00:00 Issue 65.
00:02 Knuckles sees the Babylon Rogues while gliding in a cave in Angel Island.
00:07 So the story starts with what feels like padding, because it has nothing to do with getting Mimic discovered as Mimic and beaten up faster.
00:15 And I'd rather see that happen as soon as possible.
00:18 But I assume there's still a Mimic subplot.
00:21 And at least this means the issue starts with something that isn't as frustrating as Whisper thinking Mimic isn't Mimic when she doesn't think she and Silver have a history of hallucinating.
00:31 I've never seen Knuckles and the Rogues face off in a cave in Angel Island in the official franchise before.
00:39 But I already saw this in Sonic the Continuation.
00:42 In either way, it's nothing but old characters in old settings, so it's not interesting.
00:48 Knuckles glides over to Storm, planning to antagonize him, just because he wants to make actual use out of ancient relics that aren't doing anything for anybody.
00:59 So the only reason I think Knuckles should succeed is that if they leave the island with anything, they don't tell someone to chase after them instead of doing something valuable.
01:08 Knuckles' punch at Storm isn't satisfying, because I don't even get to see his fists impact him.
01:15 And somehow, even though Knuckles has super strength, Storm was instantly able to grab him and fling him into the ceiling, while unrealistically acting like he isn't in pain at all.
01:27 So two pages in and the writing's already insulting with the conflict being forced.
01:33 You could just not have had Knuckles catch up with them until much later because they're going so fast.
01:40 But I guess him flinging him into the ceiling was new.
01:43 It's nice of Wave to say to Storm, "Nice form."
01:46 But if this was just gonna result in the Rogues getting far away from Knuckles a page later, then what was the point of wasting our time with all the pages before this?
01:56 We're seven pages in, and the only plot that's happened is Knuckles sees the Rogues on his island.
02:03 And he sure is doing a great job guarding the Emerald Doll, right?
02:07 Anyone would assume the lesson he'd have learned from Metal Sonic using his Emeralds was that he has to stay in front of it.
02:14 Obviously just staying on the island in general isn't good enough.
02:17 Because for all he knows, they could be heading right for his Emeralds because now they know he's not guarding it, and they're treasure hunters.
02:25 The only smart thing for them to do would be to chisel off a piece of the Emeralds and fly off the island and sell it.
02:32 And then come back to the island because Knuckles is gonna be following the Emerald Shard as soon as he sees the Emerald chipped.
02:39 I assume he even does think to inspect the whole thing.
02:42 The Rogues never said they were heading for his Emeralds after all.
02:46 Why am I still talking about a story like this in this issue?
02:50 So instead of getting to see Mimic get beaten up, we see Knuckles turning to the Chaotix for help tracking down a relic.
02:57 Because surely being here is more important than guarding the Master Emerald.
03:02 If this was SEC, the story would have started here.
03:06 I assume he can't call any of his friends on his cell phone from his island because the range of any nearby cell phone towers wouldn't reach all the way to his island.
03:15 And the range on Wonky Tonky's is terrible.
03:18 So he had to come here in person. And I can give him some benefit of the doubt and assume that it was faster for him to come here than to come to one of his friends and tell them to come here.
03:29 But still, he doesn't have to go away from the Emeralds as if he cares about a useless, meaningless relic more than it.
03:36 I know it's probably not gonna be so much as touched without him there because usually it's ignored.
03:42 But the Guardian's supposed to be more careful than that.
03:45 He's supposed to have been so affected by Metal Sonic using his power that he shouldn't have come here.
03:50 And he should know the Rogues wouldn't know he'll be going after the relic and so they could be on their way to his Emeralds right now.
03:56 If they were written by a writer who writes characters to be smart anyways.
04:00 This story could have easily kept me invested here if a piece of the Master Emerald was stolen instead.
04:07 Because then it'd make sense that he came here without even staying near the Emeralds for an extra day just in case first.
04:14 Because even a little bit of the Emeralds could power a machine and he doesn't want Eggman tracking down with an Emeralds radar.
04:20 If he has one.
04:21 And he would. How else did he know to go to South Island and West Side Islands to look for Emeralds?
04:27 As a stance, I don't see a reason to care when Knuckles gets a relic from his Island Bank.
04:33 Nothing horrible is gonna happen if it falls into the wrong hands.
04:37 Oh no, a guy made money off selling it. Now he's got more food money.
04:41 Somehow I'm not too desperate for the Chaotix to get the police sick on such a person.
04:46 Knuckles has too many things on his Island anyways.
04:49 If he hadn't seen the Rogues, he would have never known the relic went missing.
04:53 I don't know if he'll pay the Chaotix for this, but it would be sad if he didn't.
04:58 Where are the Chaotix supposed to start looking?
05:00 Just because the Chaotix are detectives doesn't mean they'll know this when he doesn't.
05:05 They don't have magic psychic detective powers.
05:09 The story is just baffling.
05:11 And it's not even original to make up for it because Knuckles already had a relic go missing.
05:17 Somehow Knuckles asks how the Rogues even knew about those relics,
05:21 when it should have always been obvious that anybody would assume Angel Island would be full of relics.
05:26 There wouldn't be a special reason needed.
05:29 Knuckles asks a better question. Why not anything else?
05:33 Even though again, the answer was always obvious.
05:36 Of course they thought it was better to go for a random relic in a random location on the island
05:41 than to risk going after the Master Emerald.
05:44 And it's not like they said the names of the relics.
05:48 Then Espio says they might have a buyer with specific tastes.
05:52 They've both got no reason to think the Rogues were after anything very specific.
05:57 Any potential buyers wouldn't want anything specific
06:01 because they wouldn't know everything the island has to offer.
06:05 And the only potential buyer I can think of is Eggman because he took a relic,
06:10 so he'd want it back.
06:12 So it'd be a shitty mystery if he's the buyer as that's the most predictable bad guy ever.
06:17 So right now it feels like it's just another routine time where the Chaotix go do something Eggman doesn't approve of.
06:24 Charmy suggests calling Amy for help.
06:27 And the saying "get it back" has to mean that it's the same relic she brought to him.
06:32 So this is abysmal writing by making the story where she brought him the relic pointless for no reason.
06:39 We didn't need to see a whole story about her going to bring him the relic
06:43 because she was already shown saying she would do that in a previous story
06:47 and nothing creative happens when she went there.
06:50 Knuckles refuses to let them tell Amy,
06:53 but rather than having it be because he doesn't want to upset her with the knowledge that she brought the relic to him for nothing,
06:59 Espio asks if maintaining his pride is that important and he agrees.
07:05 His writing is always either too predictable or unpredictable for the wrong reasons.
07:10 It's not like Amy has a habit of taunting him and insulting him like in Sonic X Season 3.
07:16 Vector says their motto is "they never turn down work that pays"
07:20 and since no one contradicts him, this fortunately means that he is paying them
07:25 with the money he was never foreshadowed to have,
07:29 that he wouldn't regularly get because he doesn't need it.
07:32 I'm sure he already has a perfectly good home and knows where all the food on his island is,
07:38 and he'd fight Eggman so infrequently with him usually just guarding the Emeralds
07:42 that considering that he doesn't need money,
07:44 why would the government throw away money paying him on a weekly basis for fighting Eggman?
07:49 Why would his friends give him any money when he also shows no indication there's any luxuries he'd want to buy with it?
07:56 If he wants food he doesn't have on the island, he could just ask a friend for it directly.
08:02 The only thing he could pay them with is another relic and he won't do that.
08:07 And there's no way that rings are the canon currency because with how many of them you can easily find in zones,
08:12 their value would be almost nothing.
08:15 So it sure is convenient that Knuckles already has money to pay them
08:19 because a friend gave him money to be nice off screen that he'd never use,
08:23 instead of giving him his favorite food.
08:25 We see a text box saying "Egg Base Delta" which means nothing to me
08:29 because I don't know where that is and what the significance of this base is.
08:34 It looks like the base is in a city because we see a huge explosion one
08:37 before the Chaotix start heading for robots we've already seen.
08:41 But this can't take place in Eggperial City because that was blown up
08:45 and it's too early for there to be another city of Eggmans around.
08:49 And you'd think the heroes would actually care about causing a huge explosion
08:53 in a place near an inhabited city, but they're just happy.
08:57 How did they even know to go to this specific base when there's billions of Eggman bases?
09:03 Vector says they'll get Eggman's attention in no time.
09:06 He's drawn to having to assume Eggman survived the destruction of his city
09:10 where he was never told about it, which has to be because all of his friends
09:14 were genre savvy enough to assume he'll survive and so they didn't see why
09:17 they should tell him the city got destroyed.
09:20 And yup, Eggman's already back in this dimension and frustratingly
09:24 he talks to these guys first so we don't immediately learn why he survived,
09:29 even though that's vital information.
09:32 But that's not so bad because it is obvious how he could've survived.
09:37 He just told those things that warp someone to a pocket dimension to go to him.
09:42 Why is Eggman bothering to ask what they're doing when it's obvious?
09:46 He talks to them from behind a floating screen like in the Shadow Game.
09:50 Knuckles tells him he wants his relics back and Eggman acts like he doesn't know what he's talking about.
09:56 And since Knuckles is written to say he can't trick him, I wonder if he's wrong.
10:00 Because he did act brainless just so the Chaotix could look like good detectives
10:05 using the same reasoning skills of anybody.
10:08 It would be smart of Eggman to pretend he doesn't know what he's talking about
10:11 to get them to leave his base alone.
10:14 But it being smart is why I know this isn't happening.
10:17 Eggman calls Knuckles a buffoon arbitrarily and says that he doesn't personally keep track of everything he gets.
10:24 He has his robots do that.
10:27 Meaning he wouldn't know if a relic went missing from his city anyways.
10:31 Sure was an inconvenience for him that he never put a camera in the place where he stored it
10:35 that could have a robot security guard instantly alert him if he gets stolen,
10:40 like would be common sense to do with a valuable of yours,
10:43 when you have plenty of technology and a thief for an enemy.
10:46 Eggman finally points out that it'd make no sense for him to hire people to get the relics
10:51 when he could simply send his robots.
10:53 Yeah, if that's true, then this is a better mystery than I expected.
10:58 But if it turns out to be rouge or clutch, it'll still suck.
11:01 Eggman asks if the relics had magic powers.
11:05 Knuckles doesn't tell him they do, but he wouldn't have done that anyways.
11:08 But again, it's sad when a character in the story has better ideas for how the plot should go.
11:13 Now it's even more insulting because the writer thought of that possibility,
11:17 but I guess he dismissed it as "too unrealistic" for a franchise about a cartoon hedgehog.
11:24 Eggman tells them to leave, and they walk away as they wonder why they won't punch out the thing
11:29 and have him communicate with them, like Sonic did in Archie.
11:33 Somehow, they just walk away.
11:36 Sure, it'd be pointless, but a lot of things people do are pointless,
11:39 and that doesn't stop them if those activities are fun.
11:42 And they'd find destroying everything here cathartic.
11:46 Why don't they destroy most of the base anyways?
11:49 Since Eggman could end up using it for something evil, and they hate him.
11:53 Sure, it'd be a diversion from their goal and seem pointless in the short term,
11:57 but Knuckles is supposed to have a short temper sometimes,
12:00 and Vector and SBR are supposed to be smart enough to think in the long term.
12:04 I can understand them walking away right now, as long as they plan to ruin this place after they get the relics back.
12:11 But anybody would notice this plot hole.
12:14 Vector wonders if Clutch is the culprit, and says he wants to know where to start looking for him.
12:19 Which makes no sense, because he knows Clutch was peddling Egg Tank.
12:23 And if he's in this building with people working for him,
12:26 and people can hire him to have areas of badniks cleaned up,
12:30 then obviously it'd be easy to find.
12:33 But it makes sense if Vector wanted to google what Clutch has been up to recently,
12:37 and where he is, because anyone would assume he's in hiding.
12:41 Not that he became a CEO of a company anyone could know about.
12:45 Knuckles asks why everything has to be so complicated.
12:48 I hope he's not supposed to be the audience surrogate here, because this doesn't qualify.
12:53 Aside from Rouge, Clutch is the obvious other buyer.
12:57 I don't know why Vector said Clutch instead of Rouge first.
13:01 SBL says he learned where the Rogues will be selling their goods.
13:05 Charmander heard some sketchy looking guys gossiping.
13:08 How convenient. SBL even lampshades that it's convenient.
13:12 That is convenient, because the Rogues could have chosen to sell their wares in any other city than the ones with Knuckles' detective friends in it,
13:21 when their airboards are fast enough to take them anywhere in record time.
13:25 Not to mention their blimp.
13:27 This is lazy.
13:29 If this is the only way Knuckles could have possibly gotten his relic back in such record time,
13:34 then it wasn't worth writing this.
13:37 It would have made sense if they never saw the Rogues trying to sell the relics.
13:42 Anyone who'd buy the relics would either keep them in his mansion to show off,
13:46 or auction off what they'd call "Angel Island" relics on eBay.
13:50 And I don't know how the heroes could find out where the auctioneer or the winner of the auction's home is anyways.
13:56 Then for padding, there's a pointless villain scene with just the Rogues interacting in predictable ways.
14:03 Storm apologizes, and Wave hopes Jet's showing "cultural sensitivity" just to get disappointed.
14:11 Which just makes me wonder why she's still with them.
14:14 Oh yeah, he really gets the characters every single time.
14:18 That's why the heroes don't want to wreck Eggman's stuff and wave the softy note,
14:22 when there's never any hint in the games of her having a conscience.
14:26 It's not like having a conscience is bad for a character, but this makes no sense.
14:32 If the relics were busted, they wouldn't be that devalued,
14:36 because they'd still be something they could refer to as "Angel Island" relics.
14:40 So people would still want to buy them.
14:42 They'd still be just as rare.
14:44 Surprisingly, the story ends there with the Chaotix planning to fight with them.
14:49 Instead of continuing, so I'd at least get to see the Rogues getting hit to get something out of this pointless story.
14:56 And even then, I'm willing to bet their fight will go the entire time not showing the impact.
15:02 So I feel like there weren't any hits taken at all.
15:05 And what's a story that's so old-schooled to end in one issue?
15:08 Oh, it's not a story about Mimic like anyone would expect.
15:12 It's a story about Cream and her house.
15:15 Yeah, we really have a reason to care about Vanilla having a dinner party.
15:19 The only thing good I can say about that is it's never happened before.
15:25 Vanilla tells Cream's Chao that they have to wait until the Chaotix get here before they can eat.
15:31 So they're coming over to take advantage of the fact that Vector's schedule book said he was going to have a dinner party with Vanilla.
15:38 It should've just kept that to a pointless easter egg about his crush, like I expected,
15:43 instead of wasting a whole story on padding.
15:46 If this isn't going to lead to Vector dating her, there's no point in this boredom.
15:51 Vanilla says "Don't worry" and says "Oh no."
15:55 Just to say, we've run out of butter.
15:58 What a thrilling Sonic story, where they've run out of butter.
16:02 It turns out Chocola ate the last stick of butter.
16:05 At least it finally has a distinct personality.
16:08 But that was a mistake, making it just a nuisance they're better off without.
16:13 Vanilla can't finish the sauce without butter, so Gemeral asks how much butter she needs.
16:20 Sadly, Vanilla idiotically decides to spend an eternity going to get the butter herself,
16:26 when Gemeral Sonic's speed would have him get to the store, buy the butter, and come back in seconds.
16:33 I'm sure even as Gemeral he was fast, because he could fly like Metal Sonic.
16:39 So why would he not have the same speed as Sonic because he had to get rebuilt?
16:44 I was going to say this story had a point after all by showing a life in the day of Gemeral to show how he justifies himself here.
16:52 But somehow, instead of him being shown doing something he'd realistically do for them,
16:58 Vanilla insists on shopping herself.
17:01 Without even explaining that she thinks she'll scare people at the grocery store with Gemeral's presence because he's a robot.
17:08 But if that was the excuse, then it would have been used before, so Gemeral wouldn't have even asked to go shopping for her.
17:15 And you'd think everyone would already know about Gemeral anyways.
17:19 And even if they still didn't trust him, the way he's acting so emotionless with how he talks like a robot,
17:26 wouldn't even make sense for him to care how they think anyways, what's the big deal?
17:30 And speaking of the story abandoning all logic, Ruff and Tombo are outside of jail,
17:35 which makes the story about Tango keeping them from stealing from a museum pointless.
17:41 Instead of adding to the series, this issue detracts from it by making two stories pointless.
17:47 Is this the writer being petty about how someone else wrote that story and making it non-canon from spite?
17:53 This makes me wonder if it's from a lame excuse that annual stories don't count.
17:58 Even though they should because they're the most consistently good part of IDW.
18:02 There's no indication in the comics themselves that annuals aren't supposed to be canon, so the audience won't think that.
18:09 These two can't break out of a prison.
18:12 Anybody would assume Tango would get these two to their cuffs because that's common sense.
18:17 Why can't there be common sense in this comic?
18:20 This might not be the case if they had Gale Galligan and the good writers of the annuals write all of it.
18:27 But that'd be logical, employing the best writers for stories that matter instead of barely using them.
18:32 Hopefully this only happens because the writer didn't know about the ending of that story
18:37 because she doesn't care about stories that aren't written by her, which I remember hearing about Panders.
18:43 The writers of a comic need to be aware of the plot of the previous stories,
18:47 as otherwise it's just unprofessional as it can backfire.
18:51 Is it normal for a mother to tell her 6-year-old daughter to please keep an eye on the stove?
18:57 Well, she could've easily told her how to turn off the stove, and there'd be no consequences to that.
19:03 I'd think she'd say that to Jamerrill because he'd be the responsible one with the brain of an adult,
19:09 and that's why she's leaving her alone.
19:11 And I have to assume the reason Tumble calls Vanilla an old lady is that she has the old lady voice from Sonic X,
19:18 and the writer Googled to find out what her voice sounds like there.
19:22 If she didn't sound like an old lady, this would be stupid because she doesn't look old, or even middle-aged.
19:30 They waste time talking for a while before looking at the window.
19:34 The believability gets stomped into the ground even further,
19:38 as its writing is insulting enough to not have Cream hear them talk right outside her house.
19:44 Even though everyone knows that you can hear stuff that's happening right outside a closed window.
19:49 Sure, it'd be muffled, but I'm sure they'd be screaming their names loud enough.
19:54 It could've easily been written that they stopped talking before they got within ear-sharp.
19:59 Even then, the walls of a house are so thin that you can still clearly hear your neighbors in the backyard from your bedroom.
20:06 So even if they were all the way on the other side of the backyard, she'd hear them.
20:11 Instead, she looks out of touch with reality despite looking serious, so I don't care what she's saying.
20:17 Somehow, Gemma says perfection is an unrealistic goal when it comes to the dinner.
20:23 Even though I wouldn't think that unless he had no faith in her and himself somehow to not let anything burn or drop a dish,
20:30 because it'd be easy for Vanilla to have done a recipe perfectly.
20:34 Most people, especially a robot, would think you could do a recipe perfectly by following all of the instructions.
20:40 He reassures her that she's got this.
20:43 Still, he would've heard them outside.
20:46 He pets her, and she tells him to set the table in the dining room.
20:50 To think, he could've easily not caught thieves in his house if the table was already set,
20:56 which could've easily been done a while ago.
20:59 He could've caught them because he'd hear them walking in the house, and so would Cream.
21:04 Anyone who could hear would be able to hear people walking around in just the next room.
21:08 Tombl lampshades how stupid Vanilla was to leave her window unlocked.
21:13 I guess her logic is, "Oh, it's not that kind of neighborhood."
21:17 And people can have that attitude and leave their door unlocked, so it can be realistic.
21:22 But again, it's needlessly frustrating to have a plot that could've easily not happened over the alternative.
21:28 I thought Vanilla was supposed to be sort of smart.
21:31 But when even Ruff and Tombl are smarter than you, something's gone horribly wrong.
21:36 Most people would at least have it impossible to open the window from the outside.
21:41 They'd have an extra window in front of the window that would be locked.
21:45 Just in case.
21:47 The story somehow keeps getting stupider.
21:50 Somehow, there's people who don't recognize Gemrell,
21:54 who would've become world famous instantly for being one of the only one of Eggman's robots to become a good guy.
22:01 Cream asks Gemrell if everything's alright, as the story is disappointingly not showing us a fight in an action series.
22:09 When the action scenes are the whole draw of this comic, because it barely adds any substance.
22:14 Cream says she thinks something's wrong, looking like an impossibly stupid, blithering idiot,
22:19 because at first it looks like she's stating the obvious,
22:22 and even implying that she somehow didn't hear everything in the previous scene from a room away with those huge ears.
22:29 And even if she did, why would she think something's still wrong, when she should know Gemrell would win against any burglar?
22:36 He's a fast robot, and oh, the writer didn't even remember he was fast.
22:40 Because somehow, he hasn't already defeated these two, and instead Ruff's getting ready to rush at him for the first attack.
22:48 Even though last time we saw them, Gemrell was rushing at them and was really close to them.
22:53 But a retcon's not to have the rest of the plot happen.
22:56 This is expecting way too much of the willing suspension of disbelief.
22:59 It's bad when literally any fanfiction writer could write the story better in every way, because they'd know the series better.
23:06 I'm glad we see him actually impact Tumble in the fight.
23:10 Gemrell's dialogue is so boring until he says he'll show no mercy if they ruin the carpet.
23:16 You'd think Ruff would've already used his stink bomb attack instead of just telling Tumble to get ready for it,
23:22 because there's no reason to delay it.
23:25 Why is Gemrell standing there doing nothing when Tumble's saying that there's someone else here?
23:30 Since we just saw that Gemrell was holding Ruff's tail, how did he slip out of the superhuman grip of a robot?
23:37 Why doesn't Gemrell instantly go right in front of him when he runs away?
23:41 What forced drama that's completely disrespectful to his character?
23:45 The story made me look up the wiki for Gemrell and see that part of his skills is still super speed.
23:52 And that's true even on the IDW version of his wiki.
23:56 So does the writer not know it's a randomness faster than Tumble?
24:00 What's the point of hiring Sonic fans then?
24:03 AOSCH never forgot when a fast character was fast, and it's sad when you're making AOSCH look like the realistic one.
24:10 I know he'd hold back on his speed to avoid crashing into walls in a house, but he'd have a good enough handle on it at this point,
24:17 and he'd have been in the house long enough that he'd know how to move just fast enough to instantly zip around to wherever he wants without being too fast.
24:25 This story keeps lying to me, but I'm not falling for it.
24:29 So because Tumble ends up right behind Cream, even though he obviously would have been tackled to the ground and punched in the back by now,
24:37 Cream screams because it's her in this position, not Gemrell somehow,
24:42 and hits her elbow against something, and drops the frying pan with food in it.
24:47 Which causes a fire from a situation that would have never gotten to this point.
24:52 And the story has the gall to be a two-parter when we already have a two-parter,
24:57 and anybody would know that someone as fast and good at fighting as Gemmell would have already won before this could happen.
25:03 He'd have instantly punched them to make them fall on their backs, punched them until they're knocked out, and then tied them up.
25:09 With writing as consistently baffling as this that doesn't care about making sense or being enjoyable,
25:15 it makes me wonder why fans act like the comic's above criticism.
25:18 And then I remembered that kids are introduced to this because it's a new comic.
25:22 Most of them are probably kids anyways.
25:25 But that doesn't explain adults acting defensive.
25:27 When something I like is being bad, I insult it too.
25:31 I can understand not noticing some plot holes,
25:34 but this story has such obvious problems that even if I weren't typing about it when reading it, I'd still notice them.
25:41 It would be idiotic to think this issue is good just because it gives a lot of focus to characters that aren't Sonic,
25:47 when you can afford to be picky in that regard.
25:50 Unsurprisingly, the least creative of the stories was by Ian Flynn,
25:54 and was about the Chaotix getting hired again this time to find pointless Angel Island relics.
26:00 One of which was the one Amy brought Knuckles,
26:03 meaning that her story was just made pointless for no reason,
26:06 when you could've easily had a relic other than that one be taken,
26:10 since the rogues did steal multiple relics.
26:13 At least this is the first time I've seen the rogues in a cave under Angel Island in the official franchise.
26:19 I saw that in Sonic the Continuation first, but that story arc was published in 2015.
26:25 Though still, the reboot could've had this happen first if it cared about creativity.
26:29 It is the first time I've seen Knuckles hiring the Chaotix as detectives,
26:33 but I thought he would go back to his island right away after that because he has an emerald to guard.
26:39 I don't have a reason to care about Knuckles getting relics back.
26:42 So they obviously should've been chiseled off pieces of the Master Emerald,
26:46 especially since Knuckles already had the problem where someone took a relic from his island.
26:52 While Eggman being ruled down as their buyer was smart writing,
26:56 it doesn't even matter who hired them because SVO conveniently heard gossip
27:00 getting him to find out where the rogues were before they'd get to sell the relics.
27:05 So now I'm wondering if we'll even find out who hired them.
27:08 I mean, what took them so long to try to steal relics from Angel Island anyways?
27:13 And I never got to see the rogues get a fist impact them.
27:17 And this whole story was a waste of time that should've been about Mimic getting beaten up by the heroes.
27:22 But the second story by Evan Stanley makes the first one look harmless by comparison,
27:27 as the first story's problems are just minor and won't ruin the story
27:30 unless you're really bored by an uncreative plot with low stakes like I am.
27:35 The second story has Ruff and Tomble somehow being out of jail to break into Cream's house of all places in the world,
27:42 with it never being explained why that place was targeted or why they aren't back in prison.
27:48 Obviously, Tango would've dragged them to the police station.
27:51 And they're not smart enough to break out of prison.
27:53 It did have to be Ruff and Tomble anyways. It could've been new burglars.
27:58 This story makes Cream start a fire by being startled by Tomble just because Gemma was slow.
28:04 Would anybody would know if Gemma would instantly win against any burglars?
28:09 What's hard about him punching both of them in the head right away?
28:12 How did he not think of that?
28:14 Who would think grabbing one of them by the tail would be the better idea?
28:18 You'd think the impact of a metal object would have Tomble in too much pain to continue the story.
28:23 What's with this issue in having big guys be immune to pain even though we hate them?
28:28 You'd think a Sonic fan would know Super Speed is one of Gemma's specialties,
28:32 but instead any fan could write this better.
28:35 Then it couldn't be a two-parter, but why did she think it should be a two-parter for no reason?
28:40 That's what ruins the story.
28:42 Why did it believe that ending would be better than just having them get defeated
28:46 and having the Chaotix get to eat good food at Cream's house?
28:50 Cream and Gemma would have heard Ruff and Tomble talk just outside the window,
28:54 and they would have never gotten the chance to get in the house.
28:56 Gemma would have been standing right there and punched them to send them flying out of it.
29:01 Not to mention Vanilla would have told Gemma to look after the stove,
29:05 since obviously he's the adult compared to Cream, even if he is chronologically younger.
29:11 So he wouldn't have gotten startled and dropped the frying pan.
29:14 (upbeat music)