कोई ऐसा सुरक्षा कवच जिसे धारण कर, हम सुरक्षित होकर बाहर जाएं और लौट आएं

  • last year
कोई ऐसा सुरक्षा कवच जिसे धारण कर, हम सुरक्षित होकर बाहर जाएं और लौट आएं
00:00 that there is a safe shelter around us,
00:03 so that we can go to work safely and return home safely.
00:07 Every person wants a safe shelter around them.
00:14 When they are young, they think of their parents as a safe shelter.
00:18 When they grow up, they think of their friends as a safe shelter.
00:23 When they go out, they expect the government to protect them.
00:36 Everyone is busy in their own way,
00:39 but sometimes we see that no safety is available to us.
00:45 In such a situation, we need a safe shelter,
00:53 so that we can be safe for eternity.
00:57 No other protection chakra can protect you forever.
01:03 Your intellect, your talent, your alertness, these things are useful.
01:11 We spiritual people believe that the shelter of safety is in the name of God.
01:22 That is why we pray to God to protect us from harm.
01:30 If you want to adopt any of these methods,
01:35 there are many such methods.
01:41 By following the path of the shelter of safety,
01:45 you can be safe every day.
01:48 For example, Ram Rakshashtotra.
01:50 Those who follow the path of Ram Rakshashtotra every day,
01:54 God Shri Ram protects them.
01:57 Similarly, there are many other deities who have the same protection.
02:00 You can learn from a good scholar about the protection of your deity.
02:11 By following his path every day,
02:13 you can be safe from harm from a spiritual and religious point of view.
02:23 It is said that deities protect.
02:26 How do they do it?
02:27 na deva dandamadaya rakshanti pasupalavah
02:30 yam hi rakshitu mithyanti buddhya sanyo jayanti tam
02:34 The deities protect us. How do they do it?
02:38 Just like Gadariya, who stands near the sheep with a stick,
02:43 and when there is a problem, he protects the sheep with his stick.
02:48 Similarly, it is said that no, not like that.
02:51 The one who wants to protect,
02:53 he gives a solution immediately,
02:57 and he is protected by following that solution.
03:00 Have unbreakable faith in God.
03:03 Learn about a Rakshashtotra and start studying it.
03:10 God will give you such wisdom at the right time,
03:14 which will protect you.
