Video : संरक्षण नहीं मिल पाने से बुनकरों ने छोड़ा काम, दम तोड़ गया दरी-पट्टी उद्योग

  • last year
राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पहचान बनाने के बाद भी पीढियों से चला आ रहा नैनवां का दरी पट्टी उद्योग दम टूट गया। नैनवां की धरोहर रहे दरी-पट्टी उद्योग से सैकड़ों लोगों का रोजगार था।
00:00 I have worked as a dairy man for 10 years and I have been working as a dairy man for 15 years now. But due to lack of good products and lack of electricity, our work has become very difficult. So we have to sleep. Now we are homeless.
00:27 We used to have 100-150 shops in our homes but they have all closed down.
00:35 The government used to run the business very well.
00:39 Now the government has not helped us.
00:43 And because of the air pollution, our business has become very difficult.
00:47 If the government helps us, our business will be very successful.
