Charlotte continues to burn down Valentin's house - Anna almost dies ABC General

  • last year
Charlotte continues to burn down Valentin's house - Anna almost dies ABC General
00:00 *door opening*
00:02 *door closing*
00:04 *silence*
00:06 *silence*
00:08 ABC General Hospital
00:10 spoilers reveal that Charlotte is determined to
00:12 constantly cause trouble for Anna.
00:14 Despite many warnings and Valentine's
00:16 intervention, the girl still could not
00:18 stop the sabotage against the woman she
00:20 considered an enemy of the Cassidine family.
00:22 *silence*
00:24 Anna currently lives with Valentine and Charlotte,
00:26 but she still has no idea that the biggest threat
00:28 may lie right inside her house.
00:30 Charlotte arranged many dangerous games and
00:32 plots to create instability and tension
00:34 in Anna's life. Under Valentine's
00:36 intervention, Charlotte was constantly
00:38 judged and examined for her actions.
00:40 However, jealousy and hatred
00:42 inside her continued to rise,
00:44 causing her to continue to find ways to confront
00:46 Anna in unpredictable ways that cause trouble.
00:48 The relationship between
00:50 Anna, Valentine, and Charlotte becomes increasingly
00:52 complicated, with Charlotte a potential
00:54 danger that both adults must
00:56 face. Can Charlotte change
00:58 and reconcile with Anna, or will
01:00 she continue with her dangerous plots?
01:02 What will happen? Meanwhile,
01:04 Charlotte has gone further in her attack on Anna.
01:06 The girl used a large amount of
01:08 anesthesia to ensure Anna fell asleep
01:10 and could not wake up. Next, she
01:12 decided to carry out the most evil plot,
01:14 which was to burn down this house and let Anna
01:16 die. This time, Anna really
01:18 cannot resist or escape the danger of her
01:20 evil plan. At this time, Anna was
01:22 asleep, so she did not feel the approaching threat.
01:24 Charlotte is preparing to carry out
01:26 this dangerous act to take revenge
01:28 on Anna. The situation becomes
01:30 very dangerous, and Anna's safety is at
01:32 serious risk. The question
01:34 now is whether Valentine can stop
01:36 Charlotte in time and protect Anna from danger.
01:38 The next developments in this story
01:40 promise to be full of tension. Will
01:42 Anna escape danger?
01:44 Fortunately, Valentine had
01:46 quick reflexes and decided
01:48 to return home in time. Seeing the fire
01:50 burning, he immediately knew that Anna was in
01:52 danger. Without wasting any time,
01:54 he jumped into action to save her.
01:56 Thanks to his courage and skill, Valentine promptly
01:58 got Anna out of the broken house.
02:00 The fire was eventually extinguished,
02:02 but the house was completely destroyed.
02:04 Charlotte's evil plan failed when
02:06 Valentine returned in time.
02:08 Once everyone was safe, Valentine
02:10 asked Charlotte about the cause of this fire.
02:12 The girl quickly defended herself and
02:14 said that she had nothing to do with this, but
02:16 Valentine still had a strange feeling about the incident.
02:18 He knew something wasn't right.
02:20 Valentine must investigate to clarify
02:22 this incident and ensure the safety
02:24 of his family. The story will continue
02:26 to develop dramatically and unexpectedly
02:28 in the future. Does Valentine
02:30 know the truth?
02:32 Valentine understood that life with Charlotte
02:34 was becoming a dangerous game for Anna.
02:36 Although he couldn't blame her for the
02:38 fire due to lack of evidence, he
02:40 knew that the situation had become uncontrollable.
02:42 After these events,
02:44 Valentine decided to send Charlotte back to boarding
02:46 school in France. He wants her to have the
02:48 opportunity to study and grow up properly,
02:50 away from the negative influences
02:52 that life in Port Charles can bring.
02:54 Valentine hopes that the learning
02:56 environment and caring teachers
02:58 will help Charlotte change and learn how to control
03:00 her emotions. Before she left
03:02 Port Charles, Charlotte said goodbye
03:04 to Valentine, thanking him for his years of
03:06 caring for and protecting her.
03:08 Despite his worries, Valentine hopes
03:10 that Charlotte will have a good future and become an adult.
03:12 This separation not only marked the
03:14 end of a phase, but also opened the door
03:16 for Charlotte to restart her life in a positive way.
03:18 Can Charlotte change?
03:20 How will things turn out?
03:22 [Music]
03:29 [MUSIC]
