China schickt Sondergesandten in den Nahen Osten

  • last year
China entsendet seinen Nahost-Sondergesandten, Zhai Jun, um Gespräche zur Eskalation zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern zu führen.
China schickt nach der jüngsten Eskalation der Gewalt zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern seinen Sondergesandten für den Nahen Osten kommende Woche zu Gesprächen in die Region.
Er werde sich für den Schutz von Zivilisten, einen Waffenstillstand und Friedensgespräche einsetzen, kündigte der Diplomat Zhai Jun am Sonntag in einem Interview des chinesischen Staatssenders CCTV an.
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Infos, News & Zeitgeschehen - Internationale Live-Informationen.


00:00 China is sending its Near East Special Envoy, Zhai Yun, to conduct talks on the escalation
00:05 between Israelis and Palestinians.
00:09 China is sending its Special Envoy to the region for talks for the coming week in the
00:15 Middle East, after the latest escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians.
00:19 He will stand up for the protection of civilians, engage in ceasefire and peace talks, said
00:25 diplomat Zhai Yun on Sunday in an interview with the Chinese state broadcaster CCTV.
00:32 Zhai had already conducted telephone conversations with high-ranking representatives of Israel
00:38 and the Palestinians in recent days.
00:40 Since the attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel, China has avoided a conviction of the Islamist
00:47 organization despite the many hundreds of victims of death.
00:50 On the Palestinian side, the Israeli army's air strikes on the Gaza Strip and victims
00:56 are reported prominently on state television.
01:00 Beijing only called all those involved to refrain.
01:03 On Saturday, US Foreign Minister Anthony Brinken and China's top diplomat Wang Yi exchanged
01:10 phone calls about the situation.
