16 people arrested over UTV attack | AM Newspaper Review

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Newspaper headlines review and other matters arising in Ghana.



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00:00 Welcome back on the AM show time now for the news review and the segment always brought
00:05 to us by Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic.
00:08 They're offering you out there if you're a man and just over the weekend I was having
00:12 a conversation about someone who had you know developed prostate issues.
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00:24 Now Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic is offering you free screening for your prostate if you're
00:28 a man, free fertility screening if you're a woman.
00:32 Now all you have to do is look for them here in Accra at Spintex opposite the Shell sign
00:36 border.
00:37 There's also Kumasi Kronumawehi behind the Angel Educational Complex.
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00:45 Their call lines 0244-867-068 or 0274-234-321.
00:54 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic the end to chronic disease.
00:58 But this is the start of the news review and I'm joined here by my partner in everything
01:02 good though sometimes he's up to some mischief.
01:05 I'm talking about our very own Samuel Mbura.
01:08 He's on our political desk.
01:09 Good morning.
01:10 Good morning my brother.
01:11 It has been a while.
01:12 Yeah I traveled over the weekend, got back into town late yesterday and guess what?
01:20 ECG decided to do me, to show me some small, the word that is coming I can't use it, but
01:25 up north, up north you would usually hear that.
01:28 Showdown.
01:29 Showdown.
01:30 ECG gave me a showdown.
01:33 So guess what?
01:34 Before I traveled, this was on Thursday morning, I tried getting ECG credits because I realized
01:42 that I was running a bit low.
01:44 It was a pretty tricky situation so I couldn't.
01:47 Then I return and I try, I make a purchase.
01:54 Okay.
01:55 On the app.
01:56 You know there's the ECG app so that should make, it should make things easier.
02:00 Unfortunately a lot of the time it makes things even more difficult.
02:03 So I made the purchase and then I can even show you on my other phone.
02:08 It is pending.
02:10 Which means that the payment has been made, has gone through.
02:12 There are times when the payment will be registered but it's not, but they have to give you a
02:16 token so that you can then key it in.
02:19 You see there's this for prepaid meters.
02:21 There's this little gadget.
02:23 They don't send it.
02:24 They tell me I have to wait for about five hours.
02:26 And my power is running out.
02:29 Even then, I try again.
02:31 You know there are vending points where you can.
02:34 So it's pretty late in the day but I reach out to a friend and thankfully the person
02:38 is still working.
02:40 Then they also tell me the ECG network is down.
02:43 Wow.
02:44 So guess what?
02:45 At a point late yesterday, my light went off.
02:50 While I had paid for electricity, while I had tried again, even from a vendor, to pay
02:57 so that in case that one works, maybe the refund can be made to me at some point.
03:01 Or it can be credited to my account.
03:03 So guess what?
03:04 That's what happened to me.
03:05 I had a rough night.
03:06 Oh, I understand your predicament.
03:07 Didn't sleep well.
03:08 Yeah.
03:09 Came to town tired.
03:10 And I've asked myself, and this is not the first time.
03:13 It's happened to me about two or three times.
03:16 Because sometimes you just, you will not always keep your eye on the meter.
03:20 And so many people.
03:23 The last time this happened to me, there were people, I went to a vending point and there
03:26 were people queued there.
03:28 And guess what?
03:29 None of them could get electricity.
03:30 The network was down.
03:31 And you have someone maybe operating the cold store or something and this happened.
03:36 That's an unfortunate thing.
03:37 I think Engineer Adjubic Mama and his team, they are doing a fantastic job.
03:40 However, some of these isolated cases are pushing people to go into illegal connection.
03:46 And that is one thing that we need to fight.
03:49 If I have the money to purchase the power, you are not ready to serve or have passed
03:54 through all the processes.
03:55 Or I have paid for the power and still I can't access power.
03:58 Like you're talking about someone who's operating a cold store.
04:01 The goods are getting rotten.
04:03 You also need lights at home.
04:04 Maybe it's an essential facility that needs power urgently.
04:09 What happens?
04:10 I really hope that Engineer Adjubic Mama and his team will continue upgrading the system
04:14 to make it more easy.
04:15 Because I understand that is peculiar to some of the meters and all that.
04:20 I was told that somewhere in May they brought in some new meters and they were supposed
04:23 to be phasing some of them out.
04:24 So I just hope that in the course of time they are able to solve this issue.
04:29 You are not the only one with this.
04:30 Many people have been raising this.
04:31 No, I know.
04:32 Because when I go to the vending points, I see people come with similar problems.
04:34 So imagine what is happening to you.
04:36 Well indeed, Adjubic Mama, especially in recovering funds owed to the ECG and all of that, is
04:42 doing a young man's job.
04:44 But in some of these instances, when I have paid you, you know, what irks me is that the
04:50 app is supposed to make things easier.
04:52 It's making things difficult.
04:53 Difficult.
04:54 That's unfortunate.
04:55 Because then I would have rather, instead of go home, I would have rather maybe passed
04:59 by a vending point to make the hard payment.
05:02 But even then, guess what?
05:03 That too wouldn't have worked because the network was down.
05:05 Every day, ECG's network is down.
05:07 Before we get into papers, Benjamin, one other important issue.
05:11 You know, we have been talking about the Drive Safe campaign.
05:14 You know, I've been off for about two weeks and I used the Accra-Cumasi Highway often.
05:19 And what I can say is that the indiscipline, the impatient driving on that stretch of the
05:24 road is becoming alarming.
05:26 At a point, it was raining and there was a slow movement on the road.
05:32 And unfortunately, someone came and hit my back.
05:35 My back bumper.
05:36 Whoa.
05:37 When you realize the bus had already slowed down, waiting for the traffic to move, then
05:42 we go.
05:43 Someone was over speeding on that stretch.
05:45 And interestingly, I didn't see much of the police patrols there to ensure, I mean, safety
05:51 on our road.
05:52 And I'm really worried about it.
05:54 How people are still indisciplined.
05:57 Some people are still impatient.
05:59 The way they overthink on that stretch of road is too bad.
06:02 You see these mini buses, you see potholes, they'll come and splash the water over speed.
06:08 And it's heartbreaking.
06:09 I witnessed more or less than two accidents.
06:12 Because the fortunate thing about my part is that the car that came and hit my back
06:17 bumper, hit another one before it came to mine.
06:21 So the impact was reduced.
06:22 It wasn't that, I mean, serious.
06:25 But the car before me, that one, the impact was huge.
06:29 And I think that National Road Safety Authority, you've been doing well, MTT, the police, we
06:33 need to up our game.
06:34 Let's intensify.
06:35 If you are using that stretch of road, we are begging you.
06:39 There's no competition.
06:40 There's no award for over speeding.
06:43 Remember that you are carrying lives and every life matters.
06:46 That's what I would say on the drive safe.
06:49 Well thank you very much.
06:50 Let's get into the newspapers now.
06:51 And one issue that definitely I would have wanted to highlight it first, but since it's
06:54 in the papers, we'll gradually get to it.
06:56 The UTV incident.
06:58 So let's slowly get there.
07:00 And I am so disappointed.
07:01 Did you watch it?
07:02 Did you watch it?
07:03 Yeah, so I've seen footage of it.
07:06 I've not watched the whole thing.
07:07 Fortunate thing was I started watching.
07:09 You know, I watched some of these shows just to get informed and all that.
07:13 And I was shocked.
07:14 The presenter was reading the LPMs and she heard noise in the background.
07:16 All of a sudden, these guys came in.
07:18 You can see when she hears it, then she starts turning professional.
07:22 And then...
07:23 I mean, people coming into the studio.
07:27 It's just crazy.
07:29 But let's find out what...
07:30 And then what I was saying for me, that response, it smacks of such ingenuity and double standards
07:38 from...
07:39 And what irks me, Kojo Ponkroma...
07:41 I saw you analyzing his statement.
07:43 Yes, on our page.
07:44 And I did that.
07:45 And Kojo, you are my friend.
07:47 I respect you.
07:48 But that, it smacks so much of hate on Chrissy.
07:52 The last paragraph.
07:53 The Dagbang FM1, that involved an NDC guy.
07:57 It went hard.
07:58 There was no talk of...
07:59 The DJ in their statement pointed it out.
08:01 There was no talk of allegedly and all of that.
08:04 But when it comes to this, then all of a sudden, it's a different picture.
08:08 And then almost as though the media should be tempered.
08:12 They should know how...
08:13 We should censor.
08:14 That's what he's now saying.
08:15 We should censor people.
08:16 So when it has to do with the MPP, then...
08:19 We should censor.
08:20 But when it's...
08:21 How can you do that?
08:23 But let's save that for later.
08:25 So growth beats forecast.
08:26 According to the IMF.
08:28 Fund to revise target upwards.
08:30 Now the IMF has given a thumbs up to the country's recovery.
08:35 Saying growth this year has proved more resilient than initially anticipated.
08:39 Now quote, "Although all the challenges are not going to be solved overnight, and there
08:43 is still a lot of work ahead, what makes us very optimistic is that these actions are
08:47 already generating positive results," the IMF Ghana mission chief, Stéphane Roudet,
08:52 said.
08:53 He was speaking at a press briefing last Friday after the IMF successfully conducted
08:57 its first review of how the country was performing the targets under the extended credit facility
09:01 program.
09:02 Any reactions to that?
09:04 I understand we've been given access to the next budget of the money or so, about $600
09:09 million.
09:10 I hope we only put it into good use.
09:11 That would be my brief comment because it's becoming too much.
09:15 Now we are getting more from Israel and then that Gulf zone.
09:20 We can imagine the impact because we know that we import electronics, pesticides, and
09:24 I mean, what matters for the economic growth in the country.
09:28 So imagine some of these global factors are playing, are coming to play, and then we have
09:35 the mega resources.
09:36 We are not able to use it well.
09:38 And then these external forces come to force our economy.
09:42 I can imagine where we're heading towards.
09:44 But I am happy that we've been able to access this next tranche of it.
09:48 And at least we'll fashion out our policies to suit in that direction.
09:53 I've seen a report by Raymond Aquadar that suggests that they are going to redefine the
09:57 eLevy and all.
09:58 I don't know if it's part of the conditionalities of the IMF and all.
10:01 What I can say is that we hope that it will be put into good use for the betterment of
10:06 Ghanaians.
10:07 Let's go to page 13 for those two stories.
10:09 Maintaining growth momentum, two analysts urge government to be prudent and disciplined.
10:14 And given the positive growth trajectory being witnessed in the first two quarters of the
10:17 year, economies are calling on the government to stay prudent and more disciplined with
10:22 expenditure as part of pragmatic measures to sustain the momentum.
10:26 They also expect a better enabling environment for the private sector, particularly for the
10:30 manufacturing and construction sectors to rebound to impact the microeconomy, which
10:36 will lead to job creation to solve the huge unemployment challenges in the country.
10:41 You're dealing with a situation like this, and then guess what?
10:45 You add 6.3 billion to the public debt in two months.
10:48 And you ask yourself--
10:49 Sometimes I don't want to hear these figures.
10:50 When I hear it, I get a headache.
10:52 I get a headache over these figures.
10:54 The amount that you quote every day, this amount we are owing.
10:57 Then you strike the difference how much you and I, we are owing, even the unborn, how
11:02 much they are owing.
11:03 Then you go across the breadth of the country.
11:07 Then Benjamin, it will shock you.
11:08 I've been to some rural communities in just this much short leave, two weeks.
11:14 I've seen other places in the Ashanti region, Eastern region, greater Accra.
11:19 Unless you travel outside Accra, you don't understand the predicament of the people out
11:22 there.
11:23 And I think that we should be serious as a country.
11:26 We tend to complain in Accra.
11:29 But if you go outside of Accra, the last time we went to the Akwaepem area, Safari Valley
11:36 Resort, some of the roads connecting to that place, the place itself, stellar, fantastic,
11:44 top notch.
11:45 But the roads, the roads alone in some stretches are enough to deter you from going there.
11:51 Look at the cocoa producing communities.
11:53 I went to two cocoa producing communities.
11:57 And I can tell you that, look, these people are willing to work.
12:00 Government has increased the gate price of cocoa to about 1,300 cities.
12:05 They are willing to work.
12:06 I interacted briefly with them.
12:08 However, the road network accessibility, and we know very well that agriculture, some of
12:12 these things play a crucial role.
12:13 So if we don't invest in those areas, what will be the incentive for the farmers to get
12:17 in there to work?
12:19 It's disheartening.
12:20 And now there is a disincentive because many of them are choosing the more lucrative option
12:24 of rubber trees.
12:25 Rubber trees may take a long time to grow, but they tend to be much more lucrative.
12:29 As well as the teak.
12:31 Some are even, yes, teak, cashew.
12:34 Cashew is much more, you know, when it matures, it will give you a lot more money than cocoa.
12:39 We're not saying that.
12:40 But for my blunt thoughts on Friday, I shared something.
12:43 We're taking our eye off the ball.
12:45 Some decades ago, the likes of Brazil, you know, Brazil was the second highest producer
12:50 of cocoa in the world at a point before Ghana took over as the second highest producer.
12:56 The South American countries are going back to cocoa production.
13:01 And here's where we have a challenge.
13:03 Over the last five years, their production has increased exponentially.
13:08 And in a place like Brazil, per every acre, they produce so much more than in Ghana.
13:16 And look at the land size.
13:17 They have so much more to do.
13:20 So we are sitting here, even with our biggest cash crop, we're playing with it in the next
13:26 five years.
13:28 Countries like Ecuador already, Peru, Chile, Brazil.
13:33 China is doing so.
13:34 So even what we have, even what we have, we are not protecting it.
13:38 We are not protecting it.
13:39 Galamsey is taking part of it.
13:41 Rubber trees are taking the rest of it.
13:42 My concern has to do with the fertility of the lands now.
13:44 Go to most of the farming communities, cocoa producing communities.
13:48 And then it will shock you that an acre cannot even produce up to even 15 bags of cocoa.
13:54 And it's how?
13:55 Acres, that's about four plus.
13:57 It should be something that is productive.
13:58 Unless you are farming up to a thousand, I mean, more, that you can get something.
14:05 So these are just peasants, peasant cocoa production.
14:09 And that's what we are doing now.
14:10 We are just doing the peasant.
14:12 We are not concentrating on the large scale.
14:15 And we are gradually dropping.
14:17 I don't have the figures readily available to share, but I think there's more that we
14:21 can do.
14:22 If you ask cocoa board, they will tell you they are Greek Ministry.
14:25 Yes, they are doing fantastic, but there's still more for us to do.
14:29 If not, like you said, we'll be shocked.
14:32 We'll be shocked in the years to come.
14:33 Even the Chinese have produced a little bit.
14:35 And we are saying, "Oh, their climate and it's just a small bit."
14:38 Well, I guess we want to play with fire.
14:40 Because even what you have, you're not managing.
14:42 You're not managing.
14:44 And other countries have better environments and everything.
14:47 But let's see how it goes.
14:48 But my final story, police arrest 16 for invading UTV.
14:51 And the police have picked up 16 suspected hooligans for allegedly invading the studios
14:56 of a crowd-based United TV or United Television.
15:01 So that's the television station.
15:02 To interrupt a live program last Saturday night, a statement issued by the police yesterday
15:07 said that 16 persons were arrested following a complaint by the owners of UTV, despite
15:12 media group and the Ministry of Information.
15:16 The police said the suspects were assisted with investigations.
15:19 You know what's funny?
15:21 With that word, I always get...
15:22 Have they been granted bail yet?
15:23 Or they are still in the custody of the police?
15:26 Well...
15:27 We'll have to keep our eye on it.
15:30 But like I said, one.
15:33 This whole...
15:34 And there's this person.
15:36 I took a shot of it.
15:38 Let me just get to it.
15:40 On social media.
15:41 He is a presidential staffer.
15:43 Okay.
15:44 Okay?
15:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:46 I saw that screenshot.
15:47 Nana Hesi Ujiri.
15:48 And he says, "You, you, you are condemning the..."
15:51 So actually, he gets a lot of words wrong.
15:53 "You are condemning," he says, "invitation."
15:56 But it's supposed to be the invasion of the studios.
16:00 When the MPP wrote a petition to the station raising concerns about the show.
16:05 Pay attention.
16:06 The MPP wrote a petition to the station raising concerns about the show.
16:11 What is that?
16:12 Are you supposed to petition the...
16:13 Censorship.
16:14 Yeah.
16:15 That is censorship.
16:16 Don't you know where the National Media Commission is?
16:17 You can raise your concern.
16:18 But if it's a petition, you have to petition them to do what?
16:20 You want to...
16:21 I mean, the constitution, you are...
16:24 I mean, you have a law background.
16:25 The constitution is quite clear.
16:27 No political party interference, no government interference, as far as our work is concerned.
16:31 They cannot interfere into our editorial work.
16:34 That is exactly what they did.
16:35 Yeah, so I wonder why you should say...
16:36 They wrote a petition to the station raising concerns about the show.
16:40 I hear Kwame Iplas tore it to pieces.
16:43 So he says it was, instead of openly torn, he says opening thorn.
16:49 He couldn't even get his English.
16:50 He was in a rush.
16:51 It was openly torn into pieces on live television.
16:54 And then even more startling, what he ends with.
16:57 Ladies and gentlemen, this is what he ends with.
17:01 If persuasion fails.
17:02 When persuasion fails.
17:03 That is how he put it.
17:04 Yeah, okay.
17:05 Forces applied.
17:06 That's unfortunate.
17:07 And he's...
17:08 Can you imagine this?
17:09 This is a staffer at a presidency.
17:11 This is the first time he's popular for making reckless comments.
17:14 And I don't fault him.
17:15 If he's not called to order by those who matter, he will continue this way.
17:20 It may not be all members of the government or the MPP that endorse it.
17:23 I know right-thinking MPP members, those in government who have condemned it publicly
17:28 and in private.
17:29 But you come to defend this indefensible act.
17:33 It is not something that we should encourage.
17:35 Whether NDC, MPP, live television.
17:38 What are we telling the international audience?
17:41 Let's look at our media freedom.
17:44 The president is a lawyer.
17:46 He knows what democracy is all about.
17:49 He shouldn't.
17:50 Knowing and doing are two different things.
17:51 Mr. President, some of us admire you a lot.
17:55 But this is not the trajectory we want us to go as a country.
17:58 At least you've always...
17:59 You assured us that if you come into office, some of these things will not happen.
18:05 That is what we are expecting to see.
18:07 Give us a serene environment to operate as a media.
18:11 Let us not be working.
18:12 Whilst I'm discussing with you in the studio, with the back of...
18:15 Or at the back of my mind that someone is waiting outside there and possibly can invade
18:20 the studio.
18:21 It's too bad.
18:22 Comments from Nana Hesey should not...
18:25 The party, they should call him to order.
18:27 It's rather unfortunate.
18:28 I think upon a sober reflection, Nana, you are human.
18:32 Come and render unqualified apology to Ghanians.
18:34 The post is still there.
18:35 It's not been taken down.
18:36 Drop it.
18:37 Just put it.
18:38 It's not been taken down.
18:39 It is still there.
18:40 It is unfortunate and in bad taste.
18:41 It should not be counting us at all.
18:43 Just do the needful.
18:44 You are human.
18:45 And we are believing peacefully as Ghanians.
18:48 Let's not use politics to divide us.
18:50 Let's not draw the line between politicians and the media.
18:53 We are stakeholders.
18:55 And since we are stakeholders, we must work hand in hand.
18:58 You should not make us enemies to your supporters.
19:02 Comments like this, ginger your supporters up to come and attack us.
19:06 And I think it is unfair.
19:07 It shouldn't end here.
19:08 If possible, the police should invite him for some of these unsavory comments.
19:13 It's not good for a democracy like this.
19:14 I guess when the shoe fits on the other foot, it is very different.
19:17 And that brings me to the final matter, the concluding part of the Information Ministry's
19:21 statement.
19:23 If you have the statement.
19:25 We all do.
19:26 I have it here.
19:27 I want to rather take the GJA's response.
19:29 Because then it talks about how it is in poor taste.
19:31 Kojo, what you put at the end of your statement from the Information Ministry is like saying,
19:35 "Oh, someone has been raped, but you know what?"
19:38 Next time dress well.
19:39 Next time dress well.
19:40 You've been raped.
19:41 You have no business to rape anybody.
19:45 But someone has been raped and then your ending is, "You know what?
19:49 By you two, you should have dressed well."
19:52 That is how the last paragraph.
19:53 Do you have a statement?
19:54 The Information Ministry.
19:55 I want you to read the last part.
19:57 If you are condemning it, condemn it out loud.
19:59 I want you to read the last part.
20:00 You don't make it a point like, I mean, it's nothing.
20:03 You don't make it conditional.
20:05 Because if you make it conditional, it doesn't show that you are really condemning the act.
20:11 But A+ while the, if you read the Daily Graphic story, while the said letter complained about
20:15 the biased manner in which panelists on the show were selected, among others, A+ argued
20:20 that the letter was needless since that entertainment show was not a political platform.
20:25 And even if it's a political platform, you have no business going there to do that.
20:31 Then, Mr. Information Minister, you put out the statement and there are some times that
20:37 we've seen you sneak in such bits.
20:39 They are in sour taste, very poor taste, Kodjo.
20:42 I'm so sorry.
20:43 We suggest that you desist from that because that was not the way you responded when the
20:46 Dagbang FM situation came up, when an NBC person was involved.
20:50 And we all condemned it.
20:52 Yeah.
20:53 But in this instance, these 30 people also are involved.
20:55 And then you attempt to whitewash it and that, throw it back to us.
21:00 Really?
21:01 We owe it as a responsibility to the media, as a media to...
21:05 Anyway, let's go ahead with...
21:08 All right.
21:09 Unfortunately, I've not got a statement here, but we'll definitely do this.
21:11 I'll look for it and I'll bring it.
21:12 All right.
21:13 So, the Daily Guide comes with a picture.
21:14 The big story there is Ken angry against MPs.
21:19 He claims that MPs that he has been supporting all this while, and then they have ganked
21:23 against him to support a particular candidate.
21:26 And for that matter, he's no longer going to support them.
21:28 That's the biggest story there.
21:31 Second story is a UTV116 arrested over UTV invasion.
21:34 MPP releases election album to aspirants.
21:37 The last meeting we had with them, they said they were going to release it on the 4th.
21:40 They have gone by that and then they have given the album for them to go through.
21:44 If you have concerns, you raise them before they go into the main Congress in November.
21:48 Mahama defends Asedin Keite's cool comments.
21:52 Bamiya celebrates 60th birthday with orphans in the Ashanti region.
21:57 He's 60 years now.
21:58 Yeah, he's 60.
21:59 He turned 60 over the weekend.
22:02 Yeah.
22:03 In the back page of the Daily Guide, sports lovers, Kudus late goal says Hamet.
22:09 I watched it yesterday.
22:10 I loved the way Stoneboy was at the stadium.
22:13 You know, the synergy between he and then Kudus.
22:17 I like the brotherliness.
22:18 He was there to cheer him up and then it was so, so, so hard to watch.
22:21 If only in our entertainment circles and our sports circles there were such...
22:27 Recently I saw KPB talking about, you know, part of why he was ousted from the team.
22:31 I think 2014, 2015 thereabouts.
22:34 And then I see Asamu Adjan with some counter and all of that.
22:37 I'm like, why can't we speak the truth and be supportive sometimes?
22:41 There's always a back and forth.
22:44 And me, I've always said, because just as we find in the police now, where there's talk
22:49 of MPT and MDC, even in our Black Stars team, you know, in the past there has been talk
22:56 about an MDC camp and an MPP.
22:58 When will all this punk watch end?
23:00 Yeah.
23:01 We're dividing everything into MDC and MPP.
23:06 Yeah.
23:07 That's interesting.
23:08 But yesterday, Arsenal did well.
23:11 They thrashed Man City.
23:12 My God.
23:13 Kudos to you, Fred Smith and your team.
23:15 That's not thrashing.
23:16 But it has been a very long time.
23:18 I mean, when was the last time Arsenal scored?
23:21 They pipped them.
23:22 Crashed them.
23:23 Some three, four, five goals.
23:24 I was actually shocked.
23:25 I was shocked that Arsenal was able to, I mean, to deal with Man City.
23:28 Manchester City, over the last few matches, has had a few things going on.
23:34 I think they need to get that spark together again.
23:37 I wasn't too surprised when Arsenal beat them yesterday.
23:41 And of course, that puts Arsenal in pole position.
23:43 And let's see what they'll do.
23:45 Because as of when they were playing, Tottenham was on top.
23:47 So now, they're on top.
23:49 So they could have scored more goals, but I think somehow the officiating didn't favour
23:53 them at a point.
23:56 But the one goal is enough.
23:57 At least Man City will still go with some bruises.
23:59 I don't know whether you're a Man City fan.
24:01 No, I'm not.
24:02 I'm a Manchester United fan.
24:04 But in the last final of the UEFA Champions League, against all odds, I was supporting
24:09 Manchester City.
24:10 I'm not drifting towards Arsenal for no reason.
24:11 I don't understand.
24:12 But I'll definitely...
24:13 Maybe it's the Fred Smith effect.
24:14 Watch it.
24:15 Watch it.
24:16 Because that elephant can climb the tree, but it will fall.
24:18 It will fall, I see.
24:20 OK, I have the Guardian Times with me.
24:21 600 million second tranche to hit BOG's accounts in November after reaching staff level
24:26 agreement, as the story we read earlier comes to the picture of the IMF members.
24:31 And then our finance minister, Mr Ken Oforiata, in a discussion with the IMF officials at
24:36 the press conference, police arrest 16 of a UTV invasion, Information Ministry, National
24:42 Media Commission, others condemn attack.
24:44 Someone was raising concerns about GGA after they condemned it.
24:48 What next?
24:49 GGA, you know?
24:50 I think they are becoming famous for condemning acts of hooliganism and then all that.
24:54 But after that, what next?
24:56 What is the assurance to members that, I mean, these are drastic measures we are taking?
25:00 How are you going to...
25:01 And I am saying that all media houses should take security much more seriously.
25:06 Security.
25:07 Yeah.
25:08 Very, very important.
25:09 At whatever point, much more seriously.
25:10 Because this hooliganism, I remember 20 what?
25:15 You remember the Owusu Benpa?
25:17 I'm talking of the pasta.
25:18 The pasta, yeah.
25:19 You remember that one?
25:20 Yeah.
25:21 XYZ also.
25:22 Yeah.
25:23 The one in Kuala Lumpur, then we have the one in Ada, Radio Ada, Dagmar FM and all of
25:29 that.
25:30 I mean, there's been a plethora of these incidents over time.
25:33 We can't keep talking about them.
25:34 People can't keep...
25:35 Recently, one of those who got assaulted, I think lost his life.
25:39 Yeah, he lost his life.
25:40 He was called, I think he was in the grips of the police for allegedly reporting fake
25:45 news about some operations there.
25:48 But I have the statement of the Information Ministry now.
25:50 At the end.
25:51 At the end.
25:52 Yeah.
25:53 The Ministry wishes to encourage the media, especially broadcast media show hosts and
25:58 panelists to do their utmost to help promote national cohesion, even as they exercise their
26:03 fundamental freedoms.
26:06 So we are actually fostering national disunity, yeah?
26:10 That's what you are telling us.
26:11 And that we should do our utmost, especially broadcast show hosts.
26:16 We'll do what we do for the country, not for any delineated interest.
26:21 We'll do what we do for the good of Ghana, and we'll speak the truth, and we'll speak
26:25 truth to power.
26:26 And there'll be no censuring.
26:27 There'll be no muzzling.
26:29 This comment was in such poor taste, and I'm so disappointed.
26:33 Extremely disappointed.
26:35 I'm not the only one in this.
26:37 We are all in it together.
26:38 The final is my last paper here.
26:40 Dr. Bawumia Done is to Kumasi Children's Home on his 60th birthday.
26:44 Child crashes kill 6,152 children.
26:50 Experts demand mandatory use of child restraint and seat belts.
26:55 Most parents are, let me, sorry to say, are reckless.
26:59 You are in the car, and then your child is sitting in front below 10 years, you don't
27:03 put on the seat belts, and we know what this can cause.
27:06 So please, let us be careful on the road.
27:07 Let's ensure that all these are done.
27:09 Ghana extended credit close to MOU.
27:11 600 million IMF money also coming, Oforiata.
27:15 NMC, GGA commenting and condemning the UTV attack.
27:18 52% of females in SHS assaulted sexually in two years.
27:22 That's quite a disturbing story.
27:26 Anyway, so just to wrap with these headlines, the Ghanaian publisher, first review of IMF
27:31 program successful.
27:32 That's according to Ken Oforiata.
27:33 I hear they are going to be here together with the cook of what, is it someone else?
27:38 Is it the bank of Ghana governor?
27:39 Are going to be on the cocoa board now.
27:42 I've seen something like that.
27:43 GGA and NMC others condemn UTV attack.
27:46 But like you said, beyond the condemnation, what will happen to these people?
27:50 I won't be surprised if you were to see, I hear there were about 30 of them, 16 were
27:55 apprehended.
27:56 I would not be surprised in Ghana, in this system, to see them on the streets in the
28:00 coming days.
28:01 Kennedy of Japan threatens central regional MPP.
28:04 Kwame Njomwajiman, my own good friend, writes the Alan Cash puzzle.
28:09 Any final thoughts?
28:10 Before we go, I'd just like to congratulate all the winners.
28:13 And they just ended Upper East GGA awards.
28:15 Our own Albert Sorin.
28:16 Albert Sorin.
28:17 He's left about three awards.
28:18 GGA Journalism of the Upper East Region.
28:21 That was, kudos to you, Albert, and the team.
28:24 My former station, A1 Radio, you know, we were the best radio station for 2022 in the
28:32 Upper East Region.
28:33 And I think that we really deserve it.
28:35 We've worked hard.
28:36 You see why we brought you here.
28:37 We always look for the best.
28:38 Kudos to the management.
28:39 My manager, William Jelula, my former manager, the program's head, Emmanuel Abouadji, and
28:45 then my former Daybreak Upper East team, Mark Smith, and your team, Moses Appiah and Co.
28:50 So kudos to all of you for the fantastic job.
28:52 And then GGA, you did very well.
28:55 We are grateful for such a motivation.
28:57 We hope that you now come to a national level and then take it from there.
29:01 Well, Samuel Mbura, my colleague on the political desk, joining me for this news review.
29:07 Albert Sorin, we salute you.
29:08 Well, right before we go, Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic helping us bring you this segment.
29:12 They're offering free prostate screening, free female fertility screening.
29:16 Locate them here in Accra at Spintex opposite the Shell signboard.
29:18 Kumasi Kronuma, way here behind the Angel Educational Complex.
29:22 There's Pakra De Anaji State Tema Community 22, Techiman Hanswe, and Esiaman Zuma.
29:27 Their call lines 0244-867-068 or 0274-234-321.
29:33 Endpoint Homeopathic Clinic, the end to chronic disease.
29:36 Joining us to the start of sports with Mushtaq Nabila Abdullahi, up next.
29:57 [music]
