Jimmy Butler Is the NBA’s Most Interesting Man

  • last year
Miami Heat superstar and guest editor for SI’s NBA Preview Issue Jimmy Butler invites Sports Illustrated into his coffee truck to discuss the upcoming NBA season, the origins of his brand, BigFace Coffee, in the 2020 NBA bubble, and his thoughts on nonstop NBA player comparisons.
00:00 Don't nobody ask me that, 'cause I don't give a damn
00:02 if I'm being brutally honest.
00:03 Hi, I'm Jimmy Butler, and I'm the special editor
00:06 of the NBA Preview Issue of SI.
00:08 (upbeat music)
00:11 Big Face is a coffee brand that I love,
00:15 that I am a major part of.
00:17 It did start in a bubble.
00:18 It started with friends of mine
00:20 and just sitting down having coffee.
00:22 And before you know it, this brand became a real thing.
00:26 Let's go take a look at the truck
00:28 that's directly behind me.
00:29 (upbeat music)
00:31 Oh man, guys moving teams, guys getting back healthy.
00:36 I'm just excited to get the game back rolling.
00:38 A competition at its finest coming soon.
00:40 And we're playing on Christmas Day.
00:42 What's better than Miami on Christmas Day?
00:44 (upbeat music)
00:47 I think there were already so many players
00:48 that were coffee drinkers before the bubble,
00:51 during the bubble, and even so after the bubble.
00:53 I just think I got to hone in on my craft
00:54 of making mochas or lattes or cappuccinos,
00:58 espresso shots, whatever anybody could order.
01:00 I got to do that, so it was a lot of coffee making.
01:03 My thoughts on the tournament?
01:06 I'm like 50/50, so I guess I'm like iffy on it.
01:10 To me it's just basketball.
01:13 You just try to win.
01:14 You win as many games as possible, good things happen.
01:16 Nobody's going out there to lose,
01:17 tournament or no tournament.
01:18 You call it a tournament, I call it is just games.
01:21 Go win.
01:22 Goran Dragic, without a doubt,
01:25 he still owes me a lot of money,
01:26 but because he is my Bronte,
01:28 which is brother in Slovenian, I gave him a pass.
01:31 You know what, I'm going to actually go with,
01:36 I'm not going to say that Udonis Haslam doesn't like coffee.
01:39 I would say that he didn't like to make his own coffee,
01:42 and now he was like my protege in the bubble.
01:46 So me and him started, it's what he does,
01:48 competing in everything.
01:50 We started making coffee for one another
01:52 and for everybody else, so we did that together.
01:54 (upbeat music)
01:57 - Everyone talking about LeBron versus MJ,
02:04 Stuff versus Magic, you versus Tatum, whatever it is.
02:07 Where is there value in having those conversations?
02:10 - First of all, I don't hear nobody
02:11 talking about me versus Tatum.
02:13 We completely just made that up.
02:14 Don't nobody ask me that, 'cause I don't give a damn.
02:16 If I'm being brutally honest,
02:17 I don't compare anything to anything, anybody to anybody.
02:21 I just appreciate every single individual
02:24 you just love and you like, who you love and you like,
02:27 and you enjoy their time while they're playing.
02:29 I don't know.
02:32 I'm not like too many other players.
02:34 I take pride in that.
02:35 I'm not friends with a lot of basketball players,
02:38 so I don't know, I don't talk to them about this stuff.
02:41 If you're going to have incredibly good coffee,
02:45 you should have incredibly great fashion
02:48 to go along with it.
02:49 I think we do a great job with that.
02:50 Making clothes for everybody.
02:52 I want to make clothes for dogs and cats and for kids
02:55 and for anything that you could possibly imagine.
02:58 But yeah, the merch is cool.
02:59 The merch is fleek.
03:01 I don't know what everybody calls it nowadays,
03:04 but I love it.
03:04 (upbeat music)
03:07 (upbeat music)
03:10 (upbeat music)
