Oh Sh-t, They KNEW This Was A Lie ALL ALONG

  • last year
Oh Sh-t, They KNEW This Was A Lie ALL ALONG


00:00 Hello there you awakening wonders, thanks for joining us on our voyage to truth and
00:04 freedom. How important it remains that you support us and how we love you for your loyalty
00:09 and for not living in fear. Thank you. And for being able to discern truth from fiction.
00:16 Remember when it was denied that COVID vaccines potentially could increase risks of myocarditis?
00:23 Well it did happen. Check in with Dr. Mandy Cohen. How about a pack of lies? Oh no thanks.
00:31 Hi everyone, Dr. Mandy Cohen from the CDC. I wanted to talk today about the COVID-19
00:37 vaccine and kids. Well good, that should be a short conversation. While we know kids are
00:41 less impacted than adults from COVID, the unfortunate news is that kids can still get
00:46 sick and sometimes really sick from COVID-19 just like adults. You're a scientist, how
00:52 sick do you mean? Really sick? My god that is scientific. Well thanks for the update
00:57 and as long as there are no risks. In fact, half of the very young kids who ended up in
01:02 the intensive care unit with COVID had no underlying medical reason to make us think
01:08 they would get sick. They didn't have asthma or another underlying condition. The COVID
01:13 virus just made them really sick. Second, the vaccine is safe for all kids over six
01:20 months. Millions of doses have been given to children and their safety has been closely
01:25 tracked. The benefits to children and teens outweigh the risks. You just said there were
01:30 no risks. The vaccine is safe for all kids over six months. It should be hard to outweigh
01:35 the no risk. Well there's no risks. It's outweighed. I mean that doesn't weigh anything.
01:41 I mean I'm not a scientist though. Especially the risks to kids if they get COVID-19. For
01:48 example, teen boys have been up to five times as likely to have heart inflammation after
01:53 having a COVID infection than after getting vaccinated. Listen to that smiling fact and
02:00 note the peculiar facial expression afterwards. The eyes closed, the lips closed, perhaps
02:04 because something is being concealed. We'll get into that a little later and exactly who
02:09 that group of teens that had heart disease were. Now I have two daughters ages nine and
02:16 11 and we plan to get them both the updated COVID vaccine. Well that's good because that's
02:21 your choice as their mother and I agree that all parents should be able to make those kind
02:26 of choices for their children rather than mandating it at the level of the state. Talk
02:31 to your child's pediatrician or nurse practitioner about the updated COVID vaccine today. They're
02:36 certainly going to tell you what we tell them to tell you because it's illegal for them
02:39 not to. And they can get their flu vaccine at the same time. Ah lovely little check in
02:45 there with Dr Cohen. And now here's a check in with some terrifying facts that you won't
02:50 get from the government. This is from Public. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
02:54 the CDC, is encouraging everyone six months and older to get the newest COVID-19 booster.
02:58 It's funny because encouraging is six month old. Come on, come on, take a shot. I honestly
03:03 don't know what you're talking about. The benefits for children and young people far
03:06 outweigh the risks, argues CDC director Mandy Cohen. Teen boys have been up to five times
03:11 as likely to have heart inflammation after having a COVID infection than after getting
03:15 vaccinated, Cohen said. Hmm, interesting. But the best available evidence does not back
03:19 up Cohen's claims. The CDC director is relying on a highly flawed study published in the
03:25 CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly. I read it every week. It's a bit depressing some
03:30 weeks. Oh, these people died. These people died. Well, better tune in next week. It's
03:35 true that this study found teen boys ages from 12 to 17 had two to six times greater
03:40 risk of heart complications after COVID infection compared to after vaccination. But the study
03:44 only looked at electronic health records, which were limited to teenagers who had been
03:48 admitted to the hospital or who visited a doctor. This means the subjects of the study
03:54 were not representative of the total number of boys who got COVID, the vast majority of
03:58 whom never went to the doctor. So it was a subset. There's everyone who got COVID and
04:02 didn't go to a doctor. They're not in the study. They're fine. Then there's people who
04:06 got COVID and went to the doctor, presumably because something was wrong. I would say that's
04:10 quite a biased subset. And other papers show vastly different results. A study from the
04:15 American Heart Association on myocarditis, which means inflammation of the heart muscle,
04:20 found that in men younger than 40 years old, the number of excess myocarditis events per
04:24 million people was higher after a second dose of mRNA 1273 than after a positive SARS-CoV-2
04:31 test. So the opposite of what you've just had a gentle, lovely video explaining to you.
04:36 A Nordic study of 23 million people found that for young men ages 16 to 24, post-vaccination
04:43 myocarditis rates were 6 to 28 times higher than myocarditis rates after COVID infection.
04:49 Seems like a pretty sizable study. Seems like the information is less favourable if, for
04:53 example, you had some ancillary benefit like selling a product or establishing dominion.
04:59 And yet that information doesn't seem to have its own friendly video, does it? Except for
05:04 this one.
05:10 Hello. Welcome to Check In with Russell Brand. Be very careful about the information that
05:14 you're given because there may be, in fact always will be, an intention behind it and
05:19 an agenda. For example, right now what I'm trying to get you to do is question the information
05:24 you're given by the legacy media and the state and question ways that they operate with one
05:28 another. I'm going to be telling my two daughters and my very young son never to trust anyone
05:33 in authority unless it's proven that they have spiritual principles and values that
05:37 go beyond self-interest. You little scamps.
05:46 The study also found there was zero myocarditis cases after COVID infection in males 12 to
05:51 15. Zero? That's an impressive figure, but let me weigh that up against the risk. Oh
05:55 yeah, it doesn't weigh anything because it's zero. The consequences of vaccine-caused myocarditis
06:00 can be serious. A review of clinical records found that 96% of people under 30 diagnosed
06:05 with post-vaccination myocarditis were hospitalized. For some patients, symptoms persist. In one
06:10 study from the US military, 7 out of 23 myocarditis patients continued to have chest discomfort
06:15 weeks after vaccination. The mainstream media simply amplifies the propaganda of the state
06:21 whereas we want to interrogate and investigate the facts so that we can bring you truth,
06:26 so that we can mutually awaken together, which frankly is impossible for us to do without
06:30 our commercial partners and sponsors. And by God, are they loyal. Sticker Mule. These
06:35 guys are bringing you a set of new stickers. I mean, I don't actually even understand how
06:39 their business model works, but there are six fantastic designs that you can have for
06:43 nothing. Look, I'm one of them. Check it out. There are six stunning designs, including
06:47 that one, that are only available in this pack and they're all made with Sticker Mule's
06:50 magic touch. And by God, are they sticky. Sticker Mule has 10,000 of these packs. That's
06:55 right. 10,000. 10,000. Ready to deliver to your address absolutely free. It seems to
07:00 me that there's literally nothing to lose. Just go to Sticker Mule dot com forward slash
07:05 Russell and fill out the form. That's all you got to do. Go to Sticker Mule dot com
07:08 forward slash Russell. Get sent these things. They're supporting us. You're supporting us.
07:13 Let's get some stickers out of this thing. Let's go back to the egregious, awful propaganda
07:18 of the mainstream media that like to pretend that what they're doing is actual news, when
07:22 what they're doing is the amplification of propaganda without inquiry and question.
07:26 Although Cohen insists that children are at high risk of serious illness, the mean infection
07:31 fatality rate of COVID for people under 20 years old is 0.0003%. Did you hear all those
07:38 0s? That's a lot of 0s. You can't make much money from 0s. And hospitals have grossly
07:43 inflated the reported number of children with severe COVID. One paper found that hospital
07:47 records overcounted the number of pediatric COVID hospitalizations by at least 40%. Do
07:52 you remember when they used actual Sesame Street to try and get you to take vaccinations?
07:56 You were super duper today getting your COVID vaccine Elmo.
08:01 It's extraordinary the level of propaganda that they will deploy in order to pursue an
08:06 agenda and manage the information space. What's more, a mounting body of evidence shows that
08:10 the CDC and the White House chose to ignore and cover up evidence of a significant myocarditis
08:15 safety signal in early 2021, putting young people at risk of serious adverse events.
08:20 How did this happen? On the 27th of April 2021, then director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky
08:25 stated, "We've not seen any reports of post-vaccination myocarditis." But this was a false statement
08:30 at the time. Journalist Zachary Stiber of the Epoch Times obtained internal CDC emails
08:35 for a Freedom of Information Act request. As usual, information that's only given over
08:39 under incredible scrutiny and pressure and the use of the actual Freedom of Information
08:44 Act, a Nordic study of 23 million people ignored, a biased study of a subset that already plainly
08:49 have medical conditions or challenges at least because they've made an inquiry to a doctor,
08:53 they run the medical care, is used as information that's verifiable. What does that tell you?
08:58 I'll tell you. You know already. Let me know in the chat. Just they get information that
09:02 suits what they want to have it anyway, then they bombard you with that information. If
09:06 there's information that's like, "Hang on a minute, that might not be true actually,"
09:09 they ignore it. They diminish it. They de-platform it. They shut it down. That's how this works.
09:15 We know that now. In fact, you can apply this to almost any news story. Who benefits from
09:19 that? Is there some reason why they would be saying these things? It's extraordinary
09:22 how consistent it is. When Walensky claimed not to have seen any reports, there were dozens
09:26 of reports in the US vaccine adverse event reporting system. Wow, you'd think you'd
09:29 look in there. Like, are there any adverse reactions? Do we have some sort of US adverse
09:34 event reporting system? Yeah, well, let's not look in there. Tell me how those sick
09:38 kids are getting on. They're still sick. Is it with COVID? Yeah, with. Not from, but
09:42 with. Right, well, just make sure you keep that distinction opaque and confusing. Listen,
09:47 I get all my information from Morbidity and Mortality Weekly. Not only is the information
09:52 very reliable and convenient, it always cheers me up to read about those deaths. Plus, a
09:57 very handy TV guide. Although we can't know for sure if Walensky had seen reports of post-vaccine
10:02 myocarditis, a US government memorandum from March 2021, also obtained by Stieber, stated
10:07 there were 27 cases of myocarditis, myoopericarditis and pericarditis, inflammation of lining around
10:13 the heart, on VAERS. The US government conducted its VAERS search on February 23, 2021. It's
10:21 not clear who wrote the memo, and CDC refused to answer any questions on the matter. But
10:25 Walensky was copied on multiple threads discussing myocarditis, Stieber writes. She responded
10:30 to one of the threads saying the information was "super helpful". This is super helpful.
10:33 Not when I've got all Morbidity and Mortality to read my way through. What about the VAERS?
10:38 Stop showing me that. I'll just put those adverse reaction reports in my special filing
10:43 cabinet under the desk there and keep it nice and warm. The CDC, notes Stieber, was warned
10:50 by Israel on February 28, 2021 about a large number of myocarditis cases after Pfizer COVID-19
10:56 vaccination documents obtained by the Epoch Times show. Internally, the warning was designated
11:00 as "high importance" and set off a review of US data. The Israeli Ministry of Health
11:05 requested a joint meeting with the Food and Drug Administration, FDA and the CDC to respond
11:09 to this trend. The Israeli national focal point is noticing a large number of reports
11:13 of myocarditis, particularly in young people, following the administration of the Pfizer
11:17 vaccines, the email stated. At this point, Pfizer had only made about $50 billion in
11:21 profit. Israel was reporting post-vaccination myocarditis already in January 2021, noted
11:26 Dr. Tracey Beth Herg, an epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco.
11:31 They reported two deaths associated with it in April 2021. So it seems they were pretty
11:35 stringently ignoring information that might not be helpful to the continuation of their
11:40 agenda. But that's just what I think. Let me know in the chat what you think. I think
11:43 this was a case of Dr. Walensky stating what she was told she should say, Herg said. I'm
11:48 not sure how she would have been unaware of the Israeli Department of Defense cases. And
11:52 if she was aware, she should easily have been able to see that the rate of cases reported
11:56 was well above the baseline expected rate in a short couple of week post-vaccination
12:01 time frame. Emails obtained by Daily Clout suggest that the White House may have asked
12:05 about cardiac events in 2021, but the CDC reassured White House staff that it was not
12:10 a concern. In one April 19, 2021 email, a CDC staff member wrote, "Ann S. is on the
12:16 deputy's call with the White House right now and is asking if there's been any signal
12:20 with pericarditis and mRNA vaccines." They knew that, they were discussing that, continued
12:26 and still yet continue to deny that association and continue to right now, literally recently,
12:31 present information as if that's not a problem, lying in the most glib and extraordinary ways
12:37 about their health and risks for your children. This is an ongoing scandal that doesn't get
12:43 investigated or reported on. People don't spend years looking into this, do they? Except
12:48 for like the kind of journalists that we're using here from public. Why is that? What
12:52 is the agenda? What on earth is happening? Answered Tom Shibakuro, director of the CDC's
12:57 immunization safety office, "Department of Defense and Israeli MOH think they have a
13:02 signal for myocarditis with mRNA vaccines, but there is potentially a lot of ascertainment
13:06 bias in the DoD data. We don't have any evidence to suggest a signal or safety problem for
13:11 myocarditis or pericarditis with mRNA vaccines." Some may argue that the CDC was right to keep
13:17 concerns about myocarditis from the public because the agency had not detected the safety
13:21 signal itself and had reasons to suspect that the reports from Israel and the Defense Department
13:25 were flawed. But such an argument would require the CDC to conduct thorough safety surveillance.
13:31 If they had concerns that that information was flawed, they should conduct their own
13:34 studies surely. Yet as Stieber discovered through his exchanges with the agency, the
13:38 CDC did not begin its proportional reporting ratio statistical analysis until 2022. Stieber
13:44 also found that the CDC's v-safe self-reporting system did not include a category for myocarditis
13:50 reports. "How the hell are we going to keep down these myocarditis reports? Well, like,
13:55 what if we just didn't have a category for that? Right, the same way as we don't have
13:58 a category for being hit in the face with an onion? That's right. Are people being hit
14:03 in the face with onions? Not yet. Are they getting myocarditis? All these things could
14:06 be happening. I can't have categories for everything. Now let's get your kids vaccinated.
14:12 Against onions? Yeah, why not?" This means that v-safe was not able to collect survey
14:16 reports of myocarditis. "There are no problems with myocarditis. Have you got the facility
14:21 to collect them? Next question, anyone?" By May 28, 2021, emails suggest Walensky had
14:26 briefed the White House on myocarditis. Dr. Walensky had mentioned a couple of updates
14:31 on TTS, myocarditis, etc. on this morning's call. An advisor to the deputy coordinator
14:35 of the White House COVID-19 response wrote, "Any chance you know where we can find these
14:39 papers/briefings?" she asked CDC staff. It's a very casual way of communicating. "Any chance
14:44 you know where we can find these papers/briefings?" This is like people getting heart disease
14:47 and dying and stuff. In June 2021, after most people who were planning to get vaccinated
14:51 had received at least one dose, the CDC began publicly investigating myocarditis and speaking
14:56 to the news media about it. It seems that it was a greater priority to ensure that people
15:00 got vaccinated than to ensure that vaccinating was safe. Herx submitted a study to the CDC's
15:06 journal, oh not this, "Mobility and Mortality Weekly Review", that depressing little rag,
15:11 which stratified the myocarditis risk by health, removed incidental hospitalizations and provided
15:16 a more accurate estimate of the incidence of post-vaccination myocarditis in teenage
15:21 boys, even though that video is still referring to the obsolete one. Yet the CDC's journal
15:25 rejected these significant results in August 2021. An editor told Herg, "I ran this by
15:30 the MMWR lead editorial staff members. They felt that while the report was interesting,
15:35 they did not feel there was anything that was not already relayed." The study was eventually
15:38 published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation. People are making odd, arbitrary
15:43 decisions about what's interesting, what's, we're not putting that in the Morbidity and
15:46 Mortality Weekly Review, we've got to have a bigger fish to fry. We're doing a Sudoku
15:51 on Wednesday. MMWR tends to publish studies that back the CDC's preferred policy. Herg
15:56 told Public, "Bloody hell, that's not very helpful, don't even bother having it then,
16:00 just broadcast what they're telling you." Even when their findings do not align with
16:04 the international data and publications. So MMWR is bloody useless, they just put anything
16:09 in there. I bet it doesn't even have morbidity and mortality in there. Walensky let mumps
16:13 go by after receiving a warning from the Israeli Ministry of Health, and even when more information
16:18 about myocarditis became public, her agency continued to downplay the risks. In November
16:23 2021, the Biden administration announced sweeping mandates for working age people, many of whom
16:27 were in the group, men under 30, who would be most at risk. Oh my God, they mandated
16:32 without telling people. Even I, after everything we've been through, can't really hold it together
16:37 that when they were saying, if you want to be a key worker in New York, or if you want
16:41 to do these jobs, or you should be vaccinated, or you should be shamed, they had understood
16:46 that there were risks and they were not conveying those risks to the public. This shows you,
16:50 I think to a new degree, the lack of regard they have for your life, your safety, your
16:56 dignity, your ability to make choices for yourself. This is actually, I think in time
17:01 we will come to regard this as a great stain on the character of our government and their
17:06 agencies. And we'll see, I think, as a pivotal moment when trust was lost forever by almost
17:12 all but the most ardent of supporters of what has come to be known as the message. It may
17:17 be that Walensky chose to disregard the safety signals from Israel and the military because
17:21 she did not want to interrupt the vaccination campaign, which would be a terrible decision
17:26 because the vaccination campaign isn't more important than the truth. We've got a perfectly
17:30 good vaccination campaign. Why? These guys on the talk show have dressed up as little
17:34 syringes. Guys, take the costume off. Oh, it took ages to get this bitch Velcro. After
17:40 a few reports of blood clots following Johnson and Johnson shots, the CDC placed a temporary
17:45 pause on the company's vaccine. How keen were they that we take these vaccines, that they're
17:49 blood clots? Okay, pause. Just don't tell anyone about that. Get the vaccine costume
17:53 on. Doing something similar for Pfizer or Moderna might have brought the whole vaccine
17:57 roll out to a halt. We're going to have to stop this video here on this platform. To
18:02 see it in its entirety, join us over on Rumble. That is our home now. If it's possible, press
18:07 the red button when you get there and become a supporter, an awakened wonder, a member
18:11 of our community. The government have shut down our ability to make money. We need you
18:16 more than ever now. It's absolutely necessary so we can continue to move forward. But more
18:20 important than any of that is if you can, please stay free.
