Podcast: What to Expect, Raiders vs. Packers

  • last year
Our latest episode of the Las Vegas Raiders Insider Podcast discusses what you can expect from tonight's Monday Night Football game vs. the Green Bay Packers.
00:00 Hey everybody, this is Hondo Carpenter from Sports Illustrated's Fannation Las Vegas Raiders
00:07 Insider Podcast.
00:08 It's game day, it's Monday night football here in Vegas.
00:15 Man, huge game.
00:18 And I understand all 17 are huge games.
00:23 I get that.
00:24 I completely understand it.
00:26 But I would be hard pressed, I think, to find either the harshest critic of this franchise
00:31 or the biggest supporter who would not concur with me that this is a massive game.
00:38 This is a game that the Raiders should win.
00:41 It is a game that I hesitate to use the term "must win" because with a loss, Josh McDaniels
00:50 isn't going to get fired.
00:52 So it's not a must win as far as Josh keeping his job, and I'm not calling for a firing.
00:58 I'm just saying it's not the reality.
01:02 But it's a must win.
01:05 These next six games are going to tell us everything that we need to know.
01:13 Everything.
01:16 Everything that we need to know as far as the direction of this franchise under the
01:21 leadership of Josh McDaniels.
01:23 That's just the reality of it.
01:26 There's no way, whether you're a supporter or you're a critic or like me, who's not a
01:30 fan, who's neutral, whose job is to just present truth and live in realville, that's a fact.
01:40 You got games against the Bears.
01:42 You got games against the Packers.
01:44 You got games against the Patriots.
01:48 You're headed to Detroit.
01:50 I don't remember the others off the top of my head, but six winnable games.
01:56 That's not true.
01:57 I would not predict the Lions to be a winnable game, but all the rest of these ones that
02:02 you have a clear shot in, and some of them, I think the majority of you should be favored.
02:09 This is big.
02:10 So big.
02:12 Absolutely so big.
02:14 I told you all along I thought this was a 9-8 team.
02:18 I believe that's where the talent is, and I believe that's where coaching and where
02:21 this team should be.
02:23 So if they exceed expectations, then you applaud Josh McDaniels for a great coaching job.
02:29 If they achieve those objectives, then you say, okay, good, you did your job.
02:34 If they go lower, then you've got to bring in analysis that says, what is going on?
02:40 Now, I think there are several things going on, and we're going to talk about these because
02:43 you know me.
02:46 This is Uncle Hondo's reckless abandonment for truth tour, and I'm just going to spill
02:52 to you exactly how I feel.
02:55 Number one, the coaching has been bad.
02:58 Now, I've pointed out several times where I thought Josh McDaniels had really good scheme.
03:08 I think player execution, which we'll get to in a minute, has been terrible, but everything
03:12 rises and falls on leadership.
03:14 So when you have guys that are executing terribly and you keep trotting them out there because
03:19 you're invested in them, well, you picked them.
03:22 It's like if you don't like your wife, boy, thank God I do mine.
03:27 I'm married out of my league.
03:30 But if you don't like your wife, don't blame anybody but you.
03:33 You married her.
03:36 You married her.
03:39 And it's just the situation.
03:41 You invested in these guys.
03:43 You brought them into your organization.
03:46 If they continually fail, then it's upon the people who felt like they were guys they could
03:54 go to battle with.
03:57 That's just reality.
03:58 The coaching's been terrible.
03:59 I think Josh's scheme, other than when it feels like he's pressing, panicking a little
04:06 bit, is really good.
04:07 I think Josh McDaniels is a good play caller.
04:11 And we certainly point to places where he has not called plays well this year.
04:17 Absolutely.
04:18 No doubt about it.
04:20 But it doesn't change the fact that I think we've seen demonstrated just since he's been
04:27 here in Vegas, where he's had good schemes or guys have executed and it's produced.
04:34 Coaching's been bad.
04:35 Now, let me just say, I think he has a lot of good coaches on his staff, really good.
04:39 But boy, he's got a couple of bad.
04:44 And I alluded to this earlier in the year.
04:46 I alluded to this in training camp.
04:49 I alluded to this during OTAs and mini camps.
04:55 There are some guys on this, some really good coaches on this team who the players love,
04:59 they play for, they respect, they trust, they can come criticize them and they take it.
05:06 And then you got some guys that are continually making really terrible mistakes, not improving,
05:12 who have tuned their coaches out.
05:16 Not all of them.
05:17 And I'm not trying to even remotely give you the false implication that it's all of them
05:22 because it's not.
05:27 There are some guys on here that don't make sense.
05:31 So number one, coaching.
05:34 I'm going to be watching that really, really close.
05:39 Number two, I think it's fair and I think it's 100% germane.
05:43 Josh McDaniels is a guy who's now a head coach, who's had great success as a coordinator,
05:54 limited to almost no success as a head coach.
05:58 Now, let's look at Jimbo Fisher at Texas A&M, but there's others in the NFL and there's
06:03 others in college.
06:05 I'm just using this as one example, who's a prolific play caller, but gave up play calling
06:10 because he had to help the entire team.
06:12 This entire team needs Josh McDaniels' leadership.
06:17 This entire team is struggling.
06:22 And Josh can't be working with the offense when the defense out there.
06:26 He has got to be the head man.
06:27 Mark Davis invested in him to lead his franchise.
06:32 And I'm going to watch this closely because I think we are getting to the point where
06:36 it's going to be a fair question to ask Josh, do you need to give up some play calling duties
06:44 so you can focus more on the entirety of the team?
06:47 Listen, the entire team is struggling.
06:49 Now I think the defense, considering the amount of money that they spent, over $102 million
06:56 in the offense and a lot less in the defense, $60 million.
07:06 Do you need to give up some of that play calling because you got to help your defense?
07:13 That's a very fair question.
07:15 And I'm watching that closely.
07:17 That's a legitimate question.
07:19 And I have not reported this yet, but this week, talking to some people around the league,
07:25 I'll just read one quote to you.
07:28 But this comes from an NFL GM.
07:32 And I want to give my wife all the credit in the world.
07:38 This gentleman and I were on the phone when I was with my wife.
07:43 And he said this, and then I sent him a text and he followed it up with this.
07:47 But this is what he said.
07:48 One thing that stood out to me on Sunday night, as I noticed several times Josh interacting
07:54 with the offense when the defense was out there and could have used his leadership.
08:01 I agree with your thought that potentially he needs to look at letting some other people
08:07 at least partially call plays when he's giving his full attention elsewhere.
08:13 That's a legitimate.
08:14 I've had a coach with that issue in the past and had to deal with it.
08:17 So that's a legitimate question.
08:20 And if the Raiders were to lose, it's something I've been planning on asking him.
08:25 Or if they win, but that still seems to be an issue.
08:28 Those are germane things, but he's got other guys on the staff.
08:31 Now you just can't go fire guys in the middle of the season and then have a void.
08:36 Now could you fire some guys if you think there are some people there who can help?
08:47 Or can you fire some guys if you can elevate somebody else, but think someone else can
08:51 talk to them just to get their voice out of the building?
08:59 So that's number one.
09:01 Number one.
09:02 Number two.
09:04 I should have made number one a number two because number one smells like a number two.
09:09 Ooh, got you.
09:11 Okay.
09:12 Sorry.
09:13 Dad joke.
09:14 Number two is I want to see this Raiders offense, $102 million offense.
09:23 I don't know if you're like me.
09:24 I enjoy watching bowl riding and there is a reel, which is a, I'm told it's that the
09:32 tick talks and reels are very similar.
09:35 So I don't do the tick talks.
09:37 I do do reels.
09:38 But there's a reel of a, of Jamie Mooney, who is a tremendous bull rider.
09:45 And it talks about he's a $7 million bull rider.
09:49 Okay.
09:50 You got $102 million offense.
09:53 Look like it.
09:56 Please, please.
10:00 Someone said to me, if you're not a fan, Honda, why do you care?
10:02 Because we cover this team.
10:07 You know, these players, these coaches, Dave, good people want them to do well.
10:15 Listen, heart goes out to Josh's family.
10:23 When I see people put memes up there, mocking him, not just criticize, but mocking him,
10:30 calling him stupid and dummy and other stuff.
10:34 And I feel for his children and his parents and his wife.
10:37 I feel for Josh.
10:38 I don't want them to fail, but they are.
10:47 So number two is I want to see this $102 million offense do something.
10:55 Can we can, can the, can they score 20?
10:59 20.
11:01 You ever seen the old Sergeant Bill Coe, Steve Martin movie.
11:06 What a great comedy.
11:07 If you haven't seen it, go rent it.
11:09 Well, I guess you, I don't know if you can rent it.
11:11 Yeah, you can rent it on your TV or I'm sure it's not one of those streaming things, Netflix
11:18 or whatever they are called.
11:19 I think it's Netflix and I don't remember the other one.
11:21 I think there's two, but Netflix.
11:24 Oh, Max.
11:25 Go rent it.
11:27 Great comedy.
11:28 Really good comedy.
11:29 You can watch it.
11:30 I don't know what it's called.
11:31 I don't know what it's called.
11:32 I don't know what it's called.
11:33 I don't know what it's called.
11:34 I don't know what it's called.
11:35 I don't know what it's called.
11:36 I don't know what it's called.
11:37 I don't know what it's called.
11:38 I don't know what it's called.
11:39 I don't know what it's called.
11:40 I don't know what it's called.
11:41 I don't know what it's called.
11:42 I don't know what it's called.
11:43 I don't know what it's called.
11:44 I don't know what it's called.
11:45 I don't know what it's called.
11:46 I don't know what it's called.
11:47 I don't know what it's called.
11:48 I don't know what it's called.
11:49 I don't know what it's called.
11:51 20 with your hundred and two million dollar offense.
11:57 Please.
11:58 Number three, third thing we're looking for.
12:03 Can we see an end to stupid pre-snap penalties?
12:10 I don't mind aggression.
12:15 I don't like Jerry Tillery hitting a guy out of bounds like he did.
12:18 I'm not talking about that.
12:20 But when you see a jacorian Bennett getting all tangled and mangled up with a receiver and flicking for the football, I can handle that.
12:27 I'm good.
12:29 I'm good.
12:31 I don't mind aggression.
12:33 I hate stupidity.
12:34 There's a difference.
12:37 One is a lack of discipline.
12:40 One is playing a testosterone fueled game.
12:43 This game is physical.
12:47 This game is supposed to be played at a level of violence that at any other point in your life, if you did it, you would go to prison.
12:58 I don't mind that.
13:02 I don't mind a guy who's coming in on a quarterback and he throws the ball and he hits him and it wasn't intentional to try to hurt him.
13:10 It's just he had 290 pounds or 275 pounds headed towards the quarterback.
13:16 There's nothing he could do.
13:17 I'm okay with that.
13:19 I don't like the way that they protect quarterback in the NFL, but I understand why.
13:23 I don't blame the ref for throwing the flag.
13:25 I don't blame the player.
13:26 I get it.
13:27 I understand it.
13:28 I can deal with that.
13:29 I'm okay with that.
13:31 I'm okay with it.
13:34 But I don't want to see defensive backs, defensive backs lining up in the neutral zone.
13:47 Please.
13:50 Please.
13:53 I mean, dear God, you're a defensive back.
13:58 Give me a break.
13:59 Come on now.
14:01 When you're in offense alignment and you know the count, why do you jump off sides?
14:11 Here we go, boys.
14:12 On 2, on 2.
14:13 Set.
14:14 Blue 27, right 0.
14:17 52 is the mic.
14:18 52 is the mic.
14:19 Red razor, red razor.
14:20 Hut.
14:21 And you jump off sides.
14:22 It's on 2.
14:24 2.
14:25 Uno, dos.
14:29 Come on now.
14:32 1-1.
14:33 That's our third.
14:35 Remember, first, coaching.
14:37 Second, $102 million offense.
14:41 Third, big one here.
14:48 I want to see the discipline.
14:52 I want to see these guys come out.
14:56 Now, y'all know I love Max Cross.
14:58 I love him.
15:00 Great person.
15:02 Great husband.
15:03 Great dad.
15:04 Great friend.
15:05 I love every single thing about Max Cross.
15:07 We love the guy.
15:09 Personally and professionally.
15:10 Love him.
15:12 Tremendous human being.
15:15 Take aside all the football.
15:18 Let's just assume he worked for the power company.
15:23 If my daughters were to marry somebody like Max,
15:28 not the football, not the multimillion dollar football player,
15:33 just the man, I'm going to be a happy dad.
15:36 Just a tremendous human being.
15:38 Love him dearly.
15:40 And I'm tired of watching this guy go balls to the wall every week
15:45 and watch him be let down by coaching, let him be watched down by his teammates.
15:49 Come on.
15:50 Devante, same way.
15:52 I feel the exact same way about Devante.
15:54 Put him on the power company, I don't care.
15:55 Same guy.
15:56 Great guy.
15:58 Great human being.
16:01 I care about these guys.
16:04 I want to see that.
16:06 Number one, coaching's got to get better tonight.
16:08 I got to see it.
16:09 Number two, the $102 million offense.
16:15 Three, got to see discipline.
16:20 Please.
16:24 This is a disciplined game of controlled rage.
16:30 It is rage.
16:32 It is play.
16:34 You know what?
16:35 The other guy said something stupid.
16:36 Okay, then go kick his ass.
16:40 This is what's great about this game.
16:43 You're walking through a casino.
16:45 Somebody says something stupid to you.
16:47 You can't go kick his ass.
16:49 You'll go to jail.
16:54 This is what makes football the greatest sport in the world.
17:03 Somebody's going to say something or do something stupid on the football field, and guess what?
17:07 You get to line up and go kick their ass.
17:14 Please just be disciplined.
17:19 That's it.
17:21 Fourth, I want to see the defense continue to perform.
17:33 Now, this gets me so much criticism, and I'm not sorry about it.
17:36 I don't care.
17:37 When you look at what they've invested in their defense, I think the defense has been fine.
17:45 Do I think there's some bad coaching on the defense?
17:48 Yep, not a lot of it, but there is some.
17:53 There is some, but they keep getting big stops, and other than taking on Buffalo, where they were not helped by their offense at all,
18:06 this defense has kept them right in it.
18:10 Speaking of that defense, can I please see more John Jenkins and Adam Butler at the defensive tackle?
18:19 You all know I love John Jenkins now.
18:21 Go back and watch my interview with him when they were in West Virginia.
18:24 Great guy.
18:27 He's such a dynamic player.
18:30 Adam Butler, just good.
18:32 I mean, that kid, he just keeps fighting.
18:35 I know he's not a kid, but give me a break.
18:37 I'm old.
18:38 I just love to watch Adam Butler.
18:40 Just effort, effort, effort, effort, effort.
18:44 Why do you take him off the field if he's not winded?
18:48 Please?
18:49 Please?
18:51 Please?
18:59 First, coaching.
19:02 Second thing I'm looking for tonight, $102 million offense.
19:08 Third, discipline.
19:10 Fourth, defense.
19:13 Just want to see it.
19:15 Just want to see you keep doing what you're doing.
19:18 Just keep doing what you're doing.
19:22 Just keep doing it.
19:25 Just keep fighting.
19:28 And lastly, I want to see this.
19:38 I want to see a bunch of happy guys in that locker room afterwards.
19:43 Now I'm going to say something to you that many of you are not going to believe and you know what, I can't blame you.
19:49 I can't.
19:54 Earlier today, actually, I published an article.
20:04 And each week I get a bunch of questions that people want me to answer, and I love doing it, by the way.
20:09 Thank you all for sending them in.
20:12 But one of the things that I always notice about fans is they'll say to me, "Does anybody care?"
20:24 You know, I watch Josh McDaniels go to a podium and he smiles.
20:28 Or I watch the players hugging guys on the opposite team after the game, smiling.
20:32 Does anybody care?
20:33 I'm going to tell you something.
20:35 I don't blame these fans.
20:37 Raider fans are just freaking awesome.
20:42 I got to admit, 1% are on the fringe, and I struggle with them.
20:47 I just mute them.
20:49 I don't listen to them.
20:50 But I struggle with it.
20:52 But I'm not going to let 1% define the other.
20:56 These fans are awesome.
20:57 They care.
20:59 You guys care.
21:01 If you go back and read my Twitter, a lot of times at games, if I see a whole family, I'll take a picture.
21:06 And I'll tweet it out.
21:07 I love it.
21:09 I've been to every stadium in the NFL.
21:12 This is the fan base.
21:14 Every fan base has some element of good fans, even the four for the Chargers.
21:23 But I just love how familial Raider fans are.
21:29 It is really impressive to me.
21:32 And they care.
21:33 It matters to them.
21:35 I wish you all could see every email I get, almost every comment that we get.
21:41 I've been a Raider fan for X amount of years.
21:43 I mean, they care.
21:45 It matters to them.
21:47 But people will say to me, "Hondo, does Mark Davis even care?
21:51 Does Josh McDaniels care to the players?"
21:53 Yes, they do.
21:55 Do I think they all do?
22:00 I think there are a couple of players on this team that it doesn't matter to them.
22:10 But every team has a couple.
22:13 Coming into training camp, I didn't know that this team did.
22:17 I've learned it, though, as it went on.
22:20 But it's still far less than any other team I've covered.
22:24 Yeah, they care.
22:25 It matters.
22:26 I talk to them away from a camera, and they're hurting.
22:30 You want to know what's amazing?
22:32 And I wish you got to talk to coaches, players, management, whatever, like I do.
22:42 In a private or off-the-record setting, in a text setting, phone call setting.
22:48 Do you want to know what the first thing -- and no one's going to believe it,
22:50 and they're going to think I'm shilling for the franchise.
22:52 And that's okay.
22:53 You're welcome to think whatever you want.
22:55 It's not the truth, but you're welcome to think it.
22:59 How many people in that group have said, man, I feel so bad for the fans.
23:06 This is terrible.
23:08 I don't know if you're a big social media person or if you use instant grams.
23:13 It's a new form of -- it's like Twitter.
23:17 I don't even really know the difference.
23:19 You can put pictures and video up there.
23:21 It's kind of like Twitter but for kids.
23:23 But I started on instant grams.
23:26 I've only had someone post for me pictures of my family.
23:29 I don't put anything on my coverage up because I was following Chandler Jones.
23:35 And the person that set it up for me had me follow a few people.
23:38 Max Crosby's one of them.
23:39 Max Crosby had a video on instant grams that was -- it was moving.
23:46 It was after the Chargers game, and he was just apologizing to the fans.
23:50 Listen, that's not Max being taught by a media handler.
23:56 First of all, nobody handles Max Crosby.
23:59 That was Max Crosby who absolutely cares about you, and he is not the exception.
24:09 Like I said, there may be a couple of guys that don't, but they do.
24:13 Management cares.
24:14 Coaches care.
24:15 They care.
24:18 I want to walk into a locker room and see a bunch of really good people happy.
24:26 I want to listen to Raider fans as they leave the stadium because down in the
24:30 locker room we can hear you.
24:33 I want to hear them cheering.
24:38 I want them to have something to cheer about.
24:40 This matters.
24:42 It matters.
24:45 That's one of my keys, coaching.
24:48 $102 million offense.
24:52 Discipline, execution, four, defense, five.
24:58 I want to see that happy locker room.
25:01 And let me tell you, if the Raiders win tonight, I don't want to hear one person
25:06 bitch and moan about how they won it.
25:11 Don't apologize for a victory.
25:15 Al's motto, "Just win, baby," doesn't say just win, but then how you have to do.
25:21 Just win.
25:23 Here's my prediction.
25:26 This is a 9-8 team if Jimmy Garoppolo stays healthy for all 17 games.
25:30 I've told you that all year.
25:33 All offseason.
25:35 He hasn't stayed healthy for 17, but it still should be a 9-8 team.
25:38 Should be.
25:41 Should be.
25:44 This is a game that starts a six-game trend.
25:49 These are the games they've got to win.
25:51 You're at home.
25:53 The nation is watching.
25:55 I told you, I've been to parties, Monday night football parties at players' houses
25:58 in previous years to watch games.
26:04 Take my family.
26:06 All of the NFL is watching.
26:09 All of the nation is watching.
26:15 Show them something.
26:19 I remember years ago sitting in a dry crick bed, and it was dark, and I'd been deer
26:30 hunting with my father.
26:35 And my first child was about to be born.
26:40 And I remember saying to my dad, I said, "Dad, I'm really scared."
26:45 He goes, "Why, son?"
26:48 I said, "I'm about to have a baby, and you are such a good dad, I don't know how to do it."
26:54 He was a great dad.
27:01 And he just looked at me and he said, sorry, talking about him, I'm not crying about football.
27:06 He said, "Son, being a good dad means being present and just doing your best."
27:14 He goes, "You don't remember how much I failed.
27:17 I do.
27:19 But just be present and do your best."
27:23 I thought that was really cool.
27:26 I thought that was really cool my dad to say that just being present is a big deal.
27:33 This Raider team has to show up.
27:39 You got to be present.
27:42 You got to do your best.
27:45 I love Raider fans because they just care.
27:51 You know, the Lions, for the first time ever, just sold out season tickets.
27:56 I'm from Michigan.
28:00 Because Lion fans, they like the Lions.
28:04 But they didn't really care because they knew they would lose.
28:07 The Raiders lose, and they still sell out.
28:12 Now you can talk about people selling their tickets, whatever, but the point is Raider fans shows up.
28:17 Raider fan isn't like Lion fan that just shows up when you win.
28:22 Raider fans, they're not great.
28:24 A lot of them are selling their tickets because you as an organization are giving them crap and selling it to them as a hoagie.
28:31 It ain't a hoagie.
28:32 It's a crap sandwich.
28:35 Show up.
28:36 Be present.
28:38 Do your best.
28:41 I'm going to hold the Raiders to the standard that I think they should be held to.
28:48 Tonight, Monday Night Football.
28:52 I'm Hondo Carpenter from Sports Illustrated's Fan Nation Las Vegas Raiders Insider Podcast, part of the Fans First Sports Network.
28:59 Show up.
29:00 Be there.
29:01 Raiders.
29:03 21-20.
29:05 See you tonight after the game.
