TYPE or DIE.. in Roblox!

  • l’année dernière
00:00 Today Roblox we are playing type or die.
00:02 We are going to be asked questions
00:04 and it's our goal to find the longest answer possible.
00:06 Otherwise we're going to be swallowed up by the lava.
00:09 All right guys, let's get right into it.
00:10 Name an animal that has a horn.
00:12 Okay, elephant.
00:14 That's a pretty long word, right?
00:15 Let's just put it in.
00:17 Boom, okay, how much did we get?
00:18 Eight blocks, so we're on a 20 though.
00:20 Which answer did he choose?
00:21 I need to see that.
00:22 But to be honest, we didn't do too bad.
00:25 You know, we're not lost.
00:27 Okay, which answer did he have?
00:28 A spiral horned tolpie.
00:32 Okay, he has to be cheating.
00:34 Well, he has to be Googling.
00:35 Okay, name a pet.
00:36 Cat, dog, rabbit maybe?
00:40 Should I do rabbit?
00:40 Is rabbit, yeah, rabbit is a pet.
00:43 We could do cheetah.
00:43 Some people keep cheetahs as pets.
00:45 Okay, well, ready?
00:46 Okay, we're gonna have to do rabbit then.
00:48 Oh, geez.
00:49 Name something you would find in a garage.
00:53 Okay, I could put down car,
00:54 but I think what these people are doing
00:56 is they're finding my different words
00:57 for the short answer.
00:58 So maybe if I do automobile.
01:01 Okay, well, I'll just put down auto.
01:04 Oh my, oh, are you kidding me?
01:06 Oh, the lava is rising.
01:07 We're definitely gonna lose.
01:08 What did these guys put down?
01:09 A electric vehicle.
01:11 Oh my God, okay.
01:12 Name something you would find in a restaurant.
01:14 A waitress.
01:16 Boom, that's a crazy answer.
01:17 Okay, fine dining.
01:20 Wow, oh my God.
01:21 Am I stupid?
01:22 Am I too stupid for this?
01:23 A spoon?
01:23 Is that what you want me to put?
01:25 Okay, well, that worked.
01:26 Oh my God, I'm definitely gonna lose this.
01:27 Okay, the lava is rising now.
01:30 We're not lost, so I'm pretty happy about that.
01:32 Oh, that person just rage quit, I think.
01:34 All right, the lava will raise four blocks now.
01:36 Name something you keep in a wallet.
01:38 You keep your driver's license.
01:42 Come on, that has to work.
01:43 Nice, 14 blocks, that's huge.
01:45 Some of the 25?
01:47 What do you keep in your wallet that's that long?
01:49 He put down something Russian.
01:51 You can put down different languages?
01:53 Oh my God.
01:55 Name something you keep in a car.
01:57 I don't know, a flashlight?
01:58 You know, there we go, nice.
02:00 Okay, 10 blocks.
02:01 Not too bad, not too bad.
02:02 Holy smoke, this is not looking good for us.
02:05 All right, the lava is rising.
02:07 And if you guys didn't notice,
02:08 it is rising more and more after each question.
02:10 So we really have to get a lead here.
02:12 The lava will rise six blocks after this question.
02:15 Name something you do at school.
02:17 Learn?
02:18 Yeah, but that's too short.
02:20 I can use a free hint.
02:21 Class, classroom.
02:23 Oh no, okay.
02:25 I think I'm just too stupid for this.
02:26 My IQ is not high enough.
02:28 I need more computing power.
02:29 All right, name something hot.
02:31 What if I put down Australia?
02:33 Oh wait, what if I do United Arabic, Arab?
02:38 Oh my God, Arabic Emirates.
02:41 That didn't work.
02:42 United Arab Emirates.
02:45 What?
02:46 The UAE, bro.
02:47 Okay, Australia.
02:48 What?
02:49 What is this?
02:51 Name something, oh my God.
02:53 I can't believe this, bro.
02:54 Mom, when I lose here.
02:56 Name something that goes up.
02:58 Balloons, balloons.
03:00 Okay, that was seven.
03:01 Maybe I shouldn't overcomplicate it.
03:02 You know, maybe I should just kind of go with the flow
03:04 and just put in whatever comes to mind.
03:06 But these guys are getting answers at like 27 letters.
03:09 Lama, is that even possible?
03:11 At least I'm not lost.
03:12 All right, the lava will raise 10 blocks after this question.
03:14 Name a popular holiday.
03:17 Thanksgiving.
03:18 Let's go, 12 blocks.
03:21 Pretty good.
03:21 Okay, they got 16.
03:23 Look how high up this guy is, bro.
03:24 That's just insane.
03:25 Oh, the lava's rising again.
03:27 The lava will rise 12 blocks.
03:29 Oh, geez Louise.
03:30 Name something you charge regularly.
03:33 Electric, maybe I'll put electric device.
03:36 Okay, I give up.
03:38 Phone, I'm just gonna put that phone.
03:40 Oh my God.
03:42 I could have done like portable battery or something.
03:44 Oh wow.
03:45 Name something on a hamburger.
03:46 Pickles, salad, bun, beef.
03:49 Salad is probably the longest.
03:50 Or make cucumber.
03:53 Wow, you don't put cucumbers in your burgers?
03:55 Pickle, sour pickle.
03:58 Oh my, pickle?
04:01 Oh, pickles.
04:03 Oh my God, someone just died.
04:05 At least we're in the top three.
04:06 All right, name something you do in your sleep.
04:08 Nightmare.
04:10 Let's go, wait.
04:14 How many blocks is it gonna rise again?
04:15 Am I gonna die here?
04:16 No, I'm not even third.
04:18 I thought I was third.
04:19 Oh my God, the lava's gonna rise 18 blocks.
04:20 Name a vegetable.
04:22 Brussels sprouts.
04:26 Sprouts, boom.
04:28 Oh, nice.
04:29 Is that enough to save me?
04:30 Is that enough to save me?
04:32 Oh my God, that was so close.
04:34 That was so close, I'm gonna die here.
04:35 The lava will rise 20 blocks.
04:37 Name an animal that can fly.
04:39 All right, you know what?
04:40 I literally got this out of Google.
04:41 Microchiroteraphyllis, boom.
04:44 Okay, well, it didn't work.
04:45 Are you kidding me?
04:46 Prehint bird.
04:46 Okay, I'm dead here.
04:47 I'm literally dead.
04:50 I'm not gonna give up until I get into the top three.
04:52 We gotta run that back.
04:54 We have to.
04:54 Okay, now I can finally see these guys' answer though.
04:57 This guy's just putting everything down in Russian
04:59 and this guy put down North American black bear.
05:04 Oh, North American black bear, okay.
05:07 Pretty good answer.
05:08 What's the second one?
05:09 Flying squirrel.
05:12 Wow, I cannot keep up with these guys.
05:13 They're way too smart.
05:15 But as long as I get third place, I'm happy with that.
05:17 Third place, well, that should be insane.
05:18 This guy's literally about to make it out the volcano.
05:20 Oh my God, he's literally gonna get out.
05:23 I wish I was as smart as him.
05:24 Oh my God, he just won.
05:26 He literally made it to the very top.
05:27 All right, let's go.
05:28 Time for round two.
05:30 Okay, name something that goes on ice cream.
05:31 What goes on ice cream?
05:34 Chocolate crumbs.
05:36 Oh, chocolate, okay.
05:38 Let's go, that's a bad answer though.
05:41 Oh, nevermind, we are pretty much lost.
05:43 So I'm gonna just use a power up.
05:44 I could also do that, but I'm not gonna pay to win.
05:46 I just wanna get to third place by myself
05:48 without pay to winning and the lava's rising.
05:50 All right, the lava will rise two blocks.
05:52 Okay, name one of the world's oceans.
05:54 The Atlantic Ocean.
05:57 Boom, 13 blocks.
05:59 How did someone get 16?
06:01 This person got 16, I wanna see that.
06:03 Oh, it's the Russian guy.
06:04 You know what, I'm gonna pay attention.
06:05 All right, time for the lava to rise.
06:07 This is looking pretty good so far.
06:08 Okay, name something you eat with your hands.
06:11 Um, I mean, there's a lot of things, right?
06:13 There you go, pizza, tacos, sandwiches.
06:16 Sandwiches, oh, nice.
06:19 Oh, he just put sandwich, are you kidding me?
06:22 I wanted it to be plural.
06:23 All right, name a type of fruit.
06:25 I can also get a hint.
06:26 You have zero hints available.
06:28 I have to buy them with Robux?
06:29 Okay, you know what, let's buy it.
06:30 Boom, I bought the hint, guys, that's not cheating.
06:33 All right, let's see, banana, that's it?
06:35 You only give me banana, bro?
06:36 That's such a trash answer.
06:38 Okay, next question.
06:39 Name something you find on pizza.
06:41 Pepperoni, yeah, there we go.
06:45 Lava's rising again.
06:47 We need some fanger answers here, guys.
06:49 Name a way to exercise.
06:51 Ooh, calisthenics.
06:54 Let's go, 12, that's pretty good, no?
06:56 17, oh my God, the Russian guy's crazy.
06:59 All right, next question.
07:00 Name something in the bathroom.
07:02 Um, I can use a hint.
07:04 A toilet, yeah, but yeah, it's not gonna help me.
07:06 You know what, I'm never gonna use that again.
07:08 A shower curtain, maybe?
07:11 Shower curtain, nice.
07:13 Oh, that was huge.
07:14 Oh, snap, guys, I think we're third.
07:16 We're tying for third right now.
07:18 Wait, never mind, we're fourth.
07:19 Oh my God, I keep missing it.
07:21 Name a popular Roblox YouTuber.
07:23 QuavoCop, okay, that doesn't work.
07:25 Um, Creecraft?
07:27 Boom, 10 blocks, easy.
07:29 How are they getting 24?
07:31 Which Roblox YouTuber has 24 letters in their name?
07:34 I need to see that.
07:35 It's right there on the left, I have to read it.
07:36 It's kinda hard to read, but I'll read it.
07:38 Bree, uh, I can't even read it.
07:42 Name a sport that uses a ball.
07:44 Football, basket, ball.
07:47 That will give me 10 blocks.
07:48 You know what, I'm gonna go with that.
07:50 That's not too bad, I can live with that.
07:51 The lava's rising again.
07:53 Next question, name something sharp.
07:55 A pencil sharp, but no.
07:58 Okay, that gives me plus nine.
08:00 No, I think I'll go with that.
08:01 Nine is not bad, you know, I'll take that.
08:03 Nine blocks is not too bad.
08:04 Lava's rising again, yo, we're not doing too bad, boys.
08:07 Name something you wear on your head.
08:09 Uh, you can wear headphones, I think I, oh yeah.
08:13 That gives you plus 10, that's not too bad.
08:15 Just somehow, please, that place will be so amazing.
08:18 Okay, the lava's gonna rise 14 blocks.
08:20 Name something you bring to a sleepover.
08:22 A sleeping bag, okay, that's 11.
08:25 What else?
08:26 Bro, this is so hard.
08:27 Friends, but that's shorter.
08:28 Okay, I did this a pretty good answer, let's just go with it.
08:31 The lava's rising, luckily we're still alive.
08:33 Name something you would find on a desk.
08:35 A recording camera.
08:38 No way, I'm so stupid.
08:39 A microphone.
08:41 That only gives me five.
08:42 A keyboard, that gives me eight.
08:45 I have to be, I have to find something better.
08:46 Let's just do keyboard.
08:47 Oh my God, I'm so bad.
08:50 Oh, someone just died, rest in peace.
08:51 Name any part of the head.
08:53 A brain, okay, brain, brain.
08:55 The eyes, can I do eye nerve?
08:58 No, name any part of the head.
08:59 You have ear, eyes, hair, tongue.
09:04 Wait, oh, I can put my answer in, are you kidding me?
09:07 Oh my God, that sucks.
09:10 Name something kids line up for at school.
09:13 The cafeteria.
09:15 All right, nine blocks, let's just take it.
09:17 Missing that one answer really put me behind.
09:19 I don't even think I'm gonna make it to fourth place.
09:21 Oh, lava's rising, oh my God.
09:24 We're definitely gonna die here.
09:25 25 blocks, name a shape.
09:28 You know what, I'm just gonna go with this one.
09:30 Oh my God, this is so long.
09:31 22 blocks.
09:32 Yo, that's huge.
09:34 Oh my God, yo, I'm cheating.
09:35 I'm just gonna gobble.
09:36 100%, these guys are also gobbling it, bro.
09:38 All right, next question, come on.
09:40 Name someone a kid would ask for help.
09:42 Oh my God, I'm gonna die here.
09:43 There is no word that is this long.
09:45 A teacher?
09:46 Even if I do that, it's not gonna be enough.
09:47 It's over, I'm gonna die here.
09:48 That is so annoying, bro.
09:50 I figured it out how these guys
09:51 are always getting first place.
09:53 They're cheating.
09:54 These guys are all cheaters, man.
09:56 Okay, you know what, no, I'm not doing this.
09:57 These guys are all cheaters.
09:58 Wait, does that say I'm third place?
10:00 Yo!
10:01 You know what? I take it as a dub.
10:02 Guys, click on one of these two videos on the screen
10:04 and I'll see you in the next one.