Newbie's Perspective Mega Man 2011 Issues 53-55 Reviews Finale

  • l’année dernière


00:00 Mega Man #53
00:02 Mega Man uses Rush Jet to fly. He runs over to Guts Man and he laughs at him.
00:08 Mega Man says Guts Man called him saying he needed help with the Robot Masters, and he says that he only needed help
00:15 unloading them to put them in the new Robot Museum.
00:18 He thanks Mega Man and tells him to relax.
00:21 Mega Man wonders if he wanted there to be a problem because he got too used to fighting.
00:28 I already read a story in Archie Sonic where Sonic was bored and restless without the main villain to fight anymore.
00:34 But it's barely impressive now when it's doing it the exact same way and doesn't make any sense when Mega Man does it.
00:41 Mega Man was originally designed to just be a helper robot.
00:45 Why would he ever miss fighting at all when all he ever did when in character was complain about it?
00:51 And somehow Concrete Man and Guts Man are still mistreating each other.
00:57 When they're supposed to have gotten past that and for no reason Guts Man calls him Jippy.
01:03 It made more sense as a nickname for Kitsunami.
01:06 This just makes IDW look even less original.
01:10 I find their banter really boring.
01:14 It only gets interesting when they start talking about what they want to happen to them when their warranties run out.
01:19 This references that stupidly forced plot points in a later game about robots having expiration dates.
01:27 Even though there's absolutely no practical reason for it whatsoever.
01:30 Because it costs money to have them replaced when they're doing fine jobs and they have the free will to start rebelling.
01:38 Or maybe they can only rebel if Wily reprograms them and so they're forced by their programming to be fine with this.
01:44 I read on TVTropes people wondered if Wily was the reason for the expiration dates, but that's stupid.
01:51 He'd be just as likely to take over a robot master
01:55 with or without the expiration date.
01:58 Are they assuming it would take a really long time for him to find out about a robot master? Because that's just unrealistic.
02:05 Of course he would have found out about Dr. Cos-Sax robots right away. He knew him.
02:11 After one says he'd rather be recycled later and another says he wants to be put on display.
02:17 Because screw just getting yourself repaired.
02:20 Megman asks how they could talk about being decommissioned like that.
02:25 Which seriously makes me confused because why is he able to be against the expiration date law when they aren't?
02:32 In the game with the expiration date law, he was fine with this.
02:35 He and Roll actually wondered why robots were able to be against the expiration date law.
02:42 It could make sense because he was programmed to be obedient to the law.
02:48 Concrete Man says that tools break as if it make any sense that he would be shut down instead of simply repaired.
02:55 Guts Man puts his hand on his shoulder reassuring him that he'll live a long time because his function is to be Dr. Light's son and then legacy after he dies.
03:04 Megman says every life is precious and somehow Guts Man says they're not alive just lifelike.
03:12 How in the world does he not programmed to agree with Megman on this when Dr. Light was the one who programmed him?
03:19 Yet another force bit of conflict.
03:22 I wonder if the writer agrees with Guts Man. If he thought every life was precious,
03:27 why would he carelessly had some of the robot masters tell Dr. Light to kill them?
03:33 Meanwhile, Mr. X complains about Wily using his technology just to kidnap a little girl.
03:40 And then Madam Y complains that she's being expected to look after her.
03:44 I guess that girl's Kalinka and her minions are looking after her right now.
03:48 Wily tells them to get her a juice box and turn on some cartoons.
03:52 I wish we saw that because otherwise I won't believe she'll do that.
03:56 It'd be smarter writing than Belle not turning on cartoons for Kitsunami when she's supposed to be nicer than Mr. X.
04:03 Wily calls Mr. X Xander and it turns out he's right.
04:08 Xander reveals to Wily that he fired into the Genesis portal and was dropped 30 years into the past for no reason.
04:15 He couldn't make any changes to his past.
04:18 But he was smart enough to take advantage of his knowledge of the future by winning the lotteries and stock markets and gambling on historic long shots to fund the X Corporation.
04:28 Except how in the world would he have had the lottery numbers memorized?
04:32 Did he have a perfect memory all along?
04:37 He wouldn't have thought to write down the winning lottery numbers when they got reported on the news.
04:41 Because obviously he didn't know he would be sent back in time.
04:44 This takes place in the future where sentient robots are a thing.
04:49 And there is no way he would have watched the news because only old people do that now.
04:55 So maybe he found out about them from social media instead.
04:59 But still.
05:00 Then Shadow Man warps to Wily and says construction on his castle bases are proceeding and he detected no treachery on the part of Mr. X.
05:08 It's pathetically forced that Dr. Light hasn't reprogrammed him to not be on Wily's side anymore when he had him in his lab.
05:16 Even though Meg Man clearly said that there was a possibility of Wily's programming being purged from Quick Man's systems.
05:24 This is even more forced than Metal Sonic not being reprogrammed.
05:30 Speaking of forced, Wily wouldn't order him to high-five him.
05:34 It's too youthful and informal.
05:36 Pandora's was all about having the characters be too formal.
05:41 And at least it made sense because they were all adults.
05:44 This writer is about making characters more informal.
05:48 Right now I don't see the point of having Shadow Man work for Wily.
05:53 Meanwhile, 10 miles above the city, Air Man tells Ice Man he can't control his meteorological studies
06:00 if the gauges keep freezing from the altitude.
06:02 And Ice Man says he'll look into it.
06:05 Oil Man's sucking up oil in front of Meg Man in the sewers
06:09 and explains that he thinks an auto shop is dumping the oil here illegally.
06:14 Pump Man says he diverted most of it here.
06:17 And Splash Woman says she'll see if she can find the source.
06:20 Her being here just makes Bubble Man useless.
06:25 Meanwhile, Flash Man and Time Man argue about Technobabble
06:28 and decide to work together to avoid causing radiation.
06:31 Because apparently that was even a possibility in the first place.
06:35 Odd, I thought radioactivity was caused by the splitting of atoms.
06:41 Wood Man says a tree's too sick.
06:44 And he somehow expects me to believe people waste all that money and time
06:48 on putting up synthetic trees.
06:51 Yeah, they started doing that before finding the cure to tree sicknesses.
06:55 Cut Man's planning to cut it down.
06:57 And Snake Man says he's using his search snakes to clear sectors.
07:02 I hate how this is completely vague about how he's being useful.
07:06 What do you mean clear sectors?
07:08 I just have to assume they're trying to get rid of landmines because they're in a desert.
07:13 And once again, Snake Man's somehow able to act creepy after Dr. Light reprogrammed him.
07:20 Which he obviously did or he'd still want to kill Meg Man.
07:23 Then we see Spark Man keeping some generators running while Elect Man's repairing them.
07:29 So he made sure there was zero power loss to the city.
07:32 He says nice work and gets thanked and told he did nice work too.
07:37 Meg Man talks to Fire Man who's working at the waste processing center.
07:42 And actually lampshades being unable to feel fulfilled without fighting when he hates it.
07:47 Fire Man reassures him and gets thanked and he says he'd be fine with it if they hung out more.
07:52 The RG Sonic definitely did this better because when Sonic had this kind of talk,
07:57 I actually cared enough to talk about what Rosie said.
08:01 Then there's a flashback where Dr. Light looks a lot younger despite talking about
08:06 the humble beginnings of Light Lamps.
08:08 Why are they wondering why Dr. Light's even talking to him after he hit rock bottom
08:14 and gets reassured?
08:15 That was a waste of time.
08:18 Dr. Light calls Roll Deer and Meg Man high fives Otto and Roll hugs Meg Man who thanks her.
08:23 She asks him if everything's alright because he was gone all day.
08:27 Meg Man says he's gonna give up his armor and make a buster.
08:31 Dr. Light eventually puts his hand on his shoulder and says he's proud of him,
08:36 gets thanked and called dad.
08:38 And then Otto tells them they need to see Dr. Cosmic ruin his reputation on a TV broadcast.
08:45 Because Wily forced him to with the kidnapping of his daughter.
08:48 So why didn't Mr. X just use Mr. Cosmic instead of Wily?
08:53 What a complete idiot.
08:54 Surely he could have looked up where he lived.
08:57 You'd think Mr. Cosmic would be talking with wooden acting that everyone would see through.
09:03 And he'd claim that was the best acting he could do no matter how many takes there'd be.
09:07 He says he's sending out Robot Masters to defeat Meg Man.
09:12 Sadly nobody says that he's got terrible acting.
09:15 Dr. Light's smart enough to be suspicious because Cosmic is too humble for this
09:19 and wouldn't put Klinka at risk.
09:21 What does he mean by Klinka's at risk?
09:24 He should say at risk of being taken away by child services.
09:28 Because that's the only risk.
09:30 Roll immediately believes him that he's not just another evil roboticist.
09:35 And Meg Man puts back on his armor with his mind.
09:38 He gets apologized to.
09:40 Welcomes Eddie to the team.
09:42 And I'm just bored that right after Worlds Unite it's going straight into another game adaptation.
09:49 We all know the plot of that game.
09:51 When most comic buyers aren't buying a comic from a famous franchise
09:56 which of course means it isn't appealing to them.
09:58 Either it's doing something wrong or it's something it's not doing.
10:03 I know exactly why the comic got canceled now.
10:06 It's most of the potential consumers getting bored by seeing COSTAX announcements
10:11 and canceling their subscriptions either permanently or just until the adaptation ends.
10:17 While assuming there'd still be a comic for them to go back to.
10:20 But they didn't know how few people wanted to see Meg Man 4 again.
10:23 Maybe some people thought the adaptations were what most came to the comic for.
10:28 But the cancellation right after a new adaptation started proved that wrong.
10:33 If someone wanted to see the plot of a game again, he'd watch a let's play of that game.
10:38 It wouldn't have been canceled if it had an original arc
10:42 so it'd have a point with something to offer.
10:44 There's a reason original hooks are used in marketing.
10:47 And people are getting cynical of nostalgia pandering.
10:50 The last adaptation was so uncreative it was forgettable and redundant.
10:56 And it took forever.
10:57 And it's not like Worlds Unite satisfied fans of creativity.
11:01 Because all it did was old ideas and everyone thought it was padded out.
11:05 So when most consumers are dying for creativity, now's not the time for this.
11:11 Meg Man issue 54.
11:14 It starts with Proto Man doing some self-reflection.
11:17 Where he somehow thinks he didn't have a purpose when he was living with Dr. Light.
11:22 Even though I saw him sweeping.
11:24 So clearly he was his lab assistant.
11:26 He thinks that all of his anger was misplaced.
11:29 And the writer teases us having him think that it might be time to go home.
11:33 When we all know he's not going to do that right away.
11:37 God forbid.
11:38 There's fortunately a text box saying this takes place before issue 53.
11:43 Then why wasn't it the story of that issue?
11:46 He sees Shadow Man in the visor of his helmet.
11:49 So he shoots at him.
11:51 And Shadow Man eventually tells him he's not here to hurt him.
11:54 He eventually tells him he's here to employ him for Wily.
11:58 I hope Flynn's idea was that eventually he would tell Dr. Light that Shadow Man's still working for Wily.
12:05 Because it'd be stupid otherwise.
12:07 So his thoughts in the first panel were just a misleading waste of time that make
12:12 him going with him a little confusing.
12:14 He'll do anything not to go home.
12:16 Wily has a boring predictable dialogue that's a waste of time.
12:21 And eventually tells Proto Man to bring him Klinka.
12:24 Proto Man tells him off for being crazy and rants at him with nothing but recap and quits.
12:29 Everything else he was fine with but not this.
12:33 I guess that was the only thing he could think of to get him to turn on him.
12:37 As opposed to Wily finally wisening up and changing his programming after he thought
12:43 Proto Man betrayed him in the third game.
12:45 Proto Man says that because he fixed his power core he's no longer in danger.
12:51 And Wily says he replaced his core.
12:54 Which he actually told him when he first fixed him.
12:58 He said a core of my design.
13:00 So this really shouldn't come as a surprise to Proto Man.
13:04 Wily says that if he doesn't follow his every order he won't maintain his system.
13:09 So when his core gives out he'll explode as a nuclear bomb.
13:13 It would have been more effective if he also said Dr. Light would never know how to keep
13:19 you from exploding.
13:20 Because without him saying that why doesn't he just tell Dr. Light to study his core so
13:25 he could find out how to maintain them himself?
13:27 He sure is paranoid if he still thinks he'd reprogram him when even Wily didn't.
13:32 Why can't he at least leave a note at Dr. Light's door explaining what he learned about
13:37 his core?
13:37 Then there's a scene about Klinka wanting to play a game with the kids at a playground.
13:42 And she's told they're tired of playing that game.
13:46 She wishes Pharaoh Man was here which just draws attention to the fact that somehow no
13:50 adult is supervising them.
13:52 But this is long past the age of the trope of free-range children.
13:56 She gets interested when seeing a robot bird and follows it to talk to Proto Man.
14:02 Who lampshades that she shouldn't leave the school grounds.
14:04 You'd think there'd be a teacher patrolling the school grounds like in real life.
14:09 Who'd immediately tell her to go back to the recess field.
14:13 And for all I know it's rare but in my school the part of the recess field where the kids
14:18 were was furthest away from the exit to the school grounds.
14:21 And was facing a forest.
14:23 So Proto Man wouldn't be able to be this close to her.
14:28 She wouldn't be able to see him.
14:29 And even if she could there definitely would be a teacher supervising them if she's young
14:35 enough that she still gets to go on the playground.
14:37 That's one of the youngest age brackets.
14:42 And he just has to be wearing a trench coat to make this creepier.
14:45 She asks him how he controls his robot bird.
14:49 And he says he'll show her and puts a bracelet on her.
14:52 A teleport harness which warps her with him.
14:55 Even though humans were established to not be able to get teleported.
14:59 But because Diabolos ex machina wearing a bracelet magically solves the problem where
15:04 being made of human stuff means you can't be teleported.
15:08 Then Quake Woman says she'll help Vesper Woman with her botanical cataloging after she finishes
15:13 writing down samples of rocks.
15:15 Somehow she doesn't know how she can find rocks interesting when it should be obvious
15:21 she was just programmed to.
15:23 So she leaves and Proto Man apologizes to Quake Woman for being rude to her earlier.
15:29 And says he doesn't know where else to go because she's the only one he ever talked
15:32 to about anything.
15:34 Except Mega Man but I guess he means without shouting.
15:38 She says she'll listen and he starts angsting.
15:41 Compared to him, Shadow the Hedgehog never angsts.
15:44 But at least I can see Shadow's expressions on the rare occasion he has them.
15:49 He says in an overly long winded way that he's done things he regrets and become a danger.
15:55 She puts her hand on his shoulder and says he could always go home as he just doubts
16:01 her.
16:02 But doesn't explain why, which he definitely needs to because he heard Dr. Light say he's
16:07 welcome back home.
16:08 Sadly, Vesper turns out to be here out of complete nowhere to cause further conflict.
16:14 Even though she was supposed to be gone.
16:16 She insists on teasing her that he's her boyfriend.
16:19 She's been nothing but annoying for no reason.
16:23 And I'm supposed to like her just because she's her new sister.
16:26 Who of course was made in the hopes that interacting with her would restore Quake Woman
16:31 to what she once was.
16:32 That's delusional.
16:34 She calls her jokes lame and Protoman wonders if Dr. Leland would help him and asks to see
16:41 her.
16:41 He apologizes to her for before and after some hesitation, he finally outright tells
16:47 her about his unstable nuclear core.
16:50 So he says he needs to know how far away he needs to go to protect everyone.
16:53 Conveniently, Quake Woman says she's not reading dangerous levels of radiation.
16:59 Because apparently she has that power.
17:01 As someone who works for a geologist.
17:04 I'm so glad this isn't a boring story that's just about Mega Man fighting the Robot Masters.
17:11 This is exactly what I'd want.
17:12 She examines him and Quake Woman says she has a Geiger counter just in case purely because
17:20 she's built for excavation.
17:22 It's not like she excavates only in the places that have nuclear radiation in them.
17:28 Dr. Leland tells Protoman he's only a threat to himself and there's no risk of detonation.
17:33 She warns him that eventually his systems would burn up and apologizes for not being
17:39 able to give him an exact expiration date.
17:41 And says it's beyond her expertise to fix.
17:44 I get why she's not as capable as Dr. Light.
17:49 Because she divided her attention between robotics and geology.
17:54 It's a miracle she's a roboticist at all.
17:57 But why can't she learn how?
17:59 He thinks Dr. Light can't fix him without changing his personality.
18:04 So he'd be a bad teacher for her.
18:07 He doesn't want to risk anyone else getting caught in his mess.
18:10 So he wants to handle it on his own.
18:12 She puts her hand on his shoulder and he apologizes for zoning out.
18:17 And says he hasn't earned the right to ask anything of Dr. Light.
18:21 Even though he saved Mega Man's life.
18:25 And made sure he had protective coating that ended up guaranteeing the entire world would
18:30 be saved.
18:31 Saving billions of lives.
18:33 You'd think people would lampshade how stupid he is here.
18:36 He says he wants to earn it for himself.
18:39 And I'm thinking he'll never feel that way if saving the lives of everyone on the planet
18:44 isn't earning it enough.
18:45 And begs her not to tell Dr. Light he's been here or what he found out.
18:51 Because he doesn't want to worry him.
18:53 All of a sudden.
18:54 She says he really is his father's son.
18:56 And he says he hasn't earned the right to that either.
19:00 The story ends with him damaging his helmet in order to finally look how he's supposed
19:05 to.
19:06 Mega Man #55
19:09 Surprisingly, it starts out a week before Mega Man 4.
19:13 The pacing of this comic is at the slowest it's ever been.
19:17 Because I thought it'd start the boring game adaptation an issue ago.
19:21 Mega Man gets Time Man's power and uses it so the doctors can make adjustments to the
19:26 time skimmer.
19:27 The name of the machine is too vague for me to get invested in it.
19:31 Mega Man is using time slow on Dr. Light and a scientist so they could adjust the Tak-Yan
19:37 flow.
19:37 I wish I knew why they were doing that for the flow.
19:41 What does this have to do with Dr. Light and his lab?
19:44 Apparently he has literally nothing else he wants to do today.
19:49 You'd think if he was bored he would help out Noel for a hobby.
19:53 He hopes the gloves would protect them from the time particles and he's told it probably
19:59 won't.
19:59 And he gets shocked by unrealistically pink electricity.
20:03 And he sees into the future, seeing Dr. Cossack's supposed betrayal.
20:08 Why doesn't he go tangible in the future at any point when Xander did?
20:15 There's a bunch of other pages showing the future too, which are a blatant waste of comic
20:19 space relying on the appeal of fanservice to make people care about them.
20:23 If you didn't play any of those games, if you didn't even see them in Let's Plays,
20:29 you're not gonna care about most of the issue.
20:31 With how long this is going on when it was never acceptable in the first place, it officially
20:38 makes me wonder if the writer even wanted to write the Mega Man 4 adaptation.
20:43 Even TV Tropes wondered that.
20:45 Because this comes off as him doing whatever he can to put it off.
20:49 Not that I can blame him.
20:50 This is so pointless.
20:52 We know he's gonna forget all this because he was surprised by Dr. Cossack's announcement.
20:57 This is officially a bad issue.
21:00 It seems to be doing nothing but him doing very predictable commentary over the future
21:05 of Mega Man.
21:05 There's no reason he'd say the X-Series robots are alive without even hearing them talk.
21:11 Because either he'd think the Robot Masters are alive too, or he wouldn't notice a single
21:16 difference.
21:17 All he does is state the obvious about what he sees.
21:19 It doesn't even bother being interesting when he sees the X-Z and Legend series.
21:25 One would've been impressed if he liked the idea that in the future humans and sentient
21:29 robots would be more one and the same, because that'd mean humans would be more likely to
21:33 survive for a long time thanks to technology, and would have better lives.
21:38 And you'd think he'd remark on what a huge coincidence it is that a family in the Legend
21:43 series resembles his own.
21:45 I thought the X-Z series was a separate canon from everything else, not before the Legend
21:51 series.
21:51 The paramedics show up, and he thinks the visions are all fading away as fast as they
21:57 came.
21:58 And apparently the writer was too lazy to explain why.
22:00 Xander remembers everything he saw in the future just fine.
22:05 He was clearly hit by that same pink electricity.
22:08 At least we finally get to see him wonder if he set humanity on a doomed course.
22:12 But then he thinks that there's always hope, and he likes the idea that there will always
22:17 be a Megaman to protect them.
22:19 Megaman asks him if he's sure he's okay, as he has his arms around both of them, and
22:25 he says he is thanks to him.
22:26 And I just have to assume the reason he somehow doesn't bother telling anyone what he saw
22:32 before he'd forget when he knew he was forgetting them was that he didn't want to worry anyone.
22:37 So it's the same reason that supposed Saint thinks it's okay to tell white lies, or not
22:43 tell Megaman a rule about Proto-Man.
22:45 And that's the end of it.
22:46 The text box even says it's the final issue.
22:50 So there's even less of an excuse, because the writer knew it would be the last one,
22:53 and he didn't even try to progress the plot of the comic.
22:57 With how barebones the plot of Megaman 4 is, I'm sure he could have gotten it done in one
23:03 issue if he just recognized what padding was and got rid of it.
23:07 Especially considering that Megaman beats every Robot Master in one hit.
23:11 You don't have to have boring banter between Megaman and the Robot Masters, or have giant
23:18 scenes where Robot Masters talk to themselves.
23:20 The Sonic Triple Trouble adaptation effortlessly showed off all of the levels by having just
23:26 one panel dedicated to each.
23:28 They could have done that.
23:30 This issue is about Megaman taking a look at how all of the previous Robot Masters are
23:35 being useful now, and feeling depressed that he can't help the entire world anymore by
23:41 fighting robots.
23:42 But somehow he doesn't just say that.
23:45 He wasn't even smart enough to get that when even Sonic did.
23:48 It's nice to see this, but I already read a story like that in Archie Sonic.
23:53 The Sonic X comic did that.
23:56 And even Sonic Boom did that.
23:58 And it's about time Megaman did.
24:00 And it took until Mr. X explained why he's rich for it to get interesting.
24:05 And when it comes to the franchise overall, that's not what makes it worth it because
24:10 Mr. X isn't supposed to be a separate character from Wily.
24:14 So the point where the issue is actually valuable is after that, when Megaman sees all of the
24:20 Robot Masters who didn't kill themselves doing what they're supposed to be doing.
24:24 But I'm sure you could have read the manuals for the games and found out what they're supposed
24:29 to be doing yourself without this comic.
24:32 So aside from the originality with Mr. X describing how he got rich, there really is nothing here.
24:39 Then it goes straight into starting the Megaman 4 adaptation.
24:42 This issue is about Proto Man being lied to by Wily that he'd blow up in a huge explosion
24:49 without him maintaining his systems.
24:51 Which caused them to agree to kidnap Kalinka.
24:54 Which he does in a way that's so easy it hurts my immersion in the story.
24:59 Because first off, there's no teacher patrolling the recess field to immediately tell her to
25:04 get back on school grounds.
25:06 I'm sure if Proto Man revealed who he was, we could have still had the story be plausible.
25:11 Because all the teacher would do is say, "Oh, Dr. Light's son.
25:15 Okay, you can talk with her."
25:18 I guess the real plot hole is that the playground of the recess field is so close to off school
25:23 grounds in the first place.
25:24 And it was already established that only robots can teleport.
25:28 So it feels like a Diablos Ex Machina that he suddenly has a bracelet that can teleport
25:33 humans, when there was no indication that Wily was working on that.
25:36 It makes sense that he would because he'd want to teleport himself away from Megaman
25:41 to avoid being arrested.
25:43 Wait a minute, how in the world could he ever end up in jail then?
25:48 Wouldn't he just use the bracelet to teleport away from Megaman?
25:51 I guess the logic is he's gonna get his bracelet broken.
25:54 The point is, when did Wily have the time to make this bracelet?
25:58 All he was ever focused on making was Robot Masters.
26:01 And the big mechas that die in two hits.
26:04 This could have been how Kalinka was kidnapped in the games canon because if Wily could make
26:10 a bracelet like this, it'd be so much less likely that he'd get put in prison.
26:14 And that's what one of the games said happens to him.
26:17 This issue was the most worthless one in the entire comic because it's nothing but
26:22 Doctor Light seeing the future.
26:23 Just for him to somehow forget it all and not even have the decency to tell his friends
26:29 about it.
26:29 People didn't like Worlds Unite and part of it was because they weren't shallow enough
26:35 to be impressed by mere cameos all the time.
26:37 So I'm hoping that this got the same reception or that'd be hypocritical.
26:42 The writer didn't even try with this one.
26:46 If fanservice alone makes someone call a story fantastic and perfect, he'd love this
26:51 without any thought put into it.
26:53 Only someone who's extremely easily impressed, who thinks just mere fanservice makes an issue
27:00 amazing, who doesn't put any thought into what makes writing a story especially difficult
27:05 and what's a story that's absolutely effortless to come up with, would think it's even so
27:10 much as average in quality.
27:11 Most stories aren't like this for a reason.
27:16 This barely counts as a new story because the original content is just at the start
27:20 and end and we don't really learn what Doctor Light was doing here to begin with, when I'd
27:26 never imagine that he'd help out in the Chronos Institute at all.
27:29 He just has the most predictable commentary ever over the future of the series.
27:33 This is such a sad issued and the comic on.
27:37 A pointless story that shows they learned nothing from Worlds Unite.
27:41 I thought it'd at least show the start of the Megaman 4 adaptation and it didn't even
27:46 meet that expectation.
