Ethical standards must be created to ensure safety in virtual spaces | Business and Politics

  • last year
Ethical standards must be created to ensure safety in virtual spaces | Business and Politics

Philippine Marketing Association president, Sy Bryan Lato, and youth chairman, Leah Marie Ayeng, said it is very important for all stakeholders to gather and agree on a list of ethical standards to create a safe space for everyone in the virtual space. There must be an agreed set of standards that protects both the interests of the consumers and businesses.

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00:00 - Well, Leigh, you mentioned ethics.
00:01 That makes me wonder whether or not we need new laws
00:05 or maybe new ways of thinking, maybe even new policies,
00:11 because we're going into this,
00:14 a new era that is both exciting and terrifying.
00:17 It's exciting because there are new opportunities,
00:19 obviously, but there's also concern because
00:23 as things change, the old ways of doing things
00:26 will no longer be there, right?
00:29 But going back to ethics, is there something that
00:33 maybe government or the PMA should be looking at
00:36 so that we have a good environment
00:39 that protects both the interests of businesses
00:44 and the interests of consumers moving forward?
00:46 What's your sense, or are the present rules enough
00:50 and we don't know yet how to maybe operate in the future?
00:54 What's your sense?
00:56 - Well, it seems interesting for everybody
00:59 to really use this new technology,
01:02 but at the end of the day, it's very important
01:04 for all the industries to really gather,
01:07 the academic, the industries, and even the government
01:11 to really craft on ethical standards
01:12 that will create a safe space for everybody.
01:15 Because as you know, when you go to the virtual world
01:18 and everything is out there,
01:20 we need to have a community standards
01:25 that everyone will be really more responsible
01:29 in terms of the usage so that our kids will be protected
01:33 and then our community will somehow really benefit.
01:39 So sometimes in the course of doing business,
01:44 we also have to ensure that we do not just very focus
01:49 on the profit, we also have to take responsibility.
01:53 - Spoken like a true mother.
01:55 I'm concerned too, because as a parent,
01:58 you wonder what your children do online
02:01 and you don't monitor them 24/7, right?
02:06 What about you, Brian?
02:07 Have you seen any behavior that causes you
02:11 to be a bit concerned that maybe either PMA
02:16 or the government should do something about it?
02:19 - When we did the study about metaverse marketing,
02:21 there are some alarming considerations
02:24 that we have to take on.
02:26 For example, misrepresentation, because it's 3D,
02:29 a person can just be rendered hiding in a character
02:33 that is imitating somebody.
02:37 - You just reminded me that I'm fortunate
02:39 not to be dating in this generation.
02:41 (laughing)
02:43 - So those are some considerations, correct?
02:46 So I agree to what Leigh has mentioned.
02:50 As a community, we have to come together.
02:52 That's why PMA is trying to look into this
02:56 and gather on together with our partner organizations
02:59 a lot that we would propose in the Congress
03:02 when it comes to the prevailing to fake news
03:07 or misrepresentation or even scamming and all,
03:12 using fake identities.
03:15 We're crafting something.
03:18 I'm reassured that we will try to have Congress
03:22 or partner with the government to really draft something
03:25 to safeguard our consumers and businesses.
03:28 Because there's really a big loss
03:31 when it comes to disval practices and all.
03:34 So we have to arrest and be a self-regulating community
03:39 together when we are doing it offline.
03:42 So one of the initiatives that we signed off
03:46 is Scamwatch Philippines.
03:48 - Scamwatch.
03:49 - Scamwatch.
03:50 - Scamwatch.
03:51 - Yes, this is in partnership with DICT
03:54 where those who are scammed can just call a hotline.
03:57 We'll try to provide the graphics for that
03:59 so that the consumers can just call
04:01 if they got scammed or whatever.
04:04 Sometimes the helplessness, you don't know where to talk to,
04:08 who to call.
04:09 So that's just one of the initiatives
04:12 that we are doing right now.
04:13 And education, of course.
04:16 We need to educate our SMEs.
04:18 That's why that focus of PMA in GoNegosyo.
04:21 We are participating in GoNegosyo nationwide.
04:24 We're mentoring, Leah is a mentor, I am a mentor.
04:27 So that they are educated when it comes to the usage
04:31 of these technologies.
04:33 - Especially that they are actually very reliant
04:35 to the Philippine Marketing Association
04:37 when it comes to digital marketing.
04:40 - And they're reliant because they're not as knowledgeable
04:44 as you guys are because you are practitioners.
04:46 You see it firsthand, right?
04:49 So as policy makers, they rely on you because it's so new.
04:52 Is that the reason?
04:53 - Yes.
04:55 - It's hard for them to navigate.
04:55 - Apart from because they know that it's probably
04:57 because it's our core.
04:59 - Yes, it's your core expertise, yeah.
05:01 But have you guys seen specific practices
05:04 or maybe specific scams that is a little bit more concerning
05:09 because the technology's out there
05:11 to do much more damage, right?
05:13 Or maybe the ability to fool people is a little bit easier.
05:18 - When I was talking to Josel De Guzman,
05:23 the main proponent of ScamWatch Philippines,
05:25 the common scams would be the banking, the OTP.
05:30 Because of the lack of education, it's basic.
05:32 You don't give out your OTP.
05:34 You don't give out your information.
05:36 But because there's lack of education,
05:39 there's lack of awareness, they got scammed easily.
05:41 - And because of social media.
05:43 - Social media as well, correct.
05:44 So it's a matter of us really elevating
05:48 our education proponents, our projects,
05:51 and really telling everybody,
05:54 this is what you should do when you encounter this.
05:57 And the same time, what more?
05:58 That's just basic.
05:59 What more if we are in the AI era already
06:03 or we are in the metaverse era already?
06:06 - Or you can actually just create a fake profile.
06:09 - Correct.
06:10 - Right.
06:11 So those safeguards, we have to consider,
06:14 and that's what we are going to craft all together
06:18 in a possible law that would be spearheading
06:22 for presentation with our--
06:25 - That's why the Philippine Marketing Association,
06:27 actually, CLINC, is a very diversified membership.
06:31 We have a very diversified membership
06:33 because we want to collaborate with different industries.
06:36 And even we build strong relationship with the government.
06:41 - I see.
06:43 Now, where is that, Bilad?
06:44 Are you working on it among PMA members?
06:49 Or have you actually suggested this to some lawmakers?
06:52 - I've talked to some lawmakers.
06:56 We're still crafting the plan, everything.
07:00 It's all developing.
07:02 Hopefully, we'll be able to pass it on next year
07:05 because there are so many considerations,
07:07 what ifs, this industry, et cetera, and all.
07:10 So as Lea's mentioning--
07:11 - And consultation also.
07:12 - Consultations also.
07:13 So it would be a long journey for us,
07:15 but it would encompass all digital social media platforms.
07:20 - Right.
07:22 And so you mentioned that among the scams,
07:25 sometimes the scam person himself or herself
07:30 could have done something.
07:35 Is there a policy that PMA can suggest maybe to,
07:40 I know that Ed is looking at the K-12 curriculum.
07:44 What is it that we need?
07:45 Do we need financial literacy?
07:48 Do we need critical thinking?
07:50 Do we need more exposure to technology
07:54 just so that we know what may be reliable
07:57 and what's not reliable?
07:58 How do you see?
08:00 Because among your members,
08:01 you guys have, I'm sure, a code of ethics, right?
08:03 - Yes.
08:04 - It's the one that's not covered by the code of ethics
08:07 that we're worrying about.
08:09 If we can't cover them,
08:11 I mean, the next logical thing is maybe to empower
08:14 the consumers themselves, right?
08:18 But how do we go about that?
08:19 - So actually, most of the time,
08:20 PMA is invited into review of curriculums,
08:24 especially as to, because most of us
08:27 are really marketing professionals or owners of businesses.
08:30 So there's practical applications to it.
08:34 So that's right.
08:35 A proposal of the basic things, you know,
08:39 financial literacy, even when, you know,
08:42 I mean, I think this is common to all our viewers
08:44 and you, myself. - Sure, sure.
08:46 - We were never taught how to get a team,
08:48 what is the SSS all about?
08:50 You know, these basic things should be really integrated
08:53 into the curriculum and more practical things.
08:56 Because pain point that most of the businesses,
08:59 when we talk, you know, the graduates are not ready.
09:02 When they come to our company,
09:05 you know, what they learn in school is that--
09:07 - It's really different, there's a gap.
09:09 - Correct, that's what we are trying to address
09:11 because PMA is also composed of academe.
09:14 That's why we're very happy that the academe is very open
09:18 into inviting us and injecting practical lessons,
09:22 theories, or actual applications.
09:26 And another thing that we would like to emphasize
09:28 is sustainability.
09:30 Because, you know, if we don't have a planet to live on,
09:34 all of this metaverse talks in AI, there's no point.
09:37 And, you know, this is what one of the,
09:40 that's why earlier on your introduction,
09:42 you have the four Ps, Lea would introduce the fifth P,
09:46 which is-- - Purpose.
09:47 - The purpose, okay. - Yes.
09:49 And there is a deepening, actually,
09:51 concern about the environment and about sustainability
09:54 in the recent years.
09:56 Five years ago, as a company, we have difficulty
09:58 in terms of making people understand about sustainability.
10:02 - This is prestige?
10:03 - Yeah, prestige. - Okay.
10:04 - But as years go by, we see that more people
10:08 are actually more interested
10:10 in hearing about sustainability.
10:13 And in recent years, we're not only talking now
10:16 to brand owners, we are now talking to the academe as well.
10:21 And then we anchor the students
10:25 on how they can become actually more sustainable
10:27 in the schools.
10:29 So we see a lot of interest,
10:31 but actually this is not more of a trend.
10:33 - Okay. - It's a call
10:35 to take action and to take responsibility,
10:37 because as we know, we are addressing,
10:39 we are pressed for time already.
10:41 We are not hitting our targets in terms of,
10:44 in terms of meeting our targets
10:46 for the sustainable development goals.
10:49 2030 is coming, but in terms of addressing
10:52 our climate action, which is SDG number 13,
10:55 we are really lagging behind.
10:57 And Philippines being one of the contributor of plastic.
11:00 - Yeah, the worst, they say.
11:01 - The number one. - Yes.
11:03 So we need to campaign more on sustainability,
11:06 especially so that we in the Philippine Marketing Association
11:09 is actually, well, as you said, we are the executives.
11:14 We are actually the one promoting.
11:17 - Sure. - So we are not supposed
11:18 to only sell products that are profitable.
11:23 We also have to be responsible in terms of giving back.
11:27 - Yeah, but is there something else missing?
11:29 Because I mean, the government just added
11:33 a new possible tax on single-use plastics
11:37 among the priority bills.
11:39 There are existing laws dealing
11:41 with Solid Waste Management Act.
11:44 I mean, do you see something, I mean, missing pieces
11:46 so that maybe we can address those sustainability issues?
11:50 - Well, recently, the government is actually advocating now
11:56 the Extended Producers Act.
11:57 They've been actively communicating the EPR 2020.
12:00 - So you're supporting that as PMA?
12:02 - We are actually supporting the EPR.
12:04 And we being, the PMA is actually part,
12:07 we are the founding member
12:08 of the Global Compact Network Philippines,
12:11 which supports the United Nations Global Compact
12:15 in terms of pushing for the SDG 17.
12:17 So we highly support that.
12:20 And that is supposed to be imposed
12:23 the soonest possible time.
12:25 And that's supposed to address the plastic issue.
12:28 So we are very hopeful, we are actually very hopeful
12:32 that with that new regulation,
12:34 we will be able to reduce plastic
12:35 because that circles around on the topic
12:39 of circularity and zero waste.
12:41 So, well, as a company in prestige also,
12:46 we are very keen in terms of pushing
12:50 for really for sustainability.
12:51 And we kept on really communicating
12:53 because that is the only way to really anchor people.
12:57 And it's not, it's everyone's responsibility.
13:00 It's not only about, you know, everything,
13:03 everything actually starts at home.
13:05 The problem is even if the products are recyclable,
13:09 we don't have, we do not segregate properly.
13:12 We do not have regulations to segregate our own trashes.
13:16 And then they are not being collected properly.
13:19 And that's another hurdle.
13:20 And then after that,
13:21 they are not being brought back to the recycling facility.
13:25 So therefore, even if the product is recycled,
13:28 so we were not able to, you know,
13:30 to reuse that or to make use of it.
13:32 So I think with the collaboration,
13:36 we will be having a stronger voice
13:38 in the Philippine Marketing Association
13:40 and probably with the media
13:41 in terms of, you know,
13:42 pushing more sustainability campaigns.
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