McFarlane Toys Batman '66 Series Platinum Edition Lord Death Man Figure | #SpookySpot 2023

  • last year


00:00 Oh great, a glow-in-the-dark ghoul.
00:02 Here's your Spooky Spot on McFarlane Toys, Batman '66, the McFarlane Platinum Edition, Lord Deathman.
00:09 [music]
00:34 Lord Deathman was a mysterious crime boss who could return from the dead.
00:38 In one gruesome incident, he came back to life mid-autopsy.
00:42 Lord Deathman also had superhuman strength and stamina which he used to battle Batman,
00:46 the Outsiders and Talon.
00:48 Ra's al Ghul even sought to siphon the regenerative fluids from Lord Deathman's body.
00:52 So now Batman's gonna have to deal with a dead guy back in black, all decked out in green.
00:57 Before we get a closer look at the Platinum Edition version of Lord Deathman,
01:01 let me send out a big ghoulish thank you to the folks over at McFarlane Toys
01:05 that did provide this sample we could have a look at.
01:07 Now this is obviously just using the same mold as the earlier looked at Lord Deathman,
01:11 and obviously I will be bringing that figure in more in a moment for comparisons,
01:15 but for the figure's height, glow-in-the-dark Lord Deathman stands the same,
01:18 five and three quarters of an inch in height,
01:20 or the figure's going to be about 15 centimeters tall.
01:23 As for bringing in figures, we can bring in the original Lord Deathman.
01:26 So you can see between the two, they're sharing the exact same mold.
01:30 One that was done in white, one that was done in green.
01:32 The one in green does glow, so at least there's that.
01:35 Other figures for comparison's sake,
01:36 here's what the figure looks like with Robot Batman.
01:38 Here's what the figure also looks like with Joker Man.
01:41 And the figure that we started this recent way with looking at,
01:44 here's what he looks like with the 66 Series Superman.
01:47 If you could believe it, the molds aren't the only thing that gets shared between the two
01:52 Lord Deathmans, as the figure also comes included with the exact same sword.
01:56 Let me actually, in fact, back up just a little bit.
01:59 It's not exactly the same sword.
02:00 It's molded the same, but it's obviously cast in a different plastic.
02:04 While the bottom one's been cast in a silver plastic,
02:06 or possibly even a black plastic painted then in silver,
02:09 the one to the top though has actually been cast here in a green plastic.
02:13 I think what's probably been the case is they actually would have cast the blade plastic,
02:17 and then probably painted the guard and the hilt in the black.
02:19 Either way though, it's the exact same sword,
02:21 and it holds in his hand the exact same way as well.
02:24 He only has one means of holding it.
02:26 It's only this hand right here.
02:27 If I move my own hand out of the way.
02:29 This closed fist isn't going to be any help to anybody.
02:32 But if you did want to have him holding the sword,
02:34 it easily fits into his hand,
02:36 and with the afforded additional articulation both in the shoulder,
02:40 and also in the elbow,
02:41 you can easily move his arm around.
02:43 Same though can't be said unfortunately for the legs.
02:45 The legs are always the one thing that's a little bit more limited when it comes to this line,
02:48 but at least you can easily move his arms back and forth,
02:50 and we'll get kind of more into the articulation on the figure in a moment.
02:54 This does though glow in the dark,
02:55 as well as all the things that are in green all glow on Lord Deathman.
02:59 If you don't believe me, you should believe me.
03:01 I'm going to bring in my black light here,
03:03 and I'm just going to cast a light across the front of his face,
03:05 all down his body,
03:06 and even across the blade of the sword,
03:08 so you can see that they do glow in the dark.
03:10 If further proof is in the pudding,
03:12 then what I'll also do in a moment is I'll cut the light,
03:14 so you guys can see how much more this guy does glow.
03:17 It's a nice little added bonus to an already awesome sculpt.
03:21 I really did like the initial Lord Deathman,
03:23 and I think like this one does things well too.
03:25 If you prefer though the green motif,
03:27 this one definitely does things a little bit better than the white.
03:30 I will say though, to compare the two,
03:32 I kind of still prefer to have the original Lord Deathman more in white,
03:36 just because it looks more like a skeleton.
03:38 For some reason looking at this,
03:39 this also looks like Scare Glow from the Master Universe line.
03:42 One thing obviously with the carryover of this being the same figure,
03:46 is that unfortunately there's no printing on the back of the figure's body.
03:49 Flip the cape up on the original one,
03:51 so you can see that they're identical from one to the other.
03:53 I mean even just to look at them by the way that the cape is brought over his shoulders,
03:57 you would really be not able to even tell the fact
03:59 that this one is the glow-in-the-dark version,
04:01 this is the wall white version,
04:02 because the gloves and the belt are painted exactly the same.
04:05 Flip though back the capes,
04:07 you can see like the head sculpts are also similarly shared.
04:10 The head sculpt one thing obviously with this one,
04:13 is that the detailing on this one seems a little bit more muted,
04:15 because again like he's got the glowing plastic,
04:17 but the head sculpts are though identical.
04:19 I did say though initially when we looked at this figure,
04:22 if I can just fix the cape on this one,
04:24 that the head sculpt was a little on the bigger side,
04:26 especially when we compared it say for example with Adam West Batman.
04:29 Speaking of Adam West,
04:30 I can't help but find a reason to bring back in the original figure that we also had a look at.
04:34 One thing I did want to say,
04:35 may involve me having to first remove the blade, there we go.
04:38 One thing I did want to say though is between the two,
04:40 it looks like they are sharing the same bodies.
04:42 This is still one thing I mentioned in the other review of Lord Deathman,
04:45 so I mean obviously nothing does change there.
04:47 It looks to be like the arms are the exact same,
04:49 it looks probably like also from the shoulder and the bicep second section,
04:52 that's also the same,
04:54 and it looks to be the case that the bicep and also the lower legs,
04:57 short of again like the fact that they would have had to mold the boots differently,
05:00 and added the new gloves to Batman,
05:02 it looks like they are using the same bodies.
05:04 An interesting thing about it though is while you're even looking at like the trunk area,
05:08 I mean this has only just been painted on.
05:10 In one way I kind of wish they could have actually molded a belt to put that over top of the body,
05:15 but instead rather they just painted on there.
05:17 Now this Batman had a utility belt,
05:19 but if you look at it,
05:19 the utility belt is a separate piece.
05:21 If you were to remove this,
05:22 what you basically would be seeing underneath is what basically is given here to Lord Deathman.
05:27 So like exactly the same bodies.
05:29 Capes are a little bit different,
05:30 obviously the cape is a lot wider here on Lord Deathman.
05:33 Unfortunately though I still had the same problem as before.
05:36 Whatever figure it was,
05:37 was it Joker Man?
05:38 It might have even been Joker Man.
05:40 The way they actually attach the capes inside the packaging,
05:43 they put a little strip of tape right there,
05:45 and if you're not careful,
05:46 I tried to be really careful,
05:48 but I guess the adhesive from the tape has now left the mark behind on the cape.
05:53 So if you are getting any of these figures for yourself,
05:55 just be careful of removing the cape.
05:56 I feel really like they didn't even need to put the tape there in the first place.
05:59 I get the main reason why they did is so the cape doesn't move around inside the packaging,
06:04 but I mean really like the clamshell is only say this wide.
06:08 How much really moving around is the cape going to be anyways?
06:11 If they didn't tape the cape,
06:13 then I wouldn't have any issue.
06:14 I certainly wouldn't have this little mark left behind,
06:16 because again I was trying to be careful.
06:18 I guess I wasn't careful enough.
06:20 By the way,
06:20 the figure does have pegs on the underside of his feet,
06:22 so that's exactly the same as the Lord Deathman from before.
06:25 Maybe what I will do though is I'll cut the light,
06:27 so you guys can see how this guy does glow in the dark.
06:29 Now I'm not sure if you guys can actually even see this with now the lights cut out.
06:34 I had this guy actually sitting in front of my office light,
06:37 just to absorb some of the light that the bulb was projecting outward.
06:40 Unfortunately though,
06:41 while I am easily able to see it,
06:43 you guys probably will have a little bit harder of a time.
06:45 So again,
06:46 I'll just bring back in my black light.
06:47 I'll let that shine across the front of the head,
06:50 and of course all of the front of his chest as well,
06:52 so you can see how well that does illuminate.
06:54 If I move it away,
06:56 you might be able to see enough of it.
06:57 So you probably can see a little bit more here in the arms on either side,
07:00 and even also that works as well with the legs.
07:03 Of course,
07:03 the much longer the light is shining onto the plastic,
07:06 the better the absorption of the light will be,
07:09 and the easier the actual figure will glow in the dark.
07:12 As for Lord Deathman's articulation,
07:15 it'll be exactly the same as the one that we looked at before.
07:18 So it's going to be on a ball joint.
07:20 It does rotate all the way around.
07:21 The way that the cape is actually designed is,
07:23 even though it does have a higher collar,
07:25 and the cape as well is clipped the exact same way as your superpowers figures,
07:29 also from McFarlane's team,
07:30 but because at least the neck is high enough,
07:33 I don't have any real issues when it comes to rotating the head.
07:35 In fact, actually, yeah, you can rotate it all the way around.
07:38 You have the head looking up only by just a little bit,
07:40 and it also looks down only just by a little bit.
07:42 It's one of those cases I'm sure if you blinked,
07:44 you may have missed it.
07:45 Yeah, it doesn't really move up and down as much,
07:47 but it does rotate back and forth fine.
07:49 There's a little bit of head pivot,
07:50 but not by much though.
07:52 The arms do hinge out a lot easier though.
07:54 They come out way beyond the point of 90 degrees.
07:56 In fact, like what would that be like 120?
07:58 120 maybe?
07:59 You can take the arms and rotate them all the way around.
08:01 Now the only thing about them is by adopting the same body as Adam West's body,
08:06 you can see like the way that the shoulders are designed,
08:08 they cut outward.
08:09 They're sort of more like a triangular shape.
08:11 So this, while it's not giving necessarily any issues
08:14 when it comes to the arms hinging out this way,
08:16 they will though wreak havoc when it comes to trying to rotate the arms all the way around.
08:20 They're just going to be a little bit more that the arms are going to get hung up against.
08:24 There is a hinge in the elbow that allows at least the arm to rotate also back and forth.
08:28 You can take as well the hands and rotate them also all the way around.
08:32 Lord Death Man's waist articulation is the fact it's just a straight swivel.
08:35 And speaking of swivels, he only has just a swivel forward and back on the legs.
08:39 No hinging outward on the thighs.
08:41 Only a single hinge again on the knee,
08:43 but allows at least the lower leg to rotate.
08:45 And again, there's no toe articulation,
08:47 no foot articulation on the figure at all.
08:49 Well, again, still this is just basically the same building and mold
08:54 as essentially as the Adam West Batman,
08:56 or just again, free up space to bring back in the original Lord Death Man,
09:00 or as the original one that we already had a look at.
09:02 You know, there's something still to be said about the charm of having a glow in the dark feature.
09:06 Obviously, usually it means that the colors have to be distorted a little bit.
09:09 So I'm glad that they decided to make it more green
09:12 and not try to incorporate a glow in the dark to the initial Lord Death Man,
09:15 because I think what would end up happening
09:17 is it would have distorted and almost yellowed the white areas of the figure.
09:21 No, keep them separate, keep them separate.
09:23 So again, if you want to just more of the basic black and white version of Lord Death Man,
09:26 that option is available.
09:27 But if you like the option of the glow in the dark,
09:29 the glow in the dark incorporated paint does bring up a lot more color.
09:33 It makes him a little bit more vibrant,
09:35 and it certainly does make him a lot more like Scare Glow too.
09:37 And while he only still possess the exact same accessories,
09:40 now having a glow in the dark sword,
09:42 which I didn't end up showing you in this review,
09:44 again, he's a nice looking figure.
09:46 He is though a platinum edition though,
09:47 so while maybe getting the Lord Death Man in the original black and white color scheme
09:51 might be a little bit easier,
09:52 you may have to work a little bit harder to track down the platinum edition
09:55 if that's a figure you want to pick up for your collection.
09:58 While there may have been some criminals in the Batman 60s series
10:01 that were created solely for the show,
10:03 most of the villains actually already had an origin long pre-dating
10:06 even the 60s series being around.
10:08 Lord Death Man though, you don't have to date as far back as the 60s,
10:11 as his origin actually was from 2015,
10:14 as he first appeared in Batman the 66 series issue number 21.
10:18 I think he has also jumped over to the DC regular film, regular comic verse,
10:23 but if you wanted to go back to his more campier roots,
10:25 it's not again that far away.
10:27 I mean, it's what like seven, eight years ago?
10:29 Eight years ago that Lord Death Man first appeared
10:32 has been wreaking havoc in Gotham ever since.
10:35 Now the neat thing about the glow in the dark
10:36 is obviously it does change the color of the figure
10:40 instead of just being the black and white.
10:41 Now you got yourself black and green,
10:43 and the green does look good with the figure.
10:45 It does still of course utilize the same body as from before,
10:48 so it's nothing necessarily getting changed this time around.
10:50 It's kind of more cosmetic than anything else.
10:52 It's just personal preference.
10:53 Do you prefer your Lord Death Man to have the black and white?
10:55 Or you prefer your Lord Death Man to have black and green?
10:58 Or if you're just an avid fan of the 60s stuff
11:00 that McFarlane's been churning out as of late,
11:02 why not get both?
11:03 You can add both of them to your shelf.
11:05 If you had though the choice between the two,
11:07 the Lord Death Man that was the black and white,
11:08 or the Lord Death Man that's now the glow in the dark green,
11:11 which would you choose if you only had the choice of one?
11:13 Let me know down below in the comment section.
11:15 Once again, a big thank you to the folks over at McFarlane Toys
11:17 that did provide this sample of the glow in the dark platinum edition
11:20 Lord Death Man from the Batman 66 series
11:23 that we could have a look at this review.
11:25 Speaking of reviews, if you guys enjoyed the one you just finished watching,
11:27 you don't need to scream.
11:28 All you have to do is hit it with a like,
11:30 but if you want to certainly stick around for more,
11:32 make sure you hit that ghoulish subscribe button.
11:34 I think it's...
11:35 No, I thought it was covered in slime,
11:37 but looks like producer Tony's gone and cleaned it up,
11:39 but yeah, if you want to hit that subscribe button down below,
11:41 sure, if you want to turn on the bell notification, absolutely,
11:44 and yeah, come back on a regular basis,
11:46 because while we have wrapped up things right now
11:48 for a glow in the dark Lord Death Man,
11:50 there's definitely going to be a lot more spooky reviews
11:52 coming your way during the month of Spot-tober.
11:54 Of course, as always guys, thanks for watching.
11:56 See you guys next time.
11:59 [Spooky Growling]
