
02:02 A few months later, the couple goes on tour with Jean-Claude Grenaciat, the director and brother of Enrico Macias.
02:15 As they drive on a country road, their car crashes against a tree.
02:20 Serge Lama will be the only survivor but Senn will be seriously injured, and still suffers today from this physical and psychological shock.
02:31 A drama on which he also confided.
02:40 Losing Liliane Benelli, who died in our car accident in 1965, was a terrible drama for me.
02:48 She was Barbara's pianist and an extraordinary girl, he remembers.
02:56 Then there was Michel, he remembers.
03:05 Michel, his wife for more than 20 years, died in 2016 when he was separated but never divorced.
03:12 A situation that has not always been ideal, the singer knows, we had established a Vivendi modus with Michel.
03:22 I regret making him sad.
03:29 But today, in his life, is the wonderful Lu, Luana Santonino, with whom he has lived a beautiful story for more than 10 years and who finally married him in February 2021.
03:41 And with whom he seems happier than ever.
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