• 2 years ago
Demolition Man_ Sandra Bullock LAUGHS Over Sex Scene With Sylvester Stallone (Fl


00:00 It's a great scene because they both want it, they just don't know how to get it.
00:04 You're gonna see a love scene like no one has ever been tortured with in your life.
00:10 There is of course a well-known and documented connection between sex and violence.
00:16 And then she comes out and performs what I consider
00:19 the absolute most ludicrous sexual ritual I've ever seen in my life.
00:25 Alright, what do you say we just do it the old-fashioned way?
00:28 Eww, disgusting!
00:30 It's the meeting of two different worlds and they both want the same thing,
00:33 but they've been taught different things.
00:35 Not even mouth transfer is condoned.
00:37 Kissing's not allowed? Damn, I was a good kisser.
00:40 The line that I hate more than life itself,
00:44 "Versex has been proven to produce higher orders of alpha waves
00:47 during digitized transference of sexual energies."
00:50 Whatever.
00:51 I had to wear a dress that weighed 25-30 pounds
00:57 and a coat that weighed 40 pounds.
00:59 So besides trying to learn my lines and walk in a straight line,
01:02 I was like the Liberty Bell lugging across this dress.
01:05 Schwarzenegger Library?
01:07 Yes, the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library.
01:09 Wasn't he an actor when he...
01:11 Stop, he was president?
01:13 Yes. Even though he was not born in this country,
01:16 his popularity at the time caused the 61st Amendment, which states that...
01:19 I don't wanna know.
01:20 The toughest thing about this is
01:23 the pressure that I put on myself for wanting to do a good job
01:27 in the language. I want it to be natural.
01:29 I'm dealing with the future. They're different in the future.
01:31 They're not as contemporary and as casual
01:33 as, let's say, a simple film done here in the United States
01:38 about the '90s. The language is different.
01:41 That's been really hard for me.
01:43 You want what comes out of your mouth to sound natural,
01:45 regardless of whether it's 500 years from now or 500 years before.
01:49 So that's been the hardest part, just being incredibly hard on myself.
01:53 I will just beat myself into the ground.
01:55 If I flub in a take, I'll just...
01:58 They'll find me in the corner.
02:00 Not bad for a 74-year-old.
02:02 When I get on a set, the only thing that I need
02:05 is for most of the people to have the same sense of humour I do.
02:09 If people can just sort of...
02:11 The release of tension is really important for me,
02:13 especially with this one, 'cause this is incredibly difficult.
02:15 We have... I mean, the language barriers that we have here,
02:19 it's so unnatural, and you're so concentrated on
02:22 wanting to make this new time believable
02:24 that the tensions could very well get high,
02:27 but, I mean, Fly is such a goofball.
02:30 He has the same sense of humour I do,
02:32 which is basically bathroom humour, so we get along really well.
02:36 I'm happy that you're happy,
02:37 but the place where you're supposed to have the toilet paper,
02:40 you got this little shelf with three seashells on it.
02:42 (LAUGHS)
02:44 He doesn't know how to use the three seashells.
02:46 (LAUGHS)
02:48 (LAUGHS)
02:50 (MUSIC)
02:53 (MUSIC)
02:55 (upbeat music)
